Summary: Many Christians are on the "wide road" because they don't know the requirements of Jesus. There's a Narrow Gate/ entrance in the form of a Cross. We must get rid of all our old baggage. This message starts with a short drama. Powerful!


Mt. 7:13-14; Lk. 13:24



1. A pastor was working late on Saturday night at the Almighty God Tabernacle. Around 10:00 PM he decided to call his wife before he started for home; she didn't answer. Later he figured out he’d dialed the wrong phone number.

2. The following Monday, the pastor received a call at the church. The caller wanted to know who had this number and the pastor said it was a church

3. The caller said, "Let me tell you my story. On Saturday night I was planning on leaving my wife, but before I did, I prayed, 'God, if you're there, and you don't want me to do this, give me a sign.’”

4. “At that moment my phone started to ring. I looked at the Caller ID, and it said, 'Almighty God.' I was just too afraid to answer!"

5. God’s trying to call our number this morning through His Word. Read with me.


1. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Mt. 7:13-14.

2. “Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” Lk. 13:24.


1. My nephew, Kylen Morrison, is in Junior High. All last year he took great pleasure asking his fellow students, “Do you think the road to heaven is wide or narrow?” Without exception all of them said, “It’s wide.” His reply, “Nope! That’s not right. The Bible says it’s narrow.” That explains why 97% of Americans think they’re going to heaven!


a. Put up a wall with a narrow door on platform.

b. Jesus stands beyond the door; “Come church, My bride and walk with me.”

c. Bride in white dress, with 4 suitcases strapped to her, tries to join Christ, but can’t get through the narrow door.

d. Jesus says, “You must put aside your PRIDE to walk with me.” She takes off suitcase labelled Pride. Still can’t get thru.

e. Jesus tells her to let go of her POPULARITY, then SELF, then MONEY (because she still can’t get thru). At last, with all removed, she enters through the door & walks off with Christ!

3. That’s what this message is about, “The Narrow Road.”


Jesus taught that there are two roads, two destinies in life. He didn’t give us a third alternative. You’re on either one or the other. Our task today is to see which road we’re on!


1. Everyone in the world starts out on the wide road. You’re on it now. Only if you’ve surrendered your life to Jesus are you on the narrow road. The “wide road” is called “wide” because you can carry all your sins with you on this road -- your selfishness, your prejudice, your hate, your lust, your intolerance, your bigotry.

2. There’s all types of people are on the wide road. There are the immoral, the dictators, the murderers. But there are also many moral people and even church people on this road. All who have one foot in the world and one foot in Heaven are actually on the wide road.

3. This wide road is also a crowded road; there are many who travel it. Conformity is one of the most deceptive sins. People justify themselves saying, “Everyone’s doing it.” But in God’s eyes sin is still sin, whether or not it’s the majority doing it.


1. Everybody’s got an idea about how they’re going to get to Heaven. Some say, “Well, I’m sincere. Won’t that get me to Heaven?” No, it won’t. You can be sincerely wrong.

2. And some say, “Well, I’m going to follow my conscience.” But your conscience is no safe guide. Our conscience can be twisted to our own standards, not God’s.

3. Others say, “If I try to do my best and live by the Golden Rule, won’t that get me to Heaven?” No! The Bible says it’s by grace you’re saved, through faith, and surrendering to Jesus. That’s the ONLY way. You can’t work your way to Heaven or be good enough to merit heaven. The only thing we merit is hell.

4. We don’t deserve God’s salvation or forgiveness. That’s why God sent His Son to pay the price for our sin. God says, “If you surrender your life to My Son, I’ll forgive your sins, wipe out your past, & give you a new start.”


1. Finally, the wide road is a fatal road. It ends in separation from God and punishment in Hell. None of us knows the day of our death. We could be killed in a car wreck or die of a heart attack. Our moment may come at any time. Which road are you on?

2. Today you have an opportunity of joining that small minority who will enter that narrow gate, which is Jesus Christ, and find eternal life. You can come to His cross and find forgiveness of sins & a new life.

3. What if U.S. soldiers in a foreign country, were captured, and then told about a narrow gate by which they could escape over rough mountains. They were told, “It’s a way of great hardship, but eventually you’ll get out and be saved.” I believe every soldier would say, “I don’t care how narrow the gate is. If I can squeeze through, I’m going.”

4. Make sure you get through that narrow gate, whatever the cost! Being on God’s road doesn’t mean there’ll be no more problems or difficulties. It can be rough, but it will always be leading upward. God will give you strength & grace to live the life He calls you to live.

5. But here is the tragedy: Jesus said there are few who will find it. Many mistakenly think they’re on the narrow road, but they’ve never squeezed through the narrow Gate. You must be willing to renounce your sin. You can’t drag all your old sins and bad habits through the narrow gate. It’s too narrow. You’ve got to be willing to leave them behind. You have to make the choice.



1. The road to Heaven is narrow because we’re surrounded by many worldly things that cause Christians to lose their focus. I can compare the road to Heaven to walking on a tightrope.

2. To walk the tightrope, your mind must be focused on balancing. If you allow your eyes to be distracted from the tightrope, you’ll fall. Many Christians allow the distractions of this world to trip them up and stop their walk with Jesus. To succeed we must concentrate on heavenly things.


The narrow road has only one entrance – in the form of a cross.

