This is missing in today's modern churches. A zeal for God’s name and honour produces this anger. An anger that is Holy. When the reverence or honour due to God’s name, church, or people is disrespected, then we see sudden bursts of this anger. These people with holy anger get angry when God’s name is disrespected or dishonoured. Jesus showed this anger in the temple courts when people were buying and selling items in the church. Phinehas showed this anger when people are playing with Moabite women. They showed anger on behalf of God. Phinehas' actions put an end to the plague among the children of Israel (Numbers 25:8). If they had not shown their anger, God would have shown His anger, which is quite destructive.
Many times prophets and saints in the Bible displayed this anger. The churches nowadays are in ruins because they are no people with holy anger. If there are people who are filled with holy anger, they will always strive to restore God's glory and ensure that God's name is revered. Holy anger is a thermometer that measures a saint's spiritual walk with God. A person who is sensitive to God is also sensitive to the sins that around him. If you lose your sensitivity to the sins around you, you can lose your sensitivity to God. Samuel showed this anger when Saul did not destroy the livestock. Elisha showed this anger when Gehazi took the money from the commander.
People in whom God dwells show this anger. When they see God's name being dishonoured, their personality changes, and they can suddenly become serious. David said this – Who is this uncircumcised philistine that he defies the armies of the living God. The zeal for God's Glory that burns within them manifests itself as anger on the outside. The zeal for God’s glory is burning in their heart is shown as anger on the outside. Holy anger is more than just weeping for the people; it is about taking action in accordance with God's word. On one side, there is a burning desire to be a vessel of God's Glory, and on the other, anything that dishonours God they will destroy it.
God's fire reveals God's Glory as well as -it’s a reverential fire. When God's fire comes, both things occur simultaneously: God's glory is revealed, and reverence and holiness are maintained. God’s Glory does not come without reverence for God. Today where are the people filled with holy anger? When people are filled with Holy Spirit, they are also filled with Holy zeal or anger. When there is lukewarmness, they will try to break the lukewarmness. When believers are in sin, there are on their knees praying for them. Holy anger arises out of a burden for God's glory. People with holy anger cannot engage in sin or sinful activities. They love sinners but not their sin. They rebuke laziness and lethargy. Their main concern is God’s Glory.
They show their anger within the boundary of God’s word. Anything that hinders God’s Glory they shun. They are the first to respond when the Holy Spirit moves. These days preachers, prophets and believers are all alike without any holy zeal or anger. There is no holy anger evident in their words, acts, or lifestyles. When God's name is disrespected, they remain silent or complacent rather than rebuking it. How will God come to that place if His name is not honoured? God visits a place where His name is revered and respected. Eli lost his spiritual sight not because of his own sins, but because, being in a position of authority, he did not rebuke his sons when they did something wrong against God’s commands.
Holy anger is also a spiritual burden that helps believers increase their standard to live according to God's word. The people filled with holy anger will always be pleading and praying to God to uplift the people around them. People with holy anger will prevent God's wrath and complete God's unfinished work. If you have lost sensitivity to sins around you, like sins in the church or among your brothers, then you have lost the holy zeal or anger. Looking at the miserable condition of the church, does it make you weep?
Looking at the scandals or money making agenda in the church, does it create a burden in your heart to pray for them? Does the sins of others(believers) cause you to weep for them rather than remaining silent or mocking them. Why do you want to go to paradise without all of your friends? Don't be so self-centred that you only want to get to heaven.
Anything involving God's name or glory will impact a person with holy anger. If God's name is disrespected, they are the first to restore it back. Holy anger will prevent God from showing His wrath. Ask God to restore holy anger in your life. People with holy anger are the people whom God uses for his great work. Our land is in desperate need of people filled with holy zeal and anger. People who are filled with holy anger restore the honour due to God's name. How much our lives will be affected if we are around people who are filled with holy anger?