Summary: Beloved, the writings of great men such as Plato, have inspired world leaders who made precise decisions that changed the course of history, and this message invites us to seek their secret for raising up prominent leaders that are willing to pour their knowledge and wisdom into others.


(Philippians 2:4-8) (4) "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others." (5) "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:" (6) "Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:" (7) "But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:" (8) "And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

(Proverbs 11:14) "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety."

(1 Corinthians 2:16) "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ."


Having a mind predestined for leadership means possessing a unique set of qualities essential for effective leadership. These qualities include strong communication skills, strategic thinking, empathy, vision, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

Leaders with predestined minds naturally take charge and guide their teams toward success. They are confident in their abilities and do not fear taking risks when necessary. By harnessing their unique skills and talents, they can positively impact the people they lead and the organizations they serve. If you believe you have a mind predestined for leadership, it is time to unleash your potential and lead toward a brighter future.

Did you know that Plato's teachings are still relevant today, especially in the world of leadership? World leaders and executives of prominent corporations are known to use Plato's teachings to improve their productivity. Plato believed that in order to be productive, one must be open to new ideas and prepared to adapt to a changing world while keeping one's productive platform intact.

Interestingly, Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was heavily influenced by Plato's teachings and other great minds in his quest for knowledge. Some of Plato's teachings are reflected in Jefferson's famous words in the Declaration of Independence, where he wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that their Creator endows them with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Plato was known for his pursuit of wisdom and knowledge and his strong belief in the people's right to be free and think for themselves. He was strict against tyranny and dictatorship and emphasized the importance of good moral character and justice in leadership positions. Plato believed in providing good education, strong family values, and stability for the populace, which are the foundational stones required for building a society with strong moral values and stability.

In conclusion, this message concerns leadership and how we can learn from Plato's teachings and other prominent minds to become better leaders. Throughout this message, we will explore what made some people stand out more than others and how God used them to give us insight into solving some of the problems in our day. Let us continue to learn, grow, and strive to embody the qualities of good leadership that Plato so strongly advocated for.


Beloved, I am beginning this message by imagining myself as an infant looking into my mother's eyes and seeing her smile with joy as she holds me gently in her arms as if she has a priceless treasure for the first time. Can you imagine the thoughts going through her mind as she wonders what kind of person I will grow up to become?

As we grow older, we begin to observe and imitate others, a process we call interacting with others. In this growing stage, we seek role models to follow, and as we mature, we replace them with new ones. After graduating high school, some may choose to further their education with technical training or pursue a college degree.

As we mature into adults, we may begin to desire planning for a family. At this stage in life, some of us may also develop a desire to explore and learn more about the world around us. Albert Einstein, the famous scientist and professor, was one such person.

Dear Saints, the famous scientist Albert Einstein was gifted at compelling others to think for themselves. He had a vast imagination and introduced his students to the unexplained vastness of life itself. Einstein had a unique mind for mathematics, such as geometry and algebra. In his younger years, he was a troubled student due to his speech impairment when, in actuality, he was a dreamer and explorer. Einstein was known to be able to solve a problem by sleeping on it, and he also noticed things that others overlooked. Like many influential men who impacted our culture,

Einstein desired a secure world with good morals, peace, and harmony among its inhabitants. One exciting thing about this man is discovering that he was fascinated with light and what it would be like to travel upon one of its beams and explore an unknown universe. History has proven that Albert Einstein was a great scientist with the world as his student, including some of us today. Did you know that our own government used to fly him around in a plane, hoping to discover some of his hidden mysteries?

Dear reader, let's delve deeper into the life and teachings of the great philosopher Plato. Plato was a renowned Greek philosopher from approximately 428/427 BC to 348/347 BC. He was a student of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle, two of the most influential philosophers in history.

Plato was known for his genius mind and love of wisdom and knowledge. He believed in the right of the people to access education and the freedom to think for themselves. He propounded solid family values and believed stability and good moral character were essential for a just and equitable society.

Plato's teachings have profoundly impacted history and continue to influence modern-day leaders and executives. His emphasis on being open to new ideas, adapting to a changing world, and keeping a productive platform as the key to success has been adopted by many successful individuals and businesses.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the United States' founding fathers, was heavily influenced by Plato's teachings, some of which can be seen in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson believed in the right to knowledge and education and the importance of strong moral character and justice in leadership.

