Loose the Lion inside
Romans 12:1-2 MSG.
1-2. So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
3. I'm speaking to you out of deep gratitude for all that God has given me, and especially as I have responsibilities in relation to you. Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace, it's important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.
So many people in this world are doing life, as though they have been given a sentence to serve doing this thing called adulting! And their going to have to do hard time doing things like work, responsibility and the right thing for eternity! Without ever the possibility of the parole of happiness!
They think its all about what they can do or say themselves, to affect the outcome in the situations of their life. No one cares enough, or does enough for them and then, when good things seem like there taking to long to happen, they become discouraged.
Everyone in the world wants independence, but realizes the dependence of entitlement on someone else makes or so they think, makes life easier!
Spiritually speaking, everyone wants the benefits from being dependent on God, but wants to hang on to their independence, even if they have to live below the poverty level of happiness, their entitled to!
A lot of people today don’t realize the reason they’re not happy. But the reason they’re not enjoying life is simply because their minds have been trained in the wrong direction, much to the devils amusement and doing.
The Apostle Paul had it right when he said;
“God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering!”
In other words, give your every waking minute to God! Look to your every need to be filled by God! Make your absolute source, the One True Living God of all possibilities, miracles and sustenance!!
So often, we say don’t put God in a box! Who are we trying to kid! It’s a sad state of affairs, but most Christians are really the ones, who are in the box.
Gods not the one in the box, we are and it’s by our own volition! Because we know in the box, it seems safe and we think we can, control what happens in our life, by what we think is safe inside the box!
When we do that, what we really do is limit what God wants to do in our circumstances and then we wonder why its taking so long in our lives, for things to happen and then somehow end up blaming Him!
That’s really some crazy thinking, wouldn’t you agree? Most people if they were to witness anyone in this situation would say, that dude needs some help, that’s some whacked up way of living!
Paul tells us the remedy in the inspired word of God as to what to do!
“Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking.”
So many of us, go through life on auto-pilot. This is the way I was brought up! I must do things the way I’ve been trained and equipped to live, even if it’s to a fault!
Even when things don’t happen like we think they should, we still just keep thinking, there has to be something else that I can do!
Our independence of control fights what we know is the right thing to do! And that is the cast all our cares on God and depend on His never failing promises, willingness and capabilities!
We say or think to ourselves, with the accusers encouragement! If I just keep trying, I’ll come up with something! And little by little, discouragement, doubt and defeat creeps in and those negatives become a standard way of living and cheat everyone in the box, out of every blessing that God has for you!
God doesn’t want you to have a negative mindset, He wants you to be positive about your life and your situation! God wants you to realize you’ve got a lion living inside of you, that He has created you to live a life full of abundance and blessings!
Living life on the inside the box, with the worlds influence all around, will beat you down!
I say it’s high time, all Gods Children blew the lid off the box and maximum exposure to the benefits and blessings of God and what He wants to do for us!
Jerm. 29:11 HCSB.
11. For I know the plans I have for you”—this is the LORD’s declaration—“plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
Praise God for the declaration, what I really should say is declarations, because the word declares plans as plural! Gods plans are many just like His mercies, I believe they are renewed for us, each and everyday!
Praise the Lord, Thank You Jesus, Great is Your Faithfulness!!!
TBS. “When you fix your attention on God’s Grace and what He can do in your life”
I know this seems foreign to the way the world thinks and operates! But when you get out of the way of what God has planned for you and what God wants to do in your life, He will give it to you! It won’t be you that did it, it will be 100 percent God!
Instead of what your capable of, you'll be changed from the inside out, which is something only God can do!
Matt. 11:28-30 MSG.
28-30"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
His yoke is easy, His burden is light, were the ones who make it difficult. If we say we want what God has planned for us and if we’re ever going to truly live the abundant life, we have to stop making it difficult on ourselves to receive!
TBS. to Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. What does God want from us? Jesus told us, “Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your strength, body, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself!”
But you say do you know my neighbor? Funny thing is your neighbor says the same thing about you! What we all ought to be saying to our neighbors is do you know my God and His Amazing Son Jesus as your Saviour?
Well if I said that to my neighbors what would they think? I wouldn’t be so concerned with what the neighbor might think and I would be more concerned with what God thought about your witness to your neighbors!
Jesus said to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature until his return! Living life inside the box will never allow that to happen! Only if you are willing to release the lion inside of you, out of the box and let him go, will that ever happen!
Make God and what He wants for you, your first choice in every situation in your life! Realize there are things God will help you let go of and rely on God to do what He does best! And that would be EVERYTHING! There is nothing outside the realm of God’s ability and capabilities!
Things that you could never do in the natural, but God can do them easily, in the supernatural realm from the inside out, in your life.
By the time that you become aware of it on the outside, He will have already woven it into the fabric of your soul
TBS. “The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.”
Here’s another way of saying it. There has been an extravagant feast prepared for God‘s children! We bring nothing to the table! God has provided all of the provision, God has prepared everything for consumption!
Our only part in the feast, is to consume what has been prepared for us to receive! When will we realize our part and consume what God has prepared for us??
What great things are waiting to be accomplished and will you be capable of, when you realize the lion you have inside of you, wanting to be released?
Well, I’m just a____?And I live in a small ____?
No matter how large or small the excuse, it will never be enough to justify, or negate our responsibilities of being a child of God!
You’ve got a lion inside of your lungs, wanting and waiting to roar!! God has supplied the provision, Jesus is ready, waiting and willing to help you realize your roar!!
God help us all to take a deep breathe and trust God and ROAR into the plans He has for us, the future that belongs to us and the destiny God has prepared for us!
Amen? Amen!