Summary: Genesis 1:1. It is said that if you can get through the first verse of the Bible, you can read and believe the rest. Do you believe in God? If so, why? How do I know God exists?

One of the simplest stories in the Bible seems to be one of the hardest stories for some to believe.

One of the famous men that doubted the Biblical creation story was a man named Charles Darwin, who died in April of 1882.

Through Darwin’s studies he determined that man was not created by God, as stated in the creation story, but instead was an evolutionary descendent of the animal groupings of apes and chimpanzees.

Some have said that Darwin did more to move men away from God than any other man of his century.

Yet, years after he died, (August 19, 1915) an interview was published in a national Baptist magazine called the Watchman Examiner that claimed that he had a deathbed conversion.

The interview was of a woman who was called “Lady Hope” who visited him in Autumn of 1887 just prior to his death. Here’s what was printed:

Upon entering his room, I found the bedridden man sitting in his bed, reading an open Bible. When she asked him what he was reading he replied, “Hebrews--The Royal book.” When she mentioned the early chapters of the book of Genesis, Darwin replied, “I was a young man with unformed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions, wondering all the time over everything, and to my astonishment the ideas took off like wildfire. People made a religion out of it.”

Then he added, “I have a summerhouse in the garden, I want you to speak there tomorrow afternoon.” When she asked what about, he replied, “Christ Jesus and His salvation.” Then he added, “And then I want you to sing some hymns with them. If you take the meeting to three o’clock, this window will open and you will know that I am joining in the singing.”

After hearing this story Darwin’s daughter, Henrietta said: “I was present at his deathbed. Lady Hope was not present during his last illness, or any illness... He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier.”

Likewise, critics said that it if were true, why didn’t his wife who was a Christian find comfort in the conversion, and why did Lady Hope wait 33 years before relating it?



I was once told that if a man can get through the first four words of the Bible, then he could read and believe the remainder of the words.

When God said in His Word, “In the beginning God…”

a) God refuted the atheist who says there is no God.

b) God refuted the agnostic who claims we cannot know God.

c) God refuted the polytheist who says there are multiples of Gods.

d) God refuted the pantheist who says all nature is God.

e) God refuted the fatalist who says God does not act in history.

f) God refuted the secularist who says there’s no need to pay attention to God.

The Bible never seeks to prove the existence of God; it just declares that God is. Yet, when an individual understands and believes, “In the beginning God” they are overwhelmed by these powerful and sacred words.

Transition: How do I know God exists?

I. God’s Presence is More Obvious Than You Think

vs. 1 – “In the beginning God…”

Illustration: Astronomy class- UT Arlington

When my wife was attending the University of Texas at Arlington, I was thrilled to learn that one semester she was taking a course in astronomy.

I remember, one dark and starry night, her professor invited all his students to come out to a darkened part of the campus, and there he had several high-powered telescopes for students to look into.

When Jan told me about the opportunity, I decided to tag along with her and see if I would have an opportunity to get a peek for myself. Fortunately, I was young enough to either pass as one of his students, or the professor was nice enough to overlook my presence.

Looking through the electric powered telescopes, I peered for a moment into space and was overwhelmed to see the stars and planets much closer than the naked eye can see.

Yet, as I saw these sights, there was something much deeper that touched me. There was something that overwhelmed me far beyond the study of astronomy. I was overwhelmed by God’s Spirit as He seemed to whisper to me, “In the beginning God.”


On warm summer nights, as we step outdoors and look into the starlit skies, God often reminds us that He is there and has always been there, and always will be there showing Himself to mankind.

Romans 1:20 says, “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

God has not, nor will He ever be found in hiding. God is not hiding from anyone. One slight study of science proves that God is present.

Through His creation He has made His presence undeniably evident. Therefore, His presence is here calling all men to a relationship with Himself.

Allow me to share a few of these undeniable evidences:

1. The tilt of the earth

It has been proven by science that the tilt of the earth, in relation to the sun is (according to scientist) is “just about perfect” to sustain life on the earth.

If you were to go looking for a globe to purchase, you would find that some globes have been manufactured to reveal the tilt. THIS TILT IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE THERE WAS NO TILT AND THE GLOBE WAS PERPENDICULAR, LIFE COULD NOT EXIST ON EARTH.

