Summary: "Israel's failure to listen to God's prophet despite repeated warnings, symbolized by the balm of Gilead, raises the question of whether the current church leadership also lacks the necessary foresight and willingness to repent. Are they repeating the same mistakes?"


(Jeremiah 8:20-22) "[20] The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved." [21] "For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me" [22] "Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?"

(Jeremiah 46:11) "Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured."


"Is there no balm in Gilead?" The term "balm" was used to refer to a healing ointment or salve, and the region of Gilead was known for producing medicinal plants and herbs. Over time, this phrase has been used in various contexts to express the idea of searching for a solution or cure to a problem. Many people throughout history have asked this critical question, which speaks to a universal longing for healing and hope.

The eighth chapter of Jeremiah and the forty-sixth chapter of the same book speaks of a coming disaster on God's people. These chapters show that the people missed their chance for repentance and will soon face judgment from a strong, advancing army that will leave them utterly devastated. God's army against them will be powerful, relentless, and ruthless. It will destroy the land, laying waste to everything in its path and leaving the people with nothing.

(Jeremiah 8:20-22) describes people's sins and failure to listen to God's word. The chapter reveals that their leaders have misled them, and they have not repented despite repeated warnings from God's prophet. As a result, God will send a nation from the north to punish them. The invading army will be swift and ruthless, leaving the land desolate. The people will be left to mourn their losses and suffer the consequences of their sins.

(Jeremiah 46:11) speaks of a similar fate for Egypt. The chapter describes an impending invasion by Babylon, which will conquer the land and take its people captive. Despite their military might, the Egyptians will not match the Babylonian army, which will sweep through the land like a flood. The chapter warns that Egypt's leaders will be powerless to stop the invasion, and the people will suffer greatly.

In both chapters of the text, the people are warned about an impending disaster looming over them. Despite the warnings, they refuse to listen and instead turn away from God. Over time, their hearts become hardened, and their actions lead them to sinful behavior. As a result of their disobedience, God decides to allow them to suffer the consequences of their actions.

(Jeremiah 8:20-22) mentions that an invading army will arrive in Judah when the harvest has already been gathered. This implies that there will be no grapes on the vine or figs on the trees, which are signs of prosperity and abundance. This situation clearly indicates that the people of Judah will face a dire situation they cannot escape.

The text further explains that there will be no remedy for the coming judgment upon Judah. This means that the invading army will be too powerful for the people to fight against, and there will be no escape from the impending doom. The people will have to face the consequences of their actions, and disobedience towards God will lead them towards a devastating end.

Saints, when I began to meditate on the references concerning the balm of Gilead, I realized that this phrase also speaks to the importance of effective leadership in the present-day church community. It stresses the need for individuals to step forward and take charge, providing guidance and direction to those around them. The phrase encourages a sense of urgency, encouraging people to be accountable in their leadership efforts.

As I meditate on this idea, I drift toward the numerous churches that have suffered through painful church splits, leaving pastors bewildered and questioning where they may have gone wrong. It is a tragic reality that many churches have faced, often due to ineffective leadership.

When leaders are not equipped or motivated to provide guidance and direction to their congregations, the results can be disastrous. Confusion, disorganization, and a lack of direction can lead to discontentment and division among church members.

It is time for church leaders to recognize their crucial role in building a healthy and thriving church community. Beloved, the bottom line to this message is that we need leaders who genuinely love God and his people, for leaders who are committed to serving them can make all the difference in their lives, church, and community.

True spirit-filled leaders must be hands-on in their approach, stepping up to provide clear and concise guidance that aligns with the church's vision and mission. By doing so, they can help prevent the shattering of their congregation and instead create a united and purposeful community of believers.

In this message, I intend to show that there is a problem in developing strong leaders due to pastors who are overly jealous and refuse to invest time and resources in others. This lack of investment leads to weak leadership, which requires further guidance and mentorship.

I intend to highlight the importance of pastors playing a pivotal role in enabling and empowering the next generation of leaders. By doing so, they can create a culture of growth and development within their church community, ensuring a better future for everyone involved.


In the book of Jeremiah, the prophet used the symbol of balm in Gilead to describe Israel's spiritual sickness. The reference to balm was significant because Gilead was a region known for its healing properties, and healing balm or special salve was a medicinal resin extracted from trees in that area.

Jeremiah lamented that despite the abundance of healing ointment in Gilead, there was no healing for the Israelites. Jeremiah tried to convey that God's word and the prophets' messages could have been like medicine for the Israelites. These messages could have healed them, but the people did not want to listen. They had become so entrenched in their sinful ways that they were unwilling to accept the help that could have saved them.

