Summary: This is the 186th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 23rd sermon from Ephesians.

Series: Action [#186]


Ephesians 6:10-17


Karen and I would like to thank you for the Anniversary Service, meal, and gift. The entire day was a huge blessing and encouragement to us. This week has been a reminder of the spiritual strength that God offers to us. After a busy week, Karen and I went and celebrated Friday night. Friday marked 1 year since Karen was diagnosed with cancer and today, she is cancer free. How do we make it through difficult things, through the strength of the Lord.

Ephesians 6:10

A Christian needs…

1. Power.

Christians face many challenges. We face challenges at home, at School, at work; and we are called to follow Christ in all things. Where does a person get that kind of strength? That strength comes from God. That is why we must be strong in the Lord. Strength from any other source is not enough. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Christians can experience God’s power. As Nehemiah said, “The joy of the Lord is my strength”.

Ephesians 6:12

A Christian needs…

2. Purpose.

What should a Christian’s purpose be? A Christian’s purpose should be to live for Christ and lift up Christ to those around them as often as possible. Christians should know the enemy that they are at war with. Christians, our enemy is not an enemy that you can see. Our enemy is the devil and all of the demons that follow him. We need to understand that while our enemy is powerful, they are not as powerful as God. If you do not want the enemy to know your weaknesses and struggles, then stop telling him. “Greater is he who lives in me than he who lives in the world.”

Your enemy, the devil is predictable. He does not change his antics. He speaks lies and he tries to create doubt. He already knows that he is defeated.

Ephesians 6:11-17

A Christian needs…

3. Protection.

Christians, you cannot protect others until you are protected yourself. Christians, you are told to put on the full armor of God and after you have done that, stand firm.

Put on the…

* Belt of truth.

The belt holds up your pants. Now, you must understand the most basic purpose of wearing a belt is to keep your pants from falling down. This may sound crazy; but imagine going into battle having to hold up your pants with 1 hand. That means that the soldier now has to put the sword away or put down the shield. Spiritually speaking, if you are not wrapped in the truth of God, your belt is weak. This belt has to be strong all the way around the body. Lack of the truth in a Christian’s life exposes the body to damage.

The belt holds the scabbard for the sword. Now, most of the time, I believe that the soldier is holding the sword in their hand; but when the army is marching and moving, they can place the sword in the scabbard. Without the belt, there is no place to put the sword; which could result in fatigue. Spiritually speaking, the Sword of the Spirit is where the truth of God comes from. It needs to be close to our side at all times. That only happens if the scabbard is there holding the sword.

The belt secures all of the other pieces of armor. All of the armor is held together and secure by the belt. The belt keeps everything in place. Spiritually, the truth of God is what hold everything together in a Christian’s life.

Put on the…

* Breastplate of righteousness.

What is the purpose of wearing the breastplate? The breastplate deflects the enemy’s weapons. Without a breastplate, a soldier would be asking for death, as any attack could instantly become fatal. With a sturdy breastplate, the very same attacks become ineffective and useless, as blows glance off the armor. Spiritually speaking, you must guard your heart from evil.

Put on the…

* Shoes of the gospel of peace.

Shoes are necessary to protect our feet. It allows us to walk on different terrains without hurting ourselves. A soldier without shoes would not be able to focus on battle because he would have to watch every step he took. The nails in his boots were driven into the ground to help the soldier stand firm.

Spiritually, we need to be ready to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ wherever we are. The Word of God will destroy the enemy and others will see the power of God. We also need to stand firm in God. The peace of God holds us down to stand firm in Him.

Take up the…

* Shield of faith.

A shield guards. While a physical shield protects us physically, faith can protect our spiritual lives even in the middle of physical trials.

A shield deflects. Satan is always hurling his fiery darts of fear, doubt, and worry in our direction; but the only time they can hit us is when we let our shield of faith down- When we stop believing that God is in control; that He is working everything out for our good; that whatever happens is for the ultimate best of everyone involved, however little it seems to be that way.

A shield is the first line of defense. While the rest of our armor helps protect us from Satan's attacks, it is not what you ideally want to be using to absorb every hit. You do not, for instance, go out into battle intentionally blocking everything with your head.

A shield can incapacitate. When Christ was being tempted by Satan, His faith in the Word and commands of God repelled Satan for a time. The boss (the metal knob in the middle) on the Roman shields allowed soldiers to give their enemies a stun-inducing shove that would allow them to follow through with an attack. Our faith in God, as demonstrated by Christ, can also give Satan a good shove backwards and give us a chance to fight back by doing God's will and work. Because God tells us that faith cannot just be in our minds, it must produce actions- Works of obedience and service.

Put on the…

* Helmet of salvation.

The helmet it to protect the head. 1 hard hit to the head and that could be the end. We are told in Scripture to put on the mind of Christ. It is the helmet that protects our mind from the attacks of the enemy. We should not allow the devil to know what is going on in our minds.

Take up the…

* Sword of the Spirit.

The purpose of the sword was to cut through the enemy’s defenses. This sword cuts all the way to the bone and marrow. The sword of the Spirit will cut straight to the core of the matter and expose the truth. 1 edge of this sword represents the Law and the other edge represents the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The sword of the Spirit gives us victory. In Revelations, Jesus will destroy enemy with the sword from His mouth- The Word.


Christians, we are in a spiritual battle and our family is part of that battle. We are to put on the full armor of God and stand firm. We are to wait for God to give us the orders and we are to follow those orders. Our strength comes from God.