Title: The Apostle’s Warning Scripture: II John
Type: Expository Where: GNBC 7-31-22
Intro: A friend of mine has a phrase that he has used for years. “Always put a little velvet around the brick.” What he means by that is “When telling people something they need to hear, make sure to be loving in the way you do it. ”Truth or tact”, you have to choose. Usually they are not compatible.” Is there really a tension between love and truth? Is there a tension between love and truth? Some people see truth as aggressive. Have you experienced it in your own life? “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” by John Gray, the argument is that men are more concerned about truth and solving problems. Women, he simplifies, are more loving and nurturing and empathizing. We see this even in churches. Some churches are more “Truth oriented” – major in apologetics, doctrine, evangelism, preaching. Some are more love oriented – majoring in counseling, recovery, and fellowship, and soup kitchens. (Taken from Mark Dever sermon on II John.) John’s little letter attempts to walk the fine line between love and truth. They are not to be separated, but they are to be complimentary.
Prop: Today we’ll examine the 3 important sections of John’s second letter.
BG: 1. I-II-III John written by the elderly apostle around 90 ad. 245 Greek words. 2nd shortest in NT. III Jn is 219 words.
2. II Jn. Was a plea that the readers should show their love for Chris, by obeying the commandment to love each other and live their lives in obedience to the Scriptures. It is also a dire warning against the deception of false teachers.
3. Roman Empire revolutionized travel. Roads, Pax Romana, military. Christians took to the road to share Gospel. Yet, no Comfort Inns! Inns were dubious at best. Unsafe. Immoral. Christians would often stay w/other Christians. Hospitality was an Early Church expectation. However, could be abused.
Prop: Today we’ll examine the three parts of II John.
I. The Introduction to John’s 2nd Letter. Vv. 1-3
A. John’s Intro Consists of both an Address and a Greeting.
1. John Addresses his audience with veiled references befitting a time of persecution.
a. The Apostle begins this letter by announcing himself, not by name, but by his position, “elder”. This does not refer to the author’s age, but rather, his position in relation to the readers. By doing this, he knew his readers would immediately recognize him and would hopefully honor his request.
b. His letter is written to “the chosen lady”. Gk – “Elekta Kyria” – Now there are 2 schools of thought in relation to this greeting. One school thinks the letter was in fact written to an actual woman , named either “Electa” (Carmen!!) or “Kyria” (Meaning elect or chosen.) 2. Personally, I think that is unlikely. Rather, it was a personification and not a person. Most likely it was in fact a local church over which John’s jurisdiction as an elder would reach. Thus the children mentioned in the verse would have been individual church members.
2. As John Begins the letter he addesses
a. John begins with “Grace, mercy, and peace” Dear one, grace and mercy are both expressions of God’s love. Grace to the undeserving and guilty, mercy to the needy and helpless, and peace (or salvation) to the wayward child who has come home to Christ!
b. Illust – John begins with a bit of a backhand slap to the heretics he has been writing against. Heretics not only compromise the truth, but they are a proud and loveless lot. You see, it was the truth of Gospel that bound John’s heart with those in the church. The teaching and preaching of Truth should always bind the hearts of the congregant to the congregation. Loyalty to the Church and it’s teaching should take precedent over my personal agenda or political party and ideology.
B. Why Did John Love the Members of this Church? (vv.1-2)
1. In these verses we see the Apostle’s pastoral heart.
a. V. 2 (read) If you are a Christian you are commanded to love your neighbor and even your enemy. However, you and I are BOUND to our fellow Christian by a special bond in the truth of God’s Word. Christian Truth is the foundation of all reciprocal Christian love. When someone begins to stray from this, you can be sure they are also straying from sound Biblical Teaching.
b. Illust: Several years ago became reacquainted with some relatives had not seen in decades. Wasn’t long before we began to discuss our faith. They did a lot of traveling and talked about listening to David Jeremiah, John MacArthur, RC Sproul, Alistair Begg, and a whole host of other A1 preachers. We experienced fellowship and kindred spirit. I asked where did they go to church. They mention a very liberal denomination not know for Biblical standards. After left, Carol and I were talking. Thought it was strange. Well, if they love the truth things will have to change. Year later saw them again. Volunteered to us that were now attending a Bible Church. Why did they leave? “No one was preaching the Truth of God’s Word there.” Truth matters.