The balm of Gilead symbolizes the only trustworthy source of physical and spiritual healing and salvation: the Lord. References throughout the bible reveal that this balm was a rare and valuable medicinal ointment used to treat various ailments. However, the true meaning of the balm of Gilead goes beyond its medicinal properties.

This rare and precious medicinal ointment was known for its exceptional healing qualities and was made from the resin of a tree found only in the fertile soil of the Gilead region. This region was renowned for its abundant natural resources that gave the tree its unique healing properties.

Did you know that he healing balm of Gilead was a significant commodity in the ancient world, and its trade was a substantial source of income for the people of the Gilead region. The process of extracting the resin from the tree was labor-intensive and required specialized equipment, making the balm of Gilead rare and expensive. Despite its rarity, the balm of Gilead was in high demand, and its reputation as a powerful healing agent spread throughout the region.

The healing balm of Gilead was highly valued for its ability to heal wounds, reduce inflammation, soothe skin irritations, and alleviate pain. It was applied topically to the affected area and provided relief almost instantly. The balm of Gilead was also used to treat various ailments, including respiratory conditions, headaches, and stomach problems.

The book of Jeremiah contains a warning from God to the people of Judah, informing them of the impending devastation that they would face as a result of their disobedience and rebellion. To prevent this destruction, God advised the people of Judah that they needed to seek the healing properties of the balm of Gilead.

The healing balm of Gilead represents the healing power of God, which was available to the Israelites if only they turned to Him. Despite delivering them from the grip of slavery, the Israelites continued to turn away from God and even started worshiping false prophets. This caused them to suffer physically, emotionally, and spiritually. However, if they had turned to God and sought His healing power, they could have been delivered from their afflictions.

Many people are suffering from physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments, and they are looking for sources of healing. However, just like the Israelites, they often turn away from the only reliable source of healing and salvation, which is God. The balm of Gilead reminds us that if we turn to God and seek His healing power, we can be delivered from our afflictions and find true healing and salvation.

The spiritual concept of healing can undoubtedly be applied to Jesus. He is the balm of Gilead that can effectively heal humanity of its sinfulness. Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and his willingness to give his life for us is an undeniable remedy that can heal us of our disobedience and rebellion toward God. His blood on the cross is like a precious ointment that is powerful enough to bring us spiritual healing and save us from the eternal consequences of our sins.

In ancient times, the balm of Gilead was a rare and precious commodity highly valued for its medicinal properties. It was a resin-like substance extracted from a tree that grew in the region around Gilead, which is now part of modern-day Jordan. This balm was a physical remedy used to treat various ailments, such as wounds, bruises, and skin irritations. It was so expensive that only the wealthy could afford it.

The symbol of the healing balm in Gilead is a powerful reminder that healing and redemption are available if we take them. We must be open to God's word and the guidance of those who speak truth to us, even if it means confronting uncomfortable truths about ourselves. Only then can we find the healing that we so desperately need.

Jesus offers us the rare and precious gift of salvation, and through his supreme sacrifice, he made it possible for us to be reconciled with God. It is a gift that cannot be earned or bought but can only be received through faith and trust in Jesus. Only by accepting his gift of salvation can we be made whole again and experience true spiritual healing.

While the balm of Gilead could heal physical wounds, Jesus is the only one who can cure our spiritual wounds. He alone can heal our brokenness and restore our relationship with God. By his death and resurrection, he conquered sin and death and made it possible for us to have eternal life. Through him, we can find hope, peace, and joy and experience the abundant life that God intended for us.


According to the Business Dictionary, "a mentor is a senior or more experienced person assigned to function as an advisor, counselor, or guide to a junior or trainee." Their primary responsibility is to offer help and feedback to the person under their supervision.

Throughout this message, we will explore the role of a mentor in helping junior employees, including upcoming ministers, by using their experience to support them in their work and careers, provide feedback, and offer guidance as they tackle problems.

It's worth noting that many leaders, both in the church and the secular world, have isolated themselves from others and have not trained anyone to take their place. This creates a vacuum in the quality of leaders holding key positions in leadership today.

Beloved, did you know that every significant occupation that has become successful has a program for its interns to learn and practice, and did you know that your church will only be as spiritual as their spiritual leader?

A leader can lead in two ways, and both will get the work done; however, one will make the company including a church more productive.

1. A leader can lead from the Authority that the position grants them.

2. A leader can be firm but willing to jump in and help when there is a work overload.

3. A leader can boost company morale by rewarding employees who show signs of improvement. This will also work with pastors to create trust and respect among the other members.

