Summary: This is the 105th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 7th sermon from 2 Corinthians.

Series: Action [#105]


2 Corinthians 3:7-11


We have all heard and talked about the “Good Old Days”. There is actually a website, magazine, and store that sell things from the “Good Old Days”. The actual dates and era of the “Good Old Days” is determined by your age. While the dates of the “Good Old Days” may differ from one person to the next, the main theme doesn’t- Things use to be better than now. Is that true? Was it really better?

This is what Paul was fighting in the Church at Corinth. Some of the people that were against Paul started convincing some in the church that things were better under Moses and the Law than Jesus Christ and grace. These people wanted everyone to go back to those traditions of trying to follow all of the Jewish Laws, (especially the 10 Commandments); but Paul wanted them to see the comparison before they made any changes.

2 Corinthians 3:7-11

The Gospel is better because…

1. It gives life instead of death.

Paul tells us in the letter to the Galatians that the Law does not bring life. By giving us a set of standards, it tells us what is right and what is wrong; but it can’t make us obey. In fact, the Law by itself causes us to want to break it. For example- If you are walking along the sidewalk and you see a sign on a bench that says, “Wet Paint. Do Not Touch.” What do you do? You reach out and touch the bench. Why do you do that- To see if the paint is still wet or not. But the sign said, “Wet Paint. Do Not Touch.” If there had been no sign, you wouldn’t have touched the bench. In fact, the thought of touching the bench would never have occurred to you.

The sign brought about the desire that led you to disobey. Does this mean that the Law is bad- Of course not? The Law (10 Commandments) shows us where we have sinned and the wages of sin is death; but through the blood of Jesus Christ we can have eternal life.

The Gospel is better because…

2. It gives forgiveness instead of condemnation.

Under the Law, every time you don’t follow it to the “T”; it condemns you. It proves that you are no good and you will never be able to get it right. Paul said, “The ministry that condemns men is glorious.” How can condemnation be glorious? Since the law comes from God, even my breaking it proves the rightness of the Law. I am condemned not for doing right but for doing wrong. There is another way to say it. I don’t “break” the 10 Commandments. I am “broken” by the 10 Commandments. I don’t “break” them. They “break” me.

The Law upholds God’s glory by punishing those who do not meet His righteous demands; but that’s all the Law can do. It leaves us condemned and guilt and that’s where the Gospel comes in.

What the Law could not do, Christ has done for us. Rule keeping produces guilt and leaves us hopeless; but when Christ enters, we find new life. For a Christian- Through the blood of Jesus we have been forgiven for every single time we have sinned. God shows us mercy, which means you don’t receive the punishment you deserve. Instead of receiving eternal death, God shows us grace. We receive life instead of death.

The Gospel is better because…

3. It gives permanent blessings.

In Jesus Christ we have something that lasts forever.

We are...

* Forgiven forever.

* Justified forever.

* Accepted forever.

* Redeemed forever.

* Delivered forever.

* Reconciled forever.

* Born again forever.


As you think of the “Good Old Days”, I want you to remember that before you knew Christ as your Savior, you had no hope; and with Christ each day is a blessing. Instead of thinking about what was, live each day like it is your last on this earth.