Summary: This is the 140th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 20th sermon from Romans.

Series: Action [#140]


Romans 12:9-16


As a Christian, growing up spiritually is hard to do. Weeks like this week make it difficult- Surgeries postponed because of insurance, extra Dr. visits, and taking the same tests again and again are enough to challenge your faith. The devil attacks you over and over again; and seems like it is 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. So, what do you do? You can give up, you can just keep surviving, or you can allow God to grow you. How do you grow in a way that is pleasing to God?

Romans 12:9

You grow up by…

1. Being sincere.

You need to be genuine, real. You need to take off the mask and love people. This is not a game. You are to hate evil and hold on to what is good. The sign of how genuine your faith is found in how you behave behind closed doors.

Romans 12:10

You grow up by…

2. Being devoted to one another.

You need to be aware of other’s needs. You need to be able to trust one another and love one another. You are supposed to put others before yourself.

Romans 12:11

You grow up by…

3. Being excited.

This is a very important point. If you make your Church out to be a terrible place full of terrible people, no one will want to be a part of it. You should be excited about what God is doing. Your enthusiasm for serving God ought to be contagious.

Romans 12:12

You grow up by…

4. Being positive.

To be joyful in hope means that you see the glass ½ full, not ½ empty. As Christians, we have a lot to look forward to. Through Christ, there is victory.

Romans 12:12

You grow up by…

5. Being patient.

The Bible says that we can be confident that the plan of God and the power of God are greater than any problems we're going through. We can be patient because we know that God is using these things in our lives to strengthen us. Don't look at the temporary situation- Look at the eternal benefit of that temporary situation that you are going through.

Romans 12:12

You grow up by…

6. Being prayerful.

No matter what is happening, you need to pray. Without prayer, you do not have a chance.

Romans 12:13

You grow up by…

7. Being hospitable.

You are to open your heart and your home to others. 1 of the fastest ways for a Church to pull together is through spending time together. You are to help one another.

Romans 12:14

You grow up by…

8. Being forgiving.

You are to forgive others for what they do to you. You are not supposed to be battling one another. You must learn to forgive and love one another.

Romans 12:15

You grow up by…

9. Being there for one another.

When one of us has a victory, we should celebrate and when one of us is going through a difficult time, we should be there to cry with them.

Romans 12:16

You grow up by…

10. Being fair with one another.

Being prejudice, discriminating, etc… will destroy your life faster than anything else. The economic or social level of the people in our Church should not matter. You are to get along with one another and not think that you are any better than anyone else.


This is a long list of things that you need to be doing in order to grow in a way that brings glory and honor to God. This applies to your personal life, your family, your work place, and your Church- Grow up.