Summary: This is from a series on individuals and groups meeting Christ.

Title: “Encounters with Christ – The Disciples Are Called” Script: Mt. 4:18-25

Type: Series Where: GNBC 1-29-23

Intro: Today examine passage calling of first disciples. “Call” is an important concept for Christians. Christians are people called by God. The church is technically “The called out ones.” Most Christians aren’t really aware of what they have been called from or called to. What we are called from and called to: I. Called from labor to rest (Matt. 11:28) II. Called from death to life (1 John 3:14) III. Called from bondage to liberty (Gal 5:13) IV. Called out of darkness into light (1 Pet. 2:9) V. Called from bondage to peace (1 Cor. 7:15 VI. Called to the fellowship of His Son (1 Cor. 1:9) What we are made by obeying the call: I. We are made sons of God (John 1:12) II. We are made the children of God (Gal. 3:26) III. We are made the servants of God (Matt. 25:21) IV. We are made God’s saints (Col. 1:1) V. We are made God’s witnesses (I Thess. 2:10) VI. We are made workers together... Important truths to realize! (Sermon Central, 4-17-2006).

Prop: Today we’ll learn 3 Important Lessons Related to Christ’s Calling the Disciples.

BG: 1. Several “callings” of the disciples in the Gospels. It seems that shortly after our Lord’s baptism by John two of his disciples (one of whom we know was Andrew144 – Jn. 1:40) left John to follow Jesus. These two followed Jesus that day (verse 39). Andrew then recruited his brother Peter.

2. This is the second call upon the disciples. 3. It’s a wonder to consider Christ doesn’t call perfect men! He calls men like Andrew, Peter, James, John, imperfect men. Just like each one of us today. 3. Takes place in the North of the Nation. Near “Sea of Galilee”.

Prop: Examining Mt. 4 we’ll show us 3 Important Lessons Related to Christ’s Calling the Disciples.

I. Jesus Calls People to Make a Choice to Follow Him. vv. 18-22

A. Christ Begins Calling His Disciples.

1. Jesus Begins Assembling the Men who will form His Ministry Team.

a. Jesus was a rabbi and, in fact, the most important teacher and disciple-maker in history. Wherever He walked, His students would follow. Here, we are at the beginning of Jesus' public ministry, He chooses particular individuals to be His disciples. They didn’t file an application to get into the School of Jesus. Jesus selected His disciples. He went to prospective disciples where they were and gave this simple command: "Follow me." The command was literal—He called them to drop their present duties. They had to leave their work, their families, and their friends to follow Jesus.

b. “Follow Me…” – Two simple words that have changed the lives of countless millions of people over 2 millennia! And those two words are still going forth today! Who or what are you following friend? Follow Christ! He is extending a real and personal call to you today through the preaching of His Word! Will you respond? Each one of those 4 men had a decision to make. Follow Christ or not follow Christ. Wasn’t convenient. Never is. But is life changing!

2. Jesus Extends a Call to the men.

a. V. 19 – Read. I love this verse. Jesus calls the men exactly where they are in life. The fishermen were fishing. Casting their nets in the water. The other set of brothers were with their father, mending their nets. They weren’t in synagogue or at the temple. It wasn’t some holy day or high feast. It was normal, every day life. It was the work place. Christian, you and I need to be intentional about sharing Christ in the work place! Need to ask God what individual it is in your workplace that God wants to use you to show the love of Jesus Christ. Illust – About 39 yrs ago, a man started sharing Christ with a German immigrant at the furniture shop in Amana. That immigrant wasn’t very receptive at first! But praise God, continued! In time that man and wife would come to Christ. In time led 33 teams to Russia/Ukraine, took 1500 people on those teams! Recruited young people on 10 campuses to go into missions. Set up 3 sawmills in Russia for churches to build with. 12 church and Bible Colleges. Smuggled Bibles into East Germany! (Ask Martin and Judy to stand up!) (No reason you can’t be used like that as well! It’s not the man it’s the Master!)

b. V. 19 – This verse pictures an immediate detachment from the present sphere of the four men’s interest and of attachment to Jesus as their leader. And I will make you fishers of men; emphasizes the change in their character necessary for success in this new kind of fishing venture. Luke 5:10 brings out the change in the nature of the work(?p? t?? ???).

