Summary: Think of your most favorite possession, if that were taken away for the sake of the Gospel, would you be OK with it? This is the calling and the encouragement of Paul's letter.

“Knowing Jesus Matters” - Philippians, Part 7

Philippians Sermon Series, Part 7

Philippians 3:5-14


- Reminder about our level-set from series opener:

1. Christians must reflect the joy of Christ in everything we do

2. This means you and I are to make the Gospel personal, because it is!

3. Not telling shows them that we have nothing different/special to offer others

- This is a great book of discipleship; prayerfully help us draw closer to Christ

-- Living worthy of the Gospel means that we are to be found doing the work

-- RE: As Christians, we are in this together – but not for our ego, desires, or needs

- Quick summary of last week:

- In legal worship, we trust in something we create (rules, boundaries, ceremonies)

- Christian worship begins internally:

-- It flows from the workings of the Holy Spirit (from within us)

-- It is NOT related to certain isolated acts, but embracing a whole life concept

-- It comes from a proven character in faithfulness to Jesus Christ!

- Paul said, “put no confidence in human effort” … but RELY on Christ! (v4)

-- There is nothing we can do without Christ – b/c of what He’s already done

-- Take note of the cross – none of us has sacrificed to that level, so we follow Him

- Read (NLT Version) Philippians 3:5-14 / Pray

Point 1 – What is knowing Jesus worth?

- Paul makes a terrific case for “if anyone can boast I certainly can”

-- But hang with me, because I don’t want you to miss why he does this

-- EX: Some may think Paul is about to go an ego trip, but watch this closely

- In three observations he shows how he “might have confidence in the flesh”

1. His pure Jewish blood

2. His legal preciseness and high status

3. His zeal for the law

- Paul is basically saying, “I am one of the original ones, obedient from my birth”

-- So much so, he was accepted and installed as a Pharisee (elected)

-- He is from the tribe of Benjamin, a son of Rachel, not from an outside mix

-- Calls himself a Hebrew of Hebrews; neither parent being of Gentile descent

- When it comes to the Law, he knew it fully (was highly trusted and respected)

-- Confirms it in Acts 26:5, “If they would admit it, they know that I have been a member of the Pharisees, the strictest sect of our religion.”

-- His acts in the Jewish faith set him apart as one worthy of respect

-- In the Jewish faith, he is a man who is blameless when it comes to the Law

- But why is this important? Why does his “resume” matter?

-- Consider who he is talking to … humans who like to exalt themselves (sinful)

-- But to the reader, he’s encouraging us to see ourselves here, to know yourself

- Now don’t miss this … Ref verses 7-8

-- Paraphrase: “Whatever I may have gained (because of my resume) …”

-- This would include all possible advantages of outward status, esp. in customs

-- Let’s be honest, he enjoyed some serious status during the first century

-- RE: He ordered the stoning of believers; chief persecutor of the Church – BUT!

- Of all the things he had, he counted them a loss compared to KNOWING Jesus

-- Note how Paul says it in verse 7: I consider them (the things) worthless

-- All of these things he has gained they are insignificant, trivial, or small

-- Consider: Jesus in Matthew 16:26, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”

- I would like to expound just a bit on v7-8 just to provide added thoughts

- Why would Paul say these things are not worth anything?

-- Ask yourself: What can compare to what we gain in Jesus Christ?

-- Christians are called to look ahead - to know that our reward is NOT here

- It’s important to emphasize: Our best life is NOT lived today

-- IMP: If it was, how could we possibly tell others about something greater?

-- Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”

- Paul demonstrates for us that his testimony is more valuable than worldly stuff!

- HUGE: In all I have gained, life is STILL not about me or “what I’ve done”

- TR: This is where Paul’s heart and focus is, and leads us into next point

Point 2 – Why is knowing Jesus critical?

- v9, he is an implied question: “Who would you rather be living for?”

-- Jesus asked us this also recorded in Mark 8:36, “And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?” (same as Matt 16:26 earlier)

-- Truly, whose applause do you seek and how are you living?

