Summary: The narrow door is open. The narrow door will shut.


November 6, 2022 – Pentecost 22 – LUKE 13:22-30

INTRO: Someone in the crowd asked Jesus the question of the ages. “Lord, are only a few going to be saved?” Such a question makes us wonder. What about me? Am I part of the few to be saved? We always to remember the Lord’s will for the world. In Timothy the Lord encourages us to pray for leaders and authorities to live peaceful and quiet lives. Then he tells us why. "This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 TIMOTHY 2:3, 4). The Lord wants all people to be saved. Salvation is coming to the knowledge of truth. God’s Truth. NARROW IS HEAVEN’S DOOR. I. The door is open. II. The door will shut.


A. Verse 22. Jesus was teaching the people what they needed to know about God’s kingdom.

1. Note that he was traveling to the towns and villages. These were small places.

2. Verse 23. The burning question: Are only a few going to be saved.

B. Verse 24. Jesus described the door as narrow. The door is open for any to enter.

1. “Many will try to enter and will not be able.” Remember that the door is narrow. Open.

2. Jesus encouraged: “Strive to enter…” Do not be distracted from focusing on the open door.

3. They faced many distractions: Satan, the world, sinful flesh all wanted their attention.

C. Verse 29. People will enter that door from every tribe, language and nation. Every direction.

1. Jewish people thought the door, the kingdom of heaven only meant for them. Not all people.

2. Verse 30. Last will be first. First last. Amazing to the Jews. Thought they are always first.

D. The person who asked Jesus the question wanted an answer. He probably also was ready, willing, and able to listen. That is important isn’t it? Jesus teaches. People listen. Faith comes from hearing the message. That message is the word of Christ. How many do not listen? Or even want to hear the truth from Jesus’ teaching? Too many. The door is narrow. Jesus describes himself in John 10 as the Good Shepherd. "My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life…" (JOHN 10:27, 28a). We are God’s flock. Sheep. We listen. Follow. Jesus gives us eternal life. Door is open.

E. There are not many ways to enter heaven. There is truly only one Way. One Truth. One Life. Jesus is the answer for entering the open door. The early apostles did not back away from preaching God’s truth. The truth: Jesus lived on earth. Died. Rose again. They also reminded the Jewish crowds that they crucified the Author of life. Even worse, they used wicked men to carry out their evil actions.

God’s saving truth did not change. “There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved” (ACTS 4:12). Our sins crucified Jesus. His name is still the only name for salvation. No other name. Way. Truth. Life. Narrow is heaven’s door. The door is open.

F. Our faith is a work in progress. Whenever we hear God’s word our faith grows. Daily we read our Bibles. Faith continues to grow. We reflect on God speaking to us through the Bible. Eyes are opened. Hearts believe. The light comes on. We see more clearly God’s great love for us. For the world. All people. We are nearing another new year. It is not too early to review our Bible reading plan. Try a different translation. The different wording will make you think. Search the Scriptures even more. Do not be distracted. Hear. Read. Study. Learn. Grow in faith. "Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus also took hold of me" (PHILIPPIANS 3:12). Chris Jesus has taken hold of us. Wants us / all to enter the narrow door.

NARROW IS HEAVEN’S DOOR. The door is wide open.


A. Verse 25. The master of the house shuts the door. No longer is the door open.

1. People will stand outside the closed door. Knocking. “Lord, open for us!”

2. Too late. The door is shut. “I don’t know you or where you come from.”

B. Verse 26. Well, we ate and drank with you. You preached in the streets. External relationship.

1. Verse 27. Still shut. Master’s answer did not change. “I don’t know where you come from.”

2. “Depart from me, all you evildoers.” They were workers of unrighteousness. Door not open.

C. Verses 28. Reality of the truth settled in. Now began the crying and gnashing of teeth. Sadness.

1. They will not and cannot be in the presence of the Lord. The door is shut. Last Day came.

2. No greater punishment than to be cast out from the presence the Lord. Loving Father.

D. Each day we wake up with the breath and life that the Lord God of all creation freely gives to us. What joy is ours! We rejoice in the new day the Lord has made. Each day of life here on earth is also a day of grace. Grace is God’s undeserved love. Each day we live and breath and walk and talk is another day to grow closer to our loving, heavenly Father. We do have many distractions in our daily lives. Do not be distracted too long or too far from seeking to know the love of Jesus in our lives. "When you seek me, you will find me, when you will seek me with all your heart. I will let you find me, declares the LORD…" (JEREMIAH 29:13, 14a). The Lord allows us to find him. Amazing grace!

E. Will only a few be saved? Many will try but not be able to enter the narrow door. Why? What has happened to them? The kingdom of God is more than eating and drinking. Much more. All too many all too often have only a passing acquaintance with God’s goodness. People say one thing. But they do another thing. It is hypocrisy. Faith is a matter of the heart. Faith is God’s gift to us know him. Love him. Listen to Jesus. Follow him. "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit to do anything good" (TITUS 1:6). At times we are also disobedient. The mirror of the law reflects our sins. We refocus our attention on Christ. He forgives.

F. Many lament the state of our nation. It really is a reflection of the state of those following Christ. Or really not following the Savior. People want to do what they want to do. When and how they want to do it. This can leave the word of God out of the picture. Ill-trained modern-day preachers give the masses what their itching ears want to hear. They give in to society. The door will be shut on the Last Day. Judgment Day. Simple as that. Jesus returns. Separates the sheep from the goats. The door is shut. No second chances. No thousand-year rule. No earthly kingdom. All such teachings are unscriptural. Manmade. "These people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching human rules as if they are doctrines" (MATTHEW 15:8, 9). The door will be shut.

CONC.: Narrow is heaven’s door. That narrow door is open. Will stay open until it is shut on the Last Day. Now is the day of our salvation. Our time of grace. Focus on the open door. Focus on that straight and narrow path that leads through the door. Into God’s perfect kingdom of heaven. "From now on, there is reserved for me the crown of righteousness. The Lord, the righteous Judge, will give it to me on that day, and not only to me but also to everyone who loved his appearing” (2 TIMOTHY 4:8). The door will shut. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Too late. We will love his appearing. The crown will be given. NARROW IS HEAVEN’S DOOR. Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer

PENTECOST 22 rdgs.: GENESIS 32:22-30; 2 TIM. 3:14-4:5; LUKE 18:1-8a; (PSALM 121)

SERVICES: 8:00am @ McCook (Sun) / 10:30am @ Redeemer (Sun) / NCF 1:00 Min. (Sat) & 12:00 Med. (Sun)

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