Summary: Expository message from the book of Jude.

Title: A Warning Against Apostasy – Part II Scripture: Jude 1:12-16

Type: Expository Where: GNBC 8-21-22

Intro: “Tweet” is a word that has become a part of our vernacular. Literally, tweets used to only be for birds, but now, even world leaders can apparently “tweet”. Nowadays, to “tweet” is synonymous, not so much with birds, but posting on social media. Twitter allows up to only 280 characters in a Tweet, which makes for its popularity. Its easy to scan a post or scores of posts because of the paucity of information. Tweets are usually succinct and to the point, ideal for our attention deficit world. If we were to categorize books of the Bible, works like Isaiah would be compared to novels, II & III John, Obadiah, Jude, etc., would be “Tweets”! Much less content. However, a tweet can be very important, even with limited content. Same is true to Jude today.

Prop: Examining Jude 1:12-16 we’ll see 3 Critical Characterizations of Apostate teachers.

BG: 1. Again, written by ½ brother of Jesus. Period of apostasy – falling away from the faith by many.

2. False teachers were “creeping” into the Church. Telling readers to “contend for the faith”. Need to be on the lookout for dangerous doctrines of false teachers.

3. In spite of its brevity, Jude has fairly decent attestation in patristic literature. There are possible allusions to it in Clement of Rome, Shepherd of Hermas, Barnabas, and Didache, and probable allusions in Polycarp, along with Clement of Alexandria and Origen. Why? Important message.

Prop: Let’s look at Jude 1:12-16 to see 3 Critical Characterizations Jude makes of Apostate teachers.

I. 1st Characterization: Jude Defines & Describes Apostate Teachers vv.12-13

-Jude gives a very vivid, graphic, and dramatic, and even frightening description of apostates in his era and ours.

A. Jude Says These Men Are Dangerous and Lacking in Spiritual Substance. V.12

1. These men are Dangerous and Lacking in Substance. V. 12

a. “hidden reefs” in your love feasts. Illust: You may remember that the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg. The tip, which was barely visible was but a tiny portion of the total. These reefs were usually just below the surface, had to carefully navigate waters with reefs or would tear the hull out of the ship, damaging or sinking it.

b. A lot of times we can be impressed with a preacher or teacher’s charisma. Big personality. Larger than life persona. Maybe boasts. Possibly flashy. Possibly very “spiritual”. You are looking at the surface. Surface looks fine. Jude says to beware of what’s below the surface. Bad theology. Immorality. Deception. Fraud. Greed.

2. Jude warns that these men were dangers in one of the most meaningful aspects of 1st century Church worship.

a. Jude says that these men were “hidden reefs at their love feasts”. Illust: If you were to ask the ordinary Christian today what a Church meeting was like in the days of the apostles, you would probably get different answers. An evangelical Christian would probably answer that it consisted primarily of strong preaching and teaching. A charismatic Christian might reply that it primarily incorporated worship, praise, and the exercise of miraculous gifts. An Anglican might reply that it was principally a celebration of the Eucharist. Of course, all of those responses are partially right. However, a rather dominant part of apostolic worship that few Christians would think of today is that it centered around a meal. Yes, a meal. As part of worship. This was called the “love (agape) feast”. At the end of this meal believers would celebrate communion together. Need look no further than Last Supper (Mt. 26) and Early Church (Acts 2:42) which tells us that the believers were daily worshiping and breaking bread together.

b. v.12 – “feast with you without fear”- At nearly every communion service we read from I Cor. 11:27-33. Because communion was rooted in the Jewish Seder Supper, the early church practiced eating together and then taking communion together (agape feast). We are told in I Cor. 11 to “examine ourselves” before taking communion. If not a Christian, shouldn’t. If have offense, should not. These apostate teachers were not examining themselves, they were not regenerate, many were utterly reprobate, and no fear of potential judgment o God for their behavior.

B. Jude Warns Apostate Teachers Lack True Substance.

1. Jude Makes Several Important Comparisons with regard to these False Teachers.

a. v.12 – “clouds without water” – Clouds carry moisture. "Nimbus" comes from the Latin word for "rain.". Two examples of rain clouds are the nimbostratus or cumulonimbus clouds. Nimbostratus clouds bring continuous precipitation that can last for many hours. These low-level clouds are full of moisture. Cumulonimbus are generally speaking what we call “thunderheads”. What do you expect when you see those on a hot Spring or Summer Iowa day? Rain!

b. Illust: Our oldest daughter lives in Texas Hill Country. They measure rain in minutes, not inches! Often, around 4 pm will see dark clouds in the distance coming towards their ranch. “Looks like rain.” “Doubt it.” Doesn’t rain. Blows right over. Rain is a blessing. A rain cloud that doesn’t rain has no substance. No blessing. Water gives life. Jude is saying these vapid teachers’ message is without blessing and doesn’t give life.

