Overall what is happening in this chapter is that Abraham is tested to make a sacrifice of Isaac.
Thomas Coke (1801) – Genesis 22
Abraham, being commanded to offer up his son Isaac, when stretching forth his hand to slay him, is prevented by the angel of the Lord. Abraham offers up a ram, in the stead of his son: God establishes his covenant by an oath with Abraham. Abraham is informed of the children of Nahor.
John Gill (1766) – Genesis 22
In this chapter we have an account of an order given by God to Abraham to sacrifice his son, (Genesis 22:1); of his readiness to obey the will of God, he immediately preparing everything for that purpose, (Genesis 22:3), of the order being reversed, and another sacrifice substituted in its room, which occasioned the giving a new name to the place where it was done, (Genesis 22:11); upon which the promise of special blessings, of a numerous offspring, and of the seed in whom all nations should be blessed, is renewed, (Genesis 22:15); after this Abraham returns to Beersheba, where he is informed of the increase of his brother Nahor's family, (Genesis 22:19).
The Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge (2010) – Genesis 22
Abraham is tempted to offer Isaac; Genesis 22:1
He gives proof of his faith and obedience; Genesis 22:3
The angel prevents him; Genesis 22:11
Isaac is exchanged for a ram; Genesis 22:13
The place is called Jehovah-Jireh; Genesis 22:14
Abraham is again blessed; Genesis 22:15
The generations of Nahor unto Rebekah; Genesis 22:20
Matthew Henry (1714) – Genesis 22
We have here the famous story of Abraham's offering up his son Isaac, that is, his offering to offer him, which is justly looked upon as one of the wonders of the church. Here is:
I. The strange command which God gave to Abraham concerning it (Genesis 22:1-2).
II. Abraham's strange obedience to this command (Genesis 22:3-10)
III. The strange issue of this trial.
1. The sacrificing of Isaac was countermanded (Genesis 22:11-12).
2. Another sacrifice was provided (Genesis 22:13-14).
3. The covenant was renewed with Abraham hereupon (Genesis 22:15-19).
IV. Lastly, an account of some of Abraham's relations (Genesis 22:20-24)
Daniel Weldon (1889) – Genesis 22
We must particularly observe, that this whole procedure was a testing, a temptation of Abraham. For the purpose of such trial it was perfectly proper for God to command the offering up in sacrifice of the life which he had himself given, and had the right and the power to take again. It was equally proper for him to countermand the order when he saw its purpose was accomplished. (Genesis 22:12). In all this there was no conflict, as some writers have supposed, between the revealed and the secret will of God, as if the Holy One had two wills acting in opposite directions at the same time. When God commanded Abraham to go and offer up Isaac, he meant exactly what he said; and when Abraham had shown implicit faith and obedience, God spoke again and commanded him to offer the ram for a burnt offering instead of his son (see Genesis 22:13). Here is no conflict between a revealed and a secret will of God. It is simply and solely his revealed will countermanding, for stated reasons, what his revealed will had before commanded. And thus we are told, with a beauty and tenderness unsurpassed in literature, the process and the outcome of the trial of Abraham’s faith.
*NOTE: I have placed this insight here – not as a statement of agreement, but for your awareness. This view has been around since at least 1874 and still lingers today. Some today consider that if the story is real – Abraham is practicing child abuse.
“A peculiar interpretation has been put upon this chapter by Hengstenberg and Lange, who maintain that Abraham misunderstood the divine command. They deem it absurd to suppose that God should forbid in one part of the transaction what he commands in another, or that he should at all command a human sacrifice, a thing declared so abominable in the law. They understand the command of Genesis 22:2 to mean that Abraham should offer his son in spiritual consecration to God; not slay him for a literal burnt offering. Thus God would teach his friend both the distinction and the connection between sacrificing and killing. The principle and methods of this interpretation are like those by which it is attempted to show that Jephthah did not offer his daughter as a burnt offering, but devoted her to perpetual virginity. “The Hebrew cultist,” says Lange, “distinguishes between the spiritual consecration of man as a sacrifice, and the visible slaughter of an animal. Thus, for example, according to 1 Samuel 1:24-25, the boy Samuel was brought by his parents to Eli the priest, and consecrated at the tabernacle, since the three bullocks were slain there as burnt offerings.” — Commentary on Genesis, p. 79.
(This view explains away the natural meaning of the language, and foists in a spiritualizing process of thought, transcendental in nature and tendency, and calculated to confuse and mislead rather than help the student of the Scripture.)
Genesis 22:2 He said, "Take now your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you."
Abraham’s faith tested.
Abraham is asked to give up that which he holds most dear.
Hebrews 11:17-19 By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was offering up his only begotten son; it was he to whom it was said, "IN ISAAC YOUR DESCENDANTS SHALL BE CALLED." He considered that God is able to raise people even from the dead, from which he also received him back as a type.
“For family devotions, Martin Luther once read the account of Abraham offering Isaac on the altar in Genesis 22. His wife Katie, said, ‘I do not believe it. God would not have treated his son like that.’ ‘But Katie,’ Luther replied, ‘he did.’” Warren Wiersbe