Proverbs 12
12:1 “Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge; but he who hates correction is stupid.”
i. Wisdom tells us to continue learning and to love instruction and knowledge. (Do you desire to be taught).
ii. Pride often disrupts any desire for us to learn and receive correction.
12:2 – A good man obtains favor from the LORD but a man of wicked intentions he will condemn.
i. Obedience to God leads to deeper levels of relationship/intimacy and favor.
12:3 – A man is not established by wickedness but the root of the righteous cannot be removed.
i. “A Dog Eat Dog World” means that we advance ourselves through whatever means necessary to get out on top (lying, cheating, deception are common practices to do this).
a. Evil is always variable meaning evil tries to take new forms.
ii. Goodness is constant / unchanging because it is the heart of God.
12:5 – The thoughts of the righteous are right but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.
a. Not only are the actions of the righteous right but their thoughts are as well (this further illustrates the renewal of our minds).