2. Jude compares these apostate teachers to barren trees.

a. “autumn trees with no fruit” – Illust- Ask any college co-ed what fall means: Football, riding boots, Pumpkin Latte, and selfies at Apple Orchards! Why orchards? Apples are ripe! Fruit trees are to produce fruit in season. It not, they miss the point of their existence.

b. Apostate teachers teach, but their message does not produce fruit. Illust: I have a little peach tree. Last year that tree was loaded with peaches. Had to put supports on the tree and harvest a bit early because afraid the weight of the fruit would break the tree. This year not a single peach on the tree. Last year at this time 60 peaches. A late frost got the blossoms last Spring. Destroyed its fruitfulness for this year.

3. Jude Compares these Apostate Teachers to two other natural phenomenon out of their prescribed courses. V.13

a. “wild waves of the sea” – waves are not following their set course of tides. Rather, the picture here is of wildly crashing waves of a storm. These waves church up foam. Again, however, like the clouds and the trees, there is no substance. Foam has no substance to it. Lack of substance and life giving power is the shame of these false teachers.

b. Jude says that these men are like “wandering stars” – All of the heavenly bodies follow a prescribed course in the sky. So, Jude is saying that these “wandering stars” are not following that prescribed course. Off track. Off course. Transgress against appointed order. Again, anyone who claims to be a teacher and yet does not teach sound doctrine is off base. Is off track. James 3:1 says: “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”

C. Applic: In vv. 12-13 Jude Defines and Describes Apostate teachers. We should head today as well.

II. Jude Warns of the Coming Judgment of Apostate Teachers. Vv. 14-15

A. Jude Continues his warning by stating the outcome of those who are False Teachers.

1. A False teacher faces a certain doom.

a. There is no record in the OT of the prophecy of Enoch. This clearly is a quotation from Gen. 5:18-24 read of Enoch. Enoch and Elijah (II Ki. 2:11) were only men to never experience death. Enoch, we are told, “walked with God and was no more.” He lived righteously in a day when apostasy and pagan worship was beginning to proliferate.

b. So what does Jude use this quotation from a non-canonical source? I believe that Jude, under divine inspiration, is using this section of writing which is true and not in conflict with the Gospel, to teach a valuable principle. Enoch is being used here by Jude as a type. Just as Enoch was “raptured” out of the sinful era in which he lived righteously, and then in time the judgment of the Flood came upon the entire sinful world. So Christ’s Church will be protected in the midst of evil men and times and at His 2nd coming will be removed/raptured, at which point the world and these false teachers will face eternal judgment. The men in Enoch’s era were just as vapid as these false teacher are now.

2. Make No Mistake Apostate Teachers will be Judged.

a. Illust: “In high school lit class, we learned the basic structure of a great story: conflict, climax, and resolution. You start with conflict; the obstacle in the story that the main character must overcome. Then you need a climax; the dramatic turning point where the battle is faced head-on. And finally, you give the reader resolution; the conflict is defeated, and the story concludes. You’ll notice most of our beloved books and movies follow this format.” (Katie Stoddard, She Reads Truth) I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that life doesn’t usually play out like a movie. There’s not always a simple three-part storyline. And sadly, there is sometimes no obvious resolution to our problems.

b. However, what Jude is saying here, like Peter did before him, is that resolution is coming for these false and blasphemous teachers. The Lord will fiercely defend His people from the evils they face.

B. Jude Highlights the Behavior of these Teachers and therefore the Just Nature of their Judgment.

1. Jude Warns of the Judgment Against All Ungodliness.

a. The English word “ungodly” is used 4x in this one verse. The Greek word -asebeis – is first used as an adjective. 2nd usage of this root is as a noun. 3rd – in an ungodly way – verb (Aorist Indicative Active – 3rd Person Plural) – this is used to express things that can happen in general without asserting time. Can be used of both present and future events. 4th use is an Adjective, these people have used harsh speech against God. Illust: Past week I was listening to a Doug Wilson reflection on a podcast between Joe Rogan and Richard Dawkins. Now, if you ever want to hear ungodly men use ungodly speech to say harsh things about God, listen to a couple of pagans like Rogan and Dawkins discuss God! No two men more deserving of judgment from God.

b. Why are the ungodly judged? Because they are sinners. The ungodly are simply that, ungodly. Commit ungodly deeds. Involved in ungodly activity. Speak ungodly things. Normal behavior. Why? Not regenerate. God is not on their radar screen. Pleasing Him does not cross mind. Honoring Him doesn’t even earn honorable mention in their lives.