- Paul then gives us two “why’s” living with Christ is better … watch this carefully

1) Righteousness under the Law is no longer required

-- IMP: We cannot live with our checklist of things to do to earn God’s love

- God is not keeping score. Why? Because real love does not act this way.

-- IMP: However, God is not turning a blind eye to what we do: Galatians 6:7, “Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.”

-- APP: How we live matters to God, it’s what He is paying attention to

2) Because of the cross, we have access to the righteousness of God

-- Galatians 6:14, “As for me, may I never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of that cross, my interest in this world has been crucified, and the world’s interest in me has also died.”

- Gritty truth:

-- Life is not about how quickly we’ve arrived; we offer God nothing He needs

-- Get this: God is not playing with humanity like a fantasy football team …

- There is rejoicing because a soul comes home; and all are just as important

-- This is why Paul says (v9), “I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ”

- Paul says, “Let this grab you: everything I have is because of Jesus!”

-- This should be our motto as well; it’s why we rejoice in what God is doing

-- Do you celebrate in the good and in the bad? It’s worth exploring today.

- TR: So, if this shows us why Jesus is best, what can it produce in you and me?

Point 3 – How are we challenged to know Jesus, today?

- Accepting Christ is more than just a confession … it’s a life change

-- Let’s take these next phrases and see what Paul is challenging us with

-- I see 5 things Paul says to us and I want to emphasize those for us (Greek words)

1. I want to know Christ

-- Know in Greek: gnonai; to be resolved, to speak with certainty

-- EX: To have first-hand wisdom, to know your subject matter

-- APP: We must be acquainted with Him in order to know His ways

2. To know the mighty power that raised Him from the dead

-- Power in Greek: dynamin (where we get dynamic); strength, ability, power

-- To know God’s power is to be intimately acquainted with it

-- Greek: yada, to know – signifies closeness with another

-- Genesis tells us that Adam “knew” his wife Eve – complete signifies intimacy

-- Example of knowing: 1 Corinthians 1:18, “The message of the cross is foolish to those who are headed for destruction! But we who are being saved know it is the very power of God.”

3. I want to suffer (or fellowship) with Him

-- Fellowship in Greek: koinonian; association, participation

-- Why would we want to experience and have this knowledge?

- Paul in Romans 5:3-5, “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

-- And what does fellowship give us? John 16:33, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” It completes our journey!

4. Sharing (becoming like) in His death

-- Becoming (being conformed) in Greek, symmorphizomenos; equivalent to

-- We are challenged to be like Him, in everything that we attempt right now

1. First in life: 1 John 2:6, “Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.”

2. Then in death: Romans 6:4, “For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.”

-- Get this: Everything we do should mirror what He has done! Why? To…

5. Attain His resurrection

-- Attain in Greek, katanteso; to arrive at

-- Resurrection in Greek, exanastasin; a rising up

-- Paul’s desire is simple: If I can arrive anywhere, I want to be where Jesus is

- So, what does all of this lead us to today?

-- Well, get this: this day is not the end of the work we have to do!

-- How do we know this? Look at how he phrases the future (read v12-14)

- But even though I know Him, I haven’t yet arrived (v12) … Fact is …

-- I am not perfect – I still have wants – but I desire Him more than the world

-- APP: Which means I (we) are not done – still have more to do … in fact …

- What Paul is saying is that this (right now) is not the end of what we strive for

-- Consider: Even from prison for preaching the Gospel, life with Jesus is better!

- Why? Because it is his desire to live for Him – it can be a rally cry for us

-- (v14) “Press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize …”

Big Idea

- Let’s just consider how Paul encourages us as we close …

-- Everything I have; everything I have acquired; is nothing compared to Jesus

-- CHALLENGE: Is this the cry of your heart? Is this how you lead your life?

- Close your eyes for a moment …

-- Think of your most favorite possession (go easy, it’s ok to have things)

-- We all have things we enjoy, things that matter (truthful), so focus on that

-- If that were taken away for the sake of the Gospel, would you be OK with it?

- This is what Paul drives at: What is more important to you than knowing Jesus?

- Pray