Summary: Every believer in Christ had been newly created by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and is expected to live the new life continually.

The Believer: A New Creation

Study Text: 2 Corinthians 5: 15 - 18


- As Christians, we are new creations: The old life of sin has been defeated and destroyed by repentance, the old nature has been conquered by crucifixion, and now we stand as new creations.

- We have new goals, values, desires, attitudes, thoughts, actions, new everything. As Christians we have not just been repaired but totally renewed.

-. Previously in the old life, we were living for ourselves, guided by our selfish interests and desires. But now in the new life, we are living for Jesus Christ who died for us and rose again.

- We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Exposition on the New Creation

2. The Expectations from the New Creation

3. The Experience of the New Creation

1. The Exposition on the New Creation

- As we look at 2 Corinthians 5:17, What does it really mean to be a new creation in Christ?

-. To understand what that means, it is necessary to consider the different parts of this verse. We are going to do a critical explanation or interpretation of the text.

1. Therefore

- This is the first word we see in this verse. When you read the prior verse you will get at least one indication of why this 'therefore' is there.

-. When a person comes to Christ we should not look at them the same way. Our view of them should change. That is why the therefore is there.

2. If Anyone

- This word does not single out one specific group of people. This idea or reality applies to every person who meets the condition.

- This is very similar to the 'whosoever' we find in John 3:16. Whosoever believes or anyone who believes In Jesus Christ has eternal life. The same is true here anyone in Christ is made new.

3. Is in Christ

- This is the key condition of this verse. This is the one condition that must be met to make everything after it true.

- You must be in Christ. This word can mean a few things which are all tied together.

- You decided sincerely to stop living for your self and to start living for Jesus Christ. You belong to Christ. You have been saved by the power of Christ.

4. A new creation.

- As we consider this word, it will help us to answer the question what does it mean to be a new creation in Christ?

- The word new in this part of the verse implies transformation and regeneration.

-. When a sinful person gets connected to the saving and cleansing power of Jesus Christ, something has to change. You cannot have a true encounter with Jesus and have a true salvation experience and everything remain the same.

- The moment you are saved by the power of Jesus and you belong to him then the process of transformation begins. This is the first part of this newness represented here.

- There is a regeneration that happens when a person is a new creation in Christ. You can actually call it a dividing line. There is a you that existed before Christ and a you that exists after Christ.

- These two should be different. When you begin to consider the difference between the old you and the new you, then the answer to what does it really mean to be a new creation in Christ becomes very clear.

2. The Expectations from the New Creation

-. The Saviour is expecting the products of transformation and regeneration in the life of anyone who is in Him.

-. This is the confirmation and acceptable evidence that such a person has actually been in Christ. Some of these include:

1. New Beginnings Romans 3:23-24

- The word justified means you have been vindicated or acquitted. This means that in Christ you get a fresh start and a brand-new beginning.

-. You are no longer under any condemnation, and no guilt of sin, because you have received forgiveness. Colossians 1:13

2. New Relationship

- The outcome of the new beginning is a new relationship or new fellowship with God. This is because you are brought near by the blood of Christ. Ephesians 2:13

- We were all at one point far from God because of our sin. However in Christ that all changes.

- Being a new creation means you can now draw near. It gives you access to his presence.

3. New Identity

- When you are in Christ you are given a new identity. You have been changed from living for your self to living for Jesus Christ.

- You are no longer your own, you belong to Christ.

-. You have been called out of darkness unto His marvelous light to show forth His praises.

-. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10

4. New Destiny

- It is clear that we were once enemies of God heading down a path of destruction. However, when you were found in Christ you became a citizen of heaven. That is now your new eternal home, and you must possess an unshakable assurance of this. Philippians 3:18-20

5. New Position

- The beauty of being found in Christ is that your seat has changed. You are now seated in heavenly places. Ephesians 2:6

-. Because you are in Christ you have heavenly companions, heavenly access, heavenly security and heavenly influence.

