Title: “Daniel’s Dream” Scripture: Daniel 7
Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 11-20-22
Intro: One of my favorite scenes in “Les Miserables” (the musical) is when Fantine sings: “I Dreamed a Dream.” The song is a lament, and is sung in the musical by the desperate character Fantine, who has just been fired from her job at the factory and thrown onto the streets. She is thinking back to happier days, and wonders how everything has gone wrong in her life. We can all remember when a stout middle aged Scottish woman sang the song on “Britain’s Got Talent” and how it helped skyrocket Susan Boyle from utter anonymity to becoming a household name. Well in the first 6 chapters of Daniel other people have dreamed dreams and seen visions. Now, however, in chapter 7 it’s Daniel’s turn, and wow! It is amazing!
Prop: Today we’ll notice three distinct elements of Daniel’s dream in chapter 7.
BG: 1. Chapter 7 begins the 2nd division of the book of Daniel.
2. The 1st 6 chapters were chronologically arranged. Not so the final chapters. In fact, here were go back to the reign of Belshazzar, the grandson of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 5). The 1st year of his reign was 553 BC, so Daniel was about 67 yrs. old. 3. This chapter is very complicated because not only does it go back into the chronology of Daniel’s life, the vision itself has an aspect of past, present, future, and distant future in it. Complicated, yet still profitable for us to attempt to expound. As with all passages with prophecy 33% won’t care and will shut off, 33% will be mad because my interpretation is wrong because pastor/author “X” has a different view, and 33% will be appreciative. 4. Students of prophecy will notice many similarities to Revelation.
Prop: Let’s examine the 3 Distinct Elements of Daniel 7.
I. Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts that Strike Fear upon the Earth. Vv. 1-8
A. We Begin this Chapter By Noticing an Incredible Shift in the Style of the Book.
1. Daniel’s 7th Chapter shifts Genre from History to Prophecy.
a. Dan. 7 begins the 2nd half of the book. The first 6 chapters were in the words of J. Vernon McGee: “Historical night with prophetic light.” Chapters 7ff are primarily “Prophetic light in the historic night.” The chapter has 2 simple divisions in a very visual and complex dream: 1. The dream he had. 2. The interpretation of that dream.
b. Illust – Unlike the preceding chapters, its is no longer the king or ruler who is having the dream and Daniel is interpreting the mystery. Daniel himself is having the dream and the vision is being made known to him.
2. Daniel’s Dream’s Beginning.
a. Vv.1-3 – We begin this chapter by seeing that Daniel had “a dream and visions” as he lay on his bed. The text is unspecified as to whether Daniel was asleep or awake for any, all, or part of this. The “four winds of the earth” – 4 is the number of the earth, i.e. the 4 corners of the earth. It is a metaphor for God’s activities in the world. And we read next that these divinely appointed winds were “stirring up” the earth, i.e. God has sovereign control of history and the nations. Out of the great sea (Mediterranean Sea?), Daniel sees a horrifying sight: 4 great beasts are coming up out of the sea! What a dream!
b. Some have asked “Why this vision?” What was its purpose? I think there is one very clear purpose. When the Jews were taken into captivity the average person would have said that God was finished with Israel or else the God of Israel was a phony or powerless. Neither could have been further from the truth! God was far from through with Israel! He desired that they know this truth and one incredibly potent way to demonstrate this truth was to let His people know that He knew and could predict the future, that they would in fact be returned from captivity, and that in due time Messiah would come to deliver His people and set up His everlasting Kingdom. What a hope-filled chapter this was/is today!
B. The Four Beasts of Daniel’s Present, Future, and Distant Future.
1. Four Beasts Representing 4 World Empires Appear in Daniel’s Dream.
a. 1st- The winged lion – Daniel’s dream begins with a vision of a winged lion. The very symbol of the empire that was in power at the time of his dream: Babylon. The lion is symbolic of Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king of the empire. 1st empire on 3 continents. The lion is the king of the beasts and the eagle the king of the skies. As such, Babylon corresponded to the head of gold (2:38)in the previous dream. The plucking of it’s wings in v.4 is symbolic of Nebuchadnezzar’s humiliation when struck by God for his pride and arrogance. The standing on two legs is symbolic of the king’s humiliation and then humanization as he was transformed from his period of insanity back to his full humanity. His previous lust for power was replaced by a humility that sought the welfare of others. Babylon was the power at the time of Daniel’s dream.
