Summary: There are false teachers being used of the Devil to sweep the believers away from the truth of the word of God and the way of eternal Salvation. We are being warned to be careful and to resist such tactics as much as possible.

Guiding against Philosophy and Deception of Men.

Study Text: Colossians 2: 6 - 10


- It is possible for those who have believed in Jesus to be deceived and drawn away from the truth of the Word of God into error and falsehood. Galatians 1:6

- The bait used by the enemy for deceiving the Christian is called philosophy of men. This is the reasoning of men that formed their belief; coming from their thought and preconceived ideas.

- In Isaiah 55:8-9, it is very clear that the

Knowledge and Ways of God are far from human knowledge and ways.

- True success is based on the Word of God, and not on ideas of men. But the Devil wants us to seek success and prosperity outside God and the truth of His Word. Joshua 1: 8, Psalms 1: 2-3.

- By reasoning, men rejected the way of God for man’s salvation, and lay down natural principles that looks attractive and reasonable and many innocent souls are being taken captive. Romans 10:1 - 3

- There are three-fold possible attack of the Enemy revealed to us in the Scripture :

a. Through philosophy and vain deceit.

b. After the traditions of men which are human reasoning appealing to our fleshly desires.

c. After the rudiments of the world, which are the elementary concepts that are not embracing true Spiritual realities.

- The Apostle Paul believed that the Colossian church was under attack. The believers there were in danger of being captured and dragged away from their genuine devotion to Jesus Christ by the deceitful philosophies and high-minded ideas of false teachers.

- Paul delivered a similar warning to the church in Ephesus: “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient”

(Ephesians 5:6).

- With empty deception or vain deceit, false teachers try to undermine the deity and supremacy of Christ and the truth of God’s Word still today. So the message is equally relevant to us today as it was for the Colossians and Ephesians believers.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings by the grace of God:

1. The Precautions to Hint the Believers.

2. The Philosophies to Harm the Believers.

3. The Principles to Help the Believers.

1. The Precautions to Hint the Believers:

- In our text, Paul warns that false teachers want to deceive us and make us slaves to their false teachings. He identifies for us three precautions that we must heed to avoid ever being taken captive by false teachers.

1. The Precaution to Beware.

- The word translated “beware” means, to see, discern, to turn the eyes to anything, to perceive by the senses. This word calls us to action. We must not be caught off guard. We must open our physical eyes and the eyes of our discernment.

- Spiritual dangers are all around us. False teachers abound. The warning Paul is giving to the believers is not an option, but a direct command.

- God is saying to us through Paul, “You must keep your eyes open and scrutinize carefully the philosophies of men in the light of the Word of God.”

- False teachers are constantly luring those who are ignorant of the Bible. As Children of God, we must know the Bible and know it well.

2. The Precaution to avoid Deception.

- Men will use philosophy to deceive you. Biblical wisdom is the God-given ability to make right choices in life. Secular wisdom or human philosophy is the human ability to make choices based on education, reasoning or opinion. It is earthly, sensual and often devilish (James 3:15).

- The human philosophy Paul spoke of was the love of secular wisdom. It was in partnership with vain deceit which was nothing but unprofitable and empty claims.

- Paul said that this human philosophy and vain deceit was based on two things:

a) Human Philosophy was based on traditions of men.

- The word describes that which is handed down by word of mouth or in writing by one generation to another.

- Traditions are not bad except when they contradict the Bible. The philosophy and vain deceit of false teachers is based on ideas handed down from another man (or woman). It did not originate from God. This is true of every false religion today.

b) Human Philosophy was based on the rudiments of the world.

- The word refers to the first principles or basic elements of something.

- Human philosophy is not based on Christ. Any philosophy that is not clearly rooted in the teachings of Christ and the Bible is not of God.

3. The Precaution Not to Look for Something More outside Christ.

- Christ is all you need. In Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead. He is the sum total of all that God is, all of His being and attributes.

