Summary: Revival is not just emotionalism. People respond emotionally to revival, but emotions are just a part of the revival, they are not the revival. True revival will affect the whole man,




Upon completion of this teaching you will be able to:

1) Define revival.

2) Explain how we can prepare for revival.

3) Recognize when revival is needed.

4) Identify evidences of a backslidden condition.

5) Explain how to use "God's revival plan" to intercede for revival.


If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (II Chronicles 7:14)


One of the most important tasks of intercession is praying for revival.


First, let us examine what revival is not.

Revival is not just emotionalism. People respond emotionally to revival, but emotions are just a part of the revival, they are not the revival. True revival will affect the whole man,

1) Revival is not loud music and "hell-fire" preaching.

2) It is not a campaign for new members to increase attendance.

3) Church growth is a result of revival, but it is not the same as revival.

4) Revival is not evangelism.

5) Evangelism is proclaiming the good news of the Gospel.

6) Revival precedes evangelism,for when dead believers are "revived," evangelism results.

7) Finally, revival is not just a series of special meetings...unless those special meetings are touched by the sovereign move of God.

Revival is...

"A sovereign, extraordinary work of God through and in behalf of a people who have learned and applied the principles revealed in the rhema Word of God regarding revival."

We may also say that revival is:

1) -An awakening, revitalizing, restoring of God's people, a strengthening of those things which remain.

2) -A return to consciousness or life. That which is revived becomes active and flourishing again.

3) -The inrush of the Spirit into the body that has threatened to become a corpse.

4) -Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. (Acts 3:19)


1) We can compare preparation for revival to the task of farming. A farmer can sit around and pray for a good harvest, but if he does not prepare the field, plant the seed, and water the crop, it will not come.

2) Equally foolish is the farmer who thinks because he does his part in these tasks that harvest is assured.

3) It takes the sovereignty of God through rain, sunshine, and the proper weather patterns to bring the crop to maturity.

4) The farmer works in cooperation with the principles of sowing and reaping,seed time and harvest revealed in God's Word. God is still sovereign, for the rain, sun, and proper weather patterns come from Him.

5) The same analogy may be used for revival. It is a sovereign move of God, but to "reap" revival, we must prepare for it by following the principles revealed in God's Word. Revival is the joint move of the Spirit of God and the response of the people of God.


Revival is always needed of course, but it is most necessary when a backslidden condition is apparent….SAMSON DINT KNOW THAT POWER HAD LEAFT HIM

To understand backsliding, consider the example of Israel. Jeremiah called the problems of Israel "backsliding" (Jeremiah 1:3-4). The Bible says:

• The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways. (Proverbs 14:14)

Turn to Jeremiah chapter 2. You will note that Israel had...

1) -Determined God was not as important to them as He had formerly been ("I used to"....): 2:5

2) -Forgot the great things God did for them in former days: 2:6-7

3) -Even the religious leaders of Israel joined the backsliding hosts. The priests failed to ask, "Where is the Lord?": 2:8

4) -With God crowded out of their lives, they turned to others this case, idols: 2:11-12; 27-28

5) -They forsook the true source of spiritual water and began to carve out cisterns that could hold no water. They exchanged living water for stagnant water: 2:13

6) -They began to drift spiritually: 2:19

7) -They entered into a self-righteous condition: 2:22-23

8) -They justified themselves with excuses: 3:11

9) -They drew others into their corruption: 2:33-34

Backsliding is the sin of crowding God out and filling one's life with self.

It is described as a pig going back to the mire and a dog returning to its vomit. (II Peter 2:21-22)


Here are some evidences of a backslidden condition. Examine your own heart and life as you study this list. You are entering into a backslidden condition...

1. When prayer ceases to be a vital part of your life. It has been said that "revival delays because prayer decays."

2. When the quest for Biblical truth ceases and you become content with the knowledge you have already acquired. This is not to say backsliders do not read the Bible. Many of them have habits of dutiful devotions, but while they read the words the knowledge acquired is treated as facts and not applied to their lives.

3. When thoughts about eternal things cease to be regular and/or important.

4. When you pardon your sin with self-righteousness by saying "the Lord knows I am just dust" or "that is the way I am."

5. When pointed spiritual discussions are an embarrassment and make you uncomfortable.

6. When things like recreation,braai, sports, and entertainment become first in your life.

7. When you can indulge in sin without protest by your conscience.

8. When aspirations of Christ-like holiness are no longer dominant in your life.

9. When the acquisition of money and goods becomes dominant in your thinking.

10. When you can hear the Lord's name taken in vain, spiritual concerns mocked, and eternal issues flippantly treated and not be moved to indignation and action.

11. When "worship" becomes a weariness. Church services lose their excitement, you can mouth religious songs and words without heart, there is no song in your heart, no praise with the ring of joy.

