Summary: A look at what John's letters to the churches can teach us.

Church at Thyatira

Revelation 2:18-29

March 12, 2023

This mornings message was rewritten on Friday morning, because God led me in a very different direction than where I was headed. It’s really a God thing. So, here we go!

When we were in Dearborn, Michigan and I was pastoring that church, there were a lot of issues. The church was dwindling and needed to change. I came there and we dramatically changed the way we did a lot of things in the church. But there was a lingering problem. It was the people.

You see, this church lived in conflict. It was as if they thrived on conflict. It was not formed that way, it was once a thriving, landmark church. But somehow, somewhere, conflict crept in. It wasn’t intentional, it wasn’t planned . . . Nobody ever thought, ‘hmm, I think it would be so much fun to bring conflict to the church, but it happened.

Meetings, meetings and more more meetings were held. Ground rules had to be posted. To be honest, it really wasn’t much fun. Many of the people believed they could offer their opinion in a very loud and confrontational manner. You could raise your voice and tell someone they were very wrong about something, and in not so nice a way. Then, they believed they could go out for a meal together. It was all part of their culture. It didn’t help that the church was filled with a lot of Ford and Chrysler executives. We had a board room which had to cost upwards of $30,000. So, the way of the world crept into the church.

I’m telling you this story because I believe it was very similar in many respects to what was happening to the church in Thyatira. As we’re looking at the churches in Revelation, 7 churches who received a letter from John. Today, we’re looking at the 4th church, located in Asia Minor, or present day Turkey.

Thyatira was small and not as famous as the other cities we’ve looked at. Thyatira was known for its trade guilds or unions. There were trade unions for carpenters, bronze workers, cobblers, potters, tanners, weavers, tent makers, and more. It was located on a major trade route which helped its economy.

If you were a potter or metalworker, you joined a trade union that met at the local pagan temple. Along with the regular trade business came idol worship, drunkenness, and a great deal of sexual perversion. It was a package deal. You couldn’t say, “I want to be in this trade union, but I’ll skip the idol worship.” That wouldn’t go in Thyatira.

Thyatira received the longest letter from the Lord. It’s a reminder that all churches, large and small, are important to Christ. Nobody can say, my church is too small, so Jesus doesn’t care about us.

The letter begins with a description of Jesus ---

18 These are the words of the Son of God, whose eyes are like blazing fire and whose feet are like burnished bronze.

God is telling the church, that God sees all things and overlooks nothing. You know what it’s like when someone’s staring a hole through you, well, that’s the image John wants the church to get. Jesus sees all that’s going on. His feet were like burnished bronze, describes his power and strength to execute judgement. The trade workers would have fully understood the power of Christ through this imagery. Jesus is speaking their language.

Jesus is letting the people of Thyatira know, listen to me, now!

First, we start with the praise. On the surface, it sounds like an amazing church.

Jesus said - - - 19 I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed your first.

It sounds like they were rocking it. Jesus is telling the church - - - He’s proud of them, they’re growing in who He’s called them to be. A group of faithful, powerful, courageous believers in Christ who are growing in faith and service.

Think about it - - - their works and love and faith and service and patient endurance were evident . . . . . and they were getting better at it.

It’s very powerful praise from Jesus to the church. They were growing spiritually and this was evident in the work they were doing. They were loving one another, caring for one another, they were helping, and at the same time, they were persevering through persecution and hardship. Great praise from Jesus!!

BUT . . . there was something else going on in the church. And it wasn’t good. Somehow in the midst of their growth they allowed an ungodly woman to rise to a place of enormous spiritual influence. John wrote - - - -

20 Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess.

By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols .

We have lots of questions and not lots of answers. Who was this woman and how did she rise to prominence in an otherwise excellent congregation? Jesus refers to her as Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab from 1 Kings 16:29-33. Jezebel was the daughter of a pagan king. When she married Ahab, king of Israel, she led the entire nation to Baal worship. Under her influence, evil was perpetuated and Jezebel became a symbol for sin, especially sexual sin.

So, how could such a woman come to power in the church? And here’s where we can go back and look at Dearborn or for that matter many churches, including First Baptist Church, Alexandria.

The confrontational attitude in Dearborn didn’t happen overnight. I’m sure it started slowly. It crept in through 1 person, who raised their voice. But here’s part of the problem in the church . . . and most churches are guilty of this . . . . YOU READY!!

We don’t like to confront sin! There, I said it. We kind of pass it off. Oh, that’s just the way they are. They don’t mean anything by it. So, we allow it to fester. And when we do that . . . it grows. It’s like a virus that is not contained. It’s like putting a lot of yeast into flour, and the dough grows and grows.

It’s like the old movie the blob . . . the blob keeps getting larger and larger. But we don’t see it at first. We don’t notice our kids growing, but before we know it, they’re taller than we are.

It just kind of happens. And it shocks us. It kind of overwhelms us. We have to be wary of it not just at church, but at home, at work, at school. Because when we allow sin to fester, it’s like mold. If you don’t stop it, if you don’t clean it up and kill it, it will continue to grow.

