Summary: This sermon takes a look at our foundation as Christians.


The gospel is the ultimate truth that brings us hope, peace, and salvation to all who believe in it. The teachings of false gospels or our own gospel may come in many different forms, but they all lead only to confusion, despair, hopelessness, and eternal separation from God. It gives us a false belief of how God works. Believe this, and you will get this. Give this much money and you get riches in return. //Believe in the genie work of God and you will…// For me riding a bicycle is a reminder that life is a journey of smooth and bumpy riding. Every pedal we take pushes us through the bumpy roads of life, yet, it has the potential to bring us closer to the truth or lead us astray if we are not guided. The truth of God’s word is a powerful and life-changing message that has been passed down through the generations. Let me say it this way: The truth of the scriptures is a foundational cornerstone of Christian faith, and because of God’s inerrant word, it helps us to understand the difference between the true Gospel and false gospels that attempt to distort its messages. We will explore 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and we will read that all scripture is breathed out by God. All truth falls from the lips of GOD. The gospel is that salvation is entirely a result of God’s sovereign grace, received by faith alone, and accomplished through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, where and what is your truth built upon? Is it built on the solid and firm foundation of God’s never-changing Word, or is it built on the shifting sands of human opinion and worldly wisdom? Just as a bike needs a solid frame and sturdy wheels to support the rider, so to our lives need a solid and firm foundation in order for us to navigate the twists and turns of life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we do not live by bread alone but by every word that perceives from your lips. Lord we know that the grass withers, and the flowers fade, but your word remains living and active forever. Sanctify us with truth for your word is truth. Let the scriptures guide us to live a life according to your will. In your holy and precious name. AMEN!


As I hopped on my borrowed bicycle and set out on a new journey to become a fit cyclist in preparation for the 2021 Police Unity Tour, I had to learn how to “click in” to the pedals. Well, I fell over in my driveway when I attempted to click in both feet and not move from my spot. I laughed at myself, corrected the issues, and successfully pedaled out of my driveway onto the street. “I know how to ride a bike, I did it for six years of my life to get to and from work.” Folks, riding a mountain bike is completely different from riding a road bike. Turing is slightly different, and the weight of the road bike is a whole lot less than a mountain bike. I had to learn how to work with the differences of riding a road bike with skinny tires. I often wonder how can this frame support my weight? How can these tires hold my weight without popping? As I got the hang of riding a road bike and learning to lean into turns, I corrected myself on things I did not know and I taught myself. I developed my own truths about riding road bikes. There was one thing I did not know. How to properly stop and “unmount” from the pedals. As I approached my driveway, and a car behind me, I was focused on getting off the road and into my driveway. My feet did not know how to let go. Well I flipped over and I am on my back and the bike is still connected to my feet up in the air. As time progressed, I became more comfortable riding 12 miles a day, by myself. Then, I was comfortable enough to ride with the big dogs in a peloton. During my training with more experienced cyclists, I was taught a lot of things from each of them. I was rebuked on the habits that were wrong and not safe. I was corrected on the things I did well and the truths that were self-made. My training was successful when I completed the 350 mile unity tour without struggle. I can’t help but reflect on the words of 2 Timothy 3:16-17. These verses remind us that all scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. Once I got good, I pedaled along the winding roads of Laurel Valley, at times I couldn’t help but feel a sense of peace and comfort knowing that my journey in life is guided by the truth of God’s word just as my cycling training is guided by more experienced cyclists.

As we navigated through the twists and turns of life, we ought to think about those false teachings of scripture can lead us astray. Just as a shaky bicycle can lead us off course of a jacked up road, so too can false teachings pull us away further from the truth. But if we remain in fellowship with like-minded Christians and together in God’s word, we find guidance in the words that fall from his lips. His words can pull us back on course and keep us on the right path. Alisa Childers said in her book “Live Your Truth” “Please do not take life advice from someone who is in the middle of a major crisis. Unless they are gleaning from time-tested, biblical wisdom and pointing you to Christ (not yourself), it would be wise to hit the pause button on that hot mess and just wait and see how it all pans out over the next ten years or so.”

I hope by the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to answer the following:

A. What is Teaching?

B. What is Rebuking?.

C. What is Correcting?

D. What is Training in righteousness?

SCRIPTURE: This is the word of God. Hear it in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. (Page # _______ / _______) I will be reading from the ESV.

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

May God bless the reading of his word and may he help us apply these truths to our lives – Thanks be to God, Amen!



