Lessons in leadership
Luke 1:37;
As you read this, keep in mind the following four points:
i. Our SAVIOR told us to pray “….THY will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”
ii. There is nothing impossible with GOD. Paraphrased, with GOD all things are possible.
iii. Our GOD is in heaven and HE does what HE pleases. Psalm 115:3, Psalm 135:6
iv. And we know that all things work together for good of those who love The LORD and those who are called according to HIS purpose
I am yet to come across leadership training material that mentions the role of The MOST HIGH in selection of leaders. Apart from the Bible , it is rare to see the role of The MOST HIGH being acknowledged when leadership is in place.
My country, Kenya, has just emerged from an election that was held two months ago. The victorious candidate is a publicly, born again, Pentecostal believer in JESUS CHRIST and he has made no secret of this fact to the chagrin of some and the consternation of others. even within the faith.
Strangely enough, before the elections there were all sorts of prophecies on who would emerge the winner. Clearly, the prophecies that he would emerge the winner carried the day to the glory of GOD and to the jubilation of his supporters. His inauguration and public events since that day have been marked with lots and lots of prayers and church services to the extent that some quarters have labeled them too much. To quote some people, they say that this president and his team are overdoing the religious angle. I disagree.
When he was having his desert experience with his GOD, he publicly stated that his GOD would help him, now that his GOD has helped him, and he is publicly declaring so, people have gotten spiritual and physical diarrhea, surprisingly even within circles that we consider the body of CHRIST. Anyway, our brand new, born again president is called William Samoei Ruto and he enjoys immense love and favor from children of GOD in this country, a good percentage of the general population and clearly of course, last but not least with The MOST HIGH too. I must mention that he has a testimony and what a testimony it is, but to the glory of GOD, he moves from glory to glory.
The public happenings in the life of this man are a lesson to anyone who has ears and eyes. I will enumerate a few lessons that we all can learn and benefit from. Of course, these lessons are not new, they are old, but The LORD in HIS wisdom has seen if fit to play out these lessons right before our very eyes and I will take the opportunity to point some of them out.
Lesson 1:
All things are possible with GOD. Beloved, the odds were stacked against our current president. At one point, I confess, my strength failed and I remembered the prophesy given by servants of GOD on this continent but out of this country and I barely managed to hold on until victory was declared. Beloved, I had to shout when he was declared President.
Beloved, are the odds stacked against you? Do you need a miracle? Is your miracle in the hands of your enemies and are they plotting to ensure you never get it? Beloved, there is none like The LORD, mighty in power and mighty to save. The heart of kings is in HIS hands and HE moves these hearts the way HE so desires. The LORD who did the impossible for our president who is HIS child, can and also will do it for you. Stand firm even when the storm looks like it will destroy you. When it looks like you are done for, stand firm. The MOST HIGH YAHWEH has the final say. There is nothing impossible with The LORD.
A special message to our brothers in Nigeria who are in a similar if not worse situation, The LORD is a Mighty DELIVERER and there is nothing impossible with HIM. HE can do all things. HE can give you a leader after HIS own heart. We fellow believers here in Kenya know a bit of what you are going through. May The LORD see you through and may the children of GOD be victorious as you go to the polls shortly.
Lesson 2:
Beloved, do not work hard to bring a person down. Do not scheme to destroy others. Do not gang up against people. When you use your power and might and resources to destroy people, or bring people down, it is highly likely that The LORD will purpose to lift this person up beyond your wildest dreams. You will not stand in HIS way, HE is The LORD.
Lesson 3:
When you do good deeds and then you do bad deeds, the good you did will be forgotten, disregarded and /or discarded. Read Ezekiel 3:20. So, in a nutshell, do not tire of doing good. Galatians 6:9
Lesson 4:
Standing with The LORD, HIS servants and HIS purposes has its rewards. I note the immense and intense public ridicule and insults that my current president has undergone as he publicly identified with and stood with the Christian faith and Christian servants of GOD and the church in Kenya. Suffice it to say, it was terrible and horrible, dehumanizing. But as the summary of the lesson says, standing with and for The LORD and HIS purposes does have its rewards, sometimes on this earth and most definitely in eternity. The LORD is faithful.
Lesson 5 :
The service of your parents and or lineage in the work of GOD and ministry matters and counts to The LORD. HE rewards to generations. The mother of the president has been publicly quoted lauding the necessity of praying without ceasing. At one point, she said, “there is no other thing, just prayer!”. It is also rumored that his lineage had someone who ministered to Billy Graham when Billy Graham was in Kenya at some point. Rumor or not,
Beloved, GOD sees your service, it matters to HIM and HE has rewards for faithful servants and stewards. Word of caution, do not expect or demand your reward from men, let The MOST HIGH sort you out, HE is known to reward even to generations to come. Remember, David, Solomon and the greatness of their lineage even in the present day. Many claim to be and identify with of the tribe of Judah, because of David and our SAVIOR. Beloved, keep at it. Keep serving, do not tire. Walk with The LORD. Walk in the Light.
Lesson 6:
Be courageous and fearless. Read Joshua 1. I repeat, be courageous and fearless. When the enemy attacks you with words, be like David , answer him and tell him that YAHWEH , your GOD, will deliver the head of your enemy into your hands. My president is courageous and fearless and he answered his enemies courageously and faced the battle fearlessly to the absolute and total delight of some of us. He did not cower when things looked dire. Some compared his duel with the deep state to the duel with David and Goliath. And who is like The LORD, there is no one. Here, the testimony stands for all to see and more importantly learn and benefit from.
