Summary: What happens to those who’ve just given their lives over to the Lord? Will they be able to stand the onslaught of the enemy that is coming? This message will be an encouragement to new converts to open their eyes to the one who chose them before the foundation of the world.


(2 Corinthians 5:17-18) (17) "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (18) "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;"

(2 Corinthians 5:19-21) (19) "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." (20) "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God." (21) "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

(James 1:21) "Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls."

(Romans 8:1-2) (1) "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit." (2) "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

(Romans 8:3-4) (3) "For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:" (4) "That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

(Romans 8:5-7) (5) "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit." (6) "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." (7) "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

(Romans 8:8-10) (8) "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God." (9) "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his." (10) "And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness."

(Romans 8:11-12) (11) "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." (12) "Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh."

(Romans 8:13-14) (13) "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (14) "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."


Dear reader, this message will be a blessing for any church ministry that has a sincere desire to reach out to a hurting confused world that is looking for answers and a reason to live, therefore even as I write this message, I have thoughts of a young lady that had several children but one evening, the young lady pulled into a church parking lot and ended her life because to her, she ran out of reasons to live.

Beloved, what happens to those who’ve just given their lives over to the Lord, and has the thought ever entered your mind, "did they really believe what they just prayed," or "will they be able to stand the onslaught that is surely coming?"

Beloved reader, can we agree that new converts that have just recently surrendered their life to Christ, cannot be expected to know what others know that have experienced the ups and downs that come to those who live by faith?

Beloved, this is why I felt inspired to write this message to better equip and prepare people interested in evangelism, to have something in their hand to offer people who have recently made a profession of faith.

Dear reader, this valuable teaching will help prepare them for the trials that lie ahead, and may God use this work to help strengthen and encourage those who are struggling in their pursuit of their faith to embrace the grace that is available to all who will call upon his blessed name?

Beloved, did you know that here are many today who claim that when they gave their life to Christ, all sinful cravings were instantly taken from them, and these people in their pride, tend to look down on others who are still struggling with some sinful habits as though they did not truly get saved?

Beloved Saints, I can testify to you through years of experience that when we accept Christ into our heart and life, the Lord’s Spirit begins a work of Grace in us to conform us to the image of Christ, however this does not happen overnight, but through a continued process which can take an entire lifetime to get some of us delivered from past hurts and bad habits, but God who is patient, and rich in mercy will guide us through this growing process which will not only help develop our character, but will cause us to become more like him.

Beloved, did you know that after we accept God's free gift of salvation, our minds which have been polluted with the filth that is in the world, is still an enemy to the things of God, therefore we must renew our minds by daily reading and spending time with him in prayer?

Dear reader, I hope you will take time to prayerfully read this message and obey its truths which will help you in your Christian walk with God that you may grow in his amazing grace and please remember that your miracle is in your seed for your seed is in what you believe therefore, are you convinced that no matter what life may throw your way, that you have a God who planned your life the end from the beginning who not only showed you the way to his heaven but became the way to become our personal guide. "your Miracle is in your seed"


Dear reader, did you know that there are many people today that give testimony that their salvation experience with Christ was a total deliverance moment declaring that all of their sins and bad habits were instantaneously removed, believing that a person who’s still battling bad habits and strongholds are not truly saved?

Beloved reader, please know I’m in no way putting these leaders or their beliefs down, but I am stating that their belief and teaching may be used of the enemy to create doubt and even deter those who may not have been brought up in church or even have heard about God until they heard the gospel message preached under the anointing of a dear Saint of God.

Beloved, I can testify that I personally know of instances where the Living God worked in the lives of new converts that were rejected by a church body to bring them into their fullness by loving on them, and some these precious people may have played music in bars, others may have lived with a significant others without being married but after giving their lives to the Lord, they began noticing a change in their behavior, their likes and their desires.

Dear reader, I remember an occasion where one particular guy continued playing music in the bars with his band but the desire to play in this environment began to weigh heavily on him, causing him to feel that what he was doing wrong and that he was in the wrong environment with his gift.

