Summary: God created every one with a single agenda of enjoying the life. Our members of the body if utilised properly, we can enjoy the life. Diligent hands leads to prosperity and authority. The relationship with God is more important to enjoy the life.

Proverbs 12:11-28

Diligent hands


Illustration: One parrot was caught from a forest. It was kept in a cage. She was given food. One day the hunter went to the. He went to the Forest and asked the parrot what message she would like to send to the pair. She said to the hunter to convey that she is happy. He went and told no one listened. But there was one single parrot, heard it and cried and died. Hunter came and told this to the parrot at cage. She also cried, and fell down and died. He took her and threw outside, suddenly she flew to the tree. She told him thanks for the message from my friend. He Sent the information how I need to be released from the cage. (Adopted).

Introduction to proverbs 12:

The Hebrew word for proverb is “mashal” and it can mean several things; “poetry, similitude, a maxim, parable, byword,” and as the word says,” proverb” or “to be like.” If we break down this word, the first part is “pro” for coming before and the second part “verb” is that of verbal or words but the Proverbs are so much more that having a word coming before us. 

The first part of this chapter talks about better to "be"successful, even if others do not know it, rather than to "appear" successful and be a failure (Proverbs 12:1-11). The next part of this chapter makes frequent references to speech and hard work. (Proverbs 12:12-28). Solomon is giving the reader multiple real practical life choices where the person has a choice that he must make between right and wrong, good and bad, true and false.

Observation of words:

Till the land (v.11), root of the righteous (v.12), tongue of the wise brings healing (v.18), transgression of the lips (v.13), fruit of the mouth (v.14a), truthful lips and lying tongues (v.19), lying lips (v.22), manual labor (v.14b), listening ears (v.15), prudent ignore insult (v.16), deceitful mind (v. 20), clever conceals knowledge (v.23), heart with anxiety (v.25), hand of the diligent rule (v.24), diligent obtain wealth (v. 27), no death in the path of righteousness (v.28).


The purpose of God’s creation of our members of the body are beautifully described in this passage. If you read the whole book of proverbs you can see that are listed again and again the importance of the usage of the members of our body.

The members of our human body are connected with certain qualities of work. The hands refer to manual labour and tilling the ground. The ears to listen, the tongue, the lips, the mouth to speak the truth, the mind to be calm and graceful, and the legs on the path of righteousness, are referred to various activities profitable to the human life. The secret life is known as root of the man.

This evening, I would like to share with you three things related to the diligent Hands. First, must be a true or truthful person; Second, must be the Calm person; and Third, must be a diligent person.

True Man: (Proverbs 12:12-23).

The Hebrew word for root is “shoresh” literally the underground part of a plant that anchors and nourishes the plant. Likewise, the secret life of a righteous with God, means in God’s word, in holy spirit and in Christ is important. He must be be stable, secure, and comfortable, healthy, happy, enabling to bear fruit, that is, be productive.

The Use of lips, tongues and mouth makes a man as a truthful or a Liar. For Truthful man, His good, kind, and encouraging words will bring life to himself and others. Some people have the terrible ability to speak in a manner that stabs and slices others. Their words are like the slashing and piercings of a sword, bringing hurt instead of healing. God looks after those who love the truth and speak the truth. The judgments of the God of truth will show how temporary the success of the lying tongue is.

There is another proverb as true as this: “A liar had need of a good memory; for as the truth is not in him, he says and unsays, and often contradicts himself.” (Clarke). It is a mark of wisdom and prudence to not reveal all that we know, especially if it may harm or disgrace others. “Someone who is careful in what he says will be equally careful about whom he confides in.” (Garrett)

Those who lie put themselves at risk: their own deceit, eventually, they will be caught. Those who patiently hold their tongue, waiting to speak until they have something useful and helpful to say, are wise. In contrast are those who can't control their speech, hurting other people and damaging their own reputation in the process. Of special distaste to God are those who persistently lie (Proverbs 12:12-23).

Calm man: (Proverbs 12:12-23).

Response to insult: The wise thoughtfully respond to situations instead of making an immediate, impulsive response. (Enduring Word). “It is not so much that the wise man represses anger or feelings but that he is more shrewd in dealing with it.” (Ross). The fact that the prudent man is shrewd, clever, and crafty does not mean that he is silently scheming his revenge.

Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression. Solomon considered an inward cause of depression. It may come from fear and anxiety within a man or woman’s heart. This is why God so often tells us to be anxious for nothing (Philippians 4:6, Matthew 6:33-36) and pray about everything. (Enduring Word). The heart of the anxious man is a reference to the thinking, the mindset, or nature of one who worries endlessly and needlessly, always anxious over something.

Response to people in need (calm man is having a listening ears):

Neighbor does not necessarily refer to someone who lives next door or near. The Hebrews generally referred to any countryman with a focus on local companions, friends, acquaintances, colleagues. It can be one who is of the same race, or social/geographical or someone who lives within your community. The context here, though, is one who is a close friend.

The counselling is another set of eyes to look upon the future. The wise person understands that it is helpful. Significantly we note that the Proverbs always emphasises counselling or counsellor’s as in a group. The collective decisions are more profitable (Proverbs 11:44, 15:22, 24:6). Encouragement costs little from the one who gives it, but can do enormous good for the one who receives it. “The ‘kind word’ probably includes encouragement, kindness, and insight—saying that which the person needs to gain the proper perspective and renew hope and confidence.” (Ross)

Diligent man: (Proverbs 12:24-28).

Hard work, honesty, goodness, and kind words benefit a person and those around him. Laziness, lies, and rebellion against God are paths to disaster (Proverbs 12:24-28).

The hand here is used to represent the person himself, as a diligent (Heb. charuts) hand is a hardworking person. It is one who has or shows care and conscientiousness, concern in one’s work or duties. The word Hebrew word (mashal) rendered rule means to exercise authority and power over others.

The hand of the diligent is a hard-working, industrious person. A diligent person is characterised by care and perseverance in carrying out what needs to be done. This person is persistently industrious in carrying out his tasks. One who cares about his work as though it literally is reflective of him as a person will eventually be in a position of authority with much power, be it by his hand or by the hand of another who sees the wisdom of elevating him.

There are many precious things a man or woman can have, but diligence is near the top of the list. Many great things are accomplished with little talent but great diligence. Hard working people achieve and come to places of leadership (Enduring word).

“Diligence at work determines success and advancement. The diligent rise to the top and the lazy sink to the bottom.” (Ross) Hebrew, the deceitful. So he calls the slothful, because deceit and idleness are commonly companions, and such men seek to gain by fraud what they either cannot or will not get by honest labour.” (Poole).

The interpretive translation GNT “if you work hard, you will get a fortune,” focusing on the results, and the CEV “a hard worker is a valuable treasure” focusing on what led to the results.

God bless you.