Summary: Indeed, Jesus is risen! This is the joyful proclamation that Christians worldwide celebrate on Easter Sunday. The resurrection of Jesus is the central event of the Christian faith, and it is a source of hope, joy, and victory for all who believe.

"Today, we come together to celebrate the most consequential event in Christian history—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This event changed everything, giving us hope, redemption, and the promise of eternal life. The resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith and the ultimate proof that Jesus is who He claimed to be: the Son of God. Through His resurrection, we are forgiven our sins and granted the opportunity to have a relationship with God.

However, the resurrection is not merely a historical event from 2,000 years ago; it is a living reality that we can experience in our own lives today. Just as Jesus conquered death and rose again, we, too, can experience new life in Him.

The message of the resurrection is one of hope, new beginnings, and victory over sin and death. No matter what we face, we can find comfort in knowing that Jesus has already overcome the world.

As we reflect on the resurrection today, let us remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us and recommit ourselves to living a life that reflects His love and grace. Let us be bold and unashamed in sharing the good news of the resurrection with those around us.

I) The Revelation of the Resurrection (Verse 5):

    A.  The angel's astonishing announcement: "He is not here, for he has risen!"

The angel's astonishing announcement on that first Easter morning brought incredible news that changed the course of history and the destiny of humanity. The angel proclaimed, "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay" (Matthew 28:6).

This announcement was a declaration of victory over death and sin. It fulfilled Jesus' words, promising that He would rise again on the third day. The angel's message confirmed the truth of Jesus' resurrection and revealed the power and glory of God in raising Him from the dead.

The angel's astonishing announcement reminds us that Jesus truly is the Son of God, the world's Savior. It is a message of hope, joy, and redemption for all who believe. It proclaims that death has been overcome and that through Jesus, we can have eternal life.

As we reflect on the angel's announcement, let us be filled with awe and wonder at the miraculous resurrection event. Let us be reminded of God's incredible love and grace in sending His Son to save us from our sins.

May we respond to this astonishing announcement with faith, joy, and gratitude, knowing that Jesus is alive and His resurrection brings us hope and salvation. Let us rejoice in the victory of Easter and share the good news with all those around us. Amen._

B. The resurrection of Jesus was not a spiritual myth or merely wishful thinking but a physical and historical reality

The resurrection of Jesus was not a spiritual myth but a historical reality that has been attested to by numerous eyewitnesses and documented in the Scriptures. It is a foundational doctrine of the Christian faith and a central tenet that distinguishes Christianity from other religions.

The Gospels provide detailed accounts of the events surrounding Jesus' resurrection, including the empty tomb, Jesus' appearances to His disciples, and the transformation of the early followers. These accounts were written by eyewitnesses who saw Jesus alive after His crucifixion, and they provide compelling evidence for the reality of the resurrection.

The apostle Paul, who had a dramatic encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, also affirmed the reality of the resurrection in his letters to the early Christian churches. He wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve."

The resurrection of Jesus is not a myth but a historical event that has profound implications for our faith and our lives. It is the ultimate demonstration of God's power over sin and death and the foundation of our hope for eternal life. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, let us do so with confidence and assurance, knowing that He is indeed alive and present with us today.

C. The greatest event in human history, the triumph of life over death, is revealed to a few devoted women.  

The greatest event in human history, the triumph of life over death, was revealed to a few devoted women on that first Easter morning. The Gospels tell us that the women first went to Jesus' tomb, intending to anoint His body with spices. But when they arrived, they found the stone rolled away and the tomb empty.

An angel then appeared to them, declaring, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said" (Matthew 28:5-6). This astonishing announcement began a new era of hope, joy, and victory over death.

It is significant that Jesus's resurrection was first revealed to these devoted women. In that culture, women's testimony was not always considered reliable or valid. Yet Jesus revealed the reality of His resurrection to these faithful followers, trusting them to witness this earth-shattering event.

The fact that the resurrection was revealed to these women highlights the inclusive nature of Jesus' ministry and the significance of their role in spreading the good news. Their faithful witness is a powerful example to all believers, reminding us that Jesus values and calls all people to participate in His redemptive work.

As we reflect on the significance of the resurrection being revealed to these devoted women, let their faithfulness and courage inspire us. Let us also be reminded of the profound truth that the triumph of life over death is a reality that we can all experience and share. May we, like these women, boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus' resurrection and the hope and joy it brings to all people.

II. The Reality of the Risen Lord (Verse 6)

The reality of the risen Lord is a central and foundational belief of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not just a symbolic or metaphorical event, but a historical reality that has immense significance for believers.

The disciples of Jesus experienced the reality of the risen Lord firsthand. They encountered Him after His resurrection, ate with Him, touched Him, and spoke with Him. Their encounters with the risen Jesus transformed their lives and encouraged them to spread the message of His resurrection to the ends of the earth.

The apostle Paul, initially a persecutor of Christians, had a powerful encounter with the risen Lord on the road to Damascus. This experience transformed him into one of the greatest evangelists in history, as he went on to proclaim the reality of the resurrection to both Jews and Gentiles.