B. Jesus Is Calling People to Be Disciples Today.

1. In Every Generation Christ assembles His ministry team for that generation.

a. Christ often uses family and friendship groups to naturally extend the Gospel ministry. Now, go back to the passage. We see here that Jesus calls two sets of brothers who were in the same business: Andrew and Peter, James and John. Andrew had been a disciple of John the Baptist, who was a cousin of Jesus’. Church tradition says that Salome was the mother of James and John, and that she was a sister of Mary’s, the mother of Christ. If this was the case, then there is a whole lot of family relationships going on here as well as friendship of those coming to Christ.

b. Illust – Friends, this is part and parcel of how the Gospel should naturally spread. Loved ones should see the change Christ brings into our lives and want that for themselves. Illust – Lee is an old friend of mine who has recently died after a long battle with dementia. He was raised in a very religious family. Coming back from his tour in Vietnam and serving on the Columbia, SC, PD, the last thing he wanted was Christ. But Lee had a brother, Elton, who loved the Lord and loved Lee and began to gently share Christ. At first he was hostile. Had a young wife. Trauma from the war and other issues nagged at him and was unable to resolve. Over time began to ask his brother more and more. Finally came one Sunday to a service. Felt Christ drawing him to self. Went forward. Prayed to receive Christ. When looked up after praying, there was his wife, Mary Jane, beside him. If her husband needed Christ, she needed him too! PTL!

2. Let me ask you friend, have you responded to Christ’s call to be a disciple?

a. This encounter was not the first time these men had met Jesus. We learn in other passages (e.g. John 1:35-42) that some had previously been disciples of John the Baptist, who had spoken regularly about Jesus and had introduced Andrew and Simon to him. James and John had probably known Him their whole lives. But this was a significant moment nonetheless. This was the time to strike their colors and nail them to the mast.

b. This is a choice that all of us need to make at some point. There is nothing wrong with taking time to explore spiritual questions and learn about Jesus, but the moment comes where a decision of commitment is needed, and those words ‘follow me’ are as much an invitation to us as they were to them.

C. Applic: Jesus invites people to make a choice to follow Him. What about you today? Do you hear His voice calling your name?

II. Jesus is Calling Us to Join Him on Mission to See People Won to God. Vv.23-25

A. Jesus Invites His Disciples to join Him in His Mission to win people to God!

1. Immediately the Disciples Join Christ in Mission.

a. Don’t lose site of the importance of v. 20 – (Read). Christ is a Man of authority. This is the first time the disciples are permanently called and they respond without hesitation! Why? They saw His power and heard His words! Friend, if you come to Christ it is an all or nothing proposition. Whole life!

b. Illust – I love the fact that immediately Jesus calls a group of fishermen to become evangelists and missionaries! Didn’t need 4 years of Bible College and 3 yrs of seminary! Got busy! It was Spring of 1984, sr. in HS,, I had been a Christian exactly 3 months, when I was asked to go on a mission trip to Central America. I still had major struggles. Still had a profane mouth. My theology was immature at best and heretical at worst. No one in family was truly “saved”. Oh, and there was a war going on in the country. My reply: “If you will take me, I will go.”

2. Christ invited the Disciples to Join Him in His Messianic Ministry.

a. Notice that phrase: “proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom”. This is the first use of it in Matthew’s Gospel. What does it mean? If there is any theme that unites the Old Testament with the New Testament, any single thread that runs through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, it is the concept of the kingdom of God. Illust: Do you remember in Lk4, when the crowds tried to persuade Him not to depart from them, Jesus explained His mission this way: “I have to go. I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.” Jesus said, “The reason I am here, the purpose for My coming, is to proclaim the kingdom of God.”

b. When did we see this idea appear? Let me take you back to Gen. 49; where we see the dying Jacob blessing his offspring. When he comes to Judah he declares: “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,

Until Shiloh comes;” What is the scepter? The scepter is the rod of the king. It signifies his royal authority. What Jacob is saying prophetically, announcing the Word of God to Judah, is that God’s earthly king will come through the tribe of Judah. He will not come through Zebulun, Reuben, Gad, Naphtali, Issachar, or anyone else, but through Judah. Judah is the lion’s whelp, so God promises a king who will be known as “the Lion of Judah.” In biblical categories, the kingdom of God doesn’t just describe that place where God rules, but it also describes preeminently that place where God saves. The kingdom of God is the realm of the redeemed, the society of those who have experienced the salvation of the King, because the promised Messiah will not only be a king, but also a priest. (Insights from RC Sproul sermon “The Gospel of the Kingdom”)

B. Christians today are to Proclaim Christ’s Kingdom thru Preaching the Gospel.

1. The Call of the Disciples will initiate the 1st Major Preaching Tour of Christ.

a. This section of Matthew records what scholars refer to as the start of “The First Galilean Tour with the Disciples”. Most likely this was early summer of 28 AD. Its during his time that Matthew will be called, the paralytic will be lowered thru the roof, beginning of Sabbath controversies with Pharisees, healing of the man at pool of Bethesda and many, many more. However, the emphasis will be on preaching.

b. Matthew describes the commencement of Jesus’ Galilean ministry as starting out with a bang. It was an instant success. It could not have been otherwise. Jesus went “throughout all Galilee,” teaching, preaching, and healing (verse 23). You can imagine how word must have spread?! Literally 1000’s reached thru Galilee, Syria, Decapolis (10 Gentile cities). Look at all Christ does! Amazing!