b. 2nd – The bear – Daniel now looks to the future. A bear is a strong and formidable beast. It can be cruel and cunning, but not as majestic as a lion. It is the fitting symbol of the Medo-Persian Empire. It was inferior to the Babylonians in power, civilization, and nobility. Daniel makes not of a not so pleasant picture – the bear has 3 ribs in its mouth! This depicts Persia’s feeding on the captive nations with cruel barbarianism. Man, left to his own devices is cruel and barbarous when placed in power. Some assume the ribs represent the three directions this empire attacked – Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt.
c. 3rd – The winged leopard – Further into the future. This is indeed a curious animal. A leopard with wings of a bird and four heads. This is the appropriate image for the Greek Empire. Alexander, who was its founder, extended the empire’s reach with the rapidity of a running leopard. A leopard is an elegant beast, and the Greeks were known for their culture, learning, and philosophy. Upon Alexander’s death, the empire was divided up by 4 generals into quarters.
d. 4th – The 4th beast – Further yet into the future. Rome was the successor to Greece, however, there are problems in interpreting it as such. V. 23 says it is unique of all the kingdoms. . Many premillennial scholars view this as a not yet realized coming kingdom comprised of 10 rulers. What a horrible beast the prophet now sees. No name is given, just a description is given…a terrifying description! Massive and powerful with iron teeth! Claws of bronze! It’s behavior was so cruel and powerful there was no association given with a known animal. It was a monster! A beast! It’s great iron teeth devoured all and feet trampled over everyone in it’s path. It was an evil empire! (Illust- Reagan called the USSR the “evil empire”. This was before the USSR was known.) Scholars agree that this 4th beast was in fact the Roman Empire.
2. The Distant Future – The Horns of the 4th Beast
1. Daniel’s Attention in Focused on the Final Beast.
a. I find it interesting that Daniel’s focus is on the final beast. Remember, the 1st was from Daniel’s day. The 2nd and 3rd were still in the future. However, the prophet’s attention is focused on the final beast. It is different in form from all the previous ones. The Bible says that Daniel lay attempting to contemplate the 10 horns that come out of it’s head (v.7) and the 11th horn that comes up out of them and pulls three others out by the roots. This little horn is bizarre, in that it has eyes of a man and a mouth that “boasts great things”.
b. I believe this “little horn” is the Anti-Christ which comes at the end times. It should not be confused with “the little horn” of Dan. 8, which refers to another ruler. The little horn is arrogant and boastful! It rejects the worship of God and seeks to destroy His people! It is allowed by God to prosper for a period of time and then it is destroyed by God. It epitomizes humanity’s rebellious egocentric pride! (llust – When Joseph Stalin lay on his death bed he was crazed with fear! Alternately cursing and blaspheming God while also attempting to pray! Pitiful! Power, arrogance, pride, murder, prevented millions from worshipping God!)
2. A word of caution when attempting to determine everything in prophecy.
a. When examining prophecy we should follow the example of Daniel himself. Daniel makes a general inquiry into the visions. There is a big picture in God’s drama of redemption and sometimes we, like my former golf game, get lost in the weeds! In God’s good time the details will and do get filled in. With hindsight we can match the symbol with the substance. The same held true at the time of our Lord’s 1st advent. All of the shadowy types and prophetic symbolism of the OT was gloriously fulfilled! The point is this: You can trust God to fulfill what He declares will happen!
b. The big question in the minds of prophetic students who attempt to give you a detailed interpretation of this passage is: “Who are the ten horns and the little horn of the distant future?” Undoubtedly the ten horns and the three and the one horn are seen in the far of future. John see this beast coming up out of the sea as well, in Rev. 13. There is also a lion, a leopard, and a bear, and this terrifying 4th beast from which comes the false prophet. This beast speaks boastful and blasphemous words for 3.5 years during the tribulation as he makes war with the saints. (Rev. 13:5-6)
C. Applic: Beware of being dogmatic when attempting to determine who is the horn. 200+ yrs ago evangelicals said Napolean, 100 yrs ago the Kaiser, 80 yrs. ago Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin. 30 yrs ago, Saddam Hussein. Be careful or be red faced!
