Sermon: Don’t Settle for Less When More is Available
Scripture: Joshua 15:13-19 “ The Lord commanded Joshua to assign some of Judah’s territory to Caleb son of Jephunneh. So Caleb was given the town of Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), which had been named after Anak’s ancestor. Caleb drove out the three groups of Anakites—the descendants of Sheshai, Ahiman, and Talmai, the sons of Anak. From there he went to fight against the people living in the town of Debir (formerly called Kiriath-sepher). Caleb said, “I will give my daughter Acsah in marriage to the one who attacks and captures Kiriath-sepher.” Othniel, the son of Caleb’s brother Kenaz, was the one who conquered it, so Acsah became Othniel’s wife. When Acsah married Othniel, she urged him[a] to ask her father for a field. As she got down off her donkey, Caleb asked her, “What’s the matter?” She said, “Give me another gift. You have already given me land in the Negev; now please give me springs of water, too.” So Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs.”
Introduction: Desire is possibly the reason behind everything we do. It is the foundation of all our achievements. Without desire few if any accomplishments will be seen in our life. It is one of those indefinable items of life that’s hard to define but easy to recognize. As the culture leans more and more to compromise and complacency, those with strong desire shine like stars in the night.
Caleb was not complacent, neither was he willing to compromise. One visit to the Promised Land changed Caleb forever. One of the most amazing character traits in Caleb’s life is that He never settled for less when more was on the table. With faith in God, faith in God’s promise and an unstoppable boldness, Caleb wanted everything God promised him and refused to settle for less. This same incident from Caleb’s life is mentioned in several Scriptures, which implies that this was an important event. Acsah the daughter of Caleb asked her father to give her some additional land with springs of water since her land grant was in a dry desert region. Let me give you a little background to this incident.
Though Caleb was born in the land of Egypt as a slave, and was brought up in slavery, he had an unshakeable faith in God. At forty years of age when Caleb was sent to spy on the land of Canaan, of the twelve who returned after spying on the land, Caleb and Joshua were the only ones who were certain that the land could be conquered. The entire congregation of people rose against Caleb’s advice, but nothing deterred him. As children of God be sure that when we take a stand to speak up for the Lord, there will be a group that will rise against us. The reason is that there are those who have no faith in God and many who would rather settle where they are than fight for more.
God had said to Israel, “Be strong and be brave. Don't be afraid of those people because the LORD your God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you.” Caleb held on firmly to the promises of God, took a stand against the majority, and God was pleased with him. Anyone who is zealous for the Lord, and willing to take a stand for Him can be sure that the Lord’s protection will be their portion. For forty long years the people of Israel wandered through the wilderness. These were difficult times, where the people faced many hardships and trials, but through it all Caleb remained firm in his faith. He knew that the Lord who promised him that he would enter the Promised Land. God is faithful and would certainly fulfill His promise at the right time.
Oftentimes, we get discouraged because of the problems that surround us, but let me assure you that God is above all of our circumstances, and faithful to His word. Everyone who has waited on the Lord has certainly seen God fulfill His promise at His appointed time. Caleb entered the Promised Land just as God had promised. However, Caleb did not seek to procure the land that was easy to conquer but asked Joshua to grant him permission to possess the hill country of Hebron which was the most difficult to acquire because of the giants who inhabited them. Caleb was bold enough to believe that he had the strength to conquer the hill country though he was eighty-five years old. This was the land that Caleb had set eyes on forty-five years before. It was the unbelief of the people, and the circumstances that surrounded him that prevented him from inheriting the land, but Caleb had faith to believe that he would certainly conquer this land with God’s strength. Those who have faith will remain strong through all the tough circumstances of life will prevail. Let me remind you of the words of the Apostle Paul as we read in Philippians 4:13,“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
So many have become discouraged and given up on the task that is entrusted to them. Others fold their arms and refuse to put forth the necessary effort. We should also believe that with God’s strength granted to us that we will be able to accomplish all that God desires to fulfill through our life and not give up at any cost.
Caleb had a daughter whose name was Acsah. When it was time for Caleb to get his daughter married, he could have easily found a suitable person for her without much effort. Nonetheless, Caleb wanted to choose a suitable groom for his daughter who would have the same faith and courage that he had. Caleb therefore set a challenge that the man who was brave enough to conquer Kiriath-Sepher would be the one who could take his daughter’s hand in marriage.
Othniel was a worthy nephew of a noble man. He admired Joshua and Caleb and probably saw them as the heroes of Israel. He had no idea that years later, moved by the Spirit of God he would become a judge and deliverer of Israel. If there be one earnest courageous believer in our family line, let us endeavor to equal their exploits. This brave man who conquered Kiriath Sepher, and married Caleb’s daughter Acsah. All three, Caleb, Othniel and Acsah were amazing people who would not settle for less than their hearts desired. Caleb was firm that the one who married his daughter should be a man of faith and courage just as he was. Caleb’s daughter Acsah trusted in the Lord, she trusted her father’s decision, and she waited patiently for the right person. Othniel was a brave man who took up the challenge so he could marry Caleb’s daughter. The land that Caleb gave to his daughter Acsah was in the southern dry region. It was good but she wanted more! “She said, “Give me another gift. You have already given me land in the south, now please give me springs of water, too.” So, Caleb gave her the upper and lower springs.” Don’t Settle for Less When More is Available!