Beloved, did you know that the discomfort grew so strong that he was not able to shake it and over time, it became evident that he loved church and his pastor more than his desire to play worldly music?

Saints, the man discovered that when he approached his pastor about the situation, he received great wisdom and was informed that using his gift in that environment was not bringing God glory and therefore the Spirit of God that was now operating inside of him was grieved when he entered the entertainments places in the world.

Beloved, did you know that he guy then began to study God’s word for himself and discover Gods commands for Christian living, finding out what God likes and dislikes including what his word says about the “shall and shall not's” which can bring a curse or a blessing?

Dear reader, his pastor informed him that it was God’s Spirit that had begun a work in his life and he would be the one to finish it through his work of Grace.

Beloved, did you know that the same holds true to the one living with his girlfriend committing fornication by not being married?

Dear reader, please know that when we surrender our lives to the Lord (through salvation) and ask him into our heart, he immediately takes us at our word and our Spirit is given life but our mind is still an enemy to the things of God and must be renewed by his word.

Beloved, when dealing with new converts please know that they may have never been in church before and do not know what is contrary to God’s word because of their moral upbringing or maybe they have never been to church or in an environment where the gospel or expression of God’s love was shared.

Beloved Saints, we cannot expect a new Christian to know what we know and I remember an old saying that states “do not throw the baby out with the bath water."

Dear reader, the bottom line to this message is that new Christians' may not know or understand that something they are doing is wrong but there is a wonderful and loving heavenly Father working in them through his Spirit to convict them and make them aware that something is amiss in their surroundings.

Beloved Saints, He is there to convict (convince) not condemn them that something is out of line from his righteous will, and I can assure you that God took them seriously when they asked him to make their life count for his glory and he will work with their faults and ignorance to bring them into the plan and purpose he has for their life.

Beloved, these new converts may not immediately come out of bad habits but we can rest assured that just as he left the ninety and nine to go after the one that went a stray, God's Holy Spirit will continually work patiently with them to bring them to his will, even encouraging them into seeking advice from a pastor or he will lead them to study his word.

Dear reader, did you not know that when they discover for themselves why they are feeling the way they do, they will appreciate the Lord for bringing them into the fullness of his grace which will cause them the urge to share with the other band members this new joy and peace they’ve found and inform them that they can no longer play in the bar scene?

Beloved, did you know that once the glorious light of the gospel comes in their life letting them know that God foreknew everything about them before they were born, they will feel like tons of weight and guilt has been lifted off their shoulders and their life which was once full of confusion, now is starting to take on purpose, meaning and hope, with those living together will begin to make plans to marry their significant other or they will move out and refrain from sexual relations with them until they are married?

Dear reader, the bottom line to this great soul winning message is, "these precious souls need to be taught and nurtured before they are able to face life’s experiences and overcome alone, for new born Christians are going to make mistakes and we can be sure that the devil will be there with his condemnation tricks trying to convince them that they have gone too far but he is a liar from the beginning.


Dear reader, did you know that the majority of persons we encounter in our daily goings are self-centered rather than God-centered people and this is due to the spoiled fast paced society that is now our fast paced and always in a hurry to get nowhere normalcy?

Beloved, the word of God tell us that in the beginning of creation, mankind's nature designated by our Creator was called "very good," which mean that man's nature was not created evil, but it became evil through the influence of Satan who was able to convince Eve that God was holding something back from them, and once he had deceived the woman, it was easy to get them to disobey God and eat of the forbidden fruit, which once they committed this willful act, sin entered the garden and the course of the world began.

Dear reader, when we read our bible, we will discover that by the second generation of man, murder had occurred when Cain killed his brother Abel in a heated rage.

Beloved, did you know that man was so very corrupt during the time of the flood that God had to intervene and bring judgment?

Dear reader, did you know that the same evil influences of breaking God’s laws that lead to the moral deterioration of our society are still very visible in the world today, and did you know that every person born into the world is exposed to the same spirits and temptations that influenced Adam and Eve?

