Summary: I was invited to go to the wonderful country of Kenya to hold a city-wide revival in Molo, Kenya. I held 5 minister's meetings, preached a Sunday morning service, & did 2 open-air meetings in the center of town.



We scheduled to go to the wonderful country of Kenya June 26-July 4, 2023. A wonderful couple, Joseph & Gladys Mbaire, natives of Kenya, went to Kenya from the U.S. about 3 weeks early to make sure everything was lined up for the revival services. Then Stephen Olatunde, of Nigeria, and I traveled the grueling 27 hours on planes & layovers to get to Nairobi.


On the planes I was blessed to have fruitful visits with 2 Muslims. We talked about how they claim they can be forgiven of their sins by traveling on the Hajj. I asked about if adultery can be forgiven (they said ‘no’), or blaspheming God’s name. What if a Muslim couldn’t afford to go on the Hajj, or sinned once they got back home; wouldn’t they still be denied Heaven? These situations would mean that many Muslims would never make it to Heaven. But Jesus came, not just for Christians, but for Muslims too. He was God’s only sacrifice to take away sin. If we trust in Him, God promises to let our sins be transferred to Him and His righteousness be transferred to us (2 Cor. 5:21)! What a marvelous hope we have in Christ!


A brother met us at the airport and drove us to our hotel at about midnight. Nairobi is a sprawling city of 6 million. At 6 a.m. we were picked up to begin our drive to Western Kenya, the town of Molo, with a population of about 100,000. The roads in Kenya are good and the 4-hour drive was interesting. The country is beautiful and lush. We drove along the “Rift Valley” (Eastern, Gregory section) which extends for nearly 1,000 miles and has rising ground on both sides of about 3,000 feet. Herds of sheep, cattle, and goats were seen on both sides of the road. Away from Nairobi there are few cars; the preferred mode of transportation is motorcycles. In the small towns about 80% walk or catch a ride on the back of a motorcycle. I saw many motorcycles used to transport 100s of pounds of potatoes, firewood, plywood, and even a couch! As we approached Molo, the whole region is giant rolling hills maybe 1,000 feet high. This region is referred to as the “kitchen” of Kenya, because it’s where most of the crops are grown. All along the roads are small vendors or larger markets where all kinds of vegetables are grown – onions, potatoes, cabbage, limes, oranges, corn, etc. It’s lush grass and cooler temperatures (50-75 degrees F in July) are wonderful for raising flocks.


We were taken straight to Happy Church, Molo, to begin our minister’s training meetings with approx. 100 ministers. We were greeted warmly, treated to lunch, and then I preached on the call of Elisha, which I titled, “Burn the Plow & Roast the Cow.” I prayed for the ministers who identified with Elisha, working hard in their calling in their rural fields, yet of whom God was speaking about in His divine purposes. I had a translator each service because, although all the younger people were taught English in schools, many of the older saints were less adept and hearing it in their native language helped them get the full revelation. However this extended each service (accompanied with a vigorous 30 minute prayer time to God to save the city) to about 3 hours. We got back to the hotel, ate a snack, got cleaned up, and then prepared for the next day’s two services, then went to bed.

On Thursday I preached on “Characteristics of a World Changer” at the 9 a.m. service and then on “The Church Hell Can’t Handle” at the 2 p.m. service. The number of ministers in attendance reached nearly 200 and continued on Friday. On Friday at 9 a.m. I preached on “Be an Example of Jesus.” The 2 p.m. service was an anointing service where I anointed the hands (and heads) of all the ministers and other Christian workers in preparation of the outdoor meetings on Saturday & Sunday. Then we all loaded up and went to the center of Molo where we prayed on the ground where the open-air services would be the next two days. We circled the property and had a prayer-praise service asking for God’s deliverance, freedom, and salvation of souls over the area. Then we divided up into small groups and went throughout the area passing out 1,000 invitations to the open-air meetings and about 500 tracts. Simultaneously, a church bus with large banners attached to the sides advertising the open-air meetings went throughout the city center with speakers on top loudly telling all the people of the meetings. It was announced that 25 gifts would be randomly given out to attenders of the Saturday meeting.


The Saturday open-air meeting began at 3 p.m. I was still at my hotel about a quarter of a mile away and could hear the music and singing. The worship team was dynamic and talented and sang in their own language. An amazing thing about the Kenyan Christians is their joy in worship. Their heads are up, their faces are smiling up at God and their hearts are completely in their worship. They dance the whole time they’re singing. They all sway unison in the natural unity of their faith. The lead pastor came to get us about 4 p.m. When I got in the pulpit I gave them greetings from all the Christians in the USA. Then I proceeded to outline how we all are sinners and that no sinners will be able to enter Heaven. That’s why God sent Jesus to make a way for us. I showed how there is no Savior among any of the religions of the world, except Jesus. He’s God’s only sacrifice. Unless they have Jesus in their hearts, they won’t make it to Heaven. I gave an altar call, “All who want eternal life through Jesus come to me.” (I had climbed off the platform. The crowd in the field surged forward. Many of the people who had gathered in the streets also came. Many stood in the doorways of their shops were unable to come, but stood with hands pressed together in prayer. I led them all in the “Sinner’s Prayer” and many even in the streets prayed it. I was supposed to preach a second sermon on the woman with the issue of blood, but I felt led by the Holy Spirit to give a brief sketch of Christ’s healing ministry, including reading a short passage from Luke 6:17-19. Then I called for the ministers to come and stand facing the audience and then called for those who had sicknesses or physical handicaps to come forward. We prayed for the sick and then asked for testimonies and several felt their conditions had improved or they had been healed. My associate Stephen Olatunde gave out the 25 gifts and just as he finished, a torrential rain fell. Good thing the Lord had me do a short message!


On Sunday morning I preached at Molo Happy Church to a full house. My message was the powerful message “Bondslave of Jesus.” At the conclusion we all knelt and surrendered to God as ‘bondslaves for life” according to Exodus 21:5-6. Afterward we had lunch together and then proceeded to the open-air service which started at 3 p.m.


At 4 p.m. I preached on Christ-crucified and risen again. Paul said that Jesus’ resurrection was the proof that Jesus is the Son of God & Judge of all the world (Acts 17:31; Rom. 1:4). I prayed with the crowd for salvation (this was a bigger crowd than on Saturday) and many received Christ. Then I preached a message on the Holy Spirit. He gives us power to live the Christian life and Jesus said we’re not to begin going out to others until we’ve been baptized in the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) with evidence of speaking in other tongues (Acts 2:4; 10:46; 19:6). I prayed with them, asking God to fill them with the Holy Spirit. I called for the minsters to come and form a double-line facing each other and had the entire crowd pass through while the ministers prayed for them. Many people came out of the lines weeping, falling under the power, and receiving the Holy Spirit baptism. Even drunk men present were sobered-up and saved during the prayer time. The worship team came back and we worshipped and danced. Twice we tried to close the service but the crowd shouted, “NO!” So we kept rejoicing in the Lord. After another hour we were allowed to close the service with a prayer and sweet greetings. The pastors in attendance, who I don't think had ever done a unified service like this, declared that their city had been shaken by the meetings.


We had numerous adventures in the Lord the next day, including visiting the Nakuru National Wildlife Refuge on the way back to Nairobi. We boarded our planes and on my second connecting flight I had a wonderful witness to a young woman about Christ. I thank God for all His opportunities and for getting to be with the marvelous Kenyan people. They are truly a nation blessed by God. May God send a nation-shaking revival to Kenya, in Jesus’ name!