Summary: Whenever we are near the Lord, we see the glory of Jesus. We hear the Father's voice.


February 19, 2023 – Transfiguration – MARK 9:2-10

INTRO: At certain times in our lives we have experienced the feeling of being safe and sound. Maybe we were surrounded by family. Or friends. Or the love of Jesus. In each case and place we knew the truth of Peter’s words: It is good to be here. This is especially true whenever we gather around the Word of God. “Yes, one day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather wait at the doorway of the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. For the LORD is a sun and shield” (PSALM 84:10, 11a). The LORD is our sun and our shield. IT IS GOOD TO BE HERE (NEAR THE LORD). I. We see the glory of Jesus. II. We hear the Father’s voice.


A. Verse 2. “After six days....” Six days earlier Jesus talked about his need to go to Jerusalem.

1. Jesus explained that in Jerusalem he would suffer. Be rejected. Crucified. Rise again.

2. Now very special time as Jesus is alone with Peter, James, and John. Valuable learning.

B. Verse 2b. Jesus was transfigured before them. (Long, Bible word, meaning in next verse).

1. Verse 3. Jesus’ appearance was changed (transfigured defined). Dazzling white.

2. Jesus’ glory visible. Quite different from his daily appearance as Son of man.

C. Verse 4. Moses and Elijah appear. Talked with Jesus. There is life (eternal) after death.

1. Verse 5. It is good to be here. Peter did not want to leave this very special place.

2. Even wanted to build shelters on this mountain. Wanted to stay much longer.

3. Verse 6. Peter did not know what to say. Extremely frightened. Terrifying sight.

D. Jesus was becoming popular. Crowds sought out Jesus for healing. There was little time to be alone with the disciples. Jesus, Peter, James, and John were alone on the mountain. It was a valuable time for teaching. Learning. It is good to be here as we worship together in God’s house. Our worship time together in church is short compared to our time outside of church. We are not alone. We want to take time to be with Jesus every day. Set aside a special each day to see the Lord’s glory. This happens when we travel to the mountain of the Lord in the Scriptures. We follow Jesus’ example. “After he had dismissed the crowd, he went up onto the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone” (MATTHEW 14:23). Time alone with Jesus: to read, and to study. It is good to be here to see Jesus’ glory.

E. The Lord is always near us. Even if we do not always remember God’s promise. That is why it is so important to remind ourselves the Lord is near be staying near to him. The best way is when we regularly gather together for worship. Church is the spiritual mountain where Jesus teaches us as his modern-day disciples. God’s word is living. Active. Powerful. By the divine power of the Lord God of Armies our eyes are open to see the glory of Jesus, our Savior. “The Word became flesh and dwelled among us. We have seen his glory, the glory he has as the only-begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth” (JOHN 1:14). Grace, truth = glory of Jesus. Sustains us in our lying world. Good to be near Lord.

F. We see the glory of Jesus by faith. The glory of Jesus is in the intricate details with which God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them. Man sinned. Needed a Savior. The Lord promised. Jesus came to live. Die. Rise again. All of this is the glory of Jesus. You and I and every Christ-follower know these truths. By Scripture, faith, and grace alone we know Jesus’ glory. Our hope.

“God wanted to make known to them what is the wealth of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles—this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory” (COLOSSIANS 1:27). It is good to be near the Lord.

IT IS GOOD TO BE HERE (NEAR THE LORD). We see the glory of Jesus in the Bible.


A. Peter, James, and John were terrified by this dazzling display of Jesus’ glory. Beyond normal.

1. Verse 7. But there was even more. A cloud appeared. It overshadowed them.

2. A voice from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him.” Divine testimony.

a. Cloud, voice = God’s glory in O.T. b. Mt. Sinai, temple. c. Often frightening.

B. Verse 8. Once again, Peter, James, and John alone with Jesus. Somewhat normal.

C. Verse 9. Disciples were not to talk about this until after Jesus rose from the dead.

1. Not tell: The fullness of time for Jesus’ death coming. Day, hour, second set by God.

2. Verse 10. Not tell: Disciples struggled to understand “rising from the dead”. Needed wisdom.

D. As the followers of Christ, we are his witnesses. We are far ahead of the Jesus’ disciples. They were living in a time when God’s word was being fulfilled before their very eyes. Great things were yet to be revealed. You and I live in the time in which all of God’s promises have been fulfilled. (Of course, one left is the return of Jesus on the Last Day.) The cloud and the voice of the Lord in Biblical times was frightening. “See how the LORD our God has shown us his glory and his greatness, and we have heard his voice from the middle of the fire. Today we have seen that a man can live even though God has spoken to him” (DEUTERONOMY 5:24). The Lord speaks. We live. We long for his Word. Good to hear the Lord.

E. The Bible teaches us the things we need to know. To believe. God’s Word speaks to us with teachings beyond our human imagination. We need to know all things spiritual. To believe God’s truth. Understand his wisdom. “But as it is written: What no eye has seen and no ear has heard and no human mind has conceived—that is what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 CORINTHIANS 2:9). What are things the human mind has not imagined (conceived)? Our worship service begins with confession of sins. Our Father forgives. Forgiveness is not really a human concept. Our sinful nature wants to get even. Pay back evil with evil. Our Father’s voice opens our ears to hear our sins are forgiven. Our eyes are open to see the Savior’s glory. Our Father loves us that we may love others.

F. Jesus instructed Peter, James, and John to keep quiet about the transfiguration. They needed to hear more from their heavenly Father’s voice. Learn more. Understand better. We live in this time where have heard God’s promises. We have seen God’s promises fulfilled. God’s voice of promises has been fulfilled in our ears. Our time. Our Savior’s voice encourages us to share what we know. Believe. Confess. “We are proclaiming what we have seen and heard also to you, so that you may have fellowship with us. Our fellowship is with the Father and his Son Jesus Christ” (1 JOHN 1:3). Followers of Christ, all too many in this world need to hear our loving, heavenly Father’s voice. We are the divine mouthpieces to declare the glory of the Lord Jesus. He lived. Was rejected. Was crucified. Rose again. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection paid for our sins and the sins of the world. It is good to be here…near the Lord!

CONCL.: It IS GOOD to be here. To be near the Lord. The Lord is always near us whether we realize it or not. A good way to remember the closeness of the Lord is to stay close to him. God’s word shows us Jesus’ glory. The Father’s voice speaks to us. “How blessed is the person who listens to me, so that he can watch at my doors day after day, so that he can stand guard beside my front door, because whoever finds me finds life, and he obtains favor from the LORD…” (PROVERBS 8:34, 35). We have found life. The LIFE. The WAY. The TRUTH. IT IS GOOD TO BE HERE (TO BE NEAR THE LORD)! Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

TRANSFIGURATION readings: EXODUS 24:9-18; 2 PTR. 1:16-21; MATT. 17:1-9; (PSALM 148)

SERVICES: 8:00am @ McCook (Sun) / 10:30am @ Redeemer (Sun) / NCF 1:00 Min. (Sat) & 12:00 Med. (Sun)

Sunday radio broadcast @ 9:00am on KQNK 106.7FM / 102.5FM / 1530AM & Facebook