2. John makes several References to “the truth” in these three opening verses of his letter.
a. John tells us: 1. The truth lives in us -v.1 2. As an indwelling force the truth will stay with us forever -v.2 3. The truth manifests in peace and love (v.3) – Listen, this is really important – We experience grace and mercy and peace from the Father and Son IF and only IF we remain in the truth and love. Illust: Christian, let me ask you, have you been loving to another believer or hateful and spiteful? Need to repent! Ask forgiveness. Have you caused an offense? Let me also ask you, is the position you so confidently asserted Biblical or not? Was it your opinion or solid Biblical truth?
b. John makes states and important point in this passage. Christians love each other NOT because we are emotionally or temperamentally compatible or even because naturally like each! (Truthfully this can be very hard to do but CHOOSE to.) Rather, we love each other because of the truth we share and our commitment to that life changing truth. Illust – While in Poland Carol and I had dinner with Sergei and Oxana from Odessa, Ukraine. He spoke about 2 words of English and Carol speaks on a few words of Ukrainain. However, we enjoyed a wonderful evening of fellowship together! Why? Loved the Lord! Both families committed to the truth!
C. Applic: As John begins his intro to II Jn he underscores the fact that Truth and Love are essential marks that are to be evident in every Christian’s life.
II. The Message of John’s 2nd Letter. Vv. 4-11
*John’s message can be broken into 2 parts. The inner life of a local fellowship (vv.4-6) and the Doctrinal Dangers Threatening from Outside.
A. First we Notice the Inner Life of the Local Fellowship.
1. John begins with an expression of thanksgiving for the life of the believers.
a. v.4 – (Read) Yet, look at this carefully. John know that not all church members were living consistently, even in the first century! Has been true in every century and in every generation in every church since! Now John is old and diplomatic, so he states this in the positive: “I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth…”
b. Every pastor can relate. At heart, John is a pastor. Not every Christian is walking consistently in either love or truth. (Read Eph. 4:11-13 – Here we see Paul’s list of leadership gifts. What is the purpose of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastor/teachers? Read v. 13 – unity of faith, knowledge of Christ, maturity in Christ. Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy. Truth and love.
2. John Emphasizes an important aspect of the Christian life.
a. John tells his readers that they are to “walk in the truth”. Essentially what he is saying is that not only should the Christian believe the central truths and ramifications of the incarnation of Christ and salvation, we are to obey it and seek to live our lives according to it! Illust: About two weeks ago I was in Switzerland. One of the things we did while there was hike up and then up again a mountain! (You never really go down in the Alps, just up!). I shred some pictures online of the very beautiful and scenic section of the hike. Now, what I didn’t publish were those sections where the trail was very narrow and relatively dangerous, and to fall down or off would be disastrous and even deadly. Biblical Christianity is revealed truth and can be likened to a path upon which we walk. We are to stay on that course and not deviate. Indeed, to go astray from revealed truth (Even if our culture and our elites espouse it!) is not just unfortunate error but is active disobedience which can in fact be deadly to us.
b. Look at v. 4 – Who commanded us to walk in the truth? God! When we disobey, we are defying God. God has not revealed His truth to us in such a way that we can be left free to our own devices to believe or disbelieve it or obey or disobey it. Revelation comes with responsibility. The clearer the revelation, the greater the responsibility to believe and obey it!
c. The Father’s command to walk in the truth is not the only command. The command to believe is added to the command to love. Faith and love are two sides of the same coin demonstrating new life in Christ. (I Jn. 4:7; 5:1) Some people will object and say, “Well you can’t make me love someone if I don’t feel loving towards that individual.” Dear friend, Christian love is not an emotion. It is an action. It is associated with obedience. It is not an involuntary passion, but rather an unselfish service undertaken by deliberate choice and that is why as Christian we must love one another. (Illust- Christian, are you alienated from another believer? Maybe became emotional and angry. Now choose to be obedient and attempt to reconcile.
