Summary: Life, much like a roller coaster, is filled with exhilarating highs, challenging lows, unexpected twists, and heart-stopping turns. Just as a roller coaster demands courage to face its peaks and valleys, so too does life require resilience, faith, and a steadfast spirit.

The Roller Coaster Ride of Life

Great afternoon, Beloved of the Most High. Today I want to discuss exploring the thrilling and sometimes perplexing roller coaster ride of life. Life, much like a roller coaster, is filled with ups and downs, twists and turns. As we navigate this ride, let us find guidance and encouragement in the timeless wisdom from King Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:11: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that Yahweh does from beginning to end."

I. Embracing the Seasons of Life:

King Solomon reminds us that Yahweh has made everything beautiful in its time. Life is a series of seasons, each with its unique purpose and beauty. Just as a roller coaster has its ascents and descents, our lives have moments of joy and sorrow as well as success and failure. It’s essential to recognize and embrace the seasons, trusting that Yahweh is orchestrating every twist and turn for our ultimate good.

II. The Mystery of Yahweh's Timing:

The verse also speaks of Yahweh putting eternity in our hearts, acknowledging the divine aspect of our existence. Despite our limited understanding, we can find comfort in the fact that Yahweh's timing is perfect. The roller coaster ride of life may include waiting periods, moments of uncertainty, and times when we question the purpose of certain experiences. However, Yahweh's plan unfolds in His time, revealing the beauty of His design. Our hearts are designed to long for something beyond the temporal, something eternal that connects us to our Creator. We will surely encounter peaks of joy and the valleys of despair, but we are assured comfort and peace knowing that Yahweh's timing is perfect.

Life often presents us with waiting periods, where it seems like the roller coaster has come to a standstill. These moments can be challenging, testing our patience and faith. However, just as a roller coaster needs time to ascend before the exhilarating descent, Yahweh uses waiting periods in our lives to build our character, deepen our faith, and prepare us for the journey ahead. In times of waiting, we are called to lean on Yahweh's promises and trust in His unwavering patience.

The roller coaster ride of life is marked by moments of uncertainty, where the track ahead is shrouded in mystery. In these times, we may question the purpose of certain experiences and wonder why certain twists and turns are a part of our journey. Yet, it is precisely in these moments of uncertainty that our trust in Yahweh is refined. We may not see the full picture, but Yahweh, the Master Designer, knows every turn and loop. Trusting in Him enables us to navigate the uncertainty with confidence, knowing that He holds the blueprint of our lives.

Yahweh's plan unfolds in His time, revealing the beauty of His design. Like a roller coaster that unveils breathtaking views during its ascent and provides moments of awe during its descent, our lives, when surrendered to Yahweh, unfold according to His divine plan. The seemingly random twists and turns of life are intricately woven into a masterpiece that reflects Yahweh's wisdom, love, and purpose for each of us. As we surrender to His design, we witness the unfolding of a journey that surpasses our expectations.

The roller coaster ride of life, with its waiting periods, moments of uncertainty, and unexpected turns, is a canvas upon which Yahweh paints the story of our existence. As we trust in His perfect timing and sovereignty, we find solace and joy in the knowledge that Yahweh's plan for our lives is intricate, purposeful, and ultimately beautiful.

III. Trusting Yahweh's Sovereignty:

As we navigate the roller coaster ride of life, it's crucial to trust in Yahweh's sovereignty. Roller coasters are designed with safety measures to ensure a thrilling yet secure experience. Similarly, Yahweh, in His infinite wisdom, is in control of our lives. Even in the midst of challenges, uncertainties, and unexpected turns, we can trust that He is working out His perfect plan for us.

As we navigate the roller coaster ride of life, it's crucial to trust in Yahweh's sovereignty. Roller coasters are designed with safety measures to ensure a thrilling yet secure experience. The engineers meticulously plan every twist, turn, and loop to provide both excitement and safety for the riders. Similarly, Yahweh, in His infinite wisdom, is the divine Engineer of our lives.

Our lives are not haphazardly thrown together; they are intricately designed by Yahweh. You are not a mistake or a misstep. Every circumstance, every challenge, and every unexpected turn is a part of His intentional design. Just as a roller coaster is crafted with a specific purpose to evoke joy and excitement, our lives are crafted by Yahweh with a purpose that goes beyond our comprehension. We can trust that every twist and turn serves a higher purpose in Yahweh's grand design for our lives; even when those turns may be tumultuous, filled with horror, and/or sleepless nights.

