Summary: When you are given direction to move and follow God, are you willing to step out and trust even though you have NO IDEA where the future will lead? Said differently, are we willing to give up our preferences and wants to follow Jesus?

“Responding means Submitting to God” – Ruth, Part 5

Ruth Sermon Series, Part 5

Ruth 3:1-9

Cookout today, ALL invited … you got to eat!!


- So, let’s sum up the first four sermons very quickly with three ideas:

- “Sometimes when you abandon God, your life has disastrous consequences; but God is STILL faithful … even when we aren’t!”

- The focus of the book is NOT the budding relationship with Boaz and Ruth

-- Nor is it Naomi trying to find a future or a life for her and Ruth

- The focus of this series is this fact: “Even in tough times, God is STILL accomplishing His plan to take care of those He loves!”

-- I firmly believe if we keep this at the forefront, this book will click for us

- Cards on the table: Discipleship is a life-long journey

-- One of the key opportunities we have is the ability to show grace to one another

-- This book is one example of what grace can do for a life that is in chaos

- Let’s see where this story takes us today …

- Read Ruth 3:1-9 / Pray

Point 1 – Naomi begins to plan for the future

- RE: Ruth was invited by Boaz to work the entire harvest season

-- So, we find ourselves two months later when the season is about over

-- And now, Naomi has a situation developing which she knows needs action

- It is not a creepy issue, nor anything consisting of perverted intentions

-- It is simply a matter of necessity that Naomi sees for Ruth (let’s unpack …)

- In v1, we see Naomi thinking about the future

• “My daughter” – still a term of endearment and meant in love/honor

• “It’s time that I find” – “I” … again she sees herself as a caregiver

• “So that you will be provided for” – Naomi knows she won’t live forever

- In essence, “Ruth, it is time to look ahead and see how you can live.”

-- RE: Ruth has promised and committed to stay with Naomi until death

- Boaz, Naomi continues, is a kinsman of ours (able to redeem, last week) (v2)

-- AND Boaz is capable of providing a future for you to survive

- Sooooooo … Naomi encourages her to do four specific things (v3):

1) Be attractive: Take a bath, put on some perfume, and dress up

-- The time of mourning hubby is passed, and it is now time for you to have a life

-- Note: Perhaps it is b/c of this that Boaz never really pursued her

-- APP: Out of respect, maybe he knew she was in mourning, so he never engaged

-- But it is time for Ruth to present herself as one who is “on the market” again

2) Be attentive: Pay attention to where Boaz rests for the evening

-- Boaz, being the boss, would not have slept where servants did (v4)

-- When the workday is over, he will have dinner and then go to rest somewhere

-- Naomi says, pay attention to where he lays down so you can be by him

3) Be assertive: Go and uncover his feet and lie down by him

-- Naomi is asking Ruth to take a tremendous leap of faith here

-- “Go uncover this man’s feet and then wait for further instructions”

- Ruth was being told to approach him in humility, as a servant

-- Go and present yourself as a servant, humble yourself before Boaz

-- NOTE: This is not a sexual advance, but one of great humility / honor

4) Be available: Boaz will tell you what to do

-- Be ready to receive further instructions and be receptive to listen/respond

-- APP: It’s an incredible act of loyalty to pause and wait for instructions

-- In this, Ruth is to present herself as someone who available …

- TR: So, why are these four things important us to see? Because …

Point 2 – Life is a not about trusting in what you know!

- Take a look at Ruth’s response to this woman that she loves and trusts (v5)

-- Naomi, I will do whatever you say because I trust you

-- REMEMBER: Ruth 1:16-17, “But Ruth replied, “Don’t ask me to leave you and turn back. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Wherever you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. (don’t miss this commitment) May the Lord punish me severely if I allow anything but death to separate us!”

- IMP: This reminder is so very critical; discipleship challenge from Sermon #1

-- Do we commit to God like this?

-- Are willing to obey and trust in God because He knows our future?

- APP: This is really where the rubber meets the road for us, isn’t it?

-- When we receive godly instructions, do we commit to follow like this?

-- Ruth, in total submission, tells Naomi “I will do whatever you say”

- But, why? Why does she do this? B/C she knew Naomi has her best interests

-- She would not lead her astray, perhaps in her heart she knew it was right

-- But notice there is no delay in her responding or engaging on this

- I am certain that Ruth could’ve come up with any excuse to avoid this

-- “I’m tired”, “I don’t feel like it”, “This isn’t for me”, “I don’t want too”

-- Or my favorite: “You’re not the boss of me!”

