“SO Thankful!” Hebrews 4:14-16
INTRO – Several days ago, woke up w/ a strange word in forefront of my mind. Never used this word before. Wasn’t even sure what it meant. The word was:
stul·ti·fy – verb cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
Other definitions:
to render absurdly or wholly futile or ineffectual, especially by degrading or frustrating means:
to become ineffectual or impaired, especially through frustrating, stifling, or deadening conditions
As I began to think about that word, I became increasingly thankful that the word “stultify” does not describe my life, nor does it describe the life of this church. I am SO thankful for that.
So, on this Sunday before Thanksgiving, let’s consider 4 reasons to be thankful that we see in our Scripture passage for today.
Today is the day of us to be SO thankful…
For JESUS – v. 14a
- He “passed through the heavens” on His way down to us
o Philippians 2:6
- He “passed through the heavens” at His ascension on His way back to the Father, where He is at the right hand of the throne of God interceding for us even now.
o Luke 24:50-51
o Romans 8:34
- He will “pass through the heavens” on His way back down to get us one day.
o Acts 1:9-11
- We should be SO thankful for JESUS!
For Our FAITH – v. 14b
- “confession” – homologeo – To say the same thing as
- Our faith is living our lives by saying & showing that we believe the truth of the Word of God & the Gospel.
- NIV – “hold firmly to the faith we profess”
- NLT – “hold firmly to what we believe”
- We should be SO thankful for our FAITH!
For His SYMPATHY – v. 15
- What an incredible, comforting truth to KNOW that Jesus “sympathizes” w/ us in our weaknesses.
- Means that He has compassion for us when we are weak.
o Worried
o Anxious
o Struggling
o Confused
o Battling temptation – He did the same thing, “yet without sin.”
- We should be SO thankful for His SYMPATHY!
For Our CONFIDENCE – v. 16
- What a privilege for our us to approach God’s throne w/ confidence – not in ourselves, but in the one to whom we are praying!
- He will pour out His mercy on us.
o Mercy – God not giving to us what we deserve.
- He will pour out His grace on us.
o Grace – God giving to us that which we do not deserve.
- We should be SO thankful for our CONFIDENCE!
CONCLUSION – Today, if you realize that your life has become “stultified” – no enthusiasm or initiative in your walk w/ Christ – your life has become ineffectual or impaired due to sin in your life – you find yourself frustrated & stifled in your spiritual maturity – be SO thankful that you can come to your loving High Priest – Jesus Christ – in brokenness & repentance, & find He’s ready to pour out His mercy & grace into your heart today!