Summary: An examination of Christian worship

When Christians Worship John 4

- Read John 4:1-24

Jesus looked into the heart of a woman that life had beaten down. He looked into the heart of woman the world had rejected and that still made fun of her. Jesus looked into the thirsty, empty soul of that bright and thoughtful woman, and saw her longing for truth and holiness. So He gave her one of the greatest revelations about God.

Reread verse 23

An hour is coming, and now is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him.

The theologian Karl Barth once said, “Christian worship is the most momentous, the most urgent, the most glorious action that can take place in human life.” Evidently worship is important because because Jesus says that the Father is “looking for, that He wants true worshippers.”

Let me ask you this morning, “Are you listening? The Bible says the Father is looking for true worshippers. So here’s my question. Is He looking for you.”

I am not asking if God loves you. I know He does. The Bible says, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believers on Him should not perish but hath ever lasting life.” So, I know God loves you.

I am not asking if God wants you to be saved. I know He does, for the Bible tells us that He’s not willing that any should perish, but that everyone should come to repentance.

The question I have for you this morning is this. If God the Father is looking for true worshippers. And true worshippers are described as those who worship Him in spirit and in truth, then can you honestly say that God the Father is looking for you?

My friend, I want you to know that worship is important. True worship is important.

*** Turn to someone beside you and tell them, “Worship is important.”

It concerns me sometimes when we treat so lightly, the beginning portion of what takes place here each Sunday morning. We act, sometimes as though worship is not important.

The Lord has sent me this morning to tell you something. You ready? Worship is important. We know that for several reasons.


1. We know this from how Paul describes true Christians

Turn with me please to Philippians 3:3

> Philippians 3:3  For we are the circumcision, the ones who worship by the Spirit of God, boast in Christ Jesus, and do not put confidence in the flesh—

In this passage Paul gives us 3 marks of what a true Christian is like. Did you see them?

3) Do not put confidence in the flesh - Third, Paul says those of the circumcision, those who’s hearts have been circumcised, those who’s hearts have been truly changed by God. They do not put confidence in the flesh.

In other words, as we discussed Wednesday night, true believers do not count on their own works to get them to heaven. They don’t count on the good they have done, or the services they have attended, or the people they have helped to get them to heaven.

I believe most of us can agree with that. In Ephesians we read:

> Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.

So, the third mark of a Christian is that he doesn’t count on his works for his salvation.

2) Boast in Christ Jesus - The second mark of a true believer Paul gives us in this passage is that we boast in Christ Jesus. What does that mean? It means that we are counting on Him and what He has done for our salvation.

Gene, what did you do to earn your salvation? Oh, I didn’t earn my salvation. Jesus paid for it. Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.

1) Worship by the Spirit of God.

Three marks Paul gives in this verse of a true Christian. Third, they do not put confidence in the flesh. Second, we boast in Christ Jesus. But, notice the first mark of a Christian Paul gives. “We are the circumcision, the ones who worship by the Spirit of God.”

You think worship isn’t important? Paul says, “This is one of the marks of a Christian. This is one of the ways you can tell if a person is a Christian or not, one of the ways you can tell if you are a Christian or not, that you worship.

I’m not talking about whether you sing or not. Anybody can do that. I can teach a parrot to do that. I can make a recording and have a doll do that. I am talking about heart-moving, spirit-including, thanks-giving, worship.

So, we know that worship is important, because the Bible tells us that is one of the marks of a true Christian, that you worship.

2. Second, we know worship is important because it is 1 of the 3 “musts” recorded in the book of John.

There are 3 “musts recorded in John’s gospel.

1) You must be born again. In John chapter 3 we find Nicodemus coming to Jesus in the middle of the night. He is trying to learn about who Jesus really is, and he has an open, inquiring spirit. So Jesus tells Him 1 of the 3 great musts listed in John. You must be born again.

2) Christ must be lifted up. In that same chapter, John chapter 3, Jesus says that He must be lifted up. He must be crucified.

There was no other way for the price to be paid for our salvation except Jesus be lifted up and die on the cross.

3) Must worship in Spirit an in truth.

We have the necessity of the new birth. The necessity of Christ’s death, and here, the necessity of true worship. Worship is important.

Worship is important because it is a mark of a true Christian. Worship is important because it is one of the 3 musts recorded in John’s Gospel, third, we know worship is important, because the Bible tells us that the Father is looking for those who truly worship.

3. The Father is looking for true worshippers.

There aren’t many things the Bible tells us God is looking for or that He searches for.

> Ezekiel 22:30 And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

> Isaiah 63:5 I looked, but there was no one to help; I was appalled that no one assisted. So My arm brought Me salvation, and My own wrath upheld Me.