Plato was also strict against tyranny and dictatorship. He believed that leaders should exemplify good moral character and justice and reflect these values in their actions. He thought a just society was built on strong ethical values, good education, and stability.

In conclusion, Plato's teachings have profoundly impacted history and continue to influence modern-day leaders and individuals. His emphasis on strong family values, accessible education, good moral character, and justice in leadership provides a blueprint for building a just and equitable society. His impact on history cannot be overstated, and his teachings remain relevant and valuable today.

The Apostle Paul found himself in this kind of setting when invited to speak at Athens, as recorded in the book (Acts 17:16). In this city; Paul found himself in a city entirely of idols and dear; the philosophers of that day loved to hear of new ideas and ways of thinking. Among all these great minds, the Apostle Paul preached an unusual sermon that greatly contrasted and challenged their belief in new-age thinking. Like Plato and some of the thinkers mentioned above,

Beloved, these men believed that their goal was to escape physical life's limitations. And dear, the city of Athens was a well-known learning center of that day, famous for producing great, free thinkers. As Paul awaited the arrival of Timothy and Silas, his companions had left him alone with these philosophers and new-age thinkers...

Beloved reader, as Paul preached to these great thinkers about the resurrection of Jesus and the way to the unknown God, he was rejected by the majority. Still, he met no physical resistance and was not forced to leave the city. The leaders in Athens were known to have no regard or care for whom or what one worshiped, believing everyone was entitled to think and do their own thing.

As we observe our society's moral decline today, it is reminiscent of a society with an awakened cancel culture. We are living in a society where anything goes, and it seems to be the norm. Government leaders often disregard sexual sins and allow songs such as “If Loving You is Wrong, I Don’t Want to Be Right” to be produced, accepted, and celebrated.

Beloved, if you are concerned about the moral decay of our society and its leaders, you share the same sentiment as some of the great minds that Apostle Paul encountered in Athens. Athens was known to be a great learning center that produced some of the greatest minds of that era, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who mentored the late Alexander the Great.

These men wanted a free, moral, and stable society but did not want a God or Creator to whom they would be accountable after this life. They relied on their achievements, including human wisdom, sometimes called secular humanism.

They believed that man is inherently good and that they could save themselves through their accomplishments. Unfortunately, many people, including some well-known TV celebrities, still hold this belief today. However, the Bible tells us that man's wisdom is foolishness with God.

In today's world, people are searching for answers to many of the problems plaguing our societies. However, many of God's followers seem disengaged from this search, instead choosing to follow religious traditions and rules that are often impractical and difficult to follow.

It is regrettable that even though Paul preached to the people of Athens, there is no historical record of any significant change ever occurring among them. Despite his best efforts to spread the message of God's love and grace, the people of Athens could not fully embrace the teachings and apply them to their lives.

As members of a religious community, we are responsible for actively finding solutions to the problems facing our world today. Mere adherence to spiritual traditions and rules is insufficient if we don't consider their relevance and applicability to the real world. We must actively seek to understand the challenges our communities face and work together to find solutions based on the teachings of our faith.

This requires a deep understanding of the world around us, including its social, economic, and political systems. We need to be aware of the issues that affect people's lives, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. We must also be willing to listen to different perspectives and engage in meaningful dialogue with those with other beliefs and opinions.

Once, during a discussion with Chinese officials, I was asked about my desire to preach in their country and my thoughts on the differences between our two nations. This conversation took place when Obama was President. I explained that I believe that all human beings are part of the same species and that there are enough resources for everyone if we learn to get along.

I further elaborated that if they allowed me to preach in China, I would not come to criticize or insult their traditions or their leaders. I also assured them that I would not attempt to degrade their governance because I believed they were doing their best with what they had learned. Instead, I only wished to be allowed to praise my God and lift him because of the goodness He had shown me.

I strongly emphasized that believers across different religions and cultures should work together to find common ground and establish bridges of understanding. This requires us to be humble, empathetic, and open to learning from others. Building bridges of understanding can be challenging, but finding ways to come together without compromising our convictions is essential, especially in today's world, where people seem to be drifting further apart.

In conclusion, I firmly believe believers have a crucial role in addressing the world's complex challenges. By being more active and involved in these efforts, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world for everyone. It is essential to understand that our different beliefs and traditions do not have to divide us; instead, they can help us create a more beautiful and diverse world.