(Romans 7:14 -18) (14) "For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin." (15) "For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I." (16) "If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good." (17) "Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." (18) "For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not."

(Romans 7:19 -21) (19) "For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do." ( 20) "Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me." (21) "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me."

(Romans 7:22 -24) (22) "For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:" (23) "But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members." (24) "O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?"

(Galatians 2:20) "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

Dear reader, I will now, by the leading of God’s Spirit, open up a revelation of what the Apostle Paul was stating in these wonderful passages above, and we can better understand what Paul is speaking about by using the illustration of having two dogs in our presence.

Beloved, let's say that one of the dogs is leaner than the other for lack of nourishment, and common sense will let us know that the one we feed will be stronger than the other, therefore beloved, is it not true that If we keep feeding the under nourished dog, he will also gain weight and grow, possibly even outgrowing the other dog?

Dear reader, notice that the Apostle Paul is making a statement in these verses that there is something in him that causes him to do things that he does not want to do, speaking about the sin nature passed down through the blood of Adam.

Beloved, Paul is informing us that he has a sincere desire to please God, but sometimes that old sin nature gets in his way, and here through these verses, he is showing us the warfare taking place within his soul as the flesh man with its fleshly desires wars against the spirit man who is rejecting the cravings of the flesh.

Dear reader, notice as the Apostle Paul cries out through these scriptures, “who shall deliver me from the power of this death?"

Beloved, notice how the Apostle Paul gets a glimpse of hope when he realizes that only God can help us to overcome the flesh and only if we give the battle to him?

Saints, did you know that when we feed the spirit man with God’s word and spend quality time with him in prayer, we will discover that the spirit man part of us will be the stronger one?

Dear reader, as we study the referenced scriptures, we will discover that Paul is letting us know that every time he desires to live the crucified life by keeping the flesh with its desires put under submission and buried, there are times when he discovers that the old man is attempting to be resurrected.

Beloved, the Apostle not only realizes that he is still alive in the flesh, but he can be his own worst enemy.

Dear reader, through these powerful scriptures in (Galatians 2:20) we will find that Paul reveals to us that he can draw strength in knowing that what he cannot do in this walk of faith because of being weak in the flesh, God’s Spirit will do through him.


Dear reader, let’s clarify that the title of this paragraph is not a question of “what if I fall”, but what do I do when I fall, because beloved, sooner or later we are going to mess up and did you know that sometimes, our loving God will put us in a place where we cannot win for he does this because he is more interested in us learning the lesson through the test which will help cultivate the character he is looking for because he is more interested in character than he is in us passing the test?

Beloved, the word says that all have fallen and have come short of the glory of God which is in Christ Jesus, and I have noticed in my Christian walk that sometimes, God will place us in a natural-no win situation for the purpose of building our character in life.

Saints, did you not know that we are spirit beings having a human experience that we may learn what it is like to love and be loved, for ear reader, we are discovering what it is like to be hurt, rejected, and abused. We are also discovering how evil sin is and the reason God set moral laws in place?

Beloved, did you know that God knows the plans he has for each of his children, and he places people and things in our path to help steer us toward that goal?

Saints, sooner or later, we fall, and make mistakes but as the physical angelic encounter that took me by surprise helped open my eyes to a loving God that is not looking for me to fall but wants me to know that when I do, he will be there to help me overcome it.

Dear reader, we see Christian leaders today who have fallen and brought a mark against the Kingdom of God; but does God throw them away because of their weakness? The answer is a resounding NO!

Beloved, our God is a loving, forgiving Father, and although people may be unforgiving, we can rest in knowing that our God in his foreknowledge knew how we were going to mess up and called us anyway.

Dear reader, what the enemy doesn’t want us to know is that God has already made provision for all our sins past, present, and future, for when they were placed on Jesus at the cross; his death satisfied the wrath of a sin hating God.