II. Daniel’s Dream of Heaven which Gives Confidence to Believers. Vv.9-14
A. The Dream Moves to the Courts of Heaven.
1. The Glorious Ancient of Days is on His Throne!
a. What a glorious picture we see of our God! His vesture is white as snow – i.e, He is clothed in holiness! He is the picture of utter righteousness! His hair is as pure wool – Infinite wisdom! He sits upon a throne of fire! Absolute justice! Its wheels are a burning fire – Both John and Ezekiel (10:2-6) saw the cherubim and seraphim at the throne of God! (It seems to be in vouge these days for Christian pastors and conference speakers to question the justice of God! Daniel wouldn’t have uttered a word! Smitten by God!) v. 10 – the court sat and the books were opened!
b. Illust – We have an expression around our house when things are particularly difficult or disturbing: “God is still on the throne!” Christian, no matter how dark the days may be in the future, we have a secure and eternal hope! The Ancient of Days is sitting on his throne! The world is unfolding just as He has decreed!
2. The Ancient of Days is holding court on His throne.
a. Illust – I had a HS history teacher who was lecturing us on the impressive nature of the US Supreme Court. Warren Burger was the Chief Justice. White shock of hair, bushy white eyebrows, deep, booming voice. My teacher said that when he saw him he immediately thought of God. I understand my teacher’s illustration, but there is NO COMPARISON! Every US Supreme Court justice who has ever lived will have nothing to say before the resplendent throne of God! And not a one will represent himself or herself. Only hope will be the Lord Jesus Christ!
b. Vv.11-12 - The braggart, boastful, blaspheming beast is judged! Slain! Throne into the sea of fire. Rev. 20:10 states the same sentence. V.12 – Others lose their authority but are allowed to live a little while longer for God’s sovereign purposes! Who is in charge?
B. The Son of Man is Revealed in Heaven! Vv.13-14
1. We see the Description of the Son of Man - Glorious and Majestic! v.13
a. v.13 – Did not Jesus say this of Himself in Mark 13:24-27 (READ)! And when answering the high priest in Mark 14:61-62! Ps. 2:7-8 – Christ’s Kingdom will overcome entire earth. All rebellion will be put down.
b. My friend, may I ask you, “Who is your Jesus?” Look at this passage! Be done with the sophomoric “Hey God prayers!” Treat Him with the respect and dignity He demands!
2. We see the Destiny of the Son of Man. – Establish an Eternal 5th Kingdom! V.14
a. Go back to Daniel 2:45 – The interpretation of the king’s dream is being given by Daniel. The awesome statue with the golden head (Neb) is smashed and brought down by a massive stone which is uncut by human hands! Friend, that stone is Christ!
b. Illust – People and nations are a part of God’s plan! They have been from the beginning of time and will be until the end of time! I find it a little irritating as well as illogical when well intentioned Christians or misinformed or misinforming media make statements like: “We shouldn’t attempt to make nations “Christian”. Let me ask you a very basic question: When did you glorify God? When you were unregenerate or when you were regenerate? Which type of nation brings glory to God? One that is following Christian principles and seeking to walk in humility and justice with concern for the poor or one which tramples upon the rights of the people and promote an agenda that is contrary to God’s? (llust – We evangelical Boomers/Xers need to realize its not 1955 anymore and Ozzie and Harriet aren’t your neighbors! The natural blessings that flowed from a society which attempted to honor God are not the same that flow to a society which seeks to dismiss Him.
c. Christ is given an eternal kingdom with dominion and power! The beast of Daniel 7 had a temporary kingdom. He rules viciously with temporary dominion. He blasphemed and sought to lead individuals and nations astray from the true worship of God. Every ruler stands under the Judgment Seat of God! No one is immune! But praise God, we see King Jesus coming to establish His millennial kingdom on earth.