Dear Saints, did you know that a true leader does not make hasty decisions based on impulse but gives a developing situation some time to consider the consequences of their choices, including how many people will be affected by that choice?

Beloved, to be influential leaders in the church and the secular world, we must realize and accept that God had a plan for us as leaders before we were born. All of our life experiences have been a training ground to fulfill this plan designed to make us leaders who can pour out of our lives into the lives of others.

Church, we must realize that who we are in the body of Christ is more important than what we can do and accomplish on our own. For beloved, you cannot separate the ministry from the minister, for they are their ministry.

Beloved, we must realize that true leaders learn from their mistakes, which helps humble them to become valuable servants willing to be held accountable to their elders. Sadly, beloved, many leaders today in the secular world have isolated themselves without training someone to come up under them to take their place. This is also true in many churches today, with leaders still needing to be led.

Dear Saints, true leaders will have developed a particular time in their life where they can be alone with God to pray for the people that God has placed under their leadership and ministry because they have studied history enough to know that humanity, left unchecked, will gradually decline in their morals and conduct proving the fact that life demands accountability.

Beloved, we must realize that our leadership and ministry calling are developed inside us; therefore, our ministry cannot be separated from who we are because we are the one God anointed for the position.

1. A true leader will be more sensitive to God's things and may be more sensitive to others' needs.

2. True leaders are those who are given to prayer until the prayer becomes who they are.

3. A true leader will desire to see their younger ministers develop maturely so they can stand firm in any situation.

4. A True leader will be willing to lay aside their agenda and pour into these young ministers what God, through experience and training, has matured in them, causing them to become pillars in the body of Christ.

5. A true leader will not harbor jealousy because a younger minister appears to be receiving more recognition than them because they know there will be a time when they must step back and give the position to someone else, preferably someone who has been well-trained under their leadership.

As I conclude this message, I emphasize the importance of having a teachable spirit in leadership positions. It's imperative to acknowledge that no one knows everything, and I am continuously learning and submitting to the leadership above me.

Beloved, I implore you to take a moment to reflect on the message and ask yourself a fundamental question. Can you think of outstanding leaders who have positively impacted your life and work? If so, take the time to thank them for their valuable guidance and support, which helped pave the way for who you are today.

After meditating on this message, do you feel like the church throughout the world today is lacking in leadership, and have you have noticed a lack of direction or vision in your church?

Most pastors will agree that addressing this issue and exploring ways to strengthen our leadership to serve our congregation better is important. By working together, we can create a more vibrant and effective church community that meets the needs of all its members. A simple phone call expressing gratitude for their invaluable input could go a long way in nurturing your relationship with them.

"Are you concerned about the lack of strong leadership in today's churches? It's time for us to rise and demand better. Let's unite and support those willing to lead with integrity and inspire positive change, and as fellow peers and Saints of God, let's not underestimate the power of mentorship."


Many times, leaders face challenges in leading and inspiring their followers and one of the main reasons for this is the lack of direction and support. This leads to confusion, disorganization, and a lack of focus within the community. To address this issue, we must provide our leaders with the necessary guidance, resources, and tools to become practical guides and role models for their followers.

Training programs are among the most effective ways to equip our leaders. These programs should focus on developing leadership skills, helping leaders understand their roles, and providing the necessary tools to inspire and motivate their followers. Additionally, mentorship opportunities are crucial in assisting leaders to receive guidance and support from experienced individuals in their field.

Access to relevant information and research is also essential. Leaders must stay updated and informed about current trends and issues to make informed decisions and provide their followers with valuable insights on facing and overcoming the onslaughts of an enemy bent on their destruction.

In conclusion, by providing our leaders with the necessary resources and tools, we can help them become practical guides and role models for their followers. This benefits the leaders and the entire community, leading to better decision-making and a more positive and productive church environment.

We can create a strong, cohesive, and thriving community by empowering our leaders to become more effective. Well-equipped leaders can provide their followers with the guidance and support they need to achieve their goals and fulfill their potential. This, in turn, can foster a sense of unity and purpose within the church community, leading to greater collaboration, innovation, and success.

It is important to remember that the only way to find hope and healing is to seek the loving embrace of Jesus Christ. He is the true healing balm for all. As our high priest, he can empathize with our weaknesses, having himself experienced persecution and betrayal. He provides us solace and comfort through his love and compassion, offering a path to healing.