B. Second We Notice the Doctrinal Dangers Threatening from Outside. (vv.7-11)
1. John was writing in part due to traveling Heretics negatively influencing the Church.
a. Next John begins to shift his focus from true believers to false teachers, from the wheat to the tares. Although the Apostle is pleased that “many are walking in the truth”, he is greatly disturbed that many deceivers have gone out into the world. (v.7) Their primary error is that they deny the incarnation of Christ. John says that their character therefore is that of a deceiver and an antichrist. Illust: We often talk about “The AntiChrist” in evangelical circles. However, we miss that anyone and any institution that seeks to undermine Jesus Christ’s sole role in salvation is in fact being “antichrist”! JW’s believe Jesus was created as the Archangel Michael and later became Jesus a lesser god (In a system which only believes in monotheistic God!). When Mormons say that Jesus did not pre-exist, but was rather the by product of copulation between Elohim and Mary, when the Catholic Church has on its altars Mary , Queen of Heaven with deified crown holding the infant Jesus claiming she is “comatrix of redemption, when all too many Protestant churches define salvation based on any agenda other than God’s, we see antichrist and must combat the error!
b. What was the specific error of these heretics? “They deny Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh.” Maybe they didn’t categorically deny all of the incarnation of Christ, but they certainly did not confess it! The central confession of Christ in John’s letters is that “Jesus is the Christ”(I Jn. 2:22;5:1) that He is the Son (I Jn. 2:23;5:3), but the full confession is that Christ has come in the flesh (I Jn. 4:2)
c. v. 9 is a terrifying warning. Going outside of the teaching of Christ is damnation to the soul.
2. John Warns that deceivers will not walk in the truth and there is to be no fellowship with these men.
a. John specifies that whoever denies the incarnation is no just “a deceiver” or “an antichrist”, one of many, but rather, “the deceiver and the antichrist” – or the arch-deceiver! We can NEVER relax our vigilance! (This is why believers need SCL, need catechism) v. 10 tells us that we are not to have even a hint of fellowship with false teachers. Why? Because our fellowship legitimizes their error.
b. Illust: During the last few months 50yrs of rancor and turmoil has finally split the UMC. Pastor Jeff Greenway, one of the leaders of the new denomination gave an insightful message on why the split needed to take place. 1968 UMC was a merger of churches in an experiment in theological pluralism. Within 2 years, some were beginning to give warnings. Over time, outside influences, ideologies, and individuals sought to corrupt the Biblical standards, undermine the authority of the Bishops making accountability and enforcement of discipline impossible. Everyone pointed to the issue of homosexual marriage and ordaining as the dividing line, but friends, Greenway and I would say a greater and more insidious issue began to undermine the church even decades before this split. The UMC had a language problem. Even though used the same theological words and read the same Bible. The words no longer mean the same things to everyone. When significant theological words and concepts are no longer tied to their original meaning we have, as GK Chesterton once said: “Our feet firmly planted in midair!”
C. Applic: v.10 John makes the case so clear that we should never show hospitality to such a deceiver
III. John’s Conclusion: vv.12-13
A. John Longs to Come to the Church he is Writing.
1. John’s Conclusion
a. The reader is struck by the fact that the final verses in II John and III John are almost identical. If we were to compare vv. 12-13 with III Jn. 13-14, it would read almost identical. The elder has come to the end of his sheet of papyrus, the ink, often made of soot and water thickened with gum was probably still wet as he wrote: “I have much to write you…”but he prefers to speak to them “Face to face” or literally, mouth to mouth.