2. Jesus Calls Disciples today to Proclaim His Kingdom as We Join With Him to Win People to God.

a. What is it Jesus said? “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). Jesus said elsewhere, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). What does He say your priority should be? To seek first the kingdom of God. To live with eternity in mind. Paul says that same thing in many places in his letters. For example, in Colossians 3:2, he writes, “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” “Make it a point to point people to the Maker!”

b. Illust: In order to do this we must prioritize our lives. Some people instinctively know what their priorities are. The classified section of the Quay County Sun newspaper in June of 1978 contained this ad: “Farmer with 160 irrigated acres wants marriage-minded woman with tractor. When replying, please show picture of tractor.” What are your priorities in life? Have you ever spent much time thinking about what you should spend your time on? Most people have not. Just do what comes next. Years ago business man said that there are two things that are difficult for most people to do: To think, and to do things in the order of their importance.” What a tragedy it would be to have gone through your whole life and at the end of it, look back, and realize that you spent all your time, money and energy on things that were pointless and had no value or worth.” (Jeremy Myers message Lk.4)

C. Applic: The invitation that Jesus extended to these fishermen was not just to be spectators while he ministered, but to be involved themselves. Same true for us.

III. Accepting Jesus’ Call Can be Costly and Involves Laying Down Anything that Gets in the Way of His Mission. Vv. 20 & 22

A. Notice What the Disciples Put Laid Down So They Could Pick Up the Mantel Christ was offering them.

1. These four Disciples Laid Down their Very Lives to Follow Christ.

a. We should notice how costly this was for them. It meant leaving their nets, their boats, and even their father to follow Christ! Think about that. These men were willing to lay down their jobs and move away from their family business. In part, this was a very practical thing. Jesus would be travelling to all the towns and villages preaching the gospel and healing the sick. It would not be possible to join him for this without laying those nets down.

b. It is not necessarily the case that all subsequent followers will be called to lay down the same things (jobs, proximity to family, etc.), but this story does show us that being a disciple of Jesus involves being ready to lay down whatever gets in the way of following him.

2. Being a Disciple Recognizes Christ is Lord!

a. Don’t think that the disciples gave up a business that was barely getting by, eeking out a living. Most likely a very lucrative profession. Staple of the diet. We know that James and John’s father, Zebedee had employees. This was costly! This took a commitment!

b. Illust: CT Studd – Famous English sports hero (Cricket) came from wealthy family. Father came to Christ listening to DL Moody. So concerned for sons salvation, brought in preachers to preach to them! (You think it’s tough parents force you to go to church!) Studd became a missionary preaching Christ on 3 continents. You know what was one of his most famous quotes? ““If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” (Do you believe that too?)

B. Accepting Christ’s Call Today Can Still Be Costly and Involves Laying Down Anything that Gets in the Way of Accomplishing His Mission Thru Your Life.

1. As Disciples of Christ lay down anything that gets in the way of following Him.

a. Now, Christ may or He may not call you to leave your profession or position in life when you come to faith in Him. That is incidental. Now, if you are in some position that is incompatible with the Gospel you will have to lay that down. (Illust – Seminary – William Sherman, Liberian pastor. When got saved worked as manager of a tobacco factory in Monrovia. Had conviction smoking was sinful. Quit well paying position. However, others, that coming to Christ He immediately uses their talents, trade, etc. for His glory.

b. The point of the passage is not so much what “items or trades” we must lay down when we come to Christ, rather, we must lay down our entire lives! In Mt. 16:24 Jesus made this abundantly clear when said: “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”

2. Christ is Still Calling Disciples Today!

a. Is this not essentially what Bonhoeffer said in his Cost of Discipleship? ““Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, Communion without confession, absolution without personal confession. Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.”

b. Friends, over the next ten weeks we are going to examine Christ’s encounters with all sorts of people. Here’s the important truth for us today: Christ is still calling people today! Billy Graham used to say that God has three calls on each of our lives. 1.He calls you to the person of Jesus Christ. “‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow’” (Isaiah 1:18). They can be made white as snow because of the cross. So He calls you to Christ today. 2. Second, God calls you to consecration. The word consecration means to set apart. We do the dedicating, but only God can consecrate. “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God” (Romans 12:1). Think of your life as a house. You’re the owner of the house. You have a ring of keys. And when you respond to the call of Christ, you give God the key to the front door of your house. That’s what disciples did when left their nets. 3. Finally, God calls you to go and grow! “Follow me” implies moving and learning! Walk with Christ. Learn from Christ. Grow in Christ.

C. Applic: What things are the equivalent of the nets for us? They may be good things in themselves, but if they get in the way of following Jesus then we need to lay them down.