The Ten Commandments are the foundation of God's Law. I say that because the Bible indicates more than just these ten. Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Jesus said in John 13:34-35, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
None of these commandments are found in the ten that Moses brought the children of Israel in the wilderness. But they are commandments nonetheless. These commandments were given by God, written by the very hand of God, as a foundation, as an example of how He expects His people to go about their lives here on this Earth. These commandments are the blueprint for what a child of God is supposed to be like. And we have blatantly turned our backs on these commandments and on God Himself!
As a result, we now have mass shootings happening all over the country. In shopping malls, in schools, in businesses, grocery stores. I read an article just the other day about a manager at Wal Mart opening fire on his employees and customers in the store! A manger! Not just a former employee or a disgruntled customer, but a manager! Think about that. In times past, the perpetrators of this horrific shootings have been people that either used to work for the business, a student at the school, or just some nut case who went on a rampage for no logical reason! Now, there are store managers going off the deep end and committing these ungodly acts! This is what happens when a country is so driven to eliminate God from its courthouses, its schools, its government buildings, and someday, our homes as well! We have allowed our government to throw God and His Commandments out of schools and government buildings, and the end result is mass chaos happening all over our country and the world for that matter!
Psalm 33:12 says, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," Proverbs 14:34 says, "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." Our country has allowed same sex marriage and abortion to run rampant all over our nation! The Bible clearly opposes same sex marriage and abortion! Leviticus 18:22,
"You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination." Proverbs 6:16-17, "These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: a proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,"
That means if you are in a homosexual relationship, get out of it! It IS an abomination in the eyes of God! Repent! If you support abortion, REPENT! God HATES the hands of those who shed innocent blood! That doesn't just apply to murders who are in prison for the crime, it goes for every man and woman who supports, defends or performs abortions! I'm here to tell you that unless you repent and seek forgiveness for your sins, YOU WILL stand before Almighty God on the Great Day of Judgment with the blood of those unborn babies DRIPPING off of your hands! There will be no excuse, no rationalizing, no justification for your deeds on that Day. God's Word is absolute! God's Word never changes! And if you don't repent and turn to God for forgiveness, YOU WILL answer for every sinful deed you have ever done in your life!
The Ten Commandments are the fabric of God's Law and the very fabric this country was founded on. Without them, anarchy will sweep over this land and sin will abound like we have never seen before! We need to bring the Ten Commandments back to America! If one atheistic woman can rally people to have these Commandments and the Bible taken out of our schools, then we can certainly rally the people of the Church and demand our government put them back and leave them there!
Today, the fourth Commandment. "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy". Before we get into that, let's review the full Ten Commandments.
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.
These Commandments are sacred to God. And if they are sacred to God, then they are to be sacred to us! I just love what one person came up with;
The Hillbilly Ten Commandments.
1. Ain't but One God.
2. Honor yer Ma and Pa.
3. No tellin' tales or gossipin'.
4. Git yer hide ta Sunday meetin'.
5. Ain't nothin' come before the Lord.
6. No foolin' with another feller's gal.
7. No killin', 'cept fer critters.
8. Quit yer foul mouthin'.
9. No swipin' yer kin folks stuff.
10. Don't be hankerin' for it neither.
I thought that was pretty good. But it hits the nail on the head, doesn't it? I actually have that list hanging on my wall. Now that's a witnessing tool!
The issue of the Sabbath Day has resulted in what I consider the most pointless and senseless argument I have ever heard! People in the Church today are debating over when the actual Sabbath Day is. Some people believe it's Saturday. Others believe it's Sunday. I saw someone on Facebook post about how they believe the Sabbath is on Saturday. What blew my mind with this person is they claimed that Sunday was the devil's day and anyone who worships God on Sunday or goes to church on Sunday are going to hell because they believe Sunday is the Mark of the Beast! Now friend, how ignorant can you get? I would love to know how their studies and research have led them to the conclusion that an actual day is the Mark of the Beast talked about in the book of Revelation! I know it sounds crazy, but I have got to hear this! Can you imagine someone who believes this explaining it to you?