Believers continue to experience the reality of the risen Lord. Countless testimonies exist of people who have encountered the living Jesus, experienced His presence, and been transformed by His love and grace.

- The angel's proof: "Come, see the place where he lay."

- The women are invited to see for themselves that the tomb is indeed empty

- The resurrection of Jesus is a fact that cannot be denied or explained away

- Jesus is alive, and His resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith

III. The Response of the Risen Savior (Verse 7)

- The angel's instruction: "Go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead."

- The women are commissioned to be the first messengers of the good news of Jesus' resurrection

- The risen Savior does not keep His victory to Himself, but actively sends out His followers to share the life-changing message

The response of the risen Savior to His disciples and followers is one of love, grace, and commission. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples multiple times, reassuring them of His victory over death and demonstrating His continued presence with them.

To Mary Magdalene at the tomb, Jesus tenderly spoke her name, revealing Himself as the risen Lord and comforting her in her grief. To the disciples on the road to Emmaus, Jesus walked and talked with them, opening their minds to understand the Scriptures and revealing Himself in the breaking of bread.

Jesus' response to His disciples was one of compassion and understanding. He met them in their doubts, fears, and uncertainties and gently led them to a deeper faith in Him as the resurrected Savior.

But Jesus' response was not just one of comfort and reassurance. He also commissioned His disciples to go and share the good news of His resurrection with the world. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told His followers, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:19-20).

The risen Savior's response to His disciples is a call to action, a call to share the message of His resurrection and love with all people. Jesus empowers and equips His followers with the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses and to continue His work of bringing salvation and restoration to the world.

As we reflect on the risen Savior's response, may we be inspired to follow His example of love, grace, and commission? Let us share the good news of His resurrection with boldness and compassion, knowing He is with us always, even to the end of the age.

Illustration: Think of a military leader who has won a great battle and immediately sends out his soldiers to proclaim the victory and conquer more ground.

IV. The Reaction of the Disciples (Verses 8-9)

After Jesus' resurrection, the disciples' reactions were a mix of disbelief, fear, joy, and, ultimately, faith. Initially, they were shocked and confused by the news of Jesus' resurrection. They struggled to understand how He could be alive again after witnessing His crucifixion and death.

When Jesus appeared to His disciples in His resurrected body, they were filled with fear and joy. They were amazed by His presence, still grappling with the reality of His resurrection. Jesus lovingly reassured them, showing them His hands and side as proof of His identity and inviting them to touch Him.

As time passed and the disciples encountered the risen Jesus more, their fear and confusion turned to faith and boldness. They became convinced of the reality of Jesus' resurrection and the power of His victory over sin and death. They were transformed from fearful and hesitant followers into courageous and passionate gospel proclaimers.

The disciples' reaction to Jesus' resurrection is a powerful reminder of the transformative power of encountering the living Savior. Their journey from doubt to faith, from fear to courage, is a testament to the reality of Jesus' resurrection and its profound impact on their lives.

As we reflect on the disciples' reaction to Jesus' resurrection, may we be encouraged to deepen our own faith and boldness in sharing the good news of the risen Savior with others. May we be inspired by their example to trust in the reality of Jesus' victory over death and to live lives that reflect His love, grace, and power.

- The women ran to tell the news to the disciples, but on their way, they were met by the risen Jesus Himself

- Their reaction was a mixture of fear and great joy, as they fell at Jesus' feet and worshiped Him

- The reality of Jesus' resurrection overwhelmed them and transformed their grief into joy

V. The Response of Jesus (Verse 10)

- Jesus' words: "Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me."

- Jesus addresses the women not as servants, but as sisters and friends, calling His disciples His brothers

- The risen Savior assures us of His presence and His ongoing mission, and He beckons us to join Him

Illustration: Consider the joy and excitement of a family reunion after a long separation and how they eagerly share stories and make plans for the future.


- The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything

- It is the ultimate proof of God's love and power, the foundation of our faith, and the source of our hope

- As we celebrate Easter, let us remember that the tomb is empty, the Savior is alive, and He calls us to join Him in His kingdom mission

Practical Application:

- Let us be like the women at the tomb, bold and faithful witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus

- Let us also be like the disciples, whose fear and doubt were transformed into joy and courage by the reality of the risen Savior

- Let us accept Jesus' invitation to join Him in His mission, proclaiming the good news and making disciples of all nations.


- The resurrection of Jesus is not just a historical fact, but a life-changing reality that demands our response

- Let us invite others to encounter the risen Savior and experience the same transformation and joy that we have found in Him.

May we truly understand the power and significance of the resurrection, and may it transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Let us celebrate today with hearts full of gratitude and joy, knowing that we serve a risen Savior who is alive and active in our lives. Amen

Closing Prayer:

Father, we thank You for Jesus' resurrection, a message of hope and new life. Help us to boldly proclaim this truth and share it with others so that they, too, may experience the power of Your love and restoration. In Jesus' name, amen.