Beloved reader, did you know that God’s law against sin was so binding that it placed Jesus on the cross to die in our place, and have you not read where the word of God says “He that knew no sin was made sin for us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us?” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Saints, did you know that Jesus could not have died a normal death and paid the sin debt for all mankind to be redeemed?

Dear reader, Jesus (the other Adam) had to be tried as a criminal and convicted; He then had to be executed as a convicted criminal, for our redeemer had to be another Adam with God’s original blood and not the blood from man, to pay the sin debt against mankind.

Beloved, God didn’t desire to make another Adam from the dust of the earth like he did Adam because the earth was now under a curse.

Dear reader, the scriptures declare that in the fullness of time, God made himself a body and placed it in the Virgin Mary to bring forth a Savior into the world.

Beloved, the word states that “God was in Christ reconciling the world back to him-self,” or in other words, God was attempting to rescue as many as possible of his greatest creation from the rebellion of Satan.

Saints, did you know that God allowed his Son, Christ Jesus to endure pain and punishment so he would not have to punish man his greatest creation?

Dear reader, we are going to make mistakes and yes, we are going to fall, but we have hope found in the word of God that says, “The just man falleth seven times but he will always get back up”.

Beloved, the Christian life is a learning process and we need to know that when we mess up, we can come to our Heavenly Father and fall on his mercy that is available and rich to all who call upon his name.

Dear Saints, the bottom line to this message is, when we mess up, we do not need to run and hide from our father like Adam and Eve did in the garden.

Beloved, our God sees in the light, and he see clearly in the dark therefore, he knows what we have done and what we are going to do because he knows the end from the beginning and decided to call us anyway.

Beloved reader, did you know that there is joy in knowing that we can run to the safety of his open arms knowing that no matter how bad we may have messed up, or how far away we may feel from him, he will not turn us away, for we are his child and he is the one that began the work of grace in us and he will be the one that will finish the work that we may be presented on that day blameless and without spot or shame?

Beloved, the word says that all have fallen and have come short of the glory of God which is in Christ Jesus, and I have noticed in my Christian walk that sometimes, God will place us in a natural-no win situation for the purpose of building our character in life.

Saints, did you not know that we are spirit beings having a human experience that we may learn what it is like to love and be loved, for ear reader, we are discovering what it is like to be hurt, rejected, and abused. We are also discovering how evil sin is and the reason God set moral laws in place?

Beloved, did you know that God knows the plans he has for each of his children, and he places people and things in our path to help steer us toward that goal?

Saints, sooner or later, we fall, and make mistakes but as the physical angelic encounter that took me by surprise helped open my eyes to a loving God that is not looking for me to fall but wants me to know that when I do, he will be there to help me overcome it.

Dear reader, we see Christian leaders today who have fallen and brought a mark against the Kingdom of God; but does God throw them away because of their weakness? The answer is a resounding NO!

Beloved, our God is a loving, forgiving Father, and although people may be unforgiving, we can rest in knowing that our God in his foreknowledge knew how we were going to mess up and called us anyway.

Dear reader, what the enemy doesn’t want us to know is that God has already made provision for all our sins past, present, and future, for when they were placed on Jesus at the cross; his death satisfied the wrath of a sin hating God.

Beloved reader, did you know that God’s law against sin was so binding that it placed Jesus on the cross to die in our place, and have you not read where the word of God says “He that knew no sin was made sin for us and that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us," and beloved I am aware that I stated this important verse earlier, but I do believe that it is worthy of being repeated until we get it in our spirit man.

Saints, did you know that Jesus could not have died a normal death and paid the sin debt for all mankind to be redeemed?

Dear reader, Jesus (the other Adam) had to be tried as a criminal and convicted; He then had to be executed as a convicted criminal, for our redeemer had to be another Adam with God’s original blood and not the blood from man, to pay the sin debt against mankind.

Beloved, God didn’t desire to make another Adam from the dust of the earth like he did Adam because the earth was now under a curse.

Dear reader, the scriptures declare that in the fullness of time, God made himself a body and placed it in the Virgin Mary to bring forth a Savior into the world.