Developing a great mind requires consistent learning, critical thinking, and applying knowledge in real-world situations. By continuously challenging yourself and expanding your knowledge, you can unlock your full potential and achieve greatness in all aspects of life.


Beloved, it is essential to have a leader who can distinguish between someone who possesses mere knowledge and someone who can apply it with wisdom. Wisdom is understanding how to use the knowledge one has acquired, including when, where, and how to use it effectively.

For example, knowing all the functions of an 18-wheeler is not enough to operate it safely. One must have the wisdom that comes with years of experience and learning from more experienced individuals in the industry. This applies to driving heavy vehicles and operating heavy equipment, flying airplanes, and driving automobiles.

Did you know that driving in the Philippines is particularly challenging and requires a specific defensive driver? In contrast to other countries that drive either on the right or left side of the road, people in the Philippines drive wherever they can.

I once witnessed a man riding a motorcycle with his teenage son on one side and a 500-pound hog on the other, attempting to overtake a dump truck and wiggling all over the road.

Lawmakers carefully study the history of areas prone to accidents to promote safety and reduce accidents before passing laws that govern them. Knowledge is essential, but without wisdom, it is of little use.

One of the most valuable sources of wisdom is experience gained from applying knowledge in a safe environment. For instance, learning to operate a truck safely and cautiously requires much expertise. This includes mastering techniques like negotiating sharp curves, operating in adverse weather conditions like snow and ice, and many other challenges.

The ability to navigate these obstacles with confidence and skill only comes from having the necessary experience, knowledge, and wisdom. Therefore, it's important to approach learning with a focus on safety so that you can build your skills and expertise to maximize your ability to apply them in real-world situations safely.

Remember, the more you practice in a safe environment, the more wisdom you'll gain and the better equipped you'll be to handle any challenge that comes your way.

Beloved, I have listed seven essential qualities of a good leader, but there are more. These qualities are crucial in determining whether a company will succeed or fail, and it all comes down to promoting good teamwork.

1. COMMUNICATION - The art of communication is the most important element of leadership because although you may have a clear vision for your advancement, if you are unable to communicate it to your subordinates effectively, it will just fall on deaf ears and whether you realize it or not, your words, and your body language serve to play an important part in communicating your message to a broader audience.

2. TRANSPARENCY - Be open about the your goals, your changes in the company including any challenges, and shortcomings being honest with your people including accepting feedback from other team members.

3. LEARN TO RESPOND NOT REACT - To respond means to give the situation some time and study what effect your decision will have on the other team members then when you make a decision such as addressing an insubordinate employee, stand firm on your decision without wavering.

4. OBSERVATION - A good leader will use any resources available to assess the health of their organization, such as their projects, and their team members, including being confident by knowing their strengths and weaknesses of everyone on their team. A good leader will lead by example and be able to sense when someone on their team is confused or struggling which allows them time to take care of a situation before it develops into a problem which could hinder production.

5. CONFIDENCE - Having confidence as a leader is also about standing firm in your decisions and accepting the outcome of those decisions, including making necessary corrections but always trusting your instincts which were developed from your experience in the field.

6. LEAD BY EXAMPLE - Good leaders motivate their teams by showing them why they need to work hard, making sure that each person knows how important their role is and when their work gets behind, a good leader will jump in and help showing the others just how important it is to work together as a team.

7. INTEGRITY - Good leaders are Leaders that are honest with their people, not deceiving them by promising them false hopes but showing appreciation by rewarding any sign of improvement which will help to build trust, honesty and transparency between their leadership and the other workers.

In closing, leadership is a complex concept that requires several fundamental elements to be effective. A great leader should possess various skills to inspire and guide their team towards success. These key factors include excellent communication skills, the ability to delegate tasks effectively, a positive attitude, a strong work ethic, self-confidence, and the ability to make tough decisions.

Effective communication ensures that all team members understand the goals and objectives. A good leader should be able to communicate effectively with their team members, listen to their ideas, and provide constructive feedback. The ability to delegate tasks effectively is another crucial element of leadership. Delegating tasks enables the leader to focus on more important issues while empowering their team members to take on more responsibility.

