Summary: Greeting ‌Something new in God’s Word? ‌Familiar passage with new eyes? ‌I know I did. ‌My prayer for you


(Servants and Sacrifice)

Part 2 of 2 part series



Something new in God’s Word?

Familiar passage with new eyes?

I know I did.

My prayer for you


A few years ago, Lisa told me that we each needed to make sacrifices in order for our relationship to work.

She was less than impressed with the dead goat I left in our kitchen!

Last time we were together we examined what love looks like and before we go into part two of this series, just a quick recap:

-What does love look like?

Bearing one anothers’ burdens

Accepting one another

Praying for one another

Serving others


Encouraging one another

Loving one another


Today’s message is:

What does sacrifice look like?

Key verses: Romans 12:1

Hebrews 10:1-18

I’d like us to look at sacrifice in both the OT and NT in order to:

Show importance of sacrifice

Secondly; ideally, to inspire us into action

And perhaps not by leaving a dead goat in the kitchen!

Sacrifice is found throughout the bible,

much more so in the OT than the New,

but the purpose and meaning are different between the two.

In my research, the best I could determine,

of the 39 books in the OT,

only 5 did not mention or refer to sacrifice.

When I dove into this bit of research, I was fully expecting it to take only 30 minutes to an hour.

Almost 5 hours later, I realized I had underestimated the endeavor.

Then I was reminded in Luke 14:28 Jesus said “count the cost”.

Although only about half of the books in the NT mention or refer to sacrifice, for the most part they have a different meaning than that of the OT.

When I began this journey, I wanted a fuller understanding of the importance of sacrifice to God, and what that means in our lives today.

I learned so much, as I began to dig in!

First off,

I had no idea that sacrifice was so prolific in the OT.

But it is in almost 90% of the OT books!

Before we get started, I’d like to share with two interesting discoveries

1st discovery:

Most of you may know that in Esther, there is no mention of God

There is also no mention of sacrifice

When we think about it, since sacrifices were made to God, that if God weren’t mentioned, neither would sacrifice be.

Not blood sacrifices, anyway!

Second discovery:

Since February is the love month, I thought it appropriate to read a verse in:

Song of Songs

You are beautiful my darling, beautiful beyond words. Your eyes are like doves behind your veil. Your hair falls in waves, (don’t miss this part) like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead. (Doesn’t that just hit you in the feels!?)

Actually, if you dig deeper, that last part is a reference to sacrifice-check it out sometime!

So, what does sacrifice look like?

Let’s begin in the beginning.

Genesis 3:21

Also for Adam and his wife, the LORD made tunics of skin, and clothed them.

This is the first reference of blood sacrifice in the bible.

Literally, an animal had to be sacrificed to cover their nakedness.

Prophetically, this was foreshadowing the covering of our sins, by Jesus.

Then, in the next chapter, we see an blood offering by Abel to God.

Genesis 4:4 “Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his offering.

But it is not until Leviticus, do we see the LORD instructing Moses of the blood sacrifices to be made for the atonement of sin.

Then, throughout the OT we see mentions or reference of sacrifice to God, for the atonement of sin.

The transliteration of the Hebrew word for atonement is “kaphar” which means “to cover”.

Then, we get to 1st and 2nd Samuel and see a shift.

1st Samuel 15:22

This is Samuel speaking to Saul.

But Samuel replied “what is more pleasing to the LORD, your burnt offerings and sacrifices, or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering of the fat of rams.

You see, by this time, sacrifices were but a ritual, just going through the motions. They were not of the heart as God intended. There was no repentance from sin.

Set up my lunch gag with Dan

Listen to what David says in:

2nd Samuel 24:24 (read from my NLT bible, starting in v.21)

Explain that I gave Dan the $20. He had nothing invested.

For our sacrifice to mean anything, it has to cost us something!

Now, let’s look @ Hosea 6:6

Here the Hebrew transliteration of mercy is:

Chesed(chess-ed)-which is a loyal covenant love relationship with God.


God is telling us He values our relationship with Him, more than blood sacrifices as laid out in Leviticus!