Education in the United Stated has been a prominent aspect our social, economical and political existence. From the Colonial Era of the 17th & 18th Centuries to the rise of public education to the late 19th to early 20th centuries, the expansion of education continued. Post-World War II, there were a significant emphasis on education in the United States. This was done to remain competitive in a fast changing world. Then we get to the late 20th and 21st centuries were we saw continued growth and diversification in education. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s led to the increased access to education for marginalized groups of people. We are taught certain things that others would say is “truth.” We are taught certain curriculum in schools that is questionable. Some or myths, some events actually happened. We often grow out of certain beliefs, such as is the Easter Bunny real? Does Santa Clause deliver presents to every house the night of Christmas Eve? Or does the groundhog actually come out to see his shadow? What do we make of all of this? Through all of these eras, God’s word NEVER changed.


2 Timothy 3:16-17 is broken up into four parts and it provides very clear instruction on what the word of God does for our lives and in our lives. It opens with this grandiose statement “All Scripture is breathed out by God.” Some translations say “All Scripture is inspired by God, or given by God.” The phrase breathed out – refers to a communication from deity. This occurs one time in the bible. Yet, this phrase is related to the pneo- ‘to blow (of wind).’ It also reminds me of Genesis 2:7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. The Hebrew word for breathed is napach which means blow. Keep this in mind. As we move through the text, we see that the Bible does three things for us. Not only does it give us divine writings from God, it is breathes life into us and it guides us. In this passage it states that the Bible is used for teaching. What is teaching? Just a beginner cyclist needs guidance and instruction to learn how to ride, we need Scripture to teach us the ways of God and helps us grow in our faith. Paul does something that invokes Timothy to recall his educational teaching of the Torah. Paul makes a connection to the Old Testament when he says scripture is used for teaching. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Then we see that scripture is used for reproof. What is reproof? The word Reproof in the English means the act of censoring or rebuking. (The Greek word for reproof is elegcho.) When we start to veer off course we need scripture to tell us we’re headed in the wrong direction. Scripture provides that reproof, pointing out where we’re going astray and the Holy Spirit calls us back on the right path. Then we see that scripture is used for correction. What is correction? I want to stay on correction for a minute or two. Correction is that thing that we sometimes don’t like to happen. I know at times I don’t. Even when we know where we should be going, we don’t always get there perfectly. Scripture helps us correct our mistakes and gets us back in right relationship with God. The encouraging thing about scripture being used to correct us lies in its ability to guide and shape our lives in a positive and meaningful way. Scripture (God’s inerrant word) provides for us six things. 1. Wisdom and guidance, 2. Self-reflection and growth, 3. Alignment with God’s principles, 5. Accountability and responsibility, and 6. Transformation and redemption. Ultimately, the beauty of scripture correcting us has the capacity to inspire, guide and shape us in ways that lead to a personal relationship with God. Then to tie it all together, training in righteousness. What does the scriptures mean when it says ‘training in righteousness.’ Training in righteousness involves the ongoing process of being shaped and transformed by the teachings and principles found in God’s word to us. That pruning process. Cutting back what is bad in our lives and replacing with a hope built on a firm foundation that never wavers. The purpose of scripture is to train us in righteousness, equipping us with the knowledge, values, and virtues necessary to live in accordance with God’s will. This training encompasses moral, ethical and spiritual development, leading to a life characterized by righteousness and holiness. The Greek work for training literally means discipline. Righteousness in the Greek means that you are doing what is in agreement with God’s standards. John Calvin viewed 2 Timothy 3:16-17 as a key text affirming the inspiration and authority of Scripture. He believed that the Bible was the final authority in matters of faith and practice, and that it is sufficient to guide Christians in all aspects of life. The late R.C. Spruce believed that 2 Timothy 3:16-17 not only affirmed the final authority, it affirmed the sufficiency of the Scriptures. He saw the Bible as the final authority in matters of faith and practice, and he would argue that Scripture is necessary for Christians to study and apply its teachings in order to grow in our faith. When I was learning how to become an avid cyclist, I needed practice and firm guidance. We also need practice and guidance to understand and apply Scriptures to our lives’.


