Title: Doctors, Bridegrooms, Garments and Wineskins Script: Mk. 2:16-22
Type: Expository Where: GNBC 10-1-23
Intro: Dr. Kent Keith said in the paradoxical commandments, “People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you have anyway.” (Rich O’Toole sermon) If ever this was true of anyone, it was true of Christ. He had healed, taught, delivered, and yet the ones who should have loved Him the most questioned and doubted His very ministry. In today, passage we see Christ responding to those doubts with 3 interesting comparisons.
Prop: In Mk. 2:16-22 we see 3 Interesting Comparisons Christ Makes so as to Answer Questions about His Ministry.
BG: 1. This event takes place about 12-18 months into the public ministry of Jesus.
2. The story focuses around the religious leaders bewilderment at Christ’s ministry to outcasts and His calling of Levi (Matthew) a despised tax collector.
3. In His reply, Christ makes 3 comparisons to His ministry so as to teach these guests about Himself and His ministry. In this we would also do well to remember.
Prop: Let’s look to Mk. 2:16ff so to notice 3 interesting comparisons Christ makes about His ministry.
I. Christ Compares His Ministry to the Work of a Physician vv.16-17
A. Jesus Accepts Those the World Rejects.
1. Sinners Find a Friend in Jesus.
a. v.14 We are introduced to “Levi the son of Alphaeus” as he is sitting in his tax office. The name, “Levi” was after the 3rd son Jacob and Leah, the patriarch. The Levites became a holy tribe of priest who carried out the rituals of worship in Israel. The name “Levi” meant “joined or joined together”. It was meant to be “joined with God”, but Levi had turned his back on God and joined himself with the world of the Romans.
b. It’s hard for us to imagine just how hated Levi would have been. We all “get” the anger and resentment we have for tax collectors. (Brad Oglesby meme: “Would you kindly fix the road I was already taxed to fix, so I won’t damage the car I am annually taxed to drive, which I purchased with the income you already taxed, which sits in the garage of my home which you have highly taxed!) Now, beyond that, Levi was seen as a traitor to his nation and people, a sell out for profit to the Romans. He was also seen as spiritually compromised by the religious leaders for being ceremonially unclean by his daily contact with Gentiles. Again, cannot imagine a more despised man.
2. Levi Comes to Christ When Jesus Calls him.
a. Jesus bids Levi in v. 14 to “Follow me!” and he does! Here’s the Good News: Jesus is calling you today and like He said to Levi, says: “Follow me!” It never ceases to amaze me the people who come to Christ! Illust: I think it’s funny when non-Christians attempt to criticize the church by saying: “The Church is full of hypocrites!” When I was young I used to get all choked about those charges. Today, my attitude is different. “You are correct! We also have the corner on the market of addicts, murderers, gossips, perverts, thieves, liars, adulterers, greed monsters, whores, bigots, neurotics, power hungry, blasphemers, in general, every type of failure the world can find. We have them in all different colors, shapes and sizes: White, Black, Brown, Yellow, green. So, there ought to be someone you can identify with at church!”
b. When Levi comes to Christ, He gives him a new name. Levi – joined, is changed to Matthew – gift of God! Amazing! A man who had forsook his religious heritage for wealth and pleasure is called by Christ and responds! Levi is despised and rejected, he has joined with the world, but friend, Jesus gives him a new name! He declares Levi to be “Matthew” the gift of God! God is in the business of changing names and destinies my friend: Abram, Sarai, Jacob, Simon, Levi! God gave them new beginnings, new hope, new blessings! Same is true with you! What are you known as? What sin weighs you down you can’t get past? Friend, trust Christ and allow him to change your present and future!