III. Daniel’s Dream Interpreted. Vv.15-28
A. Daniel Seeks Aid in Interpreting the Dream. Vv.15-16
1. Daniel seeks help in determining the meaning of the visions.
a. Now let that sink in! Daniel has never had a problem with understanding the dreams others had. He has always been the go-to man for the kingdom. Need to know a dream…call Daniel. But now, he is on the receiving end. He is greatly troubled and perplexed by what he has witnessed.
b. The Bible tells us that Daniel approaches one who was “standing by” (In the spiritual realm.). I assume this means one of those who was standing near The Ancient of Days in the scene in Heaven. Daniel wanted to know “the exact meaning” (certainty in original). Possibly he had a good idea. Maybe he could have guessed. The angelic host obliges the asker and begins to make known Daniel’s dream.
2. The Angel Makes the Meaning of the Dream Known. Vv. 17-18
a. The angel tells Daniel that the 4 beasts are 4 kings which shall come from the earth. The idea here of the kings and the kingdoms are nearly interchangeable. Again, Neb. who was dead by this time was certainly emphasized in the vision. However, the angel now brings the vision into focus: The Fifth Kingdom – Christ’s Everlasting Kingdom!
b. Notice the great contrast in these verses! The evil, wicked, boastful, blasphemous kings are replaced! A new Kingdom is granted and Jesus is the King! Who receives this Kingdom? The saints (qaddishin) means “holy ones”. This kingdom is the kingdom just given to the Son of Man. Who is a member of this Kingdom? Any Gentile who receives Jesus as Savior and any Jew who recognizes Him as Messiah. Will be given the privilege of possessing that kingdom! Friend, one day, instead of the wicked being places of leadership with Satan at large to guide and inspire, the saints of God will be in the ascendancy while the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord. (Is. 11:9), when Satan is cast bound into the bottomless pit (Rev. 20:3)
B. Daniel Focuses His Attention on the 4th Beast for Further Explanation. (Distant future.)
1. Daniel is determined to better understand the meaning of this 4th Beast.
a. V. 19 – “Then I determined to know the exact meaning…” So what we now see is a recapitulation of the particulars of the dream in relation to the 4th beast. Verse 19 attention again focuses on the conflict leading up to this and the items requiring explanation of what has already transpired in v. 18.
b. Daniel begins to add the particulars not previously indicated in his recital of the vision, that the nails were of bronze, that the little horn was stronger than the other horns, that the little horn made war with the saints and was prevailing against them. We are ushered into the very distant future from Daniel’s time to Great Tribulation (Rev. 13) , (cf. Rev 11:7; 13:7), The remaining Jews at this time will, according to Zech. 13:8-9, suffer greatly, seeing the majority of their number die as well as millions and millions of Gentiles (Rev. 13) and forcing economic calamity. Yet finally, we see the judgment was given to the saints of the most High!
2. Daniel’s Dream Contains the Final Battle. Vv. 23-25
a. Illust – I tell you friend, JRR Tolkien had read his Bible when he wrote “The Return of the King”. Evil was rampant. An evil kingdom was arising that was wearing down man. The age of man was coming to a close.
b. We see the clue in v. 25 as to when this event takes place…The Tribulation. Battle and warfare. “time, times, and half a time” – 3.5 years of the 7yr time frame. So, Daniel is looking far into the distant future from his perspective. Possibly not too far off from our perspective.3 Evangelical Views – PreTribulational – Rapture of the Church prior to this. MidTribulational- Rapture occurs half way thru the Tribulation. PostTribulational – Christ comes for His Church at the end of the Tribulation.
3. The Final Deliberation and Decreed Judgment vv. 26 – 28
a. Read v. 26 SLOWLY. Who’s court? The Ancient of Days (v.10) Friend, are you worried about the future? Are you worried about events spiraling out of control in this world? I certainly don’t see things getting better as some wish to believe. If I am reading my Bible correctly, things are going to get worse. Way worse! Christians will face Tribulation. It has been the common experience for Christians the world over. But guess what? Jesus wins! He takes us his rule and reign forever! Want to be a part of it?
b. Jesus Christ is crowned King! Illust – When Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in 1953 her coronation was watched on tv by 27 (1/2 the country) million people. 8,000 people were in attendance. 129 nations and territories were represented! At her funeral over 3 billion people watched! That’s a lot of people! Friend, when Christ splits the Eastern sky to come for His people EVERYONE on earth will see it. No mistake!
C. Applic: v.28 – Daniel’s dream is over. He sits silent and stunned.