The simple truth of the matter is, God never specified an actual day as far as the days of the week on today's calendar go. All He said was, "Six days you shall work and the seventh day you shall rest from your work." There is no mention in the Bible about the Sabbath Day being Saturday or Sunday! What's more, you can't base anything in the Bible on today's calendar, because today's calendar didn't exist in the days of the Bible! If anything, it was the Julian Calendar that was around then, at least in the days Christ was on the Earth. The calendar we have now was introduced in October 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a modification of, and replacement for, the Julian calendar.
Also, the days and the months of this calendar were all named after Roman pagan gods. Why would you try to pinpoint a timeline in God's Word with a pagan calendar named after pagan gods? That's like asking God to speak through a Ouija board to give you revelation! DON'T DO IT!!!
But that's the problem I have found in these pointless arguments about the Sabbath Day. I highly doubt the Julian Calendar was around when these Ten Commandments were written! So why are we so determined to specify a certain day of the week listed on today's calendar as the Sabbath Day? How do you know the Sabbath is on that particular day? Just because Saturday happens to be the seventh day of the week on your calendar? That's no valid basis for your argument at all!
Colossians 2:16 says, "So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths," The Bible just blew your whole consensus view out of the water right there! No one has the right to judge you for the day you observe the Sabbath! That's in your Bible! I'm not about to judge anyone for honoring the Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday. But for someone to have the gall to say that the Lord's Day is the devil's day, that is doctrine that will send you straight into the mouth of hell!
Why do we call Sunday the Lord's Day? Because the Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead on the first day of the week and many other miracles happened on the first day of the week like the day of Pentecost. Not saying that the first day of the week was Sunday, but since Sunday is the first day of the week as we know it now, we put that day aside for the Lord. We don't gather on Sunday morning because we believe it's the Sabbath. We don't reserve Sunday for God because we believe it's the same first day of the week that it was in the days of the Bible, we do it in faith, recognizing what is the first day of the week as far as we know it based on the timeline we go by now. For all we know, what we call the first day of the week now, could easily have been the last day of the week in Christ's days on this earth. The point is, we just don't know such things and we are foolish to act as if we do.
If a person wants to observe the Sabbath on Saturday, let them! If Sunday, let them! Stop arguing about what the true Sabbath Day is, because from what I have heard everyone say regarding this debate, you don't have a clue when it is! And God really doesn't care which day you take, as long as you take one out of every seven days to rest. These days, people are working 5 days a week and have 2 days off. Some are working part time and have 3 days off. Others can't work because of medical issues and are off all the time! Think about it. You want to argue and fuss and debate about the Sabbath so much, what about the other side of that deal? "Six days you shall work." I don't hear anyone raising that argument!
When's the last time you worked a 6-day work week? With the holidays upon us, most people are working mandatory overtime at their jobs that include working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, at least! I believe that should be outlawed! It should be illegal for any company to force its employees to work without at least one day off! That is insane! I applied for a job many years ago and they told me that they were working a mandatory 7-day work week, 12 hours a day. I looked at the gentleman and said, "Good luck with that." And walked right out of there. The audacity to violate God's Word by having people work 7 days a week is an outrage! And it needs to stop!
What am I driving at? It doesn't matter to God what day of the week you take to observe His Sabbath Day, as long as you take at least one. That's all that matters. Stop this foolishness about the Sabbath being on Saturday or Sunday! NOBODY CARES! Not even God. All He asks is that you take ONE day out of every seven and rest from your work.
Imagine living in the days Christ was on this Earth and having the debate over the Sabbath? The Scribes and Pharisees were way more out of control than any religious fanatics of today are! Every time Jesus either healed someone or performed a miracle, or even when His disciples picked fruit off of a tree to feed themselves, those lecturous hypocrites were quick to tell them that is was the Sabbath and they can't do any of that stuff on the Sabbath! I would have loved to have been there when they objected to the disciple picking fruit on the Sabbath. I would've given them a real argument! "Oh, it's unlawful to feed ourselves on the Sabbath? We can't have someone cook for us on the Sabbath. Because our servants aren't supposed to work either. Remember? Are you telling me you can't even fix yourself something to eat or drink on the Sabbath? What if you get hungry or thirsty? You know you will. What are we supposed to do when that happens? Go hungry or thirsty?" I tell you; they would've hated me something terrible!