Beloved, the word states that “God was in Christ reconciling the world back to him-self,” or in other words, God was attempting to rescue as many as possible of his greatest creation from the rebellion of Satan.

Saints, did you know that God allowed his Son, Christ Jesus to endure pain and punishment so he would not have to punish man his greatest creation?

Dear reader, we are going to make mistakes and yes, we are going to fall, but we have hope found in the word of God that says, “The just man falleth seven times but he will always get back up”.

Beloved, the Christian life is a learning process and we need to know that when we mess up, we can come to our Heavenly Father and fall on his mercy that is available and rich to all who call upon his name.

Dear Saints, the bottom line to this message is, when we mess up, we do not need to run and hide from our father like Adam and Eve did in the garden but we need to know that he will be there for us for this word declares that he is near those that possess a broken heart and a contrite or convicted spirit.


Dear reader, I begin this chapter with an urgency to have you, the reader to know that each of us were born to achieve a significant purpose in this life, and we each have a destiny to fulfill that purpose and make a difference in our culture and our generation.

Beloved, our future is not years ahead of us as some would think but we will find that it lies within us. It was placed in us at birth into our subconscious mind by a wonderful loving creator who has a plan for all of us who knows the end from the beginning.

(Ecclesiastes 3:14) “I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever, nor anything taken from it; and God doeth it, that men should fear before him”.

Beloved, although we may not understand God’s entire plan, there is nothing better than for us to live Holy lives and enjoy the love of God available to us all.

Dear reader, we need to revere the Lord our God and remember that his will and purpose for our lives was placed in us at birth, therefore, each of us prayerfully need to search out God’s plan for our life by spending time in his word and in his presence.

Beloved, when we finally succeed in discovering the purpose that God has for us, then that purpose will help establish our vision, for vision is what God desires for us to contribute toward the building of his kingdom.

Dear reader, did you know that the Living God carefully placed his eternal unchanging purpose in our hearts that his will may be accomplished in the earth, and dear reader, did you know that you were born at the right time in history that you may be used of God for him to leave his signature through you to other generations?

Beloved, God chose when and where you were to be born for a purpose, and God saved you because he has a purpose for you, therefore, you can rest in knowing that God never chooses us to do something that we are not capable of doing, for he knows we can do it because of his grace.

Dear reader, did you know that we are the center players in the eternal plan of the Living God, therefore, until we have found our place and purpose, we will never be a fulfilled Christian?

(Ecclesiastes 3:1) “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven”.

(Ecclesiastes 3:11) “He that hath made everything beautiful in his time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so that “no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end”.

(Proverbs 29:18) “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he”.

(Romans 11:29) “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance”.

Dear reader, did you know that once we connect with our purpose and vision, we need to then pursue it with all our heart and strength?

Beloved, I have found that we need to keep telling ourself that this dream is a message from God is until we get it in our spirit.

Dear reader, did you know that many people allow the difficulties of life to give them a reason to stop living and I myself must admit that I have been guilty of this very thing?

Beloved, we need to do what the ship-men of old would do when a strong storm would appear out of nowhere on the open seas and that is, they would get some rope and tie themselves to the mast of the ship so that they would be held secure and not get washed overboard.

Dear Saints, today with danger lurking around every corner throughout many cities, we that profess Christ in our life, need to get some faith and tie ourselves to the master who promised that he would never leave us nor forsake us but go with us all the way even to the end of the world or age.

Beloved, please remember that he did not promise that we would not meet opposition and trouble but he did promise that we would not have to go through them alone.

Dear reader, this is a good place to shout for he is worthy of our praise. I remind myself often that I am a worthwhile person and deserve to achieve the dreams and goals God placed within me.

Beloved, please know that you do not have to allow someone tear down your sense of self-worth, because their opinion of you does not have to become a reality in your life.

Dear reader, the word says clearly for us to not give place to the devil and I refuse to let someone manipulate and control me especially when it comes to my walk with the Lord.

