Truths that are found in the Bible and very important to us and our eternity.
1. Ignorance of these truths do not change the truth of it.
2. Ignoring, or not responding to the truth does not change it either, Hebrews 2:3, Neglect.
3. Let me encourage you to learn all you can about the subjects and respond to what you know.
Let’s begin with the subject of the resurrection and contrast to what a lot of folks believe there will not be a general resurrection. There are two yet in the future.
Understand and except tow truths concerning the resurrections.
1. The scriptures teach in the most positive terms that all dead human bodies shall rise.
a. John 5:28-29
b. 1 Corinthians 15:12-23, Luke 16:22-24
2. The doctrine of the resurrection concerns, “only the bodies” of the dead for their disembodied spirit are instantly in Heaven or Hell.
3. Many bodies of the saints have already been resurrected.
a. Matthew 27:51-53
b. There are yet two resurrections in the future, offering many aspect and for the body of the message I want to show you how they differ: the coming, the character, the company, then conclude with a few statements.
4. All human bodies shall rise and only the bodies are in the grave.
I. The Coming of the First and Second Coming
1. We see what interval of time that separates the two resurrections, Revelation 20:5
2. The first resurrection happens with the rapture, when Jesus comes again.
a. 1 Corinthians 15:23, 51-52
b. This the church, the bride of Christ.
3. The second resurrection comes at the close of the 1,000-year reign of Christ, Revelation 20:5, 17.
II. The Character of the First and Second Resurrection
1. For those that will be the first resurrection it will be a time of rewarding, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10
2. The Bible says much about crowns, rewards.
a. 1 Thessalonians 2:19
b. 1 Corinthians 9:24
c. 2 Timothy 4:8
d. 1 Peter 5:1-4
3. Rewards are scripture and they will be given at the “Bema Seat” when Jesus comes again.
a. 1 Corinthians 3:12-15
b. Matthew 16:27
4. The character of the second resurrection is seen in the word “unjust.”
a. John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15
b. Luke 14:13-14, again the just and the unjust. The only way a person can be just before God is in the person of Jesus Christ, Romans 8:1. The unjust are those who have never been saved.
c. Revelation 20:14-15, footnote on second death.
5. To sum up the character.
a. The first resurrection is made up of the saved., when Jesus returns for the purpose of rewarding us.
b. The second resurrection is made up of the lost, at the great white throne for the purpose of judging.
III. The Company and Results of the Two Resurrections
1. The company and results of the first resurrection is seen in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. Caught up with all the saints and so shall we ever be with the Lord, John 14:1-3
2. The company and results differ with the second resurrection.
a. Ephesians 2:12
b. Matthew 25:41, shows the lake of fire was prepared of for the devil and his fallen angels, Revelation 20:10, 21:8
IV. The Conclusion of what We Have Tried to Say
1. In the Bible, there are pairs.
2. First and second. Man is always left with the choice with a decision to make.
3. Ignorance won’t change it, ignoring won’t change it. Neglect.
4. Two births, two deaths, two resurrections, two destinies, two masters.
5. The key verse of thought is found in John 3:16-18.
6. Receive Christ and have part in the first resurrection.
7. Reject Christ and Have part in the second resurrection.
8. Revelation 20:6