Summary: There is always a blessing when Father talks or reveals about Jesus.

There is always a blessing when Father talks or reveals about Jesus.

In Matthew 16:16 – Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven”. In this verse, Jesus mentions blessed are you Peter because Father has revealed about me. We see the blessing in the following verse: ” you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church,” which means Peter received a call for ministry. There is a new call to ministry when Father reveals about Jesus.

When you look at the order of events in this case, you’ll notice that Jesus posed the question, the Father revealed it to Peter, and Peter then relayed it to Jesus. Here, we witness the amazing way in which Trinity communicates with us. The three persons of the Trinity know all the questions and their answers, yet they were asking us questions, listening to our responses, providing us with hints and revelations about the answer. We have such a wonderful three persons of Trinity who include us in their conversations. The Trinity starts the conversation with a question, but all three persons get involved along with you to answer the question. In this scenario, Jesus may have simply posed the question to the Father directly. The Triune God has always desired for you and I to participate in this wonderful dialogue. During His lifetime, Jesus frequently asked lot of questions to His disciples.

Philip missed this opportunity once. When Jesus posed a question to Philip in John 6:5 – Where will we buy bread so these people can eat? Without consulting the Father or the Holy Spirit, Philip hurried to respond to Jesus in light of the current situation. Philip lost his own ministerial blessing, but yet others were still given a miracle.

When Jesus asks a question – Don’t respond to Jesus’ question with your current circumstances; instead, remain silent and wait for Jesus Himself to answer. You can ask the Holy Spirit to suggest an answer or the Father God to reveal it. Involve the Trinity in determining the answer to the question posted by the Trinity.

In any scenario, receiving the response from one of the persons of the Trinity would be such a magnificent blessing that it would undoubtedly change your life.

When Jesus realised that the Father had spoken to Peter, Peter joined Jesus as a co-worker in the mission to carry out the Father’s will.

Father speaks to all His sons like Jesus. Jesus understood that Peter was a co-worker with him in the Father’s work when the Father talked to Peter. Then, right away, Jesus gave Peter the kingdom of heaven’s keys, which only He held (Matthew 16:19). What a tremendous blessing it was for Peter to have control over the keys that managed heaven and earth while still having a physical body. Jesus explained Peter about his ministry as an Elder brother.

When Father reveals about Jesus, you also join Jesus in carrying out the Father’s will by adopting some of Jesus’ qualities.

Every time Father’s speaks, he speaks mostly about Jesus. Father does not bypass Jesus to do any work. Every work the Father does in with the involvement of Jesus. There is no bypassing nature.

Even though when Father bypasses Jesus and speaks to us, it would be a revelation of Jesus only.

The Father God spoke only 3–4 appearances in the Gospels, and each time, the lines were all about Jesus.

Have you ever had the opportunity to hear the Father’s voice? If Yes. Do not ignore it.

If not, you should desire to talk to the Father God.

Father God speaking itself is a unique miracle and blessing.