Summary: The Israelites travelled through the wilderness of Edom to attack the King of Moab. The Israelites marched for seven days on this roundabout route, with no water for army and animals. During this time of trouble, the Lord said to the Prophet Elisha, “Make the valley full of ditches.”

And Elisha said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.’ 2 Kings 3:16

The Israelites travelled through the wilderness of Edom to attack the King of Moab. The Israelites marched for seven days on this roundabout route, with no water for army and animals. During this time of trouble, the Lord said to the Prophet Elisha, “Make the valley full of ditches.”

Sometimes, we are on a roundabout path in our lives as a result of some decisions, travelling in circles and circles for many days or years, losing vision, purpose, provisions, hope, and aid, and becoming tired and weary. Just as the Lord said in Elisha’s time, “Make this valley full of ditches,” the Lord is now saying, “Make your valley full of hopes.” In simple terms, fill your valley with full of Hopes. Dig and prepare as many ditches of hope as you can in your valley or difficult situation. These ditches can be hope for a better future, better promises, spiritual growth, and so on.

The Lord is about to send heaven’s rain of goodness and provisions, which is more than enough to fill or satisfy every hope, and you and your people will be replenished. Your joy will be overflowing. You are one night away from witnessing miracles. There will be no sign of rain or provisions, but water will suddenly come by the way of Edom to fill all your ditches. Come by the way of Edom denotes that all provisions will arrive in an unexpected manner and from unexpected sources. The morning is approaching, and the Lord will not delay any longer in sending water. It is time for a refreshing from the Lord, which will set you on the route to know God in all fullness.

God demonstrated his ability to fill the ditches in the valley with water, without any clouds and rain. God performs miracles whether there are signs or not. We don’t need to know how God does something when He says it. God has some physical ways that we are aware of, such as sending clouds and rain, but there are many unknown ways that we are unaware of. Water can come from a local water source or spring up from the earth are some of the unknown ways. So many times, the Lord fulfils his promises in unknown and mysterious ways without any physical signs. Our job is to dig as many ditches of hope as we can in the valley, and when God brings the water, all ditches of hope will be filled. Dig more ditches of hope every time the valley season prolongs, for God can fill every ditch with water.