12. When breaches of unity in the fellowship are of no concern to you.

13. When the slightest excuse seems sufficient to keep you from Christian service.

14. When your fleshly senses are out of control: You watch degrading movies and television, listen to ungodly music, and read morally debilitating literature.

15. When you adjust happily to the world's lifestyle: For examples, unpaid debts, bankruptcy, lying, dishonesty, unkept appointments and promises,immodest styles of dress, cheating your employer of a full day's work, etc.

16. When your lack of spiritual power no longer concerns you; there is no restless yearning for more of God and His power in your life.

17. When your church has fallen into spiritual decline, the Word of God is no longer preached with power in your church and yet you are content.

18. When the moral, political, spiritual, and economic conditions of the world and your nation are of no concern to you.

19. When your heart is hard: Your tears do not flow easily, you are uncaring, abrupt, etc. You do not weep over the things which Jesus wept like a lost city, the spiritual condition of man, the sorrows of others.

20. When you have lost your spiritual strength, and do not even realize it.


Each of the hindrances we have discussed can be eliminated through intercession because revival comes in response to prayer. Here is how to pray for revival:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (II Chronicles 7:14)

Many important principles of revival are contained in this verse. First, note that God is speaking to His people ("If my people"). He is not talking to sinners, the world, or just anyone in general. God is talking to His people who are "called by His name." Here is what God's people must do if they are to experience revival:


To humble yourself is to bring yourself low before God (study Leviticus 26:40-41). This humbling includes humbling yourself before God (II Chronicles 34:1-13); His Word (II Chronicles 34:14-28); and His people (II Chronicles 34:29-33).

2. "PRAY":

You are to pray specific prayers of (1) seeking God and (2) turning from your wicked ways. We often "have not" because we "ask not" or we ask amiss. We should ask God to revive us and pray specific prayers of confession and repentance to prepare our hearts for the move of His Spirit.


The phrase "seeking God" is used in the following Old Testament passages:

Exodus 33:7; Deuteronomy 4:29; Ezra 8:22; II Samuel 12:16; 21:1; I Chronicles 16:10-11; II Chronicles 7:14; 11:16; 15:4; 20:4;

Psalms 105:3-4; 24:6; 27:8; 40:17; 69:7; 70:5; Proverbs 28:5; Isaiah 51:1; Jeremiah 29:13; 50:4; Hosea 3:5; 5:6-7,15; 7:10;

Daniel 9:3; Zephaniah 1:6; Zechariah 8:21; Malachi 3:1.

A review of these passages reveal that seeking the Lord involves:

1) Voluntarily and wholeheartedly turning to God.

2) An inner attitude of commitment to serve Him.

3) A decision to turn away from all evil.

4) A decision to fulfill His will.

5) A commitment to fervent prayer.

Seeking the Lord is the chief means of averting evil (Amos 5:4,14). It is the evidence of true humility (Zephaniah 2:3). It is the basis for sensing the presence of God (Hosea 5:15). It brings life (Amos 5:4-6) and it must be done wholeheartedly (Jeremiah 29:12-13).


Prayer and seeking God are not enough in themselves. They must be accompanied by true repentance which is a change in direction. You must turn from your wicked ways towards God. Repentance is the truth emphasized in all Biblical revivals. It is evident in every Old Testament revival. The Church began with calls to repentance (Acts 2). The final call in the book of Revelation is to repentance (Revelation 22:16).

Repentance is a gift from God that enables you to change the direction of your life (Acts 5:29-31; 11:15-18; II Timothy 2:22-26). All men are commanded to repent (Acts 17:30). It is God's will that all repent (II Peter 3:9) and God works graciously to draw men to repentance (Romans 2:4).

Without repentance you will perish (Luke 13:3,5). Jesus commanded that repentance and remission of sins be preached in His name among all nations (Luke 24:47).

Repentance includes turning from sins of

a) omission (things you do not do that you should);

b) commission (wrong things you do); and

c) presumption(presuming by not seeking counsel from God and sinning in the process).

Repentance also includes turning from "dead works" (Hebrews 6:1- 3).

a) "Dead works" are any religious acts done to gain merit with God by human effort.

b) Dead works can even include worship, tithing, and deeds of kindness. Worship must be in spirit and truth or it is a dead work.

c) Giving out of constraint, emotionalism, or because you are embarrassed to have the offering plate pass in front of you is a dead work.

d) Deeds of kindness or ministry done out of obligation or to receive glory are also dead works.

e) Any work which is done in the energy of the flesh and not in the power of the Holy Spirit is a dead work.

You should constantly examine your spiritual condition, your motives, and methods of ministry and repent of acts of omission, commission,presumption, and dead works.


Here is what you must do to prepare for revival:

1) -Humble yourself

2) -Pray

3) -Seek God's face

4) -Turn from your wicked ways

Here is what God will do in response:

1) -"HEAR from Heaven": Respond

2) -"FORGIVE their sin":Reconcile

3) -"HEAL their land": Restore

Dr. Tg Badia