Summary: This is the 44th Sermon in the Series "Biblical Cities- Jerusalem".

Series: Biblical Cities- Jerusalem [#44]


Matthew 23:37


We are continuing in our Series about the most mentioned City in the Bible- Jerusalem.

Matthew 23:37

I had a tough conversation this week with Barbara. She called me Monday a little after 4pm. Usually when Barbara calls me, she calls to encourage me or to tell me something funny; but this time it was not funny. She told me that she had a lung biopsy and several other tests; and that they found cancer on her lungs. Our conversations usually last a long time; but this one did not. I was just trying to hold it together.

I began to ask myself, “What can I give to her to help”? There are times when I ask myself this question concerning many things- “Lord, what can I give”? This evening, we are going to look at what we need to do in order for God to use us.

Acts 3:1

Peter and John were extreme opposites. Peter was always running his mouth and trying to be in charge while John was more reserved and didn’t have much to say. During Christ’s earthly ministry, Peter was very jealous of John at times and I believe that John probably thought to himself often that he wished Peter would just shut up. We see God taking these 2 men who were opposite and using them in a mighty way.

In order for God to use you, you must…

1. Be willing to serve with who He places you with.

They would have never chosen each other; but God knew that they would balance each other out. Be willing to serve with who God puts there.

Acts 3:2-5

In order for God to use you, you must…

2. Be willing to stop what you are doing.

This cripple was outside this Temple gate which was the last Temple gate a Gentile man could walk through. This cripple had no one to support him and his only hope was the generosity of others as they went to the Temple to worship. Peter and John could have kept walking, but they stopped. We often let ministry opportunities slip right by us because we are too busy doing our own thing.

Acts 3:6-10

In order for God to use you, you must…

3. Offer what you have.

Peter and John were broke; but they had something better to offer than a little money- They had the power of Jesus Christ to share with this man.


As Christians, God has given us all the power we need. We need to offer it to those in need. They don’t even realize what they need; but how will they know unless we teach them?