- Jesus is God Almighty and not just a god. Being God, He is the sovereign ruler of all things and He is above all. He is all powerful, He is all knowing, and He is ever present everywhere. Nothing is too hard for Him. (Hebrews 7:24 - 25)

- He is completely God and He completely fills us. If you truly know Christ, you have been filled by Him at salvation and you are still filled by Him.

- When a person is born again into the family of God, he is born completely in Christ. His spiritual growth is not by addition, but by nutrition. He grows from the inside out. Our greatest need is not to get more of Christ but to allow Christ to control more of us.

- To avoid being deceived and spiritually spoiled, we need to heed the precautions God gave us here.

2. The Philosophies to Harm the Believers.

- This include all forms of teachings, doctrines and practices, rules and regulations that cannot be backed up with the person, the purpose and the power of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ:

1. Enforcement of Old Testament Practices.

- There are certain things which were done in the Old Testament, which is the dispensation of Law, but are no longer acceptable in the New Testament, which is the dispensation of Grace. Examples include:

a. The building of altar in the temple.

- Burning of candles and incense and offering of animals for sacrifice.

b. Certain believes about defilement and impurities.

- Women during the monthly menstrual cycle, eating of certain foods and the touching of dead bodies were common examples in the Old Testament.

c. Observing the Ten Commandments in place of receiving the free gift of Salvation.

- Many are still laying emphasis on fulfilling the Laws today rather than living the New Life that comes through the Grace of Salvation.

2. Teaching and Enforcement of Doctrines of Demons.

- The Scripture in 1 Timothy 4: 1-5, identified for us certain doctrines of Demons:

a. Abstaining from food for religious and sanctification purposes.

b. Forbidden to marry as a means of consecration to the service of God.

c. Enforcing the observance of special holidays and sabbath days for religious purposes.

d. Accessing the presence of God through Holy Mary

e. Praying through Angels and worship of Angels.

3. Rules and Regulations by Church Leaders.

- The rules and regulations in the Church are to bring orderliness in the Church and are not to be taken as Biblical Doctrines.

- Example include the mode of dressings, adornments and marriage protocols.

4. Enforcing Personal Views on Certain Biblical Doctrines and Practices.

- Example include Baptismal class and baptism, Holy Communion, order of services, anointing oil etc.

- Only what the Scripture teaches, or what was practiced in the Acts of the Apostles are the standard for us on such issues today.

5. Enforcing Cultures and Traditions of Men in the Church.

- Some practices are traditions and culture of the Land or of the tribe, and are being enforced in the Church as doctrines. Examples of these vary among Cultures, Tribes or Nations.

3. The Principles to Help the Believers.

- There are several principles shared in the Word of God to help the believers from falling away from the truth. These include:

1. The Believers must not be Ignorant of the Devices of the Devil.

- We need to be enlightened and at alert everyday that the Devil is always looking for our downfall and destruction. John 10: 10, 1 Peter 5:8.

2. The Believers must keep Growing in Grace and the Knowledge of God.

- This will lead to our spiritual maturity and makes it difficult for us to be swept away. 2 Peter 3: 18, Ephesians 4: 11-14.

3. The Believers must be Submitted to God and Resist the Devil Always.

- We need to keep living a life well pleasing to the Lord as we are instructed, and to always destroy the works, plans and purpose of the Devil over our lives by the power and authority given to us by Jesus Christ. Luke 10: 19 - 20.

4. The Believers must Verify all things by the Word of God.

- All teachings and doctrines must be verified by the Word of God. Also, all supernatural manifestations must be tested, and reject whatever has no basis in the Word of God. 2 Timothy 4: 1-2, 1 John 4:1.

5. The Believers must Pray and Seek Counsel from Godly Leaders whenever Necessary.

- When confused about any issues, fervent prayers and godly counseling from faithful leaders would be of great help to preserve the believers in the will of God.


- The Devil through the Philosophies and vain deception is working to take the believers captive and be separated from the way of eternal Salvation.

- Jesus is committed to our security and preservation from all evils and falling away, but we need to do our part by heeding the warnings, living to please Him, and standing against the enemy by the power and authority He has given to us.

- Through the grace of God and our determination to stand for Him, our victory is guaranteed.