Can you imagine that? Telling the Lord that He can't heal someone on the Sabbath. His disciples can't get themselves something to eat because it's the Sabbath. I would've looked at them like they had just said the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life! Because they did!
The real question we should be asking ourselves is, "Why did God tell us to keep His Sabbath?" God gives us three reasons to keep this commandment.
Reason #1, God is our Creator
It’s right there, in the last sentence of the fourth commandment, as given in Exodus 20:8-11
“Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your manservant, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore, the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.”
God says that we are to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, because He is our Creator. After He finished the creation of the physical realm, including the first man and woman, God rested, and blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, according to Genesis 2:1-3.
In many other places throughout the Scriptures, the creation of all that is and the purpose for which God made man in His own image and likeness is revealed. The Scriptures clearly reveal Jesus Christ as the Creator. For example, John 1:1-3 and Colossians 1:16. The Sabbath helps us to understand these foundational principles of who God is and what His purpose is, and what man is and why God created us.
Reason #2, Our Creator is also our Redeemer
We find this truth revealed in the second listing of the Ten Commandments, in Deuteronomy 5:12-15. This time, instead of pointing God as our Creator, the inspired words speak of redemption from slavery and bondage. Deuteronomy 5:15 says, “And remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and that the LORD your God brought you out from there by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm; therefore, the LORD your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.”
The account of God’s work of redeeming Israel from bondage, and of establishing a covenant relationship with them is the subject of many lessons throughout the remainder of the Bible. This history is used as an analogy for Christians today, who are called out of the bondage of sin, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, and brought into a new covenant relationship with Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:1-11; I Peter 1:17-19; Romans 8:15; Hebrews 8:8-10.
Keeping the seventh day Sabbath holy helps us to worship Jesus Christ as our Creator and Redeemer (Hebrews 1:1-3).
Reason #3, Keeping the seventh day Sabbath holy foreshadows entering into “His rest.”
In Hebrews 2:5-10 we are given spiritual understanding of “the world to come” (verse 5); of God’s purpose for creating mankind, “in bringing many sons to glory” (verse 10); and that “now we do not yet see” the ultimate fulfillment of God’s purpose for us. We find out about this in Hebrews 4:1-11, the clearest instruction in the Bible about the Sabbath picturing “His rest” that is yet to come. In these verses we see all three reasons for keeping the Sabbath day holy. God is shown to be our Creator (verses 3-4); God is shown as being the Redeemer of Israel (verses 2-3, 5-8). He sanctified the seventh day (verse 4) and continues to designate “a certain day” (verse 7), which foreshadows “His rest” (verses 1, 10). “There remains therefore a rest for the people of God” (verse 9). And even though He does specify a certain day here, He still does not imply that day is Saturday or Sunday.
The third great reason God gave for us to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy, the day that He sanctified and blessed by resting, is that it foreshadows “His rest,” that He refers to as “the world to come.”
With these three great reasons to “remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy” also comes the instruction in Hebrews 4:11 “Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of disobedience.”
The Ten Commandments hold the secret to saving America from self-destruction. The Ten Commandments is God's penicillin shot for paganism. Paganism is running loose in America. It's the worship of false Gods. Any God other than the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a false God. And that means America has plenty of them. The Ten Commandments are a penicillin shot against socialism. Socialism presents the government as God. Socialism always produces a dictatorship. For you young people in America's colleges and universities who have heard that socialism is the glorious future of the world, please understand that Hitler was a socialist and killed 50 million people: that Stalin was a socialist and killed a hundred million people, producing socialism. Socialists are in our government, and they're there trying to destroy democracy. We need to vote those people out of office.