There aren’t many things the Bible tells us God looks for, but this is one of them. The Father is looking for true worshippers.

My friend, worship is important. It is important because heart-felt worship is a mark of an authentic Christian. Worship is important because it is one of the musts, listed there. Worship is important because true, authentic worshippers are one of the few things the Bible tells us that the Father is looking for.

Together we have seen the importance of worship, let’s think for a moment about the act of worship. What is worship?


“Worship is the work of acknowledging the greatness of our Lord.” (Worship in Spirit and in Truth, John Frame, I)

In Scripture there are two groups of Hebrew and Greek words that translate as worship. The first group refers to labor or service. So worship is something we do. It is not something we sit back and observe, it is something we actively participate in.

Worship is also homage, or adoration. It is not primarily for ourselves, but for the one we seek to honor. We worship for His pleasure, and find our greatest pleasure in pleasing Him.

How many of you know that the church is referred to as the Bride of Christ?

When I lead others through pre-marital counseling, one of the things I point out is how miserable a marriage can be when 2 people enter into that unit, if all they thing about is what the other person can do for them. You want to see a miserable marriage. Look for one where each person is only thinking about what the other person can do for them.

You want to see a happy, blessed marriage? Then you look for one where each person is looking for ways to please the other person, to make them happy.

God is always blessing us. He is always giving to us and protecting us and supplying our every need.

Worship is our attempt in our covenant relationship with God to please Him. To make Him happy.

The word translated in English as worship, comes from the old English word, worth ship. Pointing out the worth, the value, the importance of another.

- Read Psalm 19

Here is a psalm, from the Bible’s hymnbook. Notice how the psalmist worships.

In verses 1-6, he reflects on the power and majesty of God.

In verses 7-11, He talks about the perfection of His law.

Then he concludes by asking God to help his thinking and his actions. The psalmist, a true worshipper, doesn’t want to settle for mere words, he wants to put actions to his words.

(Ibid, II)

Together we have seen the importance of worship, and the meaning of worship. Let’s think for a couple minutes about the conditions for worship. Turn back with me please to John chapter 4.


- Read John 4:21-24

In these verses, Jesus gives us 2 conditions of true worship.

1. You must worship in spirit.

Notice something Jesus doesn’t mention as a condition of true worship. He doesn’t mention the surroundings, or the setting of true worship.

The woman at the well says, we worship at this place, but you Jews say we must worship at the temple. Jesus says, there is coming a time, and now is, when that won’t matter.

The place of worship doesn’t matter. A number of years ago, in the early days of the church, we had a family leave because we met in a pavilion, we didn’t meet in a building. Because of that, according to the Mom, we weren’t a real church.

Are you kidding me? I have worshipped on the roof of a tire store. I have worshipped on the roof of a gay bar. Jonah worshipped in the belly of a whale. Tim & Bunny Cain, worshipped in the jungle, surrounded by their gorilla captors, with a choir of birds in the trees overhead. Paul and Silas worshipped in a dungeon. The early Christians worshipped in the Roman catacombs, among bones and dead bodies a they attempted to hide from the Romans.

Where you worship is not important, but there are 2 things that are.

First, you musty worship in spirit.

I don’t believe the spirit spoken of here is the Holy Spirit. There is no definite article included here. Jesus doesn’t say you must worship in The Spirit.

So Jesus is emphasizing the importance of our heart being involved in worship. Our hearts, our minds, our attitudes must be involved if true worship is going to take place.

My word,

> Philippians 2:9-11 For this reason God highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow—in heaven and on earth and under the earth— and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Are all of those confessing that one day going to be Christians? No. They are confessing it. They cannot deny it. But, many there that day will not have their hearts in it. Just as many sing songs on Sunday morning, but are not thinking about what they are saying, or singing. Their hearts are not in it. They are not truly worshipping.

Worshipping in spirit means that you mean what you say.

> Matthew 15:8-9 This people honors me with their lips,?but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines human commands.

In Matthew 15 Jesus complains, these people honor Me, but it’s only with their lips. They don’t mean what they say. Their spirits are no in it. They’re not really worshipping Me.

So, the first condition of true worship is that you worship with your spirit, you mean what you say.

The 2nd condition of true worship is that you worship in truth.

2. You worship in truth.

You must worship on the basis of biblical revelation.

> Matthew 15:8-9 This people honors me with their lips,?but their heart is far from me. They worship me in vain, teaching as doctrines human commands.

These folks weren’t worshipping on the basis of truth.

> John 17:17 Your word is truth.