Now we see this full transition in sacrifice when Jesus says, in reference to Hosea 6:6:

“but go and learn what this means “: I desire mercy and not sacrifice”

For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance”. Matthew 9:13

Hebrews 10:1-18 (read from my bible)

Kind of a long passage to read, but I believe it important that we have an understanding of what God expects of us, in sacrifice.

Re-read these verses:


v.8 making clear these have been offered according to God’ law.

v.9 takes away the first, to establish the second



v18-ask someone to read their bible

Romans 12:1 (stand with me as we honor God while reading His Word)

Sacrifice is about strength, will power and desire.

You want to test my will power:

Set a basket of tortilla chips and salsa in front of me.

Kryptonite baby, kryptonite!

OK, so now we are about to get started in today’s word!

What does sacrifice look like? (keeping in mind Romans 12:1)


What is prayer to you? Is it:

Asking for God’s favor

Spending time talking to God

Taking a moment to be still

Asking forgiveness

A time of surrender

A time for praise and worship

Whatever prayer is to you, I hope it is about sacrificing your time to build a relationship with our Father!

Sacrifice also looks like abandonment:

Allow me to give two illustrations

I have given this example on more than one occasion:

When listening to praise and worship, I’m that guy. I’m that guy reluctant to raise my hands. I’m ok with singing, but to raise my hands, not so much.

I have to remind myself to surrender and abandon myself to God!

A second example. Listen to this verse:

And Abraham said to his young men, “stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”

Abraham was willing to abandon himself to God in obedience and worship Him, regardless of the outcome.

What does sacrifice look like? Abandoning ourselves in worship to God!

Sacrifice also looks like: sharing

2 Corinthians 9:6-11 (read from my bible)

If you take some time and meditate on these verses, you will see that Paul is writing about sharing our time, talent and treasures

Hebrews 13:16 “but do not forget to do good and share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Sacrifice looks like: servanthood

Most likely there will be an entire sermon on servanthood, coming to a Cross Pointe Church near you!

Today however, it is one verse and nothing more. But it is a biggie!

“just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” words in red Matthew 20:28

Ministry is sacrifice

This past Wednesday in our bible study, it was stated that sacrifice is voluntary.

I’ve had to chew on that a bit.

I’m not so sure Isaac would have been in touch with that emotion.

But to be a living sacrifice as described in Romans 12:1, we must be volunteers.

Ashley sacrifices her time and talent every week and her heart in pure in her living sacrifice.

Many of you here today, have ministries outside these walls, that you voluntarily offer.

There are some leaders who have volunteered to sacrifice and build a children’s ministry here at CPC.

I also believe there are many who will be joining me in Outreach, outside these walls.

When I mentioned spending almost 5 hours researching “sacrifice” in the bible, I said that not to try to impress anyone, but because of my desire to share it with you. It was a sacrifice of time, given voluntarily!

Sacrifice looks like: ministry in Jesus’s name

Do you recognize the common thread in all these sacrifices as described in Romans 12:1?

That common thread is: Sacrifice of self.


To recap:

Sacrifice looks like:


Crystals prayer: Guide us in our ministries for you. Let our actions reflect your desires, not ours.

Pastor Jeff recently said “We never want to get ahead of God”. He was talking about being prayerful and listening and allowing Him to direct our steps.

But we also need to be prepared to move when God speaks to us.

About 3 years ago, in a Sunday morning service, during worship, I heard these words “Your move”. I called Pastor Jeff and told him what I had experienced.

First off, up until a few years back, when I heard someone say “God spoke to me”, I was a bit skeptical to say the least. But up until a few years ago, God had never spoken to me. At least not that I heard Him.

So when I say “God spoke to me”, don’t let that be off-putting to you, because you just might be missing out on a blessing, that He might be speaking to you. Be still, pray, listen.

Now, back to “your move”. I knew exactly what God meant in those two words.

The truth of the matter is…I was in a moment of abandonment to God, and He spoke!

I don’t remember the sermon that day. I was enveloped in the presence of the Lord, and everything else just sort of faded away.

Sacrifice also looks like:Praise and worship

Praise and worship




Sacrifice to self