2. Instead of Honoring God, Apostate Teachers Offend Him.

a. “Paul warns in Romans 16:17 “Then in Romans 16:17, he warned, “Watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” To avoid them, you have to know who they are. You can’t avoid somebody if you don’t know who they are. This idea of identifying and avoiding shows up in 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14; 2 Timothy 3:5; 2 John 10. In other words, Christians, and shepherds in particular, should be discerning and alert to behavior and teaching that dishonors Christ and destroys people — and not treat it in a casual or harmless way” (Desiring God, 10-4-2019)

b. So is what Jude is saying here a little extreme or out of context? Will there be judgment and the Lord’s return with the angels? Nope! Mt. 16:27 – “For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done.” Mt. 25:31 ““But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.” Mk. 8:38 “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels.” IIThes. 1:7 “and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire…” read Rev. 19:11-14.

C. Applic: Jude warns false teachers then as well as today of a coming judgment.

III. Jude Examines the Character of Apostate Teachers. V. 16

A. Jude Closes Out this Section of his letter by Focusing on Five Negative Character Qualities of False Teachers.

1. 1st – murmurers who mutter their complaints. Their character is murmuring. Like the OT Hebrew children murmured against God. Against Moses. Beware: It does nothing, but causes unneeded stress. You might get what you want just like the Israelites got the food they craved in full. You forget all the things God has done for you. The Israelites were killed because of it. It deteriorates your faith. It opens offenses against others. It gives Satan an opportunity to sneak in. It opens us up to his many lies. (Mutterers – under their breath. Not looking up.)

2. 2nd – complainers – literally “blamers for their lot, discontented” A discontented individual is a problem person. Philippians 2:14 “Do everything without complaining or arguing…” William Bowen, a secular author lists 5 reasons why people complain: Get attention, remove responsibility, inspire envy, power, excuse poor performance. Are any of those 5 reasons a good reason? No. We’ve all done before. However, God tells His people not to be complainers. Complainers are often rebellious. Absalom in the OT. These false teachers in the NT.

3. 3rd – following after their own lusts – means that they live to fulfill their lusts. Character – they are lustful. No self discipline. Gk – epithumia – from root, pathos – desires, cravings, lusts. A lot of people live to fulfill their desires. I’ve know sevral people over my life who have had strong addictions. Spent $$100’s per day to fulfill those lusts. How? Life focus was to fulfill that lust. Worked, sold, stole what needed because prioritized that lust. Drugs. Porn. Food. Others.

4. 4th – they speak arrogantly – KJV – great, swelling words. They are flowery, extravagant, and exaggerated in their speech. Their character – Boastful False teachers are arrogant. Want you to think they are only ones with the goods. They will tell you just how great and important they are. They will boast of their visions. Weak willed and unsuspecting people will be wooed by their claims.

5. 5th – for the sake of gaining advantage – They want to be promoted by people and not by God. Their character – At the end of the day don’t really trust God but live to please and be rewarded by man. Here is their goal. They want an advantage. They want power. Power to control. Power =influence and often money. They are not patient for God, they are impatient. They want man’s recognition.

B. What is our Application from this Passage?

1. Develop Discernment. – You and I need to be students of the word. No shortcut for discernment. Can’t get it from someone else. Need to read and pray. James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

2. Distance Yourself from Distorted Teachers. Be wary of boastful braggarts and spiritualizing charlatans. Beware of immorality. Luxurious lifestyles.

3. Defend the Faith. That’s why it’s more important than ever for Christians to be grounded in God’s Word and be able to defend their faith with reason and precision. We need to be able to answer skeptical questions, like: What does Christianity have to do with anything? How do you know that God exists? Is Jesus really the only way to heaven? Don’t all road lead to God? Can we really trust what the Bible says?

If so, what does it say about homosexuality, gender identity, and other social and moral issues? Unless we know what we believe and why we believe it, we can’t offer any meaningful answers to these or other similar questions might challenge our faith.

C. Applic: “Back in July of 2002, in an incident that the news-media called "The Miracle at Quecreek," nine miners were trapped 240 feet under-ground for three days in a water-filled mine shaft without food nor light nor drinking water. After they were rescued, they were interviewed about what happened down there. One of the miners said that they "decided early on they were either going to live or die as a group." The fifty-five degree water threatened to kill them slowly by hypothermia, so according to one news report "When one would get cold, the other eight would huddle around that person and warm them, and when another person got cold, the favor was returned." Miner, Harry Mayhugh, told reporters after being released from Somerset Hospital, "Everybody had strong moments, but at any given time maybe one guy got down, and then the rest pulled together... And then that guy would get back up, and maybe someone else would feel a little weaker, but it was a team effort... That’s the only way it could have been. Those miners faced incredibly hostile conditions together—and the world marveled when they all came out alive together. Jude urges us to do the same thing for our fellow Christians whose faith is wavering.” (credit: Scott Bayles, “Tweets from God”)