A positive attitude inspires team members to work collaboratively towards the goals. A leader should lead by example and set the tone for the team's culture. Strong work ethics are also essential as they demonstrate the leader's commitment to the tasks and inspire the team to work hard towards achieving the goals.

Self-confidence is an essential trait in a good leader. It helps them to make tough decisions and take calculated risks. A leader should be able to make tough decisions that are in the best interest of the team and the organization. In conclusion, mastering these key factors is essential to becoming an effective and successful leader who can inspire and guide their team toward success.

The ability to lead a team effectively, communicate, make sound decisions, and show empathy are just a few of the qualities that a good leader must have. By encouraging good teamwork, a company can achieve success and profitability.


According to the Business Dictionary, "a mentor is a senior or more experienced person assigned to function as an advisor, counselor, or guide to a junior or trainee." Their primary responsibility is to offer help and feedback to the person under their supervision.

Beloved, according to this definition, a mentor's role is to use their experience to help a junior employee by supporting them in their work and career, providing comments on their work, and offering direction as they work through problems and circumstances.

Throughout this message, we have explored the contributions of great minds, such as Plato and other significant figures who have left their mark upon their generation. These individuals have made remarkable contributions to society, which have benefited us today in many ways.

We have also looked at and explored the differences that can be found in knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. According to the word of God, wisdom is considered the principal thing in life. We have delved into the importance of spiritual knowledge and how it can benefit true leaders to glean from its teachings and resources.

Now, let's examine the worldview of secular wisdom and note the difference between self-centered individuals and those who live rich, God-centered lives.

Many leaders today, including those in the church and the secular world, have isolated themselves from others and have not trained anyone to take their place. This leaves a vacuum in the quality of leaders holding key positions in leadership today, which can lead to a lack of productivity and impact in their respective fields.

It is worth noting that every significant occupation that has become successful has a program for its interns to learn and practice. This approach is essential for creating a pipeline of competent and skilled individuals who can step into key leadership positions and maintain the high standards set by their predecessors.

Overall, a leader can lead in two ways, and both will get the work done. However, focusing on developing and nurturing the next generation of leaders will make the company more productive.

1. A leader can lead from the Authority that the position grants them.

2. A leader can be firm, but at the same time, they can also show a willingness to jump in and help when there is a work overload.

3. A leader can boost company morale by rewarding an employee when they show signs of improvement which will create a level of trust and respect among the other employees.

Beloved, we mustn't make the mistake many have made today by letting a person go solely because they are not meeting the required production. Often, such a person may be the missing link holding everyone else together.

Therefore, taking a step back and evaluating the situation before making any hasty decisions is essential. A true leader is not someone who acts on impulse. They take their time to consider the possible consequences of their choices, including how many people will be affected by their decisions. A True leader understands the weight of their responsibilities and acts accordingly.

To be effective leaders in both the church and the secular world, we must accept that God had a plan for us before we were born. Our life experiences have been a training ground to fulfill this plan, making us leaders who can pour into the lives of others. Therefore, it is essential to recognize and accept our calling as leaders and to commit ourselves to serving others.

In the body of Christ, who we are is more important than what we can do or accomplish on our own. Our ministry cannot be separated from who we are. Therefore, staying true to our values and beliefs as we lead others is vital.

True leaders have learned from their mistakes and are willing to be held accountable to their elders. Sadly, many leaders today have isolated themselves without training someone to take their place. As a result, the next generation of leaders may not have the necessary skills and experiences to lead effectively.

A true leader has a particular time to pray for the people under their leadership. This is because, unchecked, mankind will gradually decline in their morals and conduct. Life demands accountability, and a true leader recognizes the importance of seeking guidance and wisdom from a higher power.

Our leadership and ministry calling are developed inside us. We are the ones God anointed for the position, and our ministry cannot be separated from who we are. Therefore, staying true to ourselves and our calling as we lead others is critical.

1. A true leader will be more sensitive to the things of God that they may be more sensitive to the needs of others.

2. True leaders are those that are given to prayer until the prayer becomes who they are.

3. A true leader will have a desire to see their younger ministers develop in a mature way that they will be able to stand firm and strong in any given situation that may arise.

4. A true leader will be willing to lay aside their agenda and pour into these young ministers what God through experience and training has matured in them causing them to become pillars in the body of Christ.