Another God for America is materialism. It's the worship of money. America's families are being destroyed by fathers who love money more than their wives and children. Fathers of America, let me say this to you clearly: your greatest treasure is your family. A major God in America is pantheism. Pantheism is that God is nature and nature is God. Now God created nature, but he is not nature. If you believe that, the next time you get sick, go out and hug a Ponderosa pine and see what happens. Nothing. God is nature. You know it as climate control in this nation. Listen. Climate control is the New World Order crowd, taxing America and Europe into bankruptcy. Joe Biden calls it, "The liberal world order". It's actually the New World Order. We will never be able to control the climate. God Almighty does that.
These Ten Commandments are the moral spiritual compass America needs. But much of America, if not most of America, reject them, because they have been thrown out of our colleges and our school campuses and in front of most major buildings in America. This text, "Remember the sabbath day" is a call for mankind to remember. It is God's confession that we are prone to forget his love. We've had it so good so long: we forgot his mercy. We forget his goodness very quickly. How many of you have a difficulty in remembering? We forget the difference between right and wrong. A teenager was complaining about his mother, and said, "My mother is such an alarmist. One cough and she thinks I have TB. One headache and she thinks I have a brain tumor. I forget to tell the truth one time, and she thinks I'm destined for the White House".
America has certainly forgotten God. Thousands of churches closed their doors during COVID-19, and they did not reopen. Mass shootings have become a common occurrence. Let me say to you, guns are not the problem. Sick and demonic people with guns, that's the problem. Why not crush teachers' unions by closing the department of education in Washington and giving the education back to the individual states? Why can't we have parents' choice concerning our children's education? We, as parents, get to say where our children should go to school, and our tax dollars would follow that child and pay for that education. In the Bible, people are God's top priority. He created people. He provides for people. He heals people. People with broken hearts, with shattered dreams, whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you have done, God loves you.
"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". God sent his son to Calvary as my redemption and your redemption. God has created heaven and earth. But I've got this word for you. You're not going to heaven if you do not keep the Ten Commandments! It's just that simple. Look at humanity's record of how quickly we forget the goodness of God. God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt's bondage with ten plagues that crushed Egypt, and from which Egypt has never recovered. God turned the Nile River into blood, not only the Nile River, but every bathtub was full of blood. Every bottle of drinking water was blood.
God demonstrated his power. You would think the children of Israel would remember the goodness of God for 40 years and never forget it. But they forgot God in 50 days, 50 days. It was 50 days from the crossing of the Red Sea until they got to mount Sinai. Mount Sinai was the first day of Pentecost. That's another sermon for another day. Look again on top of mount Sinai. Moses is face-to-face with God. The ground is trembling. The sky is as black as ink, except the brilliant lightning that streaks across the heavens like tongues of fire. The top of the mountain begins to glow in this massive red flame, as God himself descends to earth and begins to speak with Moses. The sounds of angels blowing trumpets grows louder and louder, and then God begins to give the Ten Commandments.
Now think, if you were there and you saw this, the ground is trembling, the mountain is ablaze with God's glory, you would think you would say, "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it". You would think that, but that's not what they did. They instantly started making a golden calf to worship. So, in this audience today, hello America, it's time to say to God Almighty, "Thank you for your goodness. Thank you for your mercy. Our God is an awesome God". Give the Lord praise, glory and honor for who he is! What did the children of Israel do? They forgot. That's why God says, "Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy".
How quickly we forget. And we're no different. We are no different. A member of your family gets sick. God supernaturally heals them. And the next Sunday, you demonstrate your appreciation by going somewhere else other than to His house. If you don't go to God's house on Sunday, why do you think He's going to take you to His house when He comes? Hmmm. We lose our jobs. Our business falls apart. We cry out to God to provide for our needs, and he does. And suddenly, good things start to happen. But on Sunday, you show your appreciation for God's goodness by going somewhere else on God's Day. We come to church with our lives twisted by sin and the power of Satan. And God's loving hand creates gladness out of a living hell. Then on Sunday, you show your appreciation by going elsewhere. You call it, "Family time".