- Ruth sees Naomi’s love and trust and says, “I will do everything …”

-- APP: When God’s conviction draws us to move like this, do we respond?

-- Consider for a moment – this is solid advice to have a future, but …

-- Ruth has to respond – she has to obey – she has to step forward … do we?

- TR: So let’s talk about what’s about to happen …

Point 3 – Ruth willingly submits to Boaz

- Set the scene:

-- The grain would have been harvested, threshed, and ready for transport

-- However, this transport would not have happened until morning

-- And so Boaz, as the boss, stayed with the grain (prob to prevent thievery, etc.)

- After the work, and the meal, and a few beverages, it would be time for sleep

-- Boaz definitely would have had his fill (owner) and is now ready for rest (v7)

- The bible tells us that Ruth approached quietly to not disturb him (v8)

-- Hebrew: bo; to come in

-- Hebrew: lat; secrecy; mystery

-- This phrasing implies stealth-like … think “ninja” here … in secrecy

- It is not likely that she went to sleep (nervous, scared, etc.)

-- But she waits by his side and then about midnight, Boaz is suddenly startled

-- It is reasonable to think maybe the room was cold - so he reached for blanket

- Anyone ever have pets sleeping in bed and you go to grab the covers?

-- Sometimes, we become VERY awake because we are startled (same thing)

- So Boaz, started, asks the logical question (v9)

-- Literally, in Hebrew: mi attah; “Who are you?”

- What she responds with is critical for us today and it’s really key

-- “I am your servant, Ruth.”

-- If we remember, Ruth has already placed herself as his servant

-- Ruth 2:13, “I hope I continue to please you, sir,” she replied. “You have comforted me by speaking so kindly to me, even though I am not one of your workers.”

- In the Hebrew, she uses the word “amah” means “handmaid”

-- She responds by saying I am “your female servant”; I belong to you

- If you remember, she identified herself as a worker initially (Ch 2)

-- Now, she has changed her response to something entirely different

- Physically, she has placed herself at his feet to wait for his instruction

-- NOTE: Again, don’t let the devil take your mind off to a lewd place

-- This has nothing to do with sex, but everything to do with honor & respect

- Here is the point of today …

- Then, she does something extraordinary

-- Re-read verse 9: “I am your servant Ruth,” she replied. “Spread the corner of your covering over me, for you are my family redeemer.”

- Earlier Ruth sought protection under Boaz (as an employer) for sustenance

-- Now she is making a bold move to say that she is looking to him for redemption

-- She submits herself to him as one willing to be under his wing, forever

-- This beautiful confession is one that we must have for Jesus as well

- “Lord, I am yours … my life is yours … please protect me and help me …”

- She submits to him much like God claims Israel for Himself in Ezekiel

-- Ezekiel 16:8, “And when I passed by again, I saw that you were old enough for love. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign Lord, and you became mine.” (Take this apart with some Hebrew words ….)

-- Hebrew: paras; to spread out

-- Hebrew: kanaph; wing; or extremity

-- Hebrew: kasah; to cover

-- Hebrew: ervah; your nakedness

- Ruth then brings to Boaz the covenant of God without mincing words

-- She says, “I am yours, if you will have me (ask: “stretch out corner of garment”)

- And how does Boaz respond? “The Lord bless you, my daughter.”

-- IMP: This is a real invocation of grace to her; an acceptance of her and her life

- TRANS: So, why is this blessing so important?

-- What do we need to see from what these two have just said to one another?

- Ruth says in v9 that since you are a kinsman-redeemer, you can redeem me

-- Ruth is implying her understanding of the word “gaal”; Boaz CAN save her!!

-- RE: Hebrew: gaal means “to be redeemed”

- Boaz, being an honorable and God-fearing man, fully accepts this offer

-- Ruth’s words have brought him honor, and reminded him of his duty / honor

- TR: So, why does this story need to be explored & even revered to us today?

Big Idea

- Today: When you are given direction to move and follow God, are you willing to step out and trust even though you have NO IDEA where the future will lead?

- Bigger: Are we willing to give up our preferences and wants to follow Jesus?

-- CHALL: Or are we still trying to be God’s consultant?

- This is exactly what Ruth had to do …

1. She had no idea what Naomi was leading her into

2. Nor, did she know how Boaz might react to this sudden engagement

- Are we that willing to follow when prompted by God’s Holy Spirit?

- Do we see where we need to trust in Him, and respond to Him more?

- We’ll pick this up in two weeks …

- Pray for:

• Grace to obey when God calls

• Willingness to move when He directs

• Ability to know the difference between our wants and His calling