That’s what was happening in Thyatira. The people were doing great works for Jesus. They were loving one another and growing in good works in the name of Jesus, but they had allowed sin to creep in. And it was growing and growing. If they didn’t do anything about it, it would change the trajectory of the church.

In other words, it would kill the church. Jesus reminds us, you can’t serve 2 masters. You will love the one and hate the other. And sometimes we do that. We don’t realize it, and we would never say we hate Jesus. We love Jesus! But when we allow sin to filter in, it impacts us. It slowly changes us. While we publically say we’re against it, we find ourselves buying in to the sin, as we kind of justify it.

Thyatira was dealing with sexual sin . . . Dearborn was dealing with unresolved anger; and whether it’s sexual sin, or gossip, or unresolved anger, pride, greed, envy, addictions or whatever, it can enter our lives very subtly. This came through a woman who appeared to be a prophetess, but she was a false prophetess.

The apostle Peter teaches us - - -

8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. - 1 Peter 5:8

Peter’s telling us to be clear minded, literally, be sober and vigilant, preparing yourself for the ways the devil tries to destroy us. Think about it . . . how does a lion attack? Usually by prowling around so quietly that we don’t hear it or see it, until it’s too late and it’s pounced on us. That’s the same way with many sins. Before we realize it, we deep in it. All because satan is so deceptive.

We could go back to think about the first sin, but that’s for an entirely different day. We need to be aware, to have our spiritual armor on.

Then Paul tells us - - -

14 for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. - 2 Corinthians 11

satan wants us to think that he’s good, truthful, loving, and powerful – all the things that God is. To portray himself as a dark, devilish being with horns would not be very appealing to most people. We’re not drawn to darkness, but to light. It would be very obvious if satan were masquerading as a source of evil. Most people would stay away.

So satan does this, along with his servants. They seek to be servants of righteousness, that’s where we justify our sinfulness.

The question that comes before us is this - - -

How can we discern which light is of God and which light is of satan? Our hearts and minds are easily confused by conflicting messages. How can we make sure we’re on the right path?

Again think about the way the world wants us to perceive God and how we’re to accept everything and anything people do. It’s easy to give in and slowly believe that what’s wrong is actually right.

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm, but one of the most powerful psalms with what it’s telling us, especially the many ways it tells us to follow God’s law.

For example, we read - - -

1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord!

2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, 3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways!

10 With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! - Psalm 119

There are countless examples of God’s call in our lives to know His word, so we would be able not only to combat evil, but to see it before it even attacks and we’re ready. The word of God and our relationship with God are our most powerful tools. We’re all going to be tempted, but God always, always, always gives us a way out.

The words of God have power. Just as God’s voice spoke physical light into existence, it can speak spiritual light into our hearts. Exposure to His Word, helps us recognize the difference between the light of God and that which is counterfeit.

As I’ve been reading the Bible this year, I’m struck by the words of Moses to the Israelites - - - over and over again, he tells the people BE OBEDIENT to God and you will be blessed. If you don’t, you will suffer. That’s so true for us as well. We are called to follow God and know His word, so we can discern good from evil.

Yet, we see people who aren’t following God who seem to prosper, so we think, ‘well, if they can do it, so can I.’ But we don’t know the end of the story. All we can see is what’s happening in the here and now. We can’t see their hearts and realize how miserable they might be. We can’t see their future and know that their hearts have not been given to God.

Jesus tells if we we’re willing to lose our lives, we will save our lives,

but if we seek to save our lives, we will lose our lives.

It sounds like double talk! But He’s telling us don’t give in to the ways of the world. Don’t buy what satan is selling. Don’t give in to the mantra of immediate gratification. Instead, hold onto God. James tells us - - -

7 Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. - James 4

In other words, move towards God, and you will experience God. God will draw closer and closer to you. And if you flee from the devil, he’s a wimp and will flee from you.

That’s really the antidote.

I know I’ve been dwelling on the negative part of this letter to the church, but for any church to be healthy, the whole has to be healthy. If one part is damaged, then the whole is damaged. If one is wounded, we’re all wounded. If one is victorious, we’re all victorious. It’s the beauty and power of the church. It’s a synergistic relationship we have with one another.

In the end, satan presents sin to us as something pleasing and beautiful. He’s the craftiest salesman ever. He wants us to desire all he has to offer. And he presents false teaching as enlightening and life-changing. Millions follow his deceptions simply because they do not know God’s truth. Just look at the world around us and you can see how his influence hasn’t been for the betterment of humanity.

Darkness is a result of attempting to find truth without the Word of God. This is why satan’s masquerade as an angel of light is so effective. It turns white to black and black to white and gets us believing that God’s the liar, that God is the source of darkness. Then, in our distress, we focus our hatred towards the only One who can save us.