B. Christ Compares His Ministry to The Ministry of a Doctor.
1. What is a Doctor’s Ministry?
a. Again, notice the context in vv.16ff – The elites are bothered by Levi’s “coming out party” (Different coming out party than we have today!). Levi wanted all of his friends to meet the man Who had changed his life. Well, if you are a dirty rotten scoundrel, guess who your friends are going to be!!! Scribes and Pharisees see the people and are offended. “How can Jesus not only associate but DINE with these people!” Jesus’ reply: v.17 (READ).
b. How was Jesus’ ministry similar to that of a doctor’s? They both desired to heal the sick! Not just bodily, but the whole person, body, soul, spirit! Illust:
2. There are Three Types of Patients Won’t Heal of their Sin Sickness.
a. Jesus will not heal the sin sick soul of a person who does not know Him. Illust – You need to meet Christ. Always that awkward moment when you’ve got the dressing gown on, backside’s a bit breezy! In walks doctor and he or she sees you at your most vulnerable place. “Hello, my name is Dr….” Vulnerable, exposed, naked souls need Christ!
b. Jesus will not heal the sin sick soul of a person who does not trust Him. Illust: Past week I went to Steindler Clinic to get some help for a problem I’ve been having with one of my arms. Met a brilliant young doctor specializes in sports injury and nerve damage/repair. He poked, pushed, prodded and palpitated just about every place on my arm! “Does this hurt?!” Then he offered 3 proposed courses of treatment with their probable outcomes. Now, I have a choice to make to trust his experience and direction. Are you reserved in your opinion of Jesus or are you at point the pain in life is great enough you are willing to trust the Great Physician?
c. Jesus will not heal the sin sick soul of a person who will not admit they need Him. Illust: When I saw Dr. this week he asked me when I first noticed this malady. “Easy Doc, Thursday, June 22nd .”. I was trying to get front deck done before family arrived for my daughter’s wedding on June 24th! See his eyebrow raise and almost hear him counting the weeks in his mind. 3months! “I thought it would get better on its own!’ That’s how many of us think. My problems will eventually get better…my life is a mess…I am doing the exact same things that got me here…but somehow its going to improve. I don’t need anyone. I don’t need a doctor. I don’t need Jesus! Yes, friend, you do!
C. Applic: Responding to the angry objections of the Pharisees, Jesus compares His ministry to the work of a doctor. He has come for the sin sick and not the self righteous.
II. Next, Christ Compares His Ministry to the Joy of a Bridegroom at His Wedding. Vv.18-20
A. This Comparison Comes as a Response to Two Critical Questions being asked by the Pharisees.
1. Why do you associate with these people?
a. The Pharisees and Scribes are acting like 1st century “Karens”! Meddling in other people’s business! Standing outside the gates of Matthew’s home, peeking in and appalled at who they see! Then appalled to see Christ with THEM! Natural, in their realm of thinking to ask: “Why are YOU with THEM!” Their concern for ceremonial purity had cut them off from people! People who needed to experience God!
b. Remember this: “Christ comes to convert sinners not compliment the self-righteous!” We need to be very clear about what Jesus meant. He did not mean that anyone is good enough to get into heaven by his own righteousness. Jesus was using irony or sarcasm, saying in effect, “If you guys think that you’re good enough to merit salvation, then you don’t see yourselves as spiritually sick. Thus you won’t see any need for the doctor.” Jesus only saves one kind of person: A sinner who knows that he is a sinner. Smug and self-righteous sanctimony always finds the Gospel offensive.
2. Why do you act like you do?
a. Although they may not have liked John the Baptist. They “got him”. They understood him. He acted religious. Austere recluse! A bit out there…but that’s how super religious people are supposed to act.. at least prophets. But Jesus, well…you aren’t fasting like John and his disciples, or like the Pharisees did (2x) a week. In fact, you are eating and drinking at this great banquet…with sinners! You’re acting like a bridegroom at wedding!
b. Jesus points to the picture of a Bridegroom. At the wedding celebration and feast he does not fast. Why? Joyful occasion! Christ came to bring gladness not sadness!