Beloved, we all have the power to listen to the negative crowd around us or we can choose to plug into the higher power of the Living Christ and be motivated to increase his kingdom that no matter what the opposition may rise up against us, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us and gave himself for us his church which he purchased with his own blood calling us his purchased possession.

Dear reader, we can operate on a battery which is what we may have done yesterday or we can plug into and run off the real source of power which is available from the throne of God and is an everlasting supply; I choose the latter.

Beloved, I have witnessed great miracles and have had God use me mightily in services but beloved, it is not what I was yesterday but what I am today that is going to refresh someone’s life.

Dear reader, it is time we recognize our gifts and share them with others that we might add something to the Kingdom of God, for we that are representing Christ need to be men and women of integrity and do our best to bring out the best in others.

Beloved, we can die in the bleachers or we can die on the field as a warrior of Christ and cease being a spectator and get into the parade.

Dear reader, I hope that you are now ready to go out and start taking back what the enemy has stolen from you discovering your purpose that the Living God has for you your life on earth.

Dear reader, please remember that God is not sitting in heaven with plan (b) ready in case you mess up, for he already knows what you will do and he through your weaknesses leads you to do his will without messing with your free will, for from experience, I know that this may seem very deep in thought but I assure you that it is very true.

Beloved, I have prayed a special prayer over this chapter that you will seek to enter into his presence and develop a hunger that only he can satisfy.

Dear reader, I ask you to make a special place for the Lord in your life and watch the walls of difficulties start appearing smaller. Remember, he loves you, and died for you that you might live and be somebody in Christ. Amen.


Dear reader, I begin this paragraph emphasizing that we that are saved are God's children, and God has no grownups in this walk of faith nor does he have grandchildren.

Beloved, did you know that there are people who have been through trials and have matured more spiritually than others?

Saints, to those persons who have matured more than others as elders, and the best way to recognize a true elder, is by the way they conduct themselves under pressure.

Dear reader, did you know that a true leader will always show love, keep an open mind, and remain teachable showing forth an eagerness to gain greater wisdom in the things of God, and this level of humility and submission doesn’t happen overnight?

Beloved, did you know that we are often placed in situations that will try our faith and stretch us sometimes to our breaking point?

Dear reader, the trial of our faith can be likened to the processing of meat, for If we knew how some of our meat was processed we would throw it away and not consume it.

Beloved reader, did you know that the processing of meat requires it to be mixed with some not so good stuff but for the meat to turn out to the passing grade to be sold, it must to go through a special process.

Dear reader, please know that It is very important that a new convert find themselves a bible believing church and attend the meetings as much as possible for there is strength in numbers and we need each other for the coming trials ahead, for It is very important that we get our spirit man built up in order to face the daily onslaughts of the devil.

Saints, did you know that there is a different presence of God's anointing in a collective body such as a church that is not to be found in our prayer closet?

Dear reader, can you imagine meeting someone who has been to England and they come back talking about the mouse under the Queens chair?

Beloved, they are not speaking about all the splendor of England but the one little mouse that was in the wrong place.

Dear reader, the truth is that there will always be fault finders in a church body, and the perfect church without fault or blame is not going to be found in a fallen world with imperfect people, and does not the word of god teach that we are being renewed day by day?

Beloved, in closing this paragraph on growing in grace, may I suggest to new converts that they sit under the teaching of the church for a few years then start asking the pastor for things to do which will please him, because he will realize that you are making an attempt to stretch your faith.

Dear reader, continue to set aside a specific time to be with God and he will look forward to meeting you and will show you things that may affect you or a member of your family, and remember that God wants us to come to him broken in spirit and confess our sins to him who will forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Dear reader, if we try and cover up our sins and continue therein, God will expose and embarrass us, for he loves us too much to leave us to our own demise because he would rather have us embarrassed than to lose us to Satan only to end up in eternity without him.

Beloved reader, God is not like us to hold our sin against us and did he not instruct his disciples that they should forgive man their trespasses seventy times seventy a day, therefore beloved, do you think he would ask us to do something that he is not willing to do?