Okay, let’s end on a positive note from scripture. Now Jesus has a word of encouragement for the church. For those who won’t give in to Jezebel, Jesus said,

24 Now I say to the rest of you in Thyatira, to you who do not hold to her teaching and have not learned satan’s so-called deep secrets (I will not impose any other burden on you):

25 except to HOLD ON to what you have until I come.

The phrase “so-called deep secrets” gives us a clue to what was going on. Jezebel enticed her followers by promising them knowledge and experience that came through some combination of pagan ritual, Christian symbolism and sexual experimentation, all under the banner of learning “deep secrets” that other people don’t know.

False prophets love “deep secrets.” Don’t we love it when someone says, “Let me tell you a secret?” Why be stuck with the Bible when you can enter into a world of signs, omens and prophecies that give you insight into the “hidden world” that regular Christians don’t have?

Jesus has only one command to His faithful followers: HOLD ON! Don’t give into her seductive schemes. Don’t join those who follow her teachings. It’s not always easy not to give in. It looks like they’re having all of the fun. And for the moment, they think they are! But those few moments of fun and pleasure will be replaced with an eternity of suffering. So, HOLD ON!! Use the spiritual resources you have. Use the power which is at your disposal, and that power and strength is . . . Jesus!

Now, Jesus comes to the end and gives this promise to the church - 26 To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations –

27 that one will rule them with an iron scepter and will dash them to pieces like pottery - just as I have received authority from my Father.

28 I will also give him the morning star.

Jesus is the morning star, the one who conquers and has all the power. 2,000 years ago the world crucified Jesus, but one day He will rule the world with an iron scepter as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. If we are faithful, we will share in His victory. And we will know Him, for He is the One who lights up the heavens.

So, what do we learn from this letter? The world makes many demands upon us. We’re expected to accept all ways of doing all things. Nothing is excluded. If you’re not willing to accept all ways to live . . . then you’re viewed as a narrow-minded, intolerant bigot. And those are the nice things that will be said about you.

The philosophy of the world is if it feels good, it must be good, so do it. If it feels right in your heart, then it’s alright. Remember what Paul told Timothy,

3 The time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires,

they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. (2 Tim 4:3-4)

4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

It sure sounds like we’re living in that time . . . right now!

Can’t you imagine Jezebel saying --- ‘You need to make a living and God doesn’t expect you to starve. Don’t be worried. God told me its alright. It’s okay to be part of the unions and participate in the immoral and idolatrous worship.

That sounds great, doesn’t it? It’s enticing. After all, she knows more than I do. And the sad fact is, we’re good at rationalizing away our behavior, when we know it’s wrong. It’s like the man who was on a diet, but he wanted a donut so bad he could taste it. He knew he shouldn’t have it, so he prayed,

God, as I drive to the bakery, if there’s a parking space in front of the bakery, then I know you want me to have a donut.

So, he came to the bakery and sure enough, there was a parking space . . . on the 12th time around the block. We laugh, but we play that game too — don’t we?

We rationalize our way into compromise, which leads to sin. So, what have you been rationalizing lately? What are you tempted to rationalize away right now?

I’m not kidding — — Jezebel’s voice isn’t silent in the 21st century any more than it was in the 1st or in the 10th century BC. You can count on the evil one whispering to you: “You’re unhappy in this marriage and God doesn’t want you to be unhappy. It would be wrong for you to go through life being unhappy so you better leave. Or maybe, you can hook up with someone for some fun on the side, that will make it better.”

Pick your topic, and we can rationalize all we want!!

The Jezebels of today say, “You don’t need to obey God . . . He doesn’t care.

“You don’t have to give to the church ... God doesn’t expect you to tithe in these economic times.

“What’s a little white lie, everyone does it.

After what they did to you, you don’t need to forgive. They should rot!

It’s your body, you can do what you want with it, nobody can tell you!

Have you been living life like this? You worship the god of rationalization. You know what it’s like to hurt and feel pain. You see, there’s pain in sin, but there’s power, strength and freedom in forgiveness and obedience.

Back to Dearborn . . . . the end of the church (story)

You may still have to live with the consequences of our past, but, you can have the burden of guilt lifted from your heart.

As Paul said -- If anyone is in Christ, you are a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Think of it this way. You can have Jezebel or you can have Jesus, but you can’t have them both. Know this - - - - -

He loves you.

He came from heaven to save you.

He died on the cross for you.

He invites you to come to Him.

You can be changed.

You can be made clean.

You can have a new start.

Are you willing?

Father God,

I ask that with Your eyes that blaze like fire—You would look closely at each of us. Then, open our eyes God—and show us what You see. Show us the areas in our life where we are compromising and rationalizing sinful behavior. Convict us of this God — make us uncomfortable for any attitude or action that pulls us away from Your will.

God — help us to resist the temptations in front of us — let us know you so intimately that the Jezebel’s have no power over us. So, we would recognize a false prophet when we see one. Make us bold enough to reject the adversary so they don’t have a foothold in our lives. I ask this in the name of the Morning Star—Jesus. AMEN.