To the Ends of the Earth, Part 12
Saul’s Radical Conversion and Fellowship
Acts 9:1-22
- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”
-- In 2023 we unpacked the beginning of all history (Creation/Fall/Promise)
-- And we looked ahead, anticipated the coming & victory of Jesus (Revelation)
-- But, in order to get to the end, we have to be busy doing the work now (Acts)
- Last week we saw a faithful servant: Philip who was willing follow God’s call
-- He was called to go a desert road – and he willingly went to be available
-- His mission was simple: evangelize and present the Gospel to a seeker
-- This is exactly the same command or example we have right now
-- Our direction is to go and make disciples … at any cost … we must GO!
- Today, we’ll introduce ourselves to one of the most pivotal men of the NT
-- Many know of Saul (later Paul), today I want us to know of his testimony
-- Not just his conversation, but what his obedience meant to changing his life
- Read Acts 9:1-22 / Pray
- TR: Saul has a dramatic experience, and a choice to make, when …
Point 1 – Jesus confronts Saul
- RE: Saul’s life, or his purpose, is to tear down the church by persecution
-- His desire is simple: For the name of Jesus to be eliminated (v1-2)
- He literally takes in (or embodies) the hatred of the world against Christ
-- Greek: empneó; to breathe (on), to inhale
-- And then exhales it as fuel to destroy what it signifies
-- Greek: apeilé; threats. AND Greek: phonos; murder
-- APP: Saul is a one-man wrecking machine against the Church
- Miraculously, a light comes from heaven, as if out of nowhere (v3)
-- It was brighter than the noon sun, and in it Saul saw the risen Christ
- Know this: God is light, His very presence is signified by light …
-- It is why we left the lights on this morning – darkness is expelled by light!
-- DEEPER: In order for men to be saved, His light must penetrate their soul
- Saul has a conversation with Christ, one that will change his life forever (v4-5)
-- He is asked a straightforward question … “Why are you doing these things?”
-- Notice his response: He calls Jesus ‘lord’ … why? Why does this matter?
- Because when the creation meets the Creator, you knows voice that it is!
-- Opposing or refusing Christ is a choice that leads to destruction …
- Saul’s response, even though it is not said, is shown in his action (v6)
-- Jesus gives him a direction, and his response is one of obedience, or surrender
-- APP: He heard and acknowledged Christ, and followed the orders given to him
-- ‘Get up and go’ - There is no discussion, no debate, just a command to move
- Know this … this was for Saul, but it was experienced by others (v7)
-- They were not privy to the visual, nor did they experience Christ’s calling
-- But, traveling on the road with Saul they also heard the Lord’s voice
-- They would have seen Saul fall to the ground, seen him cry out, and respond
- Interesting: Notice how they heard His voice, but did not respond to it!
-- BIG: Tells us it is possible to hear God’s voice, and choose to ignore it! (exp.)
- Then, they would have seen his reaction – his obedience to Jesus’ instruction
-- Saul got up, dusted himself off … but was now stricken totally blind (v8-9)
-- SEE: He had to be helped into town – helped by his partners bent on killing!
- Don’t miss the obvious: Saul is now isolated from the world he knew
-- All of his rage, all his authority, his purpose of destruction has been replaced
-- He would even have to depend on others to get him there; to not lean on himself
- Coming face to face with Jesus, he has realized something: he is not in charge!
-- So much so, that for three days he was traumatized and not even be able to eat
-- Consider the radical effect of this 180 he has just had done in his life
- TR: We must see, there is a huge lesson for us as we continue on …
Point 2 – New believers require discipleship to flourish!
- Every believer, regardless of their walk of life, has three basic needs
-- APP: This is where the church comes in (not the bldg., but the people!)
Need 1: To receive help from believers (v10-15)
- Ananias was a man who was sensitive to God’s call, spent time with him (prayer)
-- He is not one of the disciples, or even an elder, just a regular servant of God
-- Ananias was faithful to pray – willing to listen – but not afraid to question
-- Why? Because he is being faithful to confirm; to pray and seek God
- IMP: He is not doubting God, but he is leaning in – confirming the call (v13)
-- Even though he sensed inadequacy / apprehension: Was Saul really a convert?
-- APP: Ananias was willing to obey, willing to (RE: “get to - not have to”)
Need 2: To have confidence in God’s calling (v15-16)
- He is given a clear explanation: Saul will be the messenger to the Gentiles
-- God is telling Ananias that this man’s life is changed, that he has a purpose
-- And in this, he (Ananias) will be part of fulfilling that – to be obedient to God
-- APP: Great lesson for us … what is God telling you to do today?
Need 3: To experience the ministry of Godly followers (v17-18)
- Every believer needs partnership, needs others to come alongside of them
-- It is the new convert that is easily swayed away, and it’s the same today
-- Ananias is called to be faithful – to go and pray for him – to be a comfort
-- Consider the change in Saul’s life over last three days … comfort is a MUST!
-- APP: For us, there can be no greater example to see than his obedience
- TR: Now, here is our challenge right now, a challenge we can take away
-- Yes, we must first receive (plan of salvation …) but what then? What’s next?
-- What Saul receives AFTER his experience is a blueprint for the Christian life
-- Here is our last point, and using Saul we can answer this question …
Point 3 – How can we live for Jesus in 2024?
- Saul’s actions, after having been healed (v18), are a model for each of us
-- Look at how the next few verses tell us what he did, and what we can do also
-- CH: Want you to consider: if you know Jesus, do you remember doing this?
-- Do you remember receiving from others – remember being willing to learn?
-- FACT: In 2024, this is the purpose of Seasons, and why we will reach out!
-- Look at how Saul responds to the restoration of his sight – and his calling:
• He cared for himself physically (v19)
- The first order of business was to eat and drink, to restore his strength
-- Saul began by taking care of his body so that he could do the work ahead
-- No magic formula here … eat good things, exercise, get rest, etc.
• He joined and identified with other disciples (v19)
-- He desired to have fellowship, to experience the strength of others
-- BIG: Do you desire to hang out with other believers in this same way?
-- TJ: I know that church can be messy, people are messy, but put it aside!
• He preached immediately (v20)
- Having been restored, his first response is to testify about what Jesus has done
-- He preached the resurrection, the restoration, and the forgiveness he received
-- CH: If you are not sharing what Jesus has done, what ARE you sharing?
• He stood as a faithful testimony to the faith (v21)
- I think it is safe to use the word ‘zealous’ here … he was truly on fire for Jesus!
-- Even under the persecution of doubt (he’s on the other side now, isn’t he?)
-- He preaches with confidence and assurance in his own future in Christ
• He was faithful and steadfast, continued his life with Christ (v22)
- Even his doubters could see he had changed: What changed him? Jesus!
-- He has gone from a murderous blasphemer … to a messenger of grace!
-- Lesson for us: Even the farthest one from Christ can be redeemed
- Maybe you need to go back to the beginning and try being refreshed?
-- I am not talking about being re-saved … that is not scriptural
-- Talking about being renewed … seeking the Lord, longing after Him
-- Maybe someone of us are long overdue to have an experience like this
-- To hear from God and seek His face … to desire His hand on our life
-- Maybe we need to remember the joy of our salvation … to be like Saul (Pray)