Dear reader, please understand that God loves us and desires to see us grow in his kingdom, and did he not give us the promise that he will never leave us but go with us all the way even to the end of the world?


Dear reader, embarking on anything new and unfamiliar is never easy, but it is something we must all embrace for growth in the Christian life which is an abundant life, and unlike the gifts of the world that expire and must be repaid with interest, God gave a gift that no earthly value can measure and he gave this gift from his heart with his heart thinking of the joy of having sons and daughters adopted into his royal family.

Beloved, the only obligation we have as the recipients of his gift is to make the decision to receive his free gift of salvation so that we can dwell with him in eternal life enjoying all the treasures and joys that are in the kingdom of heaven.

Dear reader, did you know that in the early years of a child’s life, it is both fascinated and afraid of the unknown, and did you know that Father God compassionately and lovingly cares for us with patience in the very same way?

Beloved, God knows, we are new in him and our sin nature will daily pull at our mind with desires to turn away from God and go back to the life of sin.

Dear Saints, did you know that as we daily study the word of God, saturating our thoughts in worship and praise with those who are also pursuing a life of godliness, will like a little innocent baby, be strengthened by God to grow in his grace to have a much better understanding of our creator, his creation including our purpose and destiny.

Beloved, just like any relationship, the more we spend time with God in his word by knowing his ways and his voice, the more we will become like him maturing into a righteous reflection of our father's love so that others who are lost and drowning in sin, may see the glorious light of the gospel, and begin their journey in pursuit of his purpose for their life.

(Romans 8:38-39) (38) "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, (39) "Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


Beloved reader, did you not know that the peace that God gives to those that have accepted Christ into their heart will cause them to be able to forgive someone who has violated them or their family, such as a rapist or even a murderer?

Dear reader, these enlightened people now have a broader understanding that people who do not know Christ in the free pardon of sin and have allowed his grace to deal with their sin nature will act like and serve their master which is Satan.

Beloved let us bow our heads in worship and thank God for his wonderful plan that predestined our birth and life for his cause and purpose before the foundation of the world.

Dear reader, let us now thank God for the blood of Jesus, which is a propitiation to protect us from evil, make our life count and keep the enemy from bringing his facts against us causing the devil to drop his rocks.

Beloved, the world has the peace of God but we that are saved have peace with Him because we have been cleansed by the blood of God’s precious lamb.

Dear reader, the fellowship we lost through Adam can now be restored by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as God’s final payment for our sin.

Beloved, now that we have gleaned from this study and discovered that our birth on Earth was not an accident but predestined for a divine purpose, let us fall before Him in reverence and ask Him to forgive our sins and transgressions.

Saints, let us pray, dear Lord, we believe you sent Jesus to pay the sin debt and die in our place, Lord, we believe He died and rose again for our justification.

Dear Lord, we accept your free pardon, and ask You to create in us a clean heart and right spirit; Lord wash us in the blood of Your Son and remove anything that we may have inherited from our blood line.

Beloved, in closing, if this message has been used of God to enrich your life and your walk with God, or if you through reading this book have made a decision to ask Christ into your heart, please feel free to go to our website and feel out the contact form located on the contact us page and allow us to share in your new experience with God?

Beloved reader, can you agree that when we come to the end of our life, we should be so empty from pouring into the life of others that we have nothing left to give?

Dear reader, the bottom line to this entire message concerning what may befall a new Christian after salvation and how they are going to be prepared for the onslaughts of an enemy that wants them back, is on this wise, we must come to the realization that it is not about us and who we are in the body of Christ, is far more important than what we can do and accomplish on our own, for in the end beloved, our works shall be tried by fire?

Dear reader, if you are interested in more from this author, please go to the tab on our website that says free inspirational book downloads and scroll down the page for some free PDF book manuscript downloads. “"

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International


Father, I pray in Jesus' name, recognizing his great sacrifice at Calvary, that your honor & glory be manifested in this work of faith, and may your countenance smile through it, to strengthen the redeemed, that souls may be added to your kingdom.

