Poor in Spirit - is a constant state of dependency and looking upon God the Father by which we are always drawing, always receiving, always using the receiving provisions or treasures and always stay nothing(emptying the received provisions). When we receive something from God, we swiftly use what we received for our own benefit or the benefit of others and quicky become empty or nothing. We immediately use the provisions we received, become nothing and again wait for new provisions. We receive, use and swiftly empty what we receive from God. When we accumulate the received provisions for our personal needs without sharing them with others, we lose the state of poor in Spirit.
Poor in Spirit is a state where we show our lack to our master and receive provisions, and then we rapidly empty(use or share) the received provisions and show our lack again. Our lack or poverty makes us to draw from the treasures of heaven. The treasures of heaven include not only physical blessings, but also deposits of Christ's nature such as His wisdom, nature, and knowledge of the person of Jesus. Our lack or poverty makes God to show mercy on us and showers us with His loving kindness.
When we are in this state, we always draw something from God by showing our dependency on Him. God has unlimited heavenly resources or treasures, but they can only be drawn by people who are poor in Spirit. In this generation there is a need of people who are poor in Spirit to draw heaven’s treasures like provisions, needs, healings, wonders, deposits of Christ's nature and so on and give them to this dying humanity. God is even willing to make people who are poor in Spirit to inherit His kingdom. It’s a blessing to be poor in Spirit. Jesus was poor in Spirit. Despite performing tremendous miracles and healings, Jesus was poor in the Spirit. He would not do anything without Father's permission or will. He used to go to Father at the end of each day and ask for the things that needed to be done for the next day. Jesus was completely dependent on the Father’s will.
People who are poor in Spirit draw heaven's treasures or resources to meet the needs of others. They are continuously drawing heaven's treasures such as provisions, healing virtues, gifts, miracles, wisdom, and so on to meet the needs of others. They use heavenly resources to build the Kingdom of God. When we draw from heaven’s treasures to meet the need of others, we are building God’s Kingdom. Since they draw heavenly resources and build the kingdom of God, they become the architects and inheritors of the kingdom of God.
Despite the fact that God uses them strongly or not, they are dependant, empty, and continuously looking to Jesus for the next day or minute. People who are poor in Spirit submit quickly to God’s will. They stay in the boundary of God’s will. They are always in a state of lacking or wanting before God and depend on God the Father on a daily basis.
They function or work every day depending on the will of Father God. Based on Father’s will, they perform miracles and healings, remain hidden, preach, and so on. They don't follow a set pattern or schedule; everything depends on Father God's will for a particular day.
Poor- until Father God provides the next steps or provisions, they choose to stay or remain poor.
People who are poor in spirit are waiting in expectation for Father God to provide the next steps to be taken in accordance with His will.