1. FOOTBALL. In football, the football determines everything. First downs are measured by where the

ball is placed. Touchdowns are measured by whether the ball crosses the plane. “Out-of-bounds” is tied to your control of the ball and its relationship to the feet of the person holding it. Fumbles are determined by who grabs the ball. Field goals are measured by whether the ball goes through the Up Rights. Men

fight over it, rejoice over it, and strive to possess it. In other words, if a football is missing then there is no football game. Without the football, everything else that goes on in a stadium or on a field is a waste of time. In football, the football is the main thing. In Christianity, the cross is the main thing. [Tony Evans]

2. The Cross must be part of who you are. The Cross must be central to all you do. That’s why the narrow road is entered by a narrow gate in the shape of a cross!

3. STRIVE. We’re to “strive” (Gr. – “agonize”) to enter this gate. ‘Strive’ describes an athletic contest or a battle. We must fight against the tendencies of our fallen nature to hang onto this world, its pleasures, entertainments, selfishness, and lack of faith in the Invisible God.

4. PROCRASTINATION. Many are unable to enter in because they want to postpone their decision until tomorrow. They are engaged with plans and projects. “I’ll make that decision another day.”

5. When people are dying, it’s usually too late to surrender to Christ. Why? They’ve been turning the Holy Spirit away for so long that their repentance is insincere and their hearts are hard. So they die as they lived.

6. URGENCY. JUDGMENT JOKE. Soren Kierkegaard told about a fire that broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to warn the public. They thought it was a joke and applauded. The louder he screamed “fire!” they louder they laughed. That’s how it will be in the last days; Judgment Day will be thought to be a joke until it’s too late!


Luke 13:24 says that “many” are trying to enter it but won’t be able. The reason it’s “many” want it is because it’s desirable.

1. IT’S A REFUGE OF SAFETY. The biblical “cities of refuge” were places where people who were wrongly accused of murder could flee to escape capital punishment. Once they entered the gates they were safe from vengeance. Similarly, when we’re in Jesus Christ, we’re safe from the wrath of God.

2. IT’S A COMING HOME. We’re estranged from our Heavenly Father; but when we accept Jesus, we become children of God and belong to the family of God. No longer are we separated from God, but unity, love, and peace are restored.

3. JESUS FILLS OUR EMPTINESS. Jesus doesn’t just feed our bodies, but He feeds our souls. A hungry stomach is uncomfortable, but an empty soul is far more terrible. What joy it is when the void inside a person is filled with God’s love and acceptance! God’s presence makes all the difference!



1. There is a story told about Napoleon during the invasion of Russia. He somehow got separated from his men and was spotted by his enemies, the Russian Cossacks. They chased him through the winding streets.

2. Running for his life Napoleon eventually ducked into a furrier’s shop. Gasping for air and talking at the same time he begged the shopkeeper to save him. The furrier said, “Quick hide under this big pile of furs in the corner.” Then the furrier made the pile even large by throwing more furs atop of Napoleon.

3. No sooner had he finished when the Russian Cossacks burst into the shop. “Where is he?” they demanded to know. The furrier denied knowing what they were talking about. Despite his protests the Russian Cossacks tore the shop apart trying to find Napoleon. They poked into the pile of furs with their swords but did not find him. They eventually gave up and left the shop.

4. After some time had past, Napoleon crept out from under the furs, unharmed. Shortly after Napoleon’s personal guards came into the store. Before Napoleon left, the furrier asked, “What was it like to be under the furs, knowing that the next moment could surely be your last?

5. Napoleon said, “How dare you ask such a question of the Emperor Napoleon?” Immediately he ordered his guards to blindfold the furrier and execute him.

6. The furrier was dragged out of the shop, blindfolded and placed against the wall of the shop. The furrier could see nothing but he could hear the guards shuffling into a line and preparing their rifles. Then he heard Napoleon call out, “Ready!” In that moment terror welled up in him. Tears poured down his cheeks. He heard Napoleon shout, “Aim!” He looked up to heaven with one last prayer.

7. Suddenly the blindfold was taken from his eyes. Napoleon stood before him, face to face. Napoleon said, “Now you know the answer to your question!” [Brett Blair, www.eSermons .com Adapted from a story by Richard Hayes Weyer.]

8. On the Day of Judgment, every human being will be wishing they had entered the Narrow Gate of the Cross and walked on the Narrow Road with Jesus. But today you can still receive the grace of Christ and be saved.


1. Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people. If you’re not prepared before you die, you won’t be admitted. People won’t enjoy Heaven because their natures are so contrary to it. They won’t enjoy heaven because their hearts haven’t ever been changed.

2. Now is your only chance. Will you respond to the Word of God and to the voice of the Holy Spirit drawing you? Jesus said, “Many shall seek to enter, but shall not be able.”

3. Oh! Enter now, while God is giving you the chance! Don’t put it off another minute! How many of you would say, “Pastor, I want to enter the Narrow Gate of Jesus. I’m ready to abandon my old life and walk with Him on the Narrow Road.”?

4. How many would admit that you’ve got some extra baggage you need to get rid of? Raise your hands.

[This drew on Billy Graham’s message “Which Road are You On?”; Charles Spurgeon’s “The Strait Gate”; and Makko Musagara’s “Why the Road to Heaven is so Narrow.”]