Let me tell you something. Worshiping God Almighty on the Lord's Day in His house IS family time! "Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy". Hebrews 10:25, "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together and so much the more as you see the day of Christ approaching". If they were intense about Christ coming 2.000 years ago, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you now that the nations of the world are in perfect position to fulfill every prophetic verse about the beginning of the third world war that will lead to the coming of the antichrist. It could happen in a matter of weeks.
We are looking at the coming of Jesus Christ immediately. It is imminent! Get ready! "Observe the sabbath day". "Observe" means to do more than remember. "Observe" means you physically go to God's house to worship him, to praise him: to clap your hands, o ye people, and shout unto God with a voice of triumph. This is His day. It is His house. We are His created. He is our provider. He is our defender. He is our high tower. He is our Father, Who is in Heaven. And He's worthy of our highest praise!
What you do Monday through Saturday is for the physical man. What you do on Sunday, which I call, "The Lord's Day," is for the spiritual man. Listen to David describe the joy of being in God's house. Psalm 84, "How lovely is your tabernacle, o Lord of hosts! My soul longs for you". "My soul", listen to this word, "My soul faints for the house of God". Think about that. "My soul faints for the house of God". David writes, "Blessed are those who dwell in your house," "And they go from strength to strength". Hear that phrase? "And they go from strength to strength". That means God is the giver of your strength, and it is renewed in the house of the Lord. You are, right now, being physically energized by the presence of God. That's why king David said, "I would rather be a door keeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of the wicked". The Bible says, "No good thing will God withhold". "No good thing," that's prosperity. "No good thing will God withhold from those that walk uprightly".
And all of that happens in the house of God. David was a man after God's own heart. His health, his prosperity, his success began at God's house. When two or three of us come together in his name, he is there, because we are the army of the living God. Demons were trembling in fear at the mention of the name of Jesus. Satan trembles in fear when the righteous worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. The army of God is coming together in the United States. We are in unity. Put on the whole armor of God. Let us fight the good fight. The victory is ours. We are more than conquerors. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered! Give him praise in the house of God!
Then you hear some halfwit say, "Well preacher, Sunday is my only day off". Let me help you get that straight, Bubba. Sunday is not YOUR day: it's GOD'S Day, all day! What are we to remember about the Sabbath? Remember that the sabbath is God's gift to you. It's not for God's benefit: it's yours. The word "Sabbath" means to rest, to stop. Mark 2:27, Jesus said, "The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath".
The sabbath did not begin with the Ten Commandments. It began at creation. God Almighty worked six days. That's a hint for you couch potatoes, who are sitting at home waiting for the government to send you a check. You deserve nothing until you work for it. God worked six days, and He created, and He rested on the seventh. God did not rest because He was tired, because the prophet Isaiah said that God never gets tired. He never gets weary. He rested as an example to all of humanity that this is a divine pattern. He engineered the human body. He engineered your brain. And He has said, this machinery that I have created, if it has one day of rest in every seven, will reach its peak performance. That's what this is saying.
The sabbath gives supernatural strength to the body and the mind. Psalm 62:11 says, "Once God has spoken. Twice I have heard this", quote, listen to David, "That strength belongs to the Lord". Say that with me. "Strength belongs to the Lord". You can get more physical, emotional, spiritual strength here than any other place on the planet. It's a medical fact that you can sleep and not rest. You can sleep and not rest. Rest and strength come from God, nowhere else. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount on wings as eagles, and they shall run and not grow weary". When you can run and not grow weary, that has to be supernatural strength. You don't suffer burn out, brown out, or give out. You have enough to get the job done.
Those who turn aside and worship the Lord are supernaturally charged with supernatural power that gives you the ability to climb the impossible mountain, to fight and to defeat the invincible foe, to sing in the valley of the shadow of death, to walk through the fire without being burned. The strength that God gives, gives you the ability to run and not grow weary. That's why David said, "I was glad when they said unto me, 'let us go to the house of the Lord'". This is the best health spa in the world. We talk about our need for recreation. We get a jogging suit. We get shoes. Or we join the health club, and we run a mile, and we go home and fall on the couch and die. We're not reenergized at all.