6. New Power

- Being a new creation in Christ also means you have access to new power. The Holy Spirit now works in you and through you helping you to live and be the person God desires you to be. Mark 16: 15-17, Acts 1:8

7. New Purpose

- When you are in Christ you are now positioned to accomplish what God has created you to do.

-. Your interest, your association and your pursuit in life must now be as He wants them to be. Ephesians 2:10

-. When you become new in Christ, you are now able to do the good works God has prepared for you.

-. You are completely a new creation. God makes you into something that never existed before. You are not just an upgrade of a previous model. You are a brand new model that the world has never seen before.

-. Whatever your background is or whatever you were before you came to Christ, you are not now. You are a brand-new person that God wants to use to bring much glory to his name.

3. The Experience of the New Creation

-. Who can or how can one actually experience being a new creation in Christ?

- The Scripture says – if any man: Any man, woman, boy or girl can become a new creation in Christ.

- The only people Jesus can’t save are those who don’t believe that they need to be saved, and so reject His loving invitation and His precious gift of Salvation.

- Using Zacchaeus as a case study: He was a rich tax collector. He was rich because he was dishonest, greedy, and ungodly. 1 Corinthians 6:9

- Sinful people can’t go to heaven. Scripture is emphatically clear on this issue. That’s why Jesus Christ came to this earth. He came to save that which was lost.

- Some of us were sexually immoral. Some of us were greedy and dishonest. But Christ saved us. God washed us in the blood of Christ and declared us completely justified in His sight. Romans 3:23

- The Bible says that God is not willing that any should perish , but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

- When Jesus saves us, we become a new creation. Anyone who is in Christ is a brand new creation. We become something that this world had never known.

- All the old things pass away. Through salvation in Jesus Christ, God washes away all of our sins and He puts within us a new heart. Ezekiel 36:26

- That doesn’t mean that we will never sin again as a believer, but it does mean that we will never look at sin the same way again.

-. We put off the old nature with its sinful deeds, and we put on the new nature which is designed to be like Jesus.

- The newness comes from being in Christ. When Jesus hung on the cross, God placed upon Him the punishment we all deserve. During those period that Jesus hung on the cross, the guilt of our sin was placed upon Him.

-. In the eyes of His holy Father, He became sinful. He became sinful not because He Himself had sinned, but because He bore the guilt of our sins.

- In exchange, He offers to us complete forgiveness of all of our sins (Past, Present and Future). Once we are in Christ, we are seen by God as those who are completely innocent.

-. In addition, Christ gives to us His strength to live the Christian life. The Holy Spirit of God comes to dwell within us in order to teach us and to guide us and help us live out this new life.

-. The strength is already there. We just have to learn how to tap into it and put it into practice.

Philippians 4:13

-. In order to become a new creation in Christ, certain steps are necessary, some of which include:

1. Acknowledge that you Need the Saviour.

- The Bible says: Romans 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.

- The first step to salvation is admitting your need. “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner.”

2. Believing that Jesus Died to Meet that Need

- Jesus said, “I am the way , the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)

-. There is only one way to Salvation. Jesus Christ came to be the Saviour of the world and it is through His death that our sins may be forgiven and that we might become new creations in Him. Acts 4:12

3. Receiving Forgiveness by Faith in Him.

- The Bible says – “For by grace are ye saved through faith…” (Ephesians 2:8)

-. Faith is what we believe to be true. Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins? Do you believe that He is able to forgive you and to make you a child of God? Have you in faith prayed to Him and asked for His forgiveness? If not, you can at this very moment.

4. Continuing in the New Life of Righteousness.

-. Through the grace of God, and the strength of the Holy Spirit, you must shun all ungodly ways, attitudes and actions, and consciously continue to live for Christ in a life of righteousness.

-. To effectively achieve this, some changes may be necessary, especially relationship, places and actions.