But, be assured, just as we place trust in the structural integrity of the roller coaster and the expertise of its engineers, we ought to place that same trust in Yahweh's hands. His sovereignty ensures our safety and security through life's ups and downs. The challenges we face are not meant to harm us but to refine us, shaping us into the image of Christ. Our faith in Yahweh's sovereignty becomes an anchor in turbulent times, providing a sense of security as we surrender to His guidance.

As our lives take unexpected turns, we begin to question the path ahead. Yet, in Yahweh's sovereignty, even the unexpected turns are opportunities for redemption and transformation. What may seem like a detour or a setback in our limited understanding is often a divine redirection toward His greater purpose. Yahweh's perfect plan unfolds, not just despite the unexpected turns but often through them, revealing His redemptive power and grace.

We can find assurance in Yahweh's sovereignty. Just as a roller coaster is a carefully designed experience, our lives are crafted by the hands of a loving and wise Creator. Trusting in Yahweh's sovereignty means embracing His divine design, finding safety in His hands, and discovering redemption even in the unexpected turns. We must continue the journey of life with unwavering faith, knowing that Yahweh is in control, working out His perfect plan for our lives.

IV. Finding Joy in the Journey:

Despite the ups and downs, twists and turns, life's roller coaster is a journey worth taking. In every season, there are opportunities for growth, learning, and drawing closer to Yahweh. As followers of Christ, we are called to find joy in the journey, knowing that our hope is most definitely anchored in the eternal promises of the Most High Yah.

Just as a roller coaster ascends before the exhilarating descent, our lives often ascend to new heights through the challenges we face. In the midst of trials, we have the opportunity to grow in our resilience, our character, and our faith. These experiences become the very means through which Yahweh shapes us into vessels of His grace and instruments of His love. Embracing the journey designed for us, allows us to discover the strength within us that Yahweh provides.

Life's roller coaster comprises various seasons, each offering unique lessons and insights. Just as the changing scenery on a roller coaster ride provides moments of awe, the different seasons of life present opportunities for learning. In times of abundance, we learn gratitude, and in times of scarcity, we learn reliance on Yahweh's provision. Each twist and turn becomes a classroom where Yahweh imparts wisdom, deepening our understanding of His ways and purposes. Remember, Isaiah 55:8 tells us, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways…”

The roller coaster of life can draw us closer to Yahweh in ways we might not anticipate. In moments of exhilaration, we may find ourselves praising and thanking Him for His goodness. During the descents of life's challenges, we may seek His guidance and comfort, or we may also ask Him, “Why?” The journey, with its highs and lows, twists and turns, and bumps and bruises, becomes our spiritual pilgrimage, bringing us into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Yahweh. Our dependence on Him brings about strengthen, sometimes strength we didn’t realize we had as well a joy we didn’t think we could or should experience. This joy is not tied to our circumstances; it’s rooted in our connection with the Eternal Victory, fostering our dependence on Him.

As followers of Christ, our joy is grounded in the unchanging promises of Yahweh. The roller coaster of life may be unpredictable, but our hope is unwavering because it is anchored in Yahweh's faithfulness. The eternal promises of salvation, grace, and love provide a firm foundation for our journey. Regardless of the twists and turns, our destination is secure in Christ, and our joy is sustained by the hope of an eternal and glorious future.


The roller coaster of life is not merely a series of events, but a journey filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and drawing closer to Yahweh. As followers of Christ, let us find joy in the journey, recognizing that our hope is anchored in the eternal promises of Yahweh. With each twist and turn, may we embrace the adventure, knowing that every moment contributes to the unfolding story of God's grace in our lives. Be mindful in knowing the roller coaster ride of life reflects the beautifully intricate plan that Yahweh has for each one of us. Let us embrace the seasons, trust in Yahweh's perfect timing, and find joy in the journey. As we hold onto the truth of Ecclesiastes 3:11, we will navigate life's roller coaster with faith, knowing that Yahweh is the ultimate Designer of our destiny. Amen.