Summary: In Isaiah 1:3 God compared the thankfulness of His people to that of the ox and donkey, and said the animals won the prize hands down. How can brute beasts, who have so little intelligence, be much more aware of their Creator?


Isa. 1:3



1. Growing up, we called one set of grandparents Big Mama & Big Daddy. No one thought much of it until one of the grandkids told them they were soon to be great-grandparents.

2. That’s when Big Mamma decided to change her name, because she didn’t want to be known as “Great Big Mamma!”


“The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger,

but Israel does not know, my people do not understand” Isa. 1:3, NIV.


1. This verse has been recognized by many readers of Scripture as a commentary by God about how God’s people aren’t thankful of the manifold blessings that God gives us.

2. So this Thanksgiving I want us to take a close look at these animals and determine we’re not going to give God less credit than they do.

3. The title of this message is “The Ox, Donkey, & Thanksgiving.”


Q – Have any of you ever worked with “draft” animals such as oxen or donkeys? Probably not, so it might be good to take a moment to describe them.


1. An ox is a male bovine (bull) trained and used as a draft animal. Oxen are commonly castrated for docility. Historians think humans have harnessed oxen since around 4000 BC.

2. Oxen are used for plowing, for transport (pulling carts/ wagons), for powering machines that grind grain and for powering irrigation lifts, etc. Oxen are also used to drag logs in forests.

3. Oxen are taught to respond to the signals of the teamster or ox-driver. These signals are given by verbal command and body language, reinforced by a goad, whip or a long pole.

4. Example of Verbal commands: “Back” - back up; “Gee” - turn to the right; “Giddyup” – go; “Haw” - turn to the left; “Whoa” - stop.

5. Oxen can pull heavier loads, and for a longer periods than horses. However, on the whole, oxen are slower than horses.


1. The domestic donkey is a hoofed mammal of the same family as the horse. It is known to be domesticated in Africa approx. 5,000–7,000 years ago. After human labor, the donkey is the cheapest form of agricultural power.

2. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly used as draft or pack animals. Donkeys have a notorious reputation for their stubbornness, but this is because they exhibit a much stronger sense of self-preservation than horses.

3. It’s considerably more difficult to force or frighten a donkey into doing something it perceives to be dangerous. Donkeys are easily identified by their “bray,” which usually sounds like "hee-haw."



1. The ox and donkey are well-known for some specific traits. I’ve many times heard people referred to as “dumb as an ox.” The term, “dumb ox,” is a description of a person who’s large in size but behaves stupidly.

2. The other common expression is “as stubborn as a donkey.” Donkeys will stubbornly refuse to do things, even if they’re beaten (you remember Balaam & his donkey in the Bible, Num. 22:23-27).

3. Yet in Isaiah 1:3, God gives both of them a compliment: “The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger.” The ox instinctively knows who the boss is and the donkey knows who’s providing its food.


1. But then God goes on to compare the ox and donkey to His own people and to say that WE are more base, more brutish than these dumb beasts!

2. God says, “The ox knows his owner” – knows his voice, when he calls him; he follows him where his owner leads – into the pasture to plow or to pull heavy loads. Yet man, with far more intelligence, doesn’t recognize his Creator.

3. God says the donkey knows who is providing his food, but humans are ignorant of God’s care and provision. It’s amazing that the donkey’s ‘bray’ & the ox’s ‘low’ is a more fitting “thank you” than most of us give to God!

4. Surely if a brute beast is aware of his Creator, aren’t we? Yes, we are. There really is no excuse for our not giving God the thanks He deserves.


1. One year when Christmas Day came on a Sunday, a farmer decided to go to church. (Like some people, he thought he was fulfilling his religious obligation by going to church twice a year-at Christmas and Easter!)

2. The sermon that day was preached from Isa. 1:3, "The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doesn’t know, my people don’t consider." Isaiah is saying that man is dumber than the animals.

3. After church the farmer returned home and stood among his cows. One of them began to lick his hand - a practical demonstration of the sermon he’d just heard.

4. Strong man though he was, the farmer began to weep as he thought, "God did much more for me than I ever did for the cow, and yet I never thanked Him. My cow is far more grateful than I am, though I only give her hay and water. I must remedy this debt to God by thanksgiving!" [unknown]



1. Ps. 19:1-3 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” NIV 1984

2. Knowledge about God’s reality has been etched on every facet of the created order. From astronomy to chemistry to physics to biology to psychology – every branch shows the undeniable truth of God’s reality. There is complexity and design evident in every area; Creation is not the product of chance but of a great Intelligence.

3. Paul says in Romans 1:20, “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

4. If it’s true that God’s reality is clearly seen, then why don’t all people acknowledge Him? We all know the answer!


1. But Peter said we’re “willingly ignorant,” meaning we intentionally ignore the truth we know of (2 Pet. 3:5).

2. Paul says, “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who SUPRESS THE TRUTH by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them....For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God NOR GAVE THANKS TO HIM, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” Rom. 1:18-19,21.

3. To strike God out of our lives is like striking the sun out of the solar system, and wrapping the universe in darkness and chaos! Do we deny our parents, that we were born from them? How can we deny the God who created us?

4. Our reaction? We need to go ‘out-of-our-way’ to express our thankfulness to God for all His blessings.


1. A "full Gospel" widow settled near a quiet country church with a timid pastor.

2. When she'd get blessed during the sermon, she'd say, "Praise the Lord!" That would always throw the preacher off his sermon and disturb him.

3. The weather got cold and she was poor. The preacher made her a deal: I'll buy you a blanket if you'll stop saying, "Praise the Lord." After consideration, she said, "Yes, I'll try."

4. She did good for a while, suppressing her urges when she felt the Spirit. But then one Sunday, the preacher actually got anointed and stirred her up.

5. The Living Waters of the Spirit began to flow; the joy bells in her soul began to ring, and the cork was about to pop out of the bottle.

6. At last she could stand it no longer; her hands shot up in the air and with joyous exclamation she said, "Blankets or no blankets; Praise the Lord!"


A. ILLUSTRATION: “200 Miles of Thanks”

1. If you are grateful, say so! Until Thanksgiving is expressed, you haven’t shown your thankfulness!

2. A missionary to India was traveling through a city and stopped to speak to a man beside the road. He talked with the man for a while about Jesus. Then, having to travel on, he gave him a few pages of the Bible in the man's language.

3. The Indian read them and was thrilled to learn of Jesus. He got saved! To show his gratitude, the man measured the footprints left by the missionary, and made a pair of moccasins out of deer hide. He then traveled 200 miles to give them to the missionary as an expression of thanks.

4. The missionary was moved by the gift, but even more by the man’s traveling 200 miles to give it to him! Thanksgiving not only blesses the receiver, but also blesses the giver!


1. Who in your family needs prayer this Thanksgiving? I want to encourage you to witness of Jesus to your family and friends. This may be their moment to be saved.

2. Why Only One Day for Thanksgiving? Charles Dickens said that we are somewhat mixed up here in America. He told an audience that instead of having one Thanksgiving Day each year, we should have 364. "Use that one day just for complaining and griping," he said "Use the other 364 days to thank God each day for the many blessings He has showered upon you."

3. PRAYER Q - What are you most thankful for?