1. The greatest birth, perhaps the greatest event that has ever taken place! And yet it was witnessed by but a few shepherds and three wise men. Should God not have thought this through a little more?
2. Perhaps He should have contacted some Madison Avenue advertising agency. Perhaps then this first Christmas day would have received more attention. After all, think of how all the world witnessed the birth of Windows 95. That was promoted much more effectively.
3. An agency would have made a difference. They would have changed the location. Jerusalem - that would have been a much better place for the birth of a king! That is where David and the other kings of Israel had reigned. That is where the temple was located and the temple represented the presence of God. There would have been many more people. And word would have easily got out to other centers.
4. And they would have sent out some press releases. Given dignitaries and rulers from other nations a chance to come and witness the event.
5. After all, God could announce the birth any way He wanted. Why one bright star? Why not a group of stars that would say "Christ is born"? And why have the angels only announce it to teh shepherds. Send angels to every city and centre throughout the world.
6. A commemorative coin could have been stamped. Or other souvenirs so people would remember and the church could make some money. Perhaps a catchy slogan could have been thought of.
7. Perhaps the timing could have been better. Maybe God should have waited until this century before sending His Son. Live satellite shots - all people would have seen the angels and known for sure who Christ was. It could have been a major made-for-television event.
8. We could go on and on. The ideas are endless.
9. But that is not what God chose to do. That is not God’s way.
10. Instead He chose an obscure town in the middle of nowhere. He chose a young couple with no stature or high reputation. He chose a dirty, smelly stable for the birthing room. And only a few shepherds were told about the event. That is God’s way of doing things.
11. 1 Cor 1:27 says that "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
12. God does not chose the wise and the strong of the world. The world worships the wise and the strong. But God knows that all human wisdom and strength have a problem. The world focuses on what man can do, not God. They lead to pride and boasting and self-reliance.
13. God choses those who are foolish. At least most of us can be included in this. Paul says not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were influential, not many were of noble birth. God takes those who are weak and foolish and gives us His wisdom and strength.