People question every day about what God is doing
Some even say that God is no longer alive for lack of words
But let me tell you this one thing that I am sure of
and that Not only is God alive he is also real
but so is the Devil.
So to understand the importance of this day we have to understand the devil as well
The Devil walks with everyone of us at whatever level we are with God
The Devil thought he had defeated Jesus on the cross
But he woke up 3 days later to find out the King had concurred death
Not only for himself
but for everyone who will call on his name.
Satan knows the real Jesus
And his game is to cause issues to happen in our lives to interfere with our relationship
Not only with Jesus but also with each other
The devils goal is to just cause enough issues that we will miss everything that Jesus has done for us
Things that started Friday and ended on Sunday Morning
The grave he tomb is empty
The devil wants our souls
we must never settle for what the world calls normal.
We have been chosen by the creator of the universe to be with him in eternity.
We have been sinners since birth
We are rebellious in everything that we do by trying to have a relationship with Jesus
But also trying to live by the standards of this world.
The father knew what would happen
So from the start of creation he planned to give us a way to make it even though
We don’t deserve it
And never can earn it,,
Because of this we have tarnished religion
Religion on its own is not bad,
But because of our human hearts we have allowed corruption to enter and destroy the church.
We fight against each other instead of supporting
We know the price that Jesus paid to make away for us
I just don’t think that we understand what all of this really means
John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
But yet with all of this we spend our lives idolizing things and people of this world
The standards of this world are broken
We find away to divide ourselves on every topic
We again look for ways to attack our brothers and sisters
We tell lies and change the truth to make our beliefs sound correct
We seek to lift up gossip
Because it makes us feel better about ourselves
We understand what is wrong and problems are really clear
But we do not want to do anything about changing them because
If we except that Gods standards are real
We then have to except that we are doing things to hurt the one that was willing to give his life for us on that cross
We watch movies and play games that desensitize us from the truth
We enjoy other people pain
And some even do thing to cause people even more pain..
Friends our God has created a beautiful world for us to live in
We just have to just open our eyes to see what we are missing
Oh we run to God when bad times hit us.
But when things are going good we turn and run from his grace
That’s what I have done
It’s about time that we turn back to Gods truth
I pray that you keep your faith
That we as a church remember that because of Jesus
We are free from the wages of sin
See today the tomb is empty
Why was the stone rolled away
Was it to let Jesus out
Or was it so that we could see in
Jesus has defeated death and sin
We have been set free
So when the devil stands before God
We now can understand that Jesus paid the price for every sin that we have ever done and will ever do
But the world does not want to back down against what God has done
The world has taken God out of our work place
Out of or schools
Out of our families
And for some even out of or churches
Yes some of our churches have lost it
Church has become about power, greed, money and division..
But not today..
We are taking this back today because the tomb is empty..
Jesus defeated death,
Jesus was
pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
Jesus did all of this because he loves us
So what did Jesus do
He defeated death and sin for us
We are free today
Friend the grave is empty
He is Risen