Take another look at the word "Recreation". It means re-creation, doing things that build up the whole person. That makes God's Day a day of re-creation. It's the day when the lost walk the aisles and become new creatures in Christ Jesus. "What does it profit a man if he gains the world, and loses his soul"? The sabbath day is when the shackles of misery and habit are broken, and slaves to sin and Satan are set free. "For whom the son sets free is free indeed". This is a day when marriages are restored, when sick bodies are healed, when dreams rise from the ashes of despair to be reborn in the soul of humanity. Angels gather. Demons scatter. Satan flees. It is the Lord's Day and there's no day, and no day, and no day that can match this day! Give the Lord praise in the house!
Jesus said, "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". Who gives you rest? God. Where do you get your strength? God. The Bible fact is no one can continually break the sabbath and keep the physical, mental health God intends for you to have. During the French revolution when atheism was at its peak, the French decided to abolish the Lord's Day. So, they said, "We're going to choose to have one day off in ten". And they chose one in ten to increase production. The result: production dropped off. Goals were not met. The atheists changed it back to one day in seven. The point: if atheists can figure that out, why can't Christians? You want to reach your peak efficiency?
Work six days. And that's going to mean some of you are going to have to speed up. Work six days, and on the seventh day, rest in the presence of God. Christians in America get upset when they read that communists have closed the churches. "Oh, woe is me! What is the world coming to"? Well, what's the difference between a Christian who doesn't go to church and a communist who won't go? The church is still empty in both countries. The same result happens. Remember it is the Lord's Day. In the Old Testament, the sabbath was from sundown Friday till sundown Saturday. In the New Testament, it's the Lord's Day. Why? Listen. Jesus rose triumphantly from the dead on the first day of the week. Five times, Jesus appeared after the resurrection. Each time, it was the first day of the week.
The Lord's supper was celebrated on the first day of the week. The Holy Spirit descended in the upper room on the first day of the week. Paul said to bring the tithe and the offering to the house of God on the first day of the week. John, on the Isle of Patmos, said, "I was in the spirit on the Lord's Day". For those of you who try to make a doctrine out of which day you should worship, listen to saint Paul in Colossians 2:16. Paul said, "Let no man judge you in meat, or drink, or in respect of a holy day... Or of the sabbath". It's not what day you worship. It must be one specific day. Listen to that closely. I like the title "The Lord's Day" more than "Sunday," because every day of our week was named by the Roman Empire after a false God.
Sunday was named after the sun God. Monday was named after the moon God. Every day was after a pagan idol. This is the Lord's Day. It's the Lord's Day all day. He is the Lord of all or he's not Lord at all. He is your father, which is in heaven. He has blessed you. He has prospered you. He has saved you. He has sent his angels to protect you. He goes before you and behind you. He will give you the desires of your heart. All you have to do is sit in his presence to be strengthened and to be energized, and for your vision in life to be renewed. You must honor him. It's time to worship him. It's time to serve him. It's time to obey him. Can I hear an amen? Give the Lord a shout of praise!
The point, the Sabbath was made for man by God as an example of living at our best. It is to be personal between you and God. The Sabbath is not a corporate thing. It's a personal thing. What day you choose to observe as your Sabbath Day is between you and God. Even though we just highlighted why we gather on Sunday. I believe that's why allowed the standard 5-day work week to come into being. It allows for our personal Sabbath Days and gathering with our church family on Sunday mornings to worship God. There's no sin in having to work weekends. If you can't be in church on Sunday morning because you have to work, God is not going to condemn you for that. There are other ways of being in church. There's mid-week services as well as, online services.
I don't believe for a moment that God would condemn someone who is trying to work so they can provide for their families. Most churches have Sunday night services. If you can't be in church on Sunday morning, go Sunday night. God's not going to strike you down for that. Whatever day you observe the Sabbath is between you and God, alone! It's nobody's business what day that is. The Bible confirms that in Colossians 2:16. As long as you do it with a pure heart and sincere spirit, God will honor that.