Summary: We are created to praise and adore God forever and ever. It means that we must thank, praise, and adore God every millisecond, second, and minute forever and ever, 24 hours a day, seven days a week

We are created to praise and adore God forever and ever. It means that we must thank, praise, and adore God every millisecond, second, and minute forever and ever, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To continually worship God, we need to get a throne view of God. A throne view of God is a very close view of God on the throne from where we may see God in all His fullness – His ways, works, attributes, natures, and so on. Perhaps in Revelation 5, when the angels and elders saw God on His throne, they might have got an understanding of God in all His completeness and then they began worshipping God 24 hours a day, seven days a week, forever and ever. The throne view of God might have triggered a never-ending or continuous worship and adoration for God.

In this generation, the worship is so lifeless and dull because we don’t have a throne view of God and have a very limited understanding of who God Is ( i.e. 0.00001% who God IS). With limited understanding of God, there is limited adoration and worship of God. In the face of God is hidden the complete understanding of God i.e. God in all His fullness. Only when we seek God’s face, then only God will begin to unveil the complete understanding about Himself i.e. God in all His fullness. The process of God unveiling about Himself is a slow journey in which God reveals one facet after another until we get a complete understanding of God in all His fullness. This process might easily take 1000 years.

Begin your journey to seek God’s face, and along the way, you will witness different facets of God, such as God’s holiness, love, mercy, and so on, until you reach the throne view of God. As God starts to unveil an understanding of himself, it will then trigger an adoration to God in our lives. As more facets of God are unveiled, more will be our adoration to God. Though we may not see or understand God in all His fullness in our earthly journey, but once we reach heaven we will continue on this journey.

The more we see God’s face, the more facets of God will be unveiled, and the greater will be our adoration to God. The level of adoration to God is directly proportional to the quantity or magnitude of revelation that God unveils about himself. One of the few things that we will carry with us to heaven is our worshipping and adoring heart.

Start your eternal journey of worshipping and adoring God on earth by seeking the face of God. As you seek God’s face and discover numerous facets of God, continue to adore God more and more until you are part of heaven’s team of angels and elders who are 24 by 7 eternally worshipping God. All of this begins with seeking the face of God. If you have not yet started this journey, ask God to let you to begin this journey of praising and worshipping God forever and ever.