If you’re worshipping a god who gives all the time, and who is never upset, or never disappointed in us, or who never disciplines, you are worshipping the True God. You aren’t worshipping on the basis of truth. You’re worshipping a god of your own imagination. You’re worshipping Santa Claus.

We worship in truth.

That is one of my responsibilities, to help show the truth so that we can faithfully and honestly worship.

A flame has 2 parts, heat and light. Worship has 2 parts as well. Worship without heart, without spirit is light with no heat; and worship without truth, is light with no heat. You can flips cartwheels down the aisle and jump pews; You may get your emotions riled up for a bit, you may be excited for a bit, you may feel like you just went to a concert, but it won’t last. Jesus said, both are required. Spirit and truth.

As pastor, I am concerned that I have not helped set the spirit for worship in this church as well as I may have.

When we went to start River of Life Church, honestly, I was scared. I knew God had called us here to start a new church. But I was new at this and I found the idea of starting a church a bit overwhelming. A bit daunting. So, I read every book I could my hands on about church planting.

I read that at the time, only 27% of adult men in the United States owned a suit. Recent funerals I have attended have born that out. So, in an attempt to make folks more comfortable, who may not have Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes, I decided I would not wear a suit to church, though before that I had done so all my life.

I also read that a lot of folks are more comfortable striking up a conversation with a cup of coffee or something in their hands. Somehow it’s easier for some folks to strike up a conversation hiding behind a 4 inch piece of styrofoam. So I said, “We’ll have refreshments in the back, so folks can get coffee and stuff as they come in so hopefully they’ll feel more comfortable engaging other people.

Then, after we started the 4-H club, and Mission Possible Camp, we discovered that there were a number of parents who felt comfortable out here who didn’t feel comfortable in a church building. So through a series of answered prayers and different things, we ended up beginning to hold services out here, going where the people were.

I enjoy kidding with people, and giving some of the praise team a hard time. I often try to include joke or a laugh in my sermons, for as Mary Poppins said, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

I am afraid, though, that some have interpreted our dressed down atmosphere, and refreshments, and open-sided worship facilities, out among the country and animals, and the fact that we kid and joke with one another, as families do; to mean that we don’t take serious what we do here, and that we don’t take worship seriously.

This is not the movies, where we get up and go and get popcorn whenever we want, regardless of how our actions may impact those sitting around us. This is not a ballgame, where throughout the game we sit and chat with the people around us.

This is a worship service, where we come to worship, where we come to learn truth, and where we come to encounter the one and only living God. This is a worship service where are we are called to worship in spirit and in truth.

> 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 Let a person examine himself; in this way let him eat the bread and drink from the cup. For whoever eats and drinks without recognizing the body,[a] eats and drinks judgment on himself.

When we are preparing to share the Lord’s Supper, it is time for us to be examining ourselves, making sure our sins are confessed and that our spirits and attitudes are right, so we don’t share in the meal unworthily.

So in conclusion I would like to examine 3 questions?


> 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing.

We are called to encourage one another, to help one another. So, how do I help those around me worship?

1. Be careful what I talk about at church.

We are a family, and families can talk to one another about most things. But, at church is not always the best place to bring up some controversial questions or issues. If what you are discussing is going to cause controversy, or is what you are talking about cannot be biblically backed up by scripture, perhaps this is not the best place to discuss it.

If what I am talking about is going to interfere with a brother or sister’s ability to worship, then perhaps this is not the time and place to be discussing it.

What can I do to help others worship? Be careful what you talk about at church.

2. Watch when you’re talking at church.

There are times for audience participation at church during a worship service, and there are other times when my talking will be a distraction to those around me. There are times when, if Im talking, it will interfere with my neighbor’s ability to hear, or worship.

So, guard what you talk about at church. Watch when you’re talking at church.

3. Watch what you’re doing at church.

There are times when I need to head to the restroom during our welcome and greeting time. There are times when I’d actually like to head to the restroom when I’m supposed to coming up here to preach. My nerves will sometimes get the best of me.

I understand that, and I understand the need to get a drink sometimes because you get a scratchy throat, or the heat is really getting to you. I understand that, but if you are going to help your neighbor worship, keep in mind that your actions can be a distraction to those around you.

What can I do to help others worship? Be careful what you talk about at church. Watch when you’re talking at church. Watch what you’re doing at church.


1. Prepare the night before . . .

If there are things you need to get together for your meal, or your clothes, . . .

2. Listen to Christian music on the way to church . . .

3. Think on the attributes of God. What can I thank Him for this morning?

4. Worship alone - Don’t wait until you get here to worship. Get your heart and mind into the habit of worshipping. Walking, walking the dog. Washing the dishes . . .