Dear Lord, I ask that your hand be upon this work of faith, and may your HOLY SPIRIT'S presence anoint this work to touch the hearts of everyone that will take time out of their busy schedule to absorb its truths.

Father, I ask you, yes Lord, to charge your assigned ministering Angels to accompany this work of faith as posted guards, removing any hindrances that would come against this work, that you use this work to show the people that you are the unchanging God, for Lord, your word declares that what you were yesterday, you are today, and will be tomorrow. (Hebrews 13:8)

Dear Lord, please help us to realize our dependence is upon you, therefore Lord, help us realize that we are a part of your glorious body on earth, and help us understand that there is strength in numbers and help us realize that we need each other to be fruitful to live a prosperous life as your people.

Father God, help us to not be careless and prideful in our Christian walk, but help us realize Lord, that we are a part of something bigger than ourselves; that we are a part of your glorious body on earth as sons and daughters in your kingdom.

Heavenly father, I want to thank you for the opportunity to say a word of prayer for all who will take time out of their busy schedule to read this message with an open heart, and I ask that you bless each person that will take time to read and meditate on this message spiritually, financially, physically, relationally and emotionally, that their life may be blessed to enrich the lives of others.

Dear Lord, from this day forward, I ask that your will, your purpose, your word and your Spirit will have free course in their life and everyone they may meet; that you will touch, heal and deliver all that read this prayer and call upon your wonderful name.

Father, I pray that you will meet the need of all who will read this message right where they are, that all curses and words spoken against them will be broken, that they may prosper in all that they do for your kingdom.

Dear Lord, I ask that you stand up in all who will read this message, that you will awaken the gifts and talents placed in them from birth, that they may become unified in the faith with other believers realizing the need to work together in harmony like a fine-tuned orchestra in the masters’ hands.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives, for we rest in knowing that you promised to never leave nor forsake us as your children, but you promised to go with us all the way even to the end of the world which is a great comfort in knowing that whatever we may be called to go through in life, we do not have to go through these trials alone.

Dear Lord, we ask for you to bless us and enlarge our borders as you place your hand upon us to guide us in the path you chose for us, for father, we realize the need for your divine guidance in our life to lead us by your Spirit to divine appointments, and Lord we ask that you please deliver us from evil that we will not be tempted or cause pain.

Dear Lord, I pray that your blessed holy name might be glorified throughout the earth as you leave your signature through us to future generations, and Lord I ask that you assign an Angel to accompany this work into the home of every person that will take time to read it.

Father God, please help us stand firm together activating our faith, for it is in these trying times through your grace, that we can find rest in knowing that we can depend on you, our God, "Our Father", to come on the scene to direct our path and to guide our footsteps helping us to understand that our dependence for survival is upon you.

Dear Lord, help us realize that we represent your glorious body on earth, therefore Lord, help us to understand that there is strength in numbers and we need each other to be fruitful to live a prosperous life as your people.

Dear Lord, my prayer is that you stir us up and burden our heart for true revival, yes Lord, sir us up for revival to take place in every country throughout the world demonstrating to the people in these countries that you are the Unchanging God, for your word declares it, that what you were yesterday, you are today, and will be tomorrow! (Hebrews 13:8)

Heavenly Father, I pray that if any reading this prayer should need deliverance from some oppressing spirit including some illnesses that may be attacking their body, Lord, I pray that your Holy Spirit would raise up a standard against these attacks and set these people free.

Dear Lord, I want to thank you for hearing my humble sincere prayer, and I pray that the power of your word be activated through the authority that is made available unto us in the blessed name of Jesus, and Lord, I wish to apply the following scriptures to my prayer, believing that you have heard and answered me according to your divine will and purpose, for it is in the mighty name of Jesus mighty I pray and ask these favors. A-Men

(John 16:23) "And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the father in my name, he will give it you."

(Psalms 34:15) "The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry."