Summary: The national sport of football is heading towards the Superbowl. Galatians can be seen as two teams seeking victory.... Paul with the true Gospel (football) and Christian Pharisees intercepting the "gospel" by adding rules for victory (salvation).

In Jesus Holy Name January 22, 2023

Text: Galatians Series Galatians 1:11-2:10 Redeemer

“Galatians: Gridiron Gospel ”

The College football National Championship was won by the Georgia Bulldogs several weeks ago. In America we are watching the American League and National League begin their drive for the Superbowl. The National Football League started in the 1920’s. It is an umbrella term. In England “football” is what we in America call soccer. In Australia “football” is called Rugby. (Illustration from Leonard Sweet talk # 129)

On the green “gridiron” before millions of fans two teams fright their way towards the goal posts with the object to score and win the game. Galatians is an example of the “theology of football”. Two teams are fighting to win over new converts to Christianity. Jewish Pharisees have been intercepting Paul and the gospel, wanting to add rules to God’s offer of grace by faith in Jesus. Galatians is about the fight for the true gospel verses a false gospel. Which team will win the hearts of the Galatians? Paul is defending the true gospel which he states is “from God”.

Jesus said: “There is joy in heaven over one sinner who turns to God…” Luke 15:7 That’s what victory in Christianity looks like. In the football games today you will see thousands erupt with shouts of joy as their team scores a touch down. They jump up. They cheer. They wave towels or banners when a little ball goes over a goal post or crosses the goal line. When a touchdown is scored in heaven, according to Jesus, there is a raucous cheer. We should be cheering when a person leaves their false gods and comes to faith in Jesus?

Now, to score a touchdown some things must happen. You must be on offense. You can score on defense but you must have plays that move you towards the goal. The plays are called in the huddle. (during S.S. new S.S. teachers are called up and asked to form a circle…they will always form one facing each other…is there any other way? Ask them to form a circle facing outward… this is the offense…now dedicate the teachers)

In Galatians Paul is like the coach…calling plays, correcting mistakes. He is correcting the mistake of the believers who are not following the correct gospel. This is the theology of football and the football is the gospel. Each play begins with a huddle. Players line up and prepare for their assigned blocking or running scheme. If the quarterback throws the ball out of bounds or the receiver drops the ball the huddle begins again. Paul is asking the Galatians to double check their mis-handling of the gospel. Someone has interfered with the Gospel, or some one has dropped the ball.

There is a unique story that helps explain the problem in the churches of Galatia. Peggy was a conscientious driver. When she set herself behind the wheel, she did not drink and drive; she did not send or receive texts; she did not speed excessively; and she did not give in to road rage when people cut her off. Because she was a good driver, when her vehicle began to shudder, stutter, and pop, she was already in the freeway's right lane and was able to get safely to the shoulder of the road. ( lustration from Rev. Ken Klaus)

That was the way the situation was when, in her rearview mirror, she saw an Arkansas Highway Patrolman pull up behind her. The officer approached her door, had her roll down the window so he could ask the traditional questions, "Are you all right?" "What seems to be the problem?" Peggy replied, "She was okay, but her car seemed to be internally hemorrhaging." The officer had her release the latch on the car's hood. Although not a mechanic, he was able to rule out some of the basic vehicle difficulties. Next, the officer asked Peggy to scoot over and placed himself behind the wheel. He turned the key and... nothing.

It was then the officer asked, "When was the last time you filled your car up? As near as I can figure, you're out of gas." To that good news, without thinking, flustered Peggy said, "Is that all? Great! Officer, can you tell me, will it hurt the car's engine if I drive it home this way?" To the officer's credit he didn't grin or chuckle when he replied "Well, Ma'am, you may believe that will work, but I believe you may find the trip to be a frustrating experience."

Peggy believed one thing and the officer believed another. The belief of one was right, the belief of the other was wrong. In this particular case it is not hard to see who was correct. But there are other times, very serious times, when the choice does not seem to be so obvious.

That’s why in “football” there are instant replays. Did the receiver’s toe really touch the white out of bounds line? Did the receiver totally and completely hold on to the ball as his body hit the ground? Sometimes plays are reversed.

In Galatians 2 Paul tells the story about the argument he had with Peter over the correct gospel. Peter’s behavior in Antioch was clearly in the wrong, so as on the “green gridiron” the behavior must be corrected. (Read Galatians 2:11-14)

Paul challenged Peter’s behavior. He had given into “peer pressure”, even though he was the very first apostle to share the “gospel with the Gentile family of Cornelius”. (Acts 10) Peter had slipped back into old Jewish habits that Jesus came to change. Peter knew that Gentiles were welcomed into God’s family. “For God so loved the world”…. That is why Jesus himself spent several days in Samaria after asking a Samaritan woman for a drink of water. Jesus changed the rules of acceptance.

One of the major concerns of the Jewish religion was ritual and ethnic purity. Over the centuries the Jewish religion developed a number of rules designed to help people worship a holy God. These extra rules were meant to help Jewish people not associate with non Jews.

Jesus has already called the Pharisees hypocrites. Jesus knows that the Jewish religion is racially prejudice. You simply did not associate with other races. It is another “box” that was very important to the Uppity Jewish Pharisees and their religion. That’s why they were coming into Christian congregations established by Paul, made up of both Jews and God Believing Gentiles, telling them to also keep Jewish rules to be sure of their salvation.

God is not prejudice, nor can those who claim to be followers of Jesus be prejudice. When the smart, Jewish educated lawyer, an expert in the Old Testament laws came to Jesus he asked: “What must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus asked him… “How then do you read the bible?” He answered: “To love the lord our God with all our heart soul and mind, and love your neighbor as your self.” Jesus said “you have answered correctly. Do this and you will live.” In other words, your life will find spiritual peace. You will find fulfillment as you love God and your neighbor. But that did not answer his question about eternal life. (Luke 10)

The problem for the Jewish lawyer was “who is my neighbor?” The Jewish religion of the 1st century not only had rules about ritual and racial purity, it was a very racially segregated theology and society. Let’s be honest. 1st century Judaism was racially prejudice. That’s why Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan who showed mercy.

In Galatians 2 Paul is calling Peter back into the “huddle”… reminding Peter of the new rules of life if one was to be a follower of Jesus. The “huddle” is where the “play book” is called in order for the next play to happen. The Bible and the words of Jesus are our “play book”. Paul is calling Peter back into the huddle. But the “huddle” is not the game. If you stay in the “huddle” too long you get a delay of the game penalty. Peter’s actions are not moving the mission forward.

Paul openly challenges Peter with one central question: Are we saved by what we do or by what Christ has done for us? It’s faith versus works; Grace versus the Law of Moses. The very heart of the gospel is at stake in this letter.

J. B. Phillips begins his translation of verse 1 with the words: “O dear idiots!” Why are you leaving grace to return to obeying the law as your key that opens the door to heaven. You Galatians are ignoring the cross of Christ. Paul is saying: Continue in the Christian life the same way you started, by grace, not personal performance. Anything else would be ridiculous.

Paul was frustrated because the Galatians were being tricked into relying on the works of the law for their faith: “Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?” And now Peter is afraid to stand for the true gospel.

Why would Peter ignore his own experience in the home of Cornelius and then here in Antioch refuse to associate with Gentiles. His actions were giving credit to the Pharisees who were adding their good works to complete their salvation? It is human nature. We, too can be affected by a non-Christian culture to accept added rules to just be accepted if we are not careful. Our American work ethic, “pulling ourselves up by our own “boot straps”, can easily slip into our theology destroy the theological truth of grace alone. Our human nature wants us to add something to what God has already accomplished.

Jesus knew the words of the prophet Isaiah, by the Holy Spirit's direction, had foretold that He would be "despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. (He would be) stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted... (He would be) pierced for our transgressions, (be) crushed for our iniquities..." Jesus knew His punishment would bring us peace and forgiveness. His wounds would grant us healing. Jesus knew how Calvary's cross would "cut (Him) off from the land of the living and ... (that) His life would be a guilt offering for our sin." Jesus knew that if we were to be saved He would be nailed to a cross, and on that cross, His life would be offered as the perfect, heaven-sent Sacrifice to save humanity. Saving us was the priority of God.

This is Galatians chapter 2 The Theology of the Gospel played on the field of life with the “gospel” ball being intercepted and dropped even by Peter… Peter and we are reminded that we “must put our faith in Jesus Christ so that we may be justified To quote Billy Graham….to be seen by God “just as if we’d never sinned”. For by observing the law no one will be justified. By grace we are saved.