B. Xst Presents a Powerful Picture to Demonstrate His Point to the Pharisees.
1. Marriage was a powerful OT picture that helped to explain Israel’s relationship to God. OT Prophets like Is. 54:5 and Jer. 31:32 had used this illustration to demonstrate that Israel was in a special and unique relationship with God. They were married to Jehovah and belonged solely to Him. When the nation turned to foreign gods and idols, they committed “spiritual adultery”. Due to their unfaithfulness to their “Husband” they would undergo discipline. The major theme of Hosea is God’s faithful love to an adulterous spouse.
2. John the Baptist had announced Jesus as the coming Bridegroom. Jn 3:29 (READ). Our Lord’s first miracle was at the joyful occasion of a wedding. (Illust: I have probably performed wedding for 60-70 couples over the years. I have seen a lot of things at weddings! But know what I have NEVER seen? The groom fasting at the wedding reception!!! Some may have wished did! Or abstained from the alcohol! Never saw a one fast.
3. Becoming a Christian is like entering a Marriage Relationship. – Back to this passage, Jesus is essentially inviting people to come to the wedding! After all, becoming a Christian is not unlike entering into a marriage relationship. Two people aren’t “married” because they simply know each other or even because they have strong feelings for one another. In order to be married 2 individuals commit themselves to one another with vows. We say, “I do!” Essential to any marriage is trust! Coming to Christ is trusting Christ. Placing your trust in Him for salvation.
C. Applic: Friend, becoming a Christian involves much more than “knowing about Christ” or even having warm feelings about Christ. Rather, salvation comes when a sinner commits himself/herself by trust in Christ and says “I do!” At that moment the new believer immediately enters into the joys of this marriage. We bear His name, we share his wealth and power and protection, and one day we will go to live in His glorious home he has prepared for us!
III. Finally, Christ Compares His Ministry to Attempting to Patch an Old Garment or Wineskin. Vv.21-22
*Jesus Makes 2 Final Important Comparisons About His Ministry.
A. Christ came to call Sinners not the Righteous.
1. The religious leaders were impressed with much of the ministry of Christ. His teaching was second to no one. Maybe they even wanted to take some of His teachings and to incorporate them with some of the teachings and traditions of Pharisaic Judaism. Jesus, however, is exposing the folly of that thought here. He is saying that to do so would be like cutting a piece of cloth from a new garment and sewing that patch over a torn old garment. First, you would ruin the new garment as well as the old. The patch would shrink and rip away, tearing the old.
a. Illust: Christ’s teaching silences the foolish babel of the Spiritual liberals in our day who think ecumenicism has something to offer. They want us to take “the best” of this religion and the best of that religion and mix it with the best of Christianity so we can have something tolerable for all, a synthetic faith. A lot of these spiritual gurus (Pope Francis and Ur of Chaldees 2021) need to dust off their Bible as read the book of Hebrews again! My book of Hebrews has one word that is repeated about Christ in comparison to all that the OT had to offer: BETTER! Friend, the Christian faith is exclusive by nature! It accepts no other faith as its equal or superior. Is this because we are arrogant? NO! It is because our Savior is unique! Only Christ saves! “There is no other name under heaven by which a man may be saved! (Acts 4:12)
b. Illust: Christ the Only Way: William Wallace was the great Scottish hero of independence. As Wallace’s victories increased, so did his reputation in the hearts and minds of the Celts. One day he was about to lead several hundred soldiers into battle who had never met him before. “Sons of Scotland, I am William Wallace!” “You can’t be! William Wallace is 7 feet tall!” To which the good natured Scotsman replied: “Yes, and kills men by the hundreds and shoots lightning from his eyes!” (Laughter). “I am William Wallace. Will you fight with me?” Now think if some soldier would have piped up: “I won’t fight with you. I will wait for the real W. Wallace!” Do you grasp the absurdity of the situation? There was no other Wallace! If they did not follow him, waiting for another who was him was delusional!