b. The phrasing is a bit awkward, but the meaning of the figurative language is clear. The author says that he has “many other things to write” but not “by means of paper and ink.” Presumably, since in the author’s time it was difficult to “write” by means other than paper and ink, what he means is, “I have many other things to communicate to you, but I do not wish to do so by means of paper and ink” – in other words, he would prefer to communicate these things in person literally, “to speak mouth to mouth”) Illust: Let me ask you, how many have ever had someone misinterpret a text or email you sent them? Easy to do. Best form of communication with least amount of distractions or opportunities for confusion is in person, face to face. However, the urgency of the danger represented by the traveling missionaries sent out by the opponents compelled John to forgo the preferred personal contact and send instead this hasty and incomplete communication
2. To Be on Guard against the Dangers of Hersey we Must Be in Fellowship with Others Who are God’s elect. (vv.12-13)
a. John mentions his desire to visit these brethren in person and he sends them greetings from “the children of your chosen sister” (the church from where he wrote). His aim in visiting and speaking with them face to face was “so that your [some manuscripts read “our”] joy may be made full.” There is great joy in genuine Christian fellowship, when we share in the things of God with those who have experienced His grace, mercy, and peace (v. 3).
b. Christian, don’t lose sight of the importance of fellowship!
B. John Gives a Closing Greeting from the Church at Ephesus to this Church.
1. John Closes his letter with a common expression in much of the Christian world.
a. Illust: It is rare in America, but nearly every place in the world where I have traveled for the sake of the Gospel, I have been asked to “Bring a greeting from the Church in America.” Technically, Jesse and Joyce did that earlier in the service. They are bringing us a word of greeting from the church in Ireland. A few weeks ago, I brought a word of greeting to the Ukrainian Church that I preached in. It meant a lot to the small group of believers gathered there. I told them that we loved them and were praying for them. It was an encouragement to them. So, when John says: “The children of your chosen sister greet you…” It meant that his church was greeting their church.
b. Illust: Yesterday, Carol and I helped moved Mary’s boyfriend to West Des Moines. In a relatively new area of the city. Never been there before. Hundreds of apartments/condos all looking the same. What if no fuel in car yet had GPS and address? Knew how to get there, just no fuel! How far would we get? Now, what if we had full tank but no map, no gps, couldn’t follow them. Might get to Des Moines, but wouldn’t find his place! Truth tells us where to go. Love motivates us to get there!
2. John gives an important insight in his conclusion.
a. V.12 “I hope to come to you to speak face to face, that your joy may be made full.” You and I cannot experience complete joy in the Christian life apart from Christian fellowship. The Bible knows nothing of perfect joy outside of fellowship with each other through fellowship with the Father and the Son. (I Jn. 1:3-4). Illust: Over the years, and before Covid, I’ve met a lot of Christians who were not in fellowship with a local church. Either offended at someone or some decision or else no church or preacher “perfect enough” or …. Multiple reasons. As I reflected back on this passage earlier this week, you know what I realize each of those individuals had in common? They did not have joy in their Christian experience. Harsh. Angry. Cold. Bitter. NOT JOYFUL! Illust: Dear one, let me ask you this, if now, two years later, you are still choosing to stay out of fellowship because you are afraid of the consequences of a virus, how joyful are you in your Christian experience? Repent of your fears and return to your fellowship and find your joy in Jesus and with His people.
b. Friend, do you know the truth? Are you living in love? Are you living in love and yet not obedient to or even concerned about the truth? Has your focus on the truth made you become unloving and unconcerned about others? Lord, help us to understand the balance of truth and love and not compromise on either.
C. Applic: One of my kids was about three when one night they called for my aid in helping to get them undressed and then dressed for bed. I was in a different part of the house and to be honest, tired, and so I yelled back: “You know how to undress yourself and put on your pajamas. Just do it.” “Yes, daddy” they explained, ‘but sometimes people need people anyway, even if they do know how to do things by themselves.” Church, John tells us that we need each other! Even if we do know how to do things ourselves! We need to be concerned about both truth and love!