5. A true leader will not be one of harboring jealousy because a younger minister appears to be receiving more recognition than them, because they know there will be a time when they must step back and give the position to someone else and preferably someone that has been well trained under their leadership.

Dear reader, before I conclude, I want to emphasize the importance of a teachable leadership spirit. No one has all the answers, and being open to learning is crucial to being an effective leader. As someone who is still learning myself, I would like to encourage you to reflect on what you have learned from this message and consider a fundamental question that could impact your life and ministry: "Do you know any true leaders who have made a positive impact on your life and ministry?"

Fellow believers and colleagues, I urge you to take a moment to think about those who have served as mentors and role models for you. Have they been a source of inspiration? Have they helped you grow in your faith or career? If so, I encourage you to contact them and express your gratitude.

A simple phone call or message can go a long way in showing appreciation for their time and effort. Let us not forget to acknowledge those who have helped us along the way, as their guidance has been a critical stepping stone to where we are today.


Beloved, I would like to elaborate on individuals God has extensively used due to their developed character. These individuals have a strong desire to bring positive change and direction into the lives of others. They have worked hard to develop their character, giving them deep empathy and compassion towards those struggling.

These people are not content with just living their own lives; they want to impact the world around them positively. They are driven by a sense of purpose and a desire to help others. They are naturally inclined to provide answers to individuals who need guidance and support in facing each day.

One such example of such a person is the prophet Daniel. Daniel was a man of great faith and conviction. He was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs, even in adversity. He had a strong sense of purpose and was committed to helping others, even when it meant risking his own life. Daniel's unwavering faith and commitment to his beliefs made him a powerful force for positive change in the lives of those around him.

Beloved reader, let’s look in the book of (Daniel 5:1-31) and glean some characteristics of a true leader, for Daniel had the Spirit of the Living God, which made him stand out like a spring rose in a heathen world.

I have listed ten outstanding characteristics for us to study concerning the life and influence this man had on the culture and the world around him.

1. He had the understanding and wisdom of an enlightened mind

2. He had a teachable and humble but bold Spirit.

3. He had knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.

4. He had a compassion for people.

5. He was able to understand and interpret dreams and know if they were from God.

6. He was a hope and faith builder.

7. He was able to encourage those who might give in to doubt.

8. He was a thermometer instead of a thermostat because he was able to change his surroundings

9. He could not be bribed or persuaded to receive gifts for his calling.

10. He was a man that purposed in his heart to not be contaminated or defiled by the world

In closing, compelling and persuasive leaders possess unique qualities that inspire and motivate their team members to reach their full potential. The qualities of a good leader include the ability to communicate, lead by example, remain adaptable in the face of change, and be accountable for their actions.

A good leader is also empathetic, able to build strong relationships with their team members, and is committed to creating a positive work environment. By embodying these qualities, a leader can foster a culture of success and build a team equipped to overcome any obstacle.


I am pleased to share this inspirational message with you. I want to highlight that many men and women who have changed the course of history through their faith in God have realized that they received their wisdom by seeking to have a mind like Christ. These individuals understood that there was a master designer of all creation, and they desired to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him. As a result, God used their lives to influence others, and their stories were recorded in the Holy Bible, which I consider God's Hall of Fame.

These great men and women of faith have left us with a rich legacy from which we can learn. They have paved the way for us to study their lives and learn from their trials. We can discover how they became overcomers and how we can apply their principles to our own lives. Even world leaders have studied the teachings of these individuals, including those in the Bible, and have used their ideas to make decisions that have had a lasting impact on future generations.

To be a successful leader, one must seek to endure trials and learn from them. Good leaders prioritize study before making decisions rather than acting impulsively. They strive to influence the world around them while being careful not to be influenced by the world. They recognize that there is a higher power at work, and they seek to align their decisions with God's will.

I want to encourage you to study the lives of these great men and women of faith. You will find that they were not perfect, but they were committed to serving God and making a difference in the world. They were willing to endure hardship and persecution for the sake of their faith, and their lives continue to inspire us today.

In conclusion, history has shown that some people have suffered significant losses in their earthly lives and ministries, but their lives have provided much wisdom. They have left behind a legacy that will speak volumes to all humanity for many generations. Let us learn from their example and seek a mind like Christ as we navigate life's challenges.

(Psalms 19:14) "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

International Evangelist

Jerry W. Hulse, Ph.D.

Miracle Life Church International