The earth is tilted at about a 23-degree angle. This 23-degree tilt effects the amount of heat that is absorbed by earth. Therefore the earth, as it rotates, it wobbles off that tilt is only about 3 degrees upward and downward through the course of a year. This effects our seasons and climates. Scientists tell us that the globe follows this pattern with unbelievable preciseness.

But what if the globe wobbled off more than three degrees?

a. What if it wobbled off more than 3 degrees upward? Scientist tell us that if it wobbled more than 3 degrees upward the sun would strike the earth so directly that the oceans would evaporate so quickly that the moisture would be pulled to the North and South Poles creating huge ice caps at each pole. Furthermore, between the two poles could be barren, burned deserts that could not sustain life. Thence, life as we know it would cease to exist.

b. What if it wobbled off course more than 3 degrees downward? The result would be that the sun would strike the northern Artic region so directly that the intense heat would melt the snow and ice so quickly that the melting would cause the oceans to overflow and the continents would be flooded. Our world would be a “water world” literally. Thence, life as we know it would cease to exist.

2. The Speed of Our Rotation

Our planet, at this moment is rotating at about 1000 mph. Scientist agree that this rate of rotation is “just about right” to sustain life on our planet.

For example: What would happen if the earth’s rotation slowed to 100 mph?

One of the results would be that our days and nights would be 10 times longer.

a. If the days were 10 times longer in June, July and August scientist predict that the heat would literally wither, wilt, and virtually kill everything above the surface of the ground.

b. If we survived those months, in the winter months of December, January, and February scientist predict that the winter months with days that were 10 times longer would produce temperatures at night that would plummet to 240 degrees below zero.

The result: The earth would be unable to sustain life.

3. The earth’s crust

Scientists believe that the earth’s crust is “just about right” as well. For example: Scientists believe that if the earth’s contained 10 more feet of additional matter around the entire globe, then the additional matter would oxidize all the free oxygen out of the air and life forms could not live.

Think about it: 10 more feet is not much, but it would have been enough to make it impossible for this planet to sustain living, breathing, life forms.

4. The beauty of birth

Let’s think a minute about the design of the human body.

If you were to study the human skull, you will find that at birth the human skull is not completely formed in the front and back.

In the skull lie four large crack-like lines that are called fontanelles.

At birth, the skull is able to overlap itself allowing the skull to slightly flatten so that it can pass through the birth canal. Without suture joints natural childbirth would be impossible.

The result? Life would have ended with Adam and Eve.


There are thousands of examples from science that prove that there is a master designer and a chief architect of all creation. HIS NAME IS Yahweh-- GOD.

The evidence that God has given us should overwhelm the doubting mind and cause all men to believe in a living, creator, master designer, God.

Yet Romans 1:25 tells us that many have, “…changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever more.”

Through all creation, God is calling out to man saying, “Look, I am here, I created you and I am calling you to know me and serve me.”

Transition: How do I know God exists?

II. God’s Word Is More Powerful Than Most Admit

vs.1 – “In the beginning God created…”


In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the beginning God created” yet, have you ever stopped to consider how He created?

Scripture reveals that God spoke the world into order.

a) In Genesis 1:3 the Bible says, “God said, Let there be light, and there was light.”

b) In Genesis 1:6 the Bible says, “God said, Let there be a firmament…”

c) In Genesis 1:9 the Bible says, “God said, Let the waters under heaven be gathered together…”

d) In Genesis 1:11 the Bible says, “God said, Let the earth bring forth grass…”

e) In Genesis 1:14 the Bible says, “God said, Let there be lights…”

f) In Genesis 1:20 the Bible says, “God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly…”

g) In Genesis 1:24 the Bible says, “God said, Let earth bring forth the living creature…”

h) In Genesis 1:26 the Bible says, “God said, Let us make man in our own image…”

Today, I do not know how powerful you are, but when I read the story of creation, I find that God only use one muscle to create this vast expanse called the universe.

God spoke the world into order. This tells me that:

a) God’s power is beyond my own power.

b) His authority is beyond my ability.

c) His power is beyond is beyond my power.

Illustration: Terry Johnson – “You’re the best preacher/pastor”

God has taught me this lesson many times in my life. A few years ago when I was the pastor of a mission church in Bellaire, Michigan, I would often visit with a man named, “Terry Johnson” who was a leader in our mission church.