Lesson 7:
Believe the prophets and prophecies given about you. 2 Chronicles 20:20. Read the entire account.
Lesson 8:
Be in the house of The LORD, marry from the house of The LORD. The first lady is a publicly identifiable Christian woman both by name and character. A very humble lady. Even before all the accolades, you would find her among children of GOD. The second lady is also a publicly identifiable Christian woman not only by name but also by character. She also runs a ministry.
Beloved, do not be fooled, blinded or deceived. Scripture says that we should not yoke ourselves with unbelievers. This also means that you should not marry unbelievers if you are a believer. No matter how beautiful, attractive, progressive, modern etc they may seem. It’s a trap. Marry a fellow believer. The president has publicly acknowledged the role of the first lady in his personal, spiritual and public life. He married a daughter of The MOST HIGH and GOD is not only his FATHER but also HIS FATHER in law. Why shouldn’t it be well with this man? Beloved, if you are a believer, marry from the house of The LORD. Do not yoke yourself with unbelievers. Cut your coat according to your cloth. Flock with birds of the same feather. How else can I put it?
Lesson 9:
Expect opposition from persons you consider to be of the household of faith. This maybe a test. Be wise. Respond wisely. Better still say nothing. Children of GOD should not fight each other or disparage each other publicly. Remember the prayer of The LORD, our SAVIOR, that we may be one as HE and The FATHER are one. John 17:21
Lesson 10:
Be generous. Give generously especially to the work of GOD and its affiliates. GOD sees your heart and the intentions. Let the observers and naysayers have their say. WE are commanded to be generous and to stand with the work and things and people of GOD.
Lesson 11:
Make use of the opportunity granted to you as a Christian leader. Do not hide your salvation, unless you are an Esther. If you are a David, it is alright to publicly worship and acknowledge The LORD, those who speak against you shall be barren like Michal. There is nothing like overdoing your love for GOD. As Christians ,we are always praying for platforms to preach, when one of us gets the platform, we start making noise here and there. Shut up or end up like Michal.
Lesson 12:
When you are a leader after GOD’s own heart, the plans of the enemy against you will be exposed and derailed. These evil plans will fail woefully. This president and all other leaders that GOD has put in place will not die but they will live to testify of the goodness of The LORD in the land of the living.
Read Psalms 118. There is reason to believe that this Psalm was written by David. Are you a Christian, Bible believing, born again leader, may The LORD will deliver you from all schemes of Satan. Make a point in your busy schedule to read, reread and memorize Psalm 118.
Lesson 13:
When GOD gives you a platform, whoever you are. Stay away from jokes and making light or making fun of the things of GOD. Stay away from blasphemers masquerading as comedians. Never ever mock GOD. Do not insult GOD. Do not be rude about GOD and to GOD. Do not say unpalatable things about GOD. Do not join mockers and scoffers lest you be judged with them. Beloved, The MOST HIGH YAHWEH is The KING, The SOVEREIGN of creation. You may think you know HIM but you only know a little of HIM. Remember HE is in heaven and you are on earth, let your words be few.
Why do I point this out? Several recordings of public persons making statements and so called ‘jokes’ that cannot be repeated about the MOST HIGH GOD have surfaced. If you are in this category of blasphemers, The LORD will reject you. Repent! HE rejected Saul eternally. Are you better than Saul? As said earlier, in previous writings, when GOD is your enemy you are in trouble, because in the day of trouble, who will you call? The ONE you have mocked? The Bible tells us that Saul called on The LORD in his day of trouble and The LORD did not answer and Saul disastrously went to the occult for answers. Beloved, fear The LORD. Malachi 1:6-8. Where is the respect due to The LORD?
Lesson 14:
Do not hurt children of GOD. The children of GOD are not easily identifiable. Many of them are quiet and lead quiet lives and may not be able to be picked from a crowd, neither are they limelight lovers. Because of this, do not harm people. Love others as you love yourself. If you harm children of GOD, knowingly or unknowingly, (remember Sarah and the Canaanite rulers) you will get into trouble with their FATHER, then what will you do? Or GOD will arise against you for the benefit of the seemingly lowly in the eyes of man, then what will you do?
Lesson 15:
Stay the course. Do not deviate. After God has answered your prayers, don’t turn to the left or to the right. In the midst of the fame, wealth, earthly accolades, recognition, discussions, noise left and right and center, stay on the straight and narrow. Remember there is a life hereafter.
Lesson 16:
Make hay while the sun shines. This is a great opportunity for you Christian leader whatever your rank or designation. Let it be said of you and of your tenure as it was said in the days of Solomon when he still enjoyed favor .1Kings 10:23;1 Kings 10:27. As a Christian leader, let the people rejoice and prosper during and after your tenure. After all, is it not written that when the righteous rule, the people rejoice! Proverbs 29:2
Beloved, co –worker in the vineyard of The MOST HIGH, keep your name in The LAMB’s Book of Life.
Do you want to know JESUS as your personal Lord and Savior? Your eternity is at stake! JESUS has opened the door of salvation to every person. But there is coming a day when the door will be closed. Today is the day of salvation. Choose to be in the family of GOD. JESUS died so that we can spend eternity in Heaven with HIM. Don't delay! And if you want to begin a relationship with GOD or resume a broken one, say this: O GOD, I come to YOU today. I know I am a sinner. I believe that JESUS died on the cross to save me and HE resurrected on the third day. I repent of my sins and forsake them. I confess JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR . I invite JESUS into my heart. By this prayer, I know I am saved. Thank YOU JESUS for saving me and making me a child of GOD. Amen