1.Refusing to Settle for Less is not a Sign of Ingratitude or Greed– Some people settle because they feel asking for more is a sign of being ungrateful. Others feel unworthy of more. Many feel it would be burden on the giver, not understanding that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Acsah refused to settle for a piece of dry ground when her father had control of all Judea. Acsah asked her father for a blessing of land with water, and Caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs. Caleb had finished all of his responsibilities when he secured his daughter Acsah a good husband and given her a plot of land. However, when Acsah saw that the land was dry and unfit for agriculture without water, she requested her father to give her additional land that had a spring of water on it. Immediately Caleb gave his daughter the land with the upper springs and lower springs. The upper springs would had been sufficient, but Caleb gave her more!
As children of God, how many of us approach God boldly and ask Him for the greater blessings that He has in store for us. Today many are satisfied with leading a mediocre life of just attending church on Sunday, reading a few verses and praying. Sadly, many settle for less, not desiring more. God has much more available for every believer, more power, more blessings, a deeper relationship, and deeper revelations of God. We must decide to seek God for more, ask for more, and hunger for more. We need power to serve effectively. We need a closer relationship, a deeper revelation of Him and well-watered life-giving springs continuously filling our lives with all we need for this journey. We can live a victorious life. If we earnestly seek God, we can be sure that He will give us a life-giving blessing.
2.Refuse to Settle for Less Because You May Need More in the Future. Judges 3:9 “But when the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help, the Lord raised up a rescuer to save them. His name was Othniel, the son of Caleb’s younger brother, Kenaz.”
Don’t settle for less when more is available because you may need it for your future. Your future is unfolding, and you don’t not know all the places God is leading you or what you will need along the way. Othniel began his journey fighting for a wife and building a life for himself. Achsah just wanted a fertile piece farmland for ample food production. They did not know what was ahead. This brave man Othniel, who conquered Kiriath Sepher, and married Caleb’s daughter Acsah took little notice of what he was becoming in the process. It’s not what you are getting, the most important thing is what you are becoming in the progress. Through the progress, his faith was stronger. His tests had make him wiser. His responsibilities had made him better. Othniel was raising a family, God was raising up a deliverer. Othniel grew up admiring Joshua and Caleb leaders of Israel, now he has become one of them. Othniel refused to settle for less because of his relationship with Caleb. Caleb knew his asking for more was not a sign of ingratitude or greed, it was desire to be better provider for his family and leader for his people. God gives us the desires of our heart and then encourages us to ask for what we want. It is never the will of God that we should live a life of dryness, and unfruitfulness but it is His will that we should live an abundant life. 1John 5:14-15, “And we are confident that he hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him. And since we know he hears us when we make our requests, we also know that he will give us what we ask for.”
3. Don’t Settle for Less Because What You Become as You Seek More Will Impact the Lives of Others. Judges 3:9 “And when the children of Israel cried unto the LORD, the LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel, who delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz, Caleb's younger brother.”
Othniel had been brave in his youth and is still productive in his old age. If we serve God well in the morning of life, we may be sure that God will honor you before the day is over. Othniel’s military experience qualified him for the work of a deliverer. His gallant exploits were so well-known, he quickly gained the full confidence of his countrymen. They recognized his ability as a leader. We are not told what cause Israel to stray away from God, but their distress caused them to cry out to God. Othniel was God’s answer. What you become through the process of facing and overcoming challenges will impact the lives of others. Whether you become a champion or a cheater; a lover or a liar, a curse or a blessing, others will be impacted one way or the other.
Having faith in God, being saved from the penalty and practice of sin, and having the assurance of salvation is important. There is more! We are children of God, our sins have been washed with the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for us, and have the assurance of a place in heaven, but there is more. We can live powerful, productive, abundant lives for God. We should not be satisfied with anything less. We should desire to keep growing in our relationship with God, becoming a greater blessing to others and do something significant and lasting for God’s Kingdom. We should be grateful for all we have received from God, but not be content. God has so much more available, and we should hunger and yearn for more. I wanted to do more, accomplish more, have a deeper relationship with God, be a greater blessing to others and a more effective witness in this world.
When we hunger for more or desire more, expect opposition. When we draw closer to Jesus in prayer, desiring to walk close with Him every day, there will be those who will rise against us, and even oppose us just as people did blind Bartimaeus. The crowd in Mark 10, tried to stop, but Bartimaeus cried out for more. If you start seeking God in prayer, expect troubles and difficulties to come. Don’t stop praying but increase your prayer. If you are reading the bible for a specified time, and are finding that the troubles are increasing, don’t decrease your time in the word, but instead spend more time in God’s word. Instead of just reading one chapter a day try to read through an entire book if possible. The more you do this the more your life will be blessed. Don’t Settle for Less When More is Available!
The pandemic has stopped many. Others have settled, lost their hunger, and waiting without working. Their prayer life has suffered, and their hearts have grown cold. They fail to read the Scriptures and refuse to fellowship with the saints. I encourage you to burn your ship load of complaints and doubts. Get back into the fellowship of the saints. Fill your environment with praise and worship. Surround yourself with believers, positive people who still trust God. Feed your mind with empowering information daily from the Scriptures, from inspirational books and other readings. Let some Son light into your life. All hope is not lost, and God is still on your side. Shut out the voices of doom and gloom. Replace those negative voices with God’s word, “Be strong and be brave. Don't be afraid of those people (or circumstances) because the LORD your God is with you. He will not fail you or leave you.” Don’t Settle for Less When More is Available! There is more power, more joy, more peace, more fulfilment, and more abundant life is still on the table. Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open. Don’t settle for less than God has for you!