I will never forget visiting one Saturday evening with Terry. He was a little discouraged with the progress we were making in our attempt to reach lost people for Christ.

As we were driving down the road Terry said to me, “Pastor, we’ve got the best preacher in all Northern Michigan…” When I heard that, I knew what was coming next would not be good.

I have learned to duck my head when compliments are thrown my way because usually what is coming next is not good.

Sure enough, after the initial compliment he finished the sentence. “Pastor, we’ve got the best preacher in all Northern Michigan… but we can’t seem to get very many people to come hear him.”

Feeling his discouragement, I stopped the car on the side of the road and said to him, “Terry, my best preaching can’t save a soul. My best pastoring will never move the heart of a lost man. My best labor can’t change, transform, or give peace to a hurting man. Some things only God can do.”

Therefore, on the side of the road, Terry and I sat in my little Chevy Cavalier and told God, “We need your power. We need your power to convict, save, and change the lives of others.”

The result: within the week we saw six souls come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.


In our life, often God allows things to humble us and make us realize how powerless we are. What has God used in your life lately to make this obvious to you?

Today, I am here to tell you, “There are some things that only God can do.”

When we read Genesis1:1, we see how small we are and how great God is.

As you look at these verses let me ask you, “What in your life are you trying to handle in your own power?” Is there anything?

If so, why not go out tonight and look into the sky and remember that God can do anything. By His word, he put all the galaxies in their place. By His word He spoke the world into order.

Listen: With God, all things are possible. Why? Because He is Omnipotent and all-powerful God.”

God’s simple word formed planets, stars, animals, lights, water, oceans, humans, and souls. HE IS OUR CREATOR AND HE CAN HANDLE OUR LIFE NEEDS.

Transition: How do I know God exists?

III. God Starts New Things

vs. 1 – “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Illustration: Mike Woodside- “Chemistry says…”

When I was in the eighth grade, I had a wonderful Christian Science teacher named, “Mike Woodside.”

I will never forget one thing that he drove into our head. He constantly said, “Chemistry says, You can’t get something from nothing.”

Later I figured out that he was saying, “There has to be a God, because a simple law of Chemistry says, You can’t get something from nothing.”

When I was in seminary, this thought resurfaced. It resurfaced in my Systematic Theology class where I learned that God created the earth ex nihilo.

Of course the first question we had was, “What is ex nihilo?” When we asked the professor he said, “Ex nihilo means, God created out of nothing.”

Then my mind went back to my 8th grade science class. When we discussed the Big Bang Theory I understood that certain scientists believe that the earth was formed as a result of an explosion in the galaxies.

But the question was, “If that is true, then where did all the galaxies come from? After all, the evolutionary scientists agree with Chemists who say, You can’t get something from nothing.”

In short, what I ask is, “If the Big Bang Theory were true (which it is not) one question still remains, “Who lit the fuse?”

Let me tell you today, “We have a God who is not like man is…” He is limitless. He can create out of nothing. Why? Because HE IS GOD.


a) There is a God

b) You are not Him

Why? You are limited yet He is limitless. (Aren’t you glad?)

When it came to creating the universe: God had no limits, he created out of nothing. But also, when it comes to answering prayers like, “Create in me a clean heart oh God…”

God is still the CREATOR and His abilities are limitless.




Such truths warm my heart, set my soul aflame, and cause me to want to sing: “Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all, the world’s thy hands have made. I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, thy power throughout the universe display. Then sings my soul, my savior God to thee. How Great Thou Art, How Great Thou Art, then sings my soul, my Savior God to the. How great thou art, how great thou art.”

Conclusion: Ruth Graham and Russian cosmonauts

Years ago, Russian cosmonauts launched into space and sent back word to Russia saying: “We’ve gone into space and seen the vast expanse of the universe and can tell you, God is not here.”

Billy Graham’s wife Ruth responded saying: “Remove your space suit and step out of your rocket for a few seconds and you’ll meet him face to face immediately.”

The same God that created life was to create a new life for you.

The same God who began a new work in the universe wants to begin a new work in your heart.

The same God who spoke the world into order wants to bring order to your life.

What will you do with the existence of God? The Bible says: “The fool says in his heart there is no God.” Psalm 14:1 Yet, the wise man says, there is a God and today you can meet Him in the person of Jesus Christ. Will you?