2. Jesus came to usher in the new, not unite with the Old.
a. Heb. 8:13 tells us that the Mosaic economy was decaying and ready to vanish. Jesus had come to establish a new covenant in His blood (Lk. 22:19ff), His law would be written on human hearts, not stone (II Cor. 3:1-3) and the indwelling of His Spirit would allow His people to fulfill the law!
b. Christ came to bring Gladness and not Sadness. Illust: There is a common misconception – even among Christians – that the choice to follow Jesus is really a decision to “punch your martyr card.” In other words, some believe that following Jesus is a decision to follow a path of pain, rather than a path of pleasure, a path of denial, rather than one of delight. Nothing could be farther from the truth! The first account of our Lord’s public teaching in Matthew 5 begins with a pronouncement of blessing upon those who follow Him. The word “blessed” could (and perhaps should) be translated “happy”.
c. He came to introduce the New and not patch up the Old. Illust: I have a Toyota Highlander. Front grille is plastic with chrome. About a year ago a 1”section got chipped off at a car wash. Drove it a couple of weeks and irritated me. Decided I would try to touch it up. Prepped it, taped it, painted it. Still off by a little. Few people noticed it…except me. Every time! Bad patch job. Irritated. Finally, bought new grille and stuck it in last week. The new brough a sense of happiness. Contentment. Microcosm of the wholeness, rest, confidence in Christ.
B. When we come to faith in Christ, we do not merely add Him into our old way of life. Conversion means nothing less than complete transformation.
1. I am not sure the Pharisees were really listening when Jesus makes the comparison of the new patch on an old garment. That was women’s work. What did they care. So, Christ makes another comparison that every Pharisee would have cared about: wine.
2. “In this illustration, Jesus said, “When you take new wine, you don’t put it in old wineskins.” Why not? The old wineskins made from goatskin or sheepskin have been stretched because the wine that was in them was continuing to ferment and stretch the leatherette substance to its limit. Jesus was saying that if you put new wine in the old wineskin and that new wine starts to ferment, and in the fermentation process the gases in there expand and stretch the old wineskins, the old wineskins have already been stretched. So, if you put new wine in there, you’re going to lose the wineskin because it’s going to break, and you’ll also lose the wine. You put the wine in the wineskin to keep the wine and preserve the wine so you can carry it about to enjoy the wine. If you put new wine in the old wineskins, you’re going to lose both the wineskin and the wine.” (RC Sproul sermon 4-5-2013)
3. What Jesus was saying is simple: you can’t take the kingdom of God and the arrival of Jesus and simply put it on top of the Pharisees’ traditions. It won’t fit. Something new was happening. There was a new covenant. Yes, it built upon the old, but it couldn’t be absorbed totally by the old. You must have a new aspect if you’re going to fit into the new covenant, and by extension, you can’t have Christ and squeeze Him into your old life and expect that to work.
Illust: Pastor entered Belfast primary school in early 1980’s teaching RE. Asked: “What’s the purpose of the Bible?” “It holds up the windy to help me granny breathe!” Sure enough the later that day the pastor walked the tightly packed council house of Sandy Row and saw a Bible propping up the only ground floor window! The boy’s comments were actually profound. The Bible is in fact God breathed (II Tim. 3:16). Just as the boy’s ailing grandma had to breathe in order to live, the window let in more oxygen. Scripture is essential to our spiritual life. In that Bible we find the person of Jesus Christ, front and center, the focal point of the Father’s plan of Redemption.
C. Applic: Friend, let me ask you to come to Christ today. When you trust Christ you become part of a new creation (II Cor. 5:17), The death sentence the law held over you ended at Calvary. Daily there are new experiences of grace and glory. Don’t hold onto dead religious tradition, lay hold of a living spiritual truth! Quit cherishing the shadows when the reality of the Son has come (Heb. 10:1ff). In Christ we find the “YES” to all of God’s promises!