As we strive to heal our brokenness and find solace in our souls, we should seek the support we need from our pastor and church community. Our religious leaders can offer us guidance, support, and understanding, which can help us navigate the challenges and difficulties we face in life. They can offer us a safe space to share our struggles and receive the encouragement and support we need to overcome them.

We must realize that our spiritual growth mainly depends on our religious leaders' guidance. We should be willing to seek their counsel and follow their teachings, as they can help us to deepen our faith and strengthen our relationship with God. Through their wisdom and guidance, we can find the strength and resilience to face life's challenges with courage and grace.

I am a member of a Facebook chat group called "Better Together," which is comprised of a small group of pastors. These pastors, however, are well-connected to over a thousand pastors and ministry outreach programs scattered throughout the world.

The group's name, "Better Together," was inspired during a ministry conference where our head Bishop used it as the theme. The conference focused on the power of teamwork and how much can be accomplished when we work with one minister to bring forth their message.

During the conference, I was surprised when one of my old sermon central message clips was included in the discussion. The clip emphasized the importance of unity and harmony in the body of Christ and compared it to the beautiful sound produced by a musical orchestra.

When all parts of the orchestra fit together as one, it creates a symphony that can be a powerful experience. It can entertain, make one laugh, and even cause one to cry as it takes the mind to faraway places and brings back fond memories that one may have thought they had forgotten.

The analogy of the musical orchestra holds for the body of Christ as well. One instrument that is out of tune or time can ruin the symphony. Similarly, when people work against one another instead of working together as a team, it can destroy everything. Therefore, it is essential to work together in harmony, using our unique gifts to achieve the common goal of spreading the message of Christ.


Beloved, may we learn lessons from the book of Jeremiah and realize that we need someone willing to seek the Lord with all their heart, break out of the norm, and be used as a mighty man or woman of God in these last days.

The key to this work is understanding that for there to be life, there must be conception, and for there to be conception, there must be intimacy. In the same way, you would never open your curtains and allow others to see what goes on in your home with your spouse because that is personal between the two of you. Your spouse sees and knows all about you, and you are not ashamed for them to know you in that way because you are bonded together under the covenant of marriage.

Similarly, as you seek the Lord and get to know Him, you will spiritually conceive, and this precious seed must be hidden and protected as it grows. Some of you are already pregnant with the plan and destiny the Living God has chosen for you. You are about to give birth as the precious life drops into the birth canal, causing your water to break. Therefore, we must return to purity and holiness before a perfect Creator because He says in His word that "without holiness, no man shall see the Lord."

Do you want to be intimate with Him who is holy, just, and perfect in all His ways? Then read (John 15:16) which states that you did not choose Him, but He chose you to leave His signature through you to your generation and others. Let us pour ourselves into others so that we may leave behind a legacy that will live on long after we are gone and not only be prepared to die but be empty when we do.

I close this inspirational message by noting that many men and women whom God used to change the course of history, realized that "they received their wisdom by seeking to have the mind of Christ or a mind like Christ."

These men and women understood that maintaining a personal relationship with Christ caused him to use their lives to influence others, including making it into God's book, the Holy Bible, which I call God's Hall of Fame. These men and women of faith paved the way for you and me to study their lives and glean from their trials as we discover how they became overcomers.

Dear Saints and fellow peers, the bottom line is that to be a successful leader, one must endure the trials and learn from them because suitable, seasoned leaders prioritize setting aside time for study before making decisions. Instead of acting on impulse, they respond to a situation that will bring forth the best solution to take care of the situation.

Beloved, many men and women who have proven to be great leaders have chosen to influence the changing world around them and be careful not to allow the world to control them.

Dear Saints, in closing, let me say that history has shown that some people have suffered a significant loss in their earthly lives and ministries. Still, their lives have provided much wisdom to glean as they leave a legacy that will speak volumes to all humanity for many generations to come.

Reflecting on the text of this entire message, I can't help but think about the harmful consequences of poor leadership. Judah's leaders ignored the warnings from God's prophet, choosing to put their interests above the greater good. They failed to take advantage of the opportunity to repent and return to God. Unfortunately, due to their negligence, they lost God's protection, which resulted in them being overrun by an invading army.

This historical event starkly reminds us how crucial it is to have strong, virtuous leaders who prioritize the well-being of their people. It also emphasizes the importance of heeding warnings and taking action before it's too late.

As I contemplate this, I can't help but wonder about the state of our world today. Are we, as a society, close to achieving true repentance and setting things right, or will the majority ignore the warnings, and find themselves with no escape from the fast approaching great tribulation? Only time will tell.

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International