Summary: The Power of Faith: Embracing the Unseen


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that lies at the very core of our Christian journey: having faith in things unseen. In a world dominated by empirical evidence and rationality, the concept of faith can sometimes be met with skepticism. However, it is through faith that we experience the extraordinary and embrace the supernatural promises of our heavenly Father. Let us dive deep into the scriptures and discover the power that lies within having faith in things unseen.

I. Defining Faith

Before we explore the importance of having faith in things unseen, let us first establish a clear understanding of what faith truly means. Hebrews 11:1 provides us with a profound definition: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Faith involves firmly believing in the reality of things that are not yet visible to our physical senses. It requires a confident trust in God's character, His Word, and His promises.

II. Faith in God's Existence

At the foundation of our faith lies the belief in the existence of God. While we may not be able to see Him with our physical eyes, the evidence of His presence surrounds us. Romans 1:20 declares, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made." As we observe the intricate beauty of creation, we find glimpses of the Creator Himself. The heavens declare His glory, and the wonders of nature bear witness to His existence. Psalm 19:1-2 Says these exact words.

III. Faith in God's Promises

God has made countless promises to His people throughout the scriptures.

The Promise of Salvation

The Promise of His Presence

The Promise of Forgiveness

The Promise of Guidance

The Promise of Provision

The Promise of Eternal Life

The Promise of His Love

These promises require faith on our part to receive their fulfillment. Abraham serves as a remarkable example of unwavering faith. In Genesis 12:2-3, God promised Abraham that He would make him a great nation and bless all the families of the earth through him. Although Abraham and Sarah were childless and well advanced in years, Abraham believed God's promise. His faith in the unseen allowed him to become the father of many nations, fulfilling God's covenant.

IV. Faith in Salvation

Salvation is the ultimate gift that God has given us through His Son, Jesus Christ. The Gospel calls us to believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, even though we have not physically seen Him. In John 20:29, Jesus said to Thomas, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." Our faith in Jesus' redemptive work on the cross and His resurrection brings us into a personal relationship with God and grants us eternal life.

V. Faith in Overcoming Trials

In the midst of life's trials and tribulations, faith becomes our anchor and our source of hope. Although we may not see an immediate solution to our problems, we can trust in God's sovereignty and His unwavering love for us. James 1:2-3 encourages us, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance." Our faith is refined and strengthened through challenges, and as we persevere, we grow in character and experience the goodness of God.

VI. Faith in the Eternal

Lastly, our faith in things unseen extends beyond the temporal realm. We fix our eyes on the eternal glory that awaits us in the presence of God. 2 Corinthians 4:18 reminds us, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." The Apostle Paul encourages us to focus on the eternal perspective, knowing that our present sufferings are incomparable to the eternal weight of glory that will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18). Our faith in the unseen empowers us to endure trials, knowing that they are momentary compared to the eternity we will spend with our Heavenly Father.

VII. Strengthening our Faith

While faith is a gift from God, it is essential for us to cultivate and strengthen it. Here are a few pragmatic ways to deepen our faith in things unseen:

Immersing ourselves in God's Word: The Bible is a treasure trove of God's promises, examples of faith, and His faithfulness throughout history. By studying the Scriptures, we grow in our understanding of God and His character, fueling our faith.

Prayer and Communion with God: Regular prayer and intimate communion with God allow us to experience His presence and hear His voice. Through prayer, we develop a personal relationship with Him, deepening our trust in His unseen workings.

Fellowship with Believers: Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who share our faith journey can provide encouragement and support. Sharing testimonies of God's faithfulness can inspire and strengthen our own faith in the unseen.

Stepping out in Faith: Actively stepping out in obedience to God's leading, even when it doesn't make sense to our human understanding, stretches and strengthens our faith. It opens doors for God to work miracles in and through us.

VIII. God's Protection in the Unseen

In our journey of faith, we often encounter situations where God's protection shields us from unknown potential dangers. These experiences remind us of His loving care and emphasize the importance of having faith in things unseen, including the perils we are unaware of.

Consider the story of a broken inner CV joint. This critical component within a vehicle's drivetrain can cause severe damage if it fails. Yet, there are times when we remain oblivious to its malfunction. In such instances, we unknowingly put ourselves at risk. However, we can reflect on these situations and recognize God's unseen intervention.

Psalm 91:11-12 assures us, "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands, they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone." God's unseen protection extends beyond our comprehension. He dispatches His heavenly forces to guard and shield us from harm, even in situations we may not be aware of.

Our faith in things unseen aligns with our trust in God's providence and protection. Proverbs 3:5-6 urges us to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Though we may lack knowledge of potential dangers, we can have faith in God's ability to navigate us safely through the unseen obstacles that could have caused us harm.

The Bible offers numerous accounts of God's protective hand upon His people. In Exodus 14, the Israelites found themselves trapped between the pursuing Egyptian army and the Red Sea. However, God miraculously parted the waters, allowing His people to pass through safely while drowning their enemies. The unseen threat of annihilation was transformed into a testimony of God's deliverance. It was their faith in God's unseen power that enabled them to walk through the parted sea on dry land.

Likewise, in Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced the unseen danger of the fiery furnace. Even when threatened with death, they stood firm in their faith, trusting in God's unseen presence and protection. As they were thrown into the furnace, they discovered that not a hair on their heads was singed. God revealed Himself in the midst of the flames, shielding them from harm and displaying His faithfulness to those who put their trust in Him.

These biblical narratives teach us that our faith in the unseen allows God to work miraculously in our lives. It is through faith that we experience His deliverance, protection, and intervention. Though we may encounter potential dangers that are hidden from our view, we can rest assured that our Heavenly Father is ever watchful and actively involved in preserving our well-being.

Having faith in things unseen involves surrendering our fears and anxieties to God. We acknowledge that there may be unseen dangers lurking, but our trust lies in the One who sees all and has power over all. Psalm 56:3-4 proclaims, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God, I trust, and am not afraid." Our faith in God's protection allows us to live with confidence, knowing that He is our refuge and fortress, shielding us from harm.

In conclusion, as we reflect on God's protection from unseen dangers, let us remember that our faith extends beyond what we can perceive with our physical senses. We trust in God's unseen provision, His unseen guidance, and His unseen protection. Our faith enables us to rest in His loving care, even when we are unaware of the dangers that surround us. May our faith in things unseen continually grow, as we rely on the steadfast love and faithfulness of our Heavenly Father.

As we conclude this sermon on having faith in things unseen, let us remember that faith is not blind, but a confident trust in the unchanging nature of our Heavenly Father. By believing in the existence of God, embracing His promises, accepting salvation through Jesus Christ, and relying on His strength in times of trials, we can experience the power and transformative impact of faith. May our faith in things unseen be a beacon of hope in a world that craves tangible evidence. Let us walk by faith and not by sight, knowing that the unseen realm holds immeasurable blessings and eternal glory. May our lives be a testament to the power of faith, drawing others to the goodness and faithfulness of our God. Amen.