Summary: There is a shortage of tears in the kingdom of God. God moved over this land in the previous generation as a result of the tears of many intercessors. The tears are not shed for their needs, but for the sinful condition of the land and expansion of God’s kingdom.

There is a shortage of tears in the kingdom of God. God moved over this land in the previous generation as a result of the tears of many intercessors. The tears are not shed for their needs, but for the sinful condition of the land and expansion of God’s kingdom. When churches have become party houses, the land has become like Sodom and Gomorrah, the elect are deceived by strange teachings, the faith of believers is wavering, and God’s Glory is replaced with man-made glory. Where is the respect due to God? Lot of pestilences and cyclones are coming. The poor and the needy are suffering. Do these things affect you? Is there any brokenness caused by observing these things?

When the name of the Lord is brought to shame by the wicked deeds of the church? Does these things affect you? When the God whom you profess to love, His name and church are put to shame, does these things make you broken and weep?

When Nehemiah heard that the walls of Jerusalem had been broken, he began to weep. However, when you hear these wicked things about the land and the church, there is no brokenness and tears caused by the spiritual condition of the land. You don’t weep because you’ve become adjusted and accustomed to the sins of the land and the church. Your heart has lost its passion for God and His Glory. You heart has lost the fire for God. You’ve become too complacent.

We hear a lot about wolves stealing the sheep in the church, a lot of crippled people in the church, and a lot of gimmicks and drama happening in the church. The church has lost its discernment, and the preachers have lost their voice. Where are all the John the Baptists? Are these the ones the church killed and destroyed?

How much longer will you tolerate and encourage diviners like Balaam? Where was your first love for God? If you love the Lord, you would have joined along with Lord Jesus weeping for the land and the church.

The garden of Gethsemane has still only Jesus’ weeping. Today, get on your knees, join along with Jesus, and start weeping with Jesus for the land and the church.

Jesus is ready to make you part of the Gethsemane prayer group (prayer to do God’s will). Accept this call to pray and weep along with Jesus?

Amy Carmichael had a vision of Jesus kneeling amongst trees and praying for the people. “Sometimes it was as if I saw the Lord Jesus Christ kneeling alone, as He knelt long ago under the olive trees. The trees were tamarind now, the tamarinds that I see as I look up from this writing. And the only thing that one who cared could do, was to go softly and kneel down beside Him, so that He would not be alone in His sorrow over the little children.”

Today, go softly and kneel down beside Jesus, so that Jesus is not be alone in His sorrow and grief for this land. Be a prayer partner with Jesus, learning to pray for God’s will. Our prayers may not be big and powerful prayers. But staying along with Jesus and gradually learning and praying His prayer is more needed.

There is always place to kneel beside Jesus. Only those whose desire is for Jesus only will find this place. It’s a place where we can pray, get to know and comfort Jesus. A lot of God’s great work is done in this place of kneeling beside Jesus. Many missionaries and saints found this place. There are no external personal benefits associated with this place. The greatest blessing, though, is that we can see, talk, and pray with Jesus. We can truly comprehend God’s heart. Do you want to kneel beside Jesus praying for this land? Ask God to give you this burden. Be a part of this great work of kneeling beside Jesus and praying for God’s will to be fulfilled on this land.