Summary: Proverbs 1

Proverbs 01

Verse 1

“The proverbs of Solomon…”

- Chapters 1-9: Introduction.

- Chapters 10-29: Application of wisdom.

- The book of Proverbs is a collection of practical life wisdom, given mostly in very short memorable statements.

- The book is unique in the way it is structured as it is a collection of individual statements and therefore, there is not much for context nor is the book organized by topic.

- Styled after secular wisdom writings.

- Authored by Solomon, King of Israel, Son of David and Bethsaida.

- Solomon prayed and asked God for Wisdom.

- The Tragedy of Solomon is that even though we can receive wisdom (as Solomon did), he did not follow the path of wisdom and eventually began to fall into idol worship and the book of 1 Kings shows his downfall as God removed his hand of blessing

Verses 2 – 5

“To know wisdom and instruction. To receive the instruction of wisdom in justice, judgement and equity. To give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth. Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.”

- The Purpose of Proverbs is laid out (Wisdom, instruction, perception, understanding).

QUESTION: What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom?

o Knowledge is a collection of facts.

o Wisdom is the right use of knowledge for daily living.

o I know how much money I have in the bank (knowledge), wisdom is budgeting that money so I can provide for my family.

o Wisdom is the right and practical application of knowledge.

o The Hebrew term for wisdom meant skill or applied knowledge.

o Wisdom = Probabilities (Focus’ on the general rule rather than the exceptions.

? I.E – If you live in the way God calls you to live, you will PROBABLY have the better life.

o However, Proverbs are not ignorant of the complexity of human life in the midst of fallen natures which is why there are 2 other wisdom books – Ecclesiastes and Job.

What is Godly wisdom?

- It is wisdom from God and honors God.

- It begins with the fear of God and results in holy living.

- Results in us preparing to live for eternity.

- It allows us to understand we are not of this world but rather citizens of another kingdom and we make choices that reflect our allegiance to Christ.

- We strive to see life from God’s perspective and to live accordingly.

- Wisdom teaches us how to live well in God’s world.

- Wisdom is not Law (Do not do) and is not prophecy (thus says the Lord)

- It is insight from God’s people.

How do we get wisdom?

1. Fear God: A Child like fear where the child loves and respects his parents and has a fear of offending them.

2. Desire Wisdom: Seek after it – be intentional about it.

3. Pray for Wisdom: James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

4. Study God’s Word: Lean on the wisdom and insight found in God’s Word and not on our own knowledge and experience. (Psalm 19:7)

Verse 6 – 7

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

- Proverbs focus is on practical life wisdom more than theological ideas, however Solomon writes this theological principle – true knowledge and true wisdom flows from a proper fear of the Lord.

- What is the fear of the Lord?

o Respect + Honor

o “But what is the fear of the Lord? It is that affectionate reverence by which the child of God bends himself humbly and carefully to his Father’s law.” (Bridges)

o “‘The fear of the Lord’ ultimately expresses reverential submission to the Lord’s will and thus characterizes a true worshiper.” (Ross)

o It is a moral mindset (I am NOT GOD).

o The moral mindset allows us to humble ourselves to accept God’s definition and standard of what is right and wrong. (There is a way that seems right to a man…)

- If true wisdom can be obtained by human effort then the fear of the Lord is not essential to obtaining it; however, if the fear of the Lord is essential to true knowledge and wisdom then a right relationship with him is key.

o Be humble (know your place before God and others.)

o Be teachable (you don’t know everything).

Verse 8-9

“My son, hear the instruction of your father and do not forsake the law of your mother…”

- It is the primary responsibility of the parents to teach and instruct children.

- One of the biggest issues we face in our nation today is the breakdown of the family. That goes both ways – it refers to children being disobedient towards their parents and there is a failure on the parents to teach, instruct and guide their children.

Verses 10-14

“My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent…”

- Solomon’s Advice:

o Wisdom and fear of the Lord -> Virtue, Integrity, Generosity -> Success and peace.

o Foolishness and Evil -> Selfishness/Pride -> Ruin and destruction.

- Solomon’s 1st warning to his son (after telling him to hear and not forsake this teaching) is to be mindful of the company you keep.

- Look at your top 5 best friends – that’s who you are.

Abraham, Lot, Sodom & Gomorrah

- Corruption x Vexation – When Lot chose Sodom and Gomorrah, he chose that place because it was the best and it was thriving. (Cities is often where sin thrives).

- When Lot had to leave, he was vexed (he was in agony, anxious,)

- His wife was corrupted – she looked back because she didn’t want to leave it behind, and she died.

- Lot’s daughters were corrupted – as soon as they were safe from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah – their 1st thoughts were this - we need to have kids so let’s get our dad drunk and sleep with him.

“Come with us…”

- The temptation to sin includes a sense of belonging. Isn’t that what we all want.

- The world of sin offers the illusions of empowerment, money, influence, etc.

- The way of Jesus:

o Belong to an eternal family.

o Peace that the world does not and cannot provide.

o It is the way of humility and death. (Not very appealing to the flesh).

- Solomon wants us to listen to the meaning behind the words that are spoken

o To shed blood – They are not saying let’s get together and commit murder but rather, come with us, join us, belong with us and we will give you empowerment even though it means you’ll have to step over some other people – the way to arrive at empowerment is at the cost of others.

Verses 15-19

“Do not walk in the way with them...”

- Stay away from those who do evil!

- Sadly enough, Solomon did not listen to his own advice as many of his wives were involved in idol worship and this became his own trap.

- We are our own worst enemy.

Verses 20-21

“Wisdom calls aloud outside…”

- Wisdom is not hidden – it is crying out to people but often wisdom is ignored.

- Wisdom crying out loud to reveal and reflect God’s invitation to sinners towards repentance.

- Wisdom cries out in the public places for anyone and everyone to hear and heed wisdom.

- Warren Wiersbe: “The greatest tragedy is that there’s so much noise that people can’t hear the things they really need to hear.”

Verses 22-27

“How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity…”

- The call of wisdom is to make an appeal to those who need wisdom the most – those who are untrained in the way of wisdom.

- How long will it take before you respond to wisdom? When is enough, enough?

- To love simplicity is to have preference for / towards ignorance.

“Turn at my rebuke; surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, because you disdained all my counsel, and would have none of my rebuke, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes…”

- Fools hate knowledge and wisdom. 1st, they already think they know everything and so reject the invitation and the rebuke that wisdom offers.

- Who does God call foolish? Those who reject HIS wisdom because he is actively speaking and making an attempt to correct our lives, our paths. Fools are those who lack spiritual desire to seek after God’s wisdom and guidance.

- Wisdom does not laugh at disaster but rather at the triumph of what is right over what is wrong.

Verses 28–33

“Then they will call on me, but I will not answer; they will seek me but they will not find me. Because they hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord. They would have none of my counsel and despised my every rebuke…”

- When wisdom is rejected, there is no Plan B – there is no alterative path to take.

- When we fall into traps, there is not always an immediate escape. (It takes time to get out of debt through diligence of paying towards debt).

“Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, and be filled to the full with their own fancies…the complacency of fools will destroy them…”

- Rejecting wisdom ends in destruction and death.