We have established that I love music. I love digging into the meaning of the lyrics of a song. Mahalia Jackson is a renowned gospel singer and she has many songs that can relate to us today and to scripture. She sang this song “How I Got Over” – //How I got over, My soul looks back and wonder how I did I make over.\\ This song and the words of verses 16-17 of 2 Timothy 3 share a common theme of finding strength, guidance, and transformation through the power of God’s Word. The song sings about overcoming challenges, hardships and struggles through faith and help of God. The lyrics express a deep sense o gratitude and joy for deliverance and healing experienced by relying on the Lord. //Soon as I can see Jesus, the man that made me free, the man that bled and suffered on Calvary.\\ Both the song and the passage highlight the role of scripture in providing guidance, strength, and inspiration to overcome life’s challenges and become more Christ-like, AMEN. I got one more song for us today. “How Firm A Foundation.” //Fear not, I am with thee, Oh be not dismayed. For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid. I’ll strengthen thee, Help thee, and cause they to stand. Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.\\ This hymn and the passage emphasizes the steadfastness and reliability of God’s Word as a source of strength, comfort, and guidance in the face of trials and uncertainties. As we navigate through the twists and turns of life, “How Firm A Foundation” is a hymn that expresses trust in God’s promises and unwavering faithfulness. The connection between the passage and the song paints a picture of God as the unshakable foundation upon which we, believers can build our lives. Just like the song, “How I Got Over,” these lyrics offer assurance of God’s Word and it provides a solid ground on which to stand, even in the midst of life’s twist and turns. What I love about “How Firm a Foundation” is that it encourages perseverance and a firm reliance on the truths found in scripture. Brothers and sisters, we can anchor our lives on the truths and promises found in God’s Word. //My grace all-sufficient shall by thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee.// The song uses some old language. Dross to consume – our worthlessness to consume. Both the hymn and the scripture encourages believers to anchor their lives on God’s truth and not our own truths. God laid a firm foundation for us in his excellent word at the beginning to time to dawn of the end of this age.


H. All scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete equipped for every good work.

E. At the close of chapter 3 “that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” can be broken up in mini sections. “The term man of God” refers to any individual who is devoted to serving God. The entire passages highlights the purpose of Scripture that it equips and prepares believers to engage in every good work. Versus 16-17 in summary signifies that scripture prepares and empowers believers to live a life of character. It teaches, it reproofs, it corrects, it trains in righteousness.

A. When we pedal back to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we can apply this passage to our daily lives in several practical ways. 1. Read Scriptures regularly. We can make reading and studying the Bible a daily practice. 2. Seek instruction and Guidance. Approach the Bible with a teachable heart, desiring to learn from God’s word. 3. Boldly embrace correction and conviction. Allow the word of God to correct and challenge our thoughts, attitudes and our actions. 4. Apply Biblical Principles. Look for ways to apply the teachings and principles of scripture in our daily lives. 5. Seek training in righteousness. Recognize the transformative power scripture has in shaping our character and conduct. 6. Find comfort and encouragement. We can draw strength, comfort and encouragement from the truths that all from the lips of God. Lastly, share God’s word with other.

R. 2. Timothy 3:16-17 affirms the sufficiency and inerrancy of Scripture, emphasizing its role in configuring our beliefs and guiding our lives according to God’s will. Songs like ‘How I Got Over’ and ‘How Firm A Foundation’ can serve as an uplifting reminders and expression of the transformative power of God’s Word and the steadfastness of His covenant with His people that has been the same since the beginning of time.

Hermeneutical Bridge and Closing Thought:

//The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose. I will not, I will not desert to his foes. That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake. I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.// This verse expresses a strong affirmation of a faith and trust in none other than Jesus Christ! It speaks of a soul that has found peace and rest, and declares an unwavering commitment to remain loyal and steadfast in the face of any opposition. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is ever present! We can can hang our hat on that truth. //That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake. I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.// Saints, he has laid a foundation by his excellent word. From Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God created to Revelation 22:21 – The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. AMEN! When we look back and wonder, how did we make it over, We can boldly proclaim, it’s the firm foundation that ALL Scripture is breathed out by God. We can trust in GOD and we can build our faith and our life on the very words that descend from His lips. Let’s live our lives in truth!

Closing Prayer:

Oh Lord my God. Thank you for Your Devine communication with us through your word. Thank you for laying a firm foundation that we can build our lives upon. Heavenly Father, as we come to the end of this sermon, we thank You for the wisdom and truth we have received. May your Word take root in our hearts and bear fruit in our lives. Guide us as we seek to live out the message we have heard today. In Jesus name we pray. Amen!

Thank you for allowing me to lead you all in worship and speak God’s word to you Today.

Charge and Blessing: May the word of God be a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. May it inspire and instruct us, providing us guidance and clarity in every decision wee make. May the Holy Scriptures be our source of comfort and strength that encourages us in times of challenge and hardship